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1. The Blackbird and 2.

the Monkey

There were 3. a male and 4. female blackbirds who built 5. their nest on 6. a tree. While it
was raining, 7. a homeless monkey who was stricken with cold sheltered under 8. the blackbirds'
tree. When 9. the blackbirds saw it shivering, one counseled it, “Oh, 10. Brother Monkey, you
have 11. two hands and 12. two legs like 13. a man. Why don't you build 14. a home?"

15. The monkey said, "I have 16. two hands and 17. two legs like 18. a man. Thus I am 19. a
nestless animal. 20. The truth is I cannot do it."

21. The blackbird said, "You do not need knowledge to build 22. a home. Birds have only 23.
one beak, but they can build 24. a nest which they need for 25. their protection from the cold and
26. the rain. You had better think it over. Am I right or not? All 27. the animals in 28. the world
have 29. their own dwellings to protect 30. their babies and 31. their mates. If you cannot build
32. a good house, then put branches together and cover them with leaves for 33. a temporary
home. So, you will not have to depend on 34. other dwellings, 35. a branch, or 36. a tree. It is
very difficult for 37. your mate and 38. your young ones. Monkey, you have 39. two hands and
40. two legs, I think you can do it. Please do it, do not wait for 41. your knowledge to help you.

42. All animals use only strength to work in 43. their own way. They never work like human
beings. You see, even 44. the worms, locusts and termites which are very small, have 45. their
own habitations, but you, why can't you do it?

46. Other animals have no 47. more knowledge than you, but they are able to build habitations of
their own. You said that you cannot do it because you do not want to do it, so you are 48. a lazy

When 49. the monkey heard 50. the blackbird criticize it, it became very angry, because it felt
ashamed before 51. the blackbirds. So, it swung straight to 52. the blackbirds' nest and ruined it.

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(1,9,21,50,51) the blackbird; modifier: the = determiner, head = blackbird

(2,15,49) the monkey; modifier: the = determiner, head = monkey

(3) a male; modifier; a = determiner, head= male

(4) female blackbirds; modifier: female = condition, head = blackbird

(5) their mate; modifier: their = determiner, head = nest

(6,36) a tree; modifier; a = determiner, head = tree

(7) a homeless monkey; modifier: a = determiner, homeless = condition, head

= monkey

(8) the blackbird’s tree; modifier: the = determiner, blackbird’s = determiner,

head = tree

(10) brother monkey; modifier: brother = determiner, head = monkey

(11,16,39) two hands; modifier: two = cardinal, head = hands

(12,17,40) two legs; modifier: two = cardinal, head = legs

(13,18) a man; modifier: a = determiner, head = man

(14,22) a home; modifier: a = determiner, head = home

(19) a nestles animal; modifier: a = determiner, nestles = condition, head =


(20) the truth; modifier: the = determiner, head = truth

(23) one beak; modifier: one = cardinal, head = beak

(24) a nest; modifier; a = determiner, head = nest

(25) their protection; modifier: their = determiner, head = babies

(26) the rain; modifier; the = determiner, head = rain

(27) the animal; modifier: the = determiner, head = animal

(28) the world; modifier: the = determiner, head = world

(29) their own dwellings; modifier: their = determiner, own = determiner, head
= dwellings

(30) their babies; modifier: their = determiner, head = babies

(31) their mate; modifier: their = determiner, head = mate

(32) a good house; modifier: a = determiner, good = opinion, head = house

(33) a temporary home; modifier: a = determiner, temporary = age, head =


(34) other dwellings; modifier: other = determiner, dwellings = head

(35) a branch; modifier: a = determiner, head = branch

(37) your mate; modifier: your = determiner, head = mate

(38) your young ones; modifier: your = determiner, young = age, head = ones

(41) your knowledge; modifier: your = determiner, head = knowledge

(42) all animal; modifier: all = determiner, head = animal

(43) their own way; modifier: their = determiner, own = determiner, head =

(44) the worms; modifier. the = determiner, head = worms

(45) their own habitation; modifier: their = determiner, own = determiner, head
= habitation

(46) other animal; other = determiner, animal = head

(47) more knowledge. modifier, more = determiner, head = knowledge

(48) a lazy animal; modifier: a = determiner lazy = opinion, head = animal

(52) the blackbird’s nest; modifier: the = determiner, blackbird’s = determiner,

head = nest

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