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Hi, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my reality, where it's normally extraordinary. My visitor Dr.

Kulkin, is a multi-skilled business person, one of the pioneers of the Disk character test that the
majority of us, I mean, more than 30 million have taken. In any case, what most don't know is he is
a Jewish devotee to Messiah and moves in different exact prescience and significant marvels.
Presently, he has an enthusiasm to assist individuals with finding who they are in God and God's
fate for them on this planet.

At the point when you take this scriptural character test, you powerfully open your soul for a
greater amount of God's capacity coursing through you. Intrigued?


Is there a heavenly measurement? A world past the one we know? Would we be able to take
advantage of antiquated privileged insights of the otherworldly? Can our fantasies contain messages
from paradise? Is God prepared to bring a wave of recuperating onto planet earth today? Sid Roth
has gone through more than 40 years looking into the peculiar universe of the powerful. Join Sid for
this expansion of It's Supernatural!

SID: Hello, it's Sid Roth here with Dr. Sandy Kulkin. Two Jewish individuals, superior to that,
three Jewish individuals. Sandy, myself, and Jesus.

SID: Sandy, just so individuals comprehend, before you turned into a devotee to the Messiah, what
sort of synagogue did you go to? Is it true that you were Jewish right of passage?

SANDY: Well, we went to a traditionalist standard synagogue. The vast majority of the special
seasons were praised for two, dislike the improved do it for one day. The vast majority of the
administrations were done in Hebrew, so I needed to learn Hebrew.

SID: What was your assessment of Jesus?

SANDY: Well, I thought Jesus was a decent person, perhaps an extraordinary educator. He
doubtlessly had a great deal of impact in changing the world, however I didn't accept he was the
Messiah. I didn't accept that he was the child of God.

SID: But God realized how to get to your heart. You know how he did it? He's dating a quite
Gentile young lady, and her family begins letting him know, and she begins enlightening him
concerning Jesus, about Jesus, about Jesus. They wouldn't stop!

SID: So one day your better half welcomes you to a Pentecostal church where they talk in tongues!
What on the planet did you believe was going on?

SANDY: Well, we were likely very nearly separating. It was clever, she says to me, "You
comprehend what, I don't believe that we're going to make it."

You know, I don't believe we're going to make it.

SANDY: And I stated, "Well, you realize what, if your God doesn't transform me, you and I are
through." And she's most likely reasoning something very similar, "It's hard to believe, but it's true,
we're through." I go in, I plunk down, and the person is discussing tongues.

SANDY: Now you got the opportunity to get this. My dad was in the meat business. I knew dairy
animals' tongues, sheep's tongue, veal tongue, meat tongue. And afterward he's asking individuals,
come up and get a tongue. I went, "Hold up." That did it for me. I got up and I left the
administration. A fella exited after me. He came up to me, and he stated, "I saw you when you
exited the administration." He stated, "Okay personality in the event that I supplicated with you?"

SANDY: obviously, I'm thinking, "Great, to what extent would he be able to ask right?" You can't
supplicate that long. All things considered, he supplicated and he implored and he asked. In any
case, in the center of that petition, he began to address me in Hebrew. Also, it stood out enough to
be noticed immediately. He continued saying, [foreign language], which was the name of God. We
go, [foreign language]. Thus he begins to supplicate this petition, some portion of it from the
Amidah, which was implored on Saturday morning.

SANDY: And so I'm thinking, "What are the odds of another Jew being in a spot this way,"
correct? Thus the main inquiry I said to him. I stated, "Gracious, you're Jewish?" He goes, "No I'm
most certainly not." I stated, "You're not Jewish? So how would you know I'm Jewish." He stated,
"I don't have the foggiest idea what your identity is." I stated, "Well, where'd you learn Hebrew?"
He goes, "That was Hebrew?"

SANDY: I knew I just strolled into something extraordinary. I realized I had strolled in to a type of
a measurement that I couldn't clarify.

SID: When you saw that heavenly appearance of Hebrew from a man that didn't express single
word of Hebrew, didn't have any acquaintance with it was Hebrew, that set off every one of the
things your better half's family was letting you know.

SANDY: Oh, better believe it. There was no uncertainty about it. I asked Jesus, "In case you're
genuine, entered." He came directly in.

SID: I'll disclose to you what. God is so great, when we returned, how might you want to discover
how his whole family became adherents of Jesus? Be directly back.

We'll be directly back to It's Supernatural.

[music] [commercial] [music]

We presently come back to It's Supernatural.

SID: So Sandy's mom finds a letter, stands up to Sandy, "Do you put stock in Jesus?" And actually
packs his sacks, shows him out of the house. Sandy presently goes for encouragement to his better
half. His lady friends says, "Goodness, I'm so happy you're here. I will get loaded up with the Holy
Spirit and talk in tongues. Please!" What did you think?

SANDY: I thought she was somewhat nuts. I simply needed her to simply say, "Gracious, Sandy.
Gracious, bubby. It's alright." So before you know it, we're en route to chapel and another of these
places of worship, and another culture stun understanding. We go into the congregation, and we're
staying there, and the offering plate came around. I take a $50 greenback, and I toss it in the
offering plate, and asked the Martyr's Prayer. "Gracious God, take everything." Like 50 bucks is
everything, isn't that so?

SANDY: She's looking for the submersion of the Holy Spirit. I don't have the smallest thought
what's she's discussing. Toward the finish of the administration, individuals are going ahead. I
figure that is the place the activity, that is the place the Gentiles go. They should go in advance, and
something is going on up there.

In this manner, we request increasingly, dear Lord. [foreign language]

SANDY: And so I go and I make sort of advance in advance, and this person connects, and he
snatches my arm, and he says to me, "Everything will be alright with your mom."

SANDY: Well, I'm thinking, "Did you converse with her?" How did he potentially even know?"
Then this other person comes up to me, and he goes, "Sibling, do you need the intensity of God in
your life?"

SANDY: I figured, as of now cost me 50 bucks, why not? He put his hands on me, and afterward I
simply dropped out. I simply fell on the floor.

SID: What do you mean you dropped out?

SANDY: It resembles I only sort of went, my legs went out from under me, and I'm laying on the
floor. What's more, it resembles my psyche turned out and stated, "Get off the floor. Get off the
floor." But it was most likely about an hour later before I got off the floor.

SANDY: That was the start of what I think since I was communicating in a language that I had
never contemplated. That was something that happened when I was there. Obviously, I've thought,
"Gracious my gosh. I don't need anyone to comprehend what befell me here." But that was the start
of something that completely transformed me.

SID: Okay, he weds his better half and after a year he's talking before 10,000 individuals at
America for Jesus, however, that is powerful yet something much increasingly heavenly occurred.

SANDY: Well, I had begun talking at Full Gospel Business Men's. Someone had heard me. They'd
requested that I talk at an America for Jesus rally. It was at Penn State Field House. There were
only a large number of individuals there. I was not a practiced speaker, yet I just talked on "Who
will be on the Lord's side?"

SANDY: My dad came. My mom came. My grandma came.

SID: Why did they come?

SANDY: Because my dad needed to hear me talk before he kicked the bucket, and my mom and
grandma were there to help my dad and to perceive what was happening.

SID: Because he was biting the dust.

SANDY: He was biting the dust. I'm on the stage, and this transpired for the main time in all my
years. I've never had this occur, and never had it occur since. It resembled someone was talking
behind me and stated, "Go down. Lay hands upon your dad. I will recuperate him this evening."

SID: Now your dad had terminal malignancy?

SANDY: He was just allowed a couple of months to live. He was a major person, ex-Marine, a
Carlson Raider. He was six-foot-four, major person, squandered away. He was squandering
endlessly to nothing. Once more, that voice talked. Truth be told, it disturbed me. I needed to look
behind me to check whether someone was stating that. Toward the finish of the administration, I
mean, there were only a large number of individuals that approached to be appealed to God for. It
was only a stunning thing. I strolled down through that group and went up to my father, and I
stated, "Father," I stated, "Jesus needs to mend you today around evening time."

SANDY: My dad bowed his head, and he shut his eyes. Obviously, at that point the administration
sort of went on. That was on a Saturday night. On Monday, my mom calls me. She's simply crying.
I'm thinking, "Goodness my gosh, I wonder if my father passed on." She's not by any means ready
to talk. At long last, she talks, she says, "They need to keep your dad another couple days. They
can't discover a hint of the Hodgkin's malady in his body.

SID: I'll disclose to you what. He got something more than the submersion of the Holy Spirit, or
being loaded up with the Holy Spirit. He begins a Bible report. That is to say, you're a youthful
devotee, you start a Bible report with 10. It's a decent Jewish number. It's known as a minyan. You
start with 10, and in one year you have 2,400 individuals going to this investigation since
supernatural occurrences start tailing him. Reveal to me several supernatural occurrences that were
going on in this investigation.

SANDY: Oh, there were only some simply astonishing things. There were such huge numbers of
individuals that were recuperated from disease, thus numerous individuals that were mended of
unmistakable things. I'll always remember, I had this little child in my grasp, and the legs were
twisted. They were going to break the legs at the knees, and put them in throws, so the legs would
be straight. They had a method for doing that.

Minimal single parent, she didn't have anyone. She's crying. I'm grasping the child, and the infant
begins to squirm and move, and before our eyes, the legs went this way.

SANDY: It was a Catholic Bible examination. I had banded together with a cleric, Father Shore, it
We'll be directly back to It's Supernatural.




We presently come back to It's Supernatural.

SID: So, Sandy, you shared prior about that astounding marvel of your dad. It spared his life.
What impact did that have on your whole family?

SANDY: You know, the sacred writing says that Greeks take knowledge, however Jews take
signs. That was an indication for my whole family. My mom was simply overpowered with that,
that my dad –

SID: a similar mother that showed you out and stuffed your packs?

SANDY: Yes, completely. What's more, a similar mother that turned into a groupie. She got one
of my groupies. My mom had an ailment, it was called scleroderma. It was a collagen illness. I
recall that we went to a gathering of individuals that had the illness, and she stated, "I'm failing
to come back here once more. She looked, and she stated, "I'm failing to come back once more."

SANDY: My mom had a recuperating that occurred. I believe that this confidence worked up
within her. There were things that occurred. She went to a gathering of mine. My mom,
eventually this is a lethal malady. My mom outlasted everyone that was at that gathering,
including the specialists. Extraordinary supernatural occurrence.

SID: Your enthusiasm is to assist individuals with turning into all they should be in God.
Enlighten me regarding this Biblical Personality Test.

SANDY: at the outset, when we initially began, I began to consider the affection charge, to adore
the Lord thy God with everything that is in you, your entire being, and all your brain, however to
cherish your neighbor as yourself. There's such huge numbers of individuals that have the root
issues where they don't adore themselves. They don't get themselves. They don't have the foggiest
idea about their giftings. They don't comprehend their feelings of trepidation.

SANDY: In request to have a positive relationship, once in a while they have to get over the
things of themselves. We began to make this Disk test, down to earth, exceptionally basic,
extremely close to home. We didn't understand that it would go into the extraordinary domain
directly alongside us. We had no clue when we originally began.

SANDY: What we did was we begun to relate the various styles of individuals to the styles of
individuals in the Bible. We found that as God managed those individuals in the sacred texts, a
similar way He would manage individuals with a similar style. It was simply uncanny.

SANDY: Then we perceived that as we began to increase profound knowledge, and through our
very own services, and claim individual dealings, and how God would place considerations in
our brains. I was with a high-positioning fella in the legislature. I'm taking a gander at his
evaluation, the diagram page of the appraisal here, which everyone will get, and they'll get a
writeup about them. It's
clear. They'll get their predominant dread. They'll get their qualities, they'll get ... What's more,
I'm beginning to take a gander at this, and an idea came into my brain about having issues with
his most youthful child. Presently how might I realize that? I couldn't realize that. It was
something from another domain. Presently either it's not valid, it is possible that it originated
from my head, or it originated from the soul world.

SANDY: I stated, "You could be experiencing difficulty with a kid." He said to me, "I'm having
issues with my most youthful child." Whoa, that opened up an entire world, and here's this
extremely influential man requesting that I help him to repair a relationship.

SANDY: obviously, he asked me, he stated, "Well, what might you do?" I stated, "Well, I would
supplicate." He goes, "Gracious, goodness, I don't think pretty much such stuff." But I imparted
to him how I implored over my own little girl, and what occurred. So he opened himself up to
petition. He opened himself up to an otherworldly world because of one idea.

SID: I stepped through this examination myself. Truth be told, what it prompted me to do is
perused the narrative of Joshua dependent on me stepping through this examination. My staff,
they've stepped through this examination, some of them, and one individual's been an adherent
for a long time. I don't have the foggiest idea, 30 years or more. He stated, he saw things in
himself that will assist him with satisfying his predetermination.

SANDY: Absolutely. That profound predetermination, that celestial fate is something that is
within us already in the works. In the event that you comprehend what your qualities are, at that
point you can do certain things to help that en route. It resembles a bank. On the off chance that
you never put anything in it or take out it, what's going on here? It's simply staying there sitting

SANDY: Let me simply give you a few models. I had this lady. She was from Texas and she
experienced an extremely troublesome separation. She connected with us and she experienced
our preparation. She proceeded, and she was working with Brownie troops. I recall her
disclosing to me how as she would give this test to the children, how she would get
contemplations about things that were going on in their families. What's more, things that were
occurring with them, and things that they would be a major part of their life. It was astounding.
She's says it helped free a great deal of these children from issues that they had, and it
coordinated their ways.

SID: It appears just as that as you see, from the test you discover our shortcomings, our
qualities, who we ought to imitate in the Bible. Be that as it may, as we dispose of these
shortcomings, and start accomplishing our predetermination, it opens us up to the extraordinary
intensity of God we were constantly intended to have.

SANDY: Absolutely. Everybody has a predominant dread. Some have somewhat more than one.
It's either the dread of being exploited, or dismissal, or loss of security, or analysis, one of these
feelings of dread. When you realize that dread, you can perceive how it begins sway your
choices, how it begins to affect your connections, how you manage cash, how you manage work,
how you manage companions, how you manage church, how you manage family, how you
manage wellbeing.

SANDY: This is an eyeopener from numerous points of view since when the foe needs to come
against you, he's not coming at your quality. Where's he coming? He's coming at your prevailing
trepidation. That is the thing that Job stated, "The thing I dreaded the most was that that
happened upon me." That by itself, if
individuals would simply get that snippet of data, they would perceive how the intensity of God would

utilize them in battling that, in their lives, yet in addition in the lives of others.

SID: I locate that numerous churchgoers, numerous Muslims, numerous Jewish individuals, all need to

have an association with God, they don't believe it's conceivable. All need to encounter the unadulterated

love of God, they don't believe it's conceivable. I'm revealing to you it is conceivable. I'm letting you

know whether you'll state a powerful supplication with me, and mean it as well as could be expected, you

can do that. You can do that. You will open yourself up to the best bit of leeway a human can have. I'll

come clean with you. On the off chance that you know God before you bite the dust, you'll know Him

after. In the event that you don't have any acquaintance with Him previously, shockingly, you won't know

Him after. Open the entryway, watch His affection pour in.

SID: Say this supplication with me, for all to hear. That is you at home.

SID: Dear God.

Dear God.

SID: I've committed numerous errors.

I've committed numerous errors.

SID: I'm so heartbroken.

I'm so heartbroken.

SID: I accept the blood of Jesus.

I accept the blood of Jesus.

SID: The blood of the Passover Lamb.

The blood of the Passover Lamb.

SANDY: The blood of the Passover Lamb.

SID: Washes away the entirety of my mix-ups.

Washes away the entirety of my errors.

SID: And in your sight.

What's more, in your sight.

SID: Oh heavenly God.

Goodness sacred God.

SID: I am spotless.

I am spotless.

SID: And since I am spotless.

What's more, since I am perfect.

SID: Messiah Jesus.

Savior Jesus.

SID: Come and live within me.

Come and live within me.

SID: I make you my Lord.

I make you my Lord.

SID: Amen.

So be it.

SID: No better word to end with. It implies so be it.



One week from now on It's Supernatural!

Dr. Francis Sizer: Join me on It's Supernatural! with Sid Roth as I share about my capacity
experiences with the Holy Spirit and how you can partake in those equivalent sort of intensity
experiences that will change your life until the end of time.


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