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Constitution of Azad Kashmir Football

Association (AKFA)

Article. 1. Name:
The organization shall be named as Azad Kashmir Football Association (here in after
called as AKFA) with its headquarters at Muzaffarabad.

Article. 2. Jurisdiction:
The jurisdiction of Azad Kashmir Football Association (AKFA) shall extend throughout
the Azad Jammu and Kashmir.

Article. 3. Commencement:
This constitution shall come into force with immediate effect.

Article. 4. Aims and Objectives:

The aims and objectives of AKFA shall be:
Art. 4.1. Administrative:
a. To promote, develop and safeguard the interests of the game of football.
b. To establish the club for the promotion of the game and exercise proper control
over them.
c. To enforce the rules and regulations and directions of AKFA for the control and
governance of the game in the region.

d. To carry out the business of the association under the control,

direction and supervision of the executive committee of AKFA.

d. To establish tehsil and district football associations for the promotion of game
& exercise proper control over them.
e. To get affiliation of Pakistan Football Federation (PFF).
f. To arrange through appropriate authorities the construction of adequate play
ground & allied facilities at different places in AJK.
g. To promote refereeing by holding courses & conducting examinations and
forming of Azad Kashmir Football Referee’s Association.
h. To act as a channel of communication between PSB, AKSB, PFF & all other
i. To preserve the independence of the association in all matters concerning the
game with out the intervention of any outside authority.
j. To appoint committees & to do all such things necessary for the attainment of
above mentioned objectives of AKFA.

Art. 4.2. Organizational:

a To organize Azad Kashmir National Championship, national
(all Pakistan), inter provincial & any other competition when allotted by the PFF.

b. To sanction the holding of AJK, National (all Pakistan), & Inter provincial
tournaments in the teams from AJK are allowed.
c. To allow teams to participate in tournaments, which are held out side AJK.
d. To organize coaching with in the framework & the policy as laid down by the
e. To select & prepare the AJK team for participation in the National
Championship & any other competition approved by the PFF.
f. To organize trainings for grounds men, coaches, officials & umpires.

Art. 4.3. Financial:

a. To utilize the funds & property of the association in the best interest of the g
b. To invest any part of such funds, which are not required immediately in
such a manner as may be considered profitable & to make, vary, alter, maintain, observe
& carry into effect agreement with outside agencies with regard to the promotion of

Art. 4.4. General:

To do all or get done all such other acts & things as may seem to the association
conducive to carry out the objects of the association.

Article. 5. Affiliation:
The Azad Kashmir Football Association shall be affiliated with Pakistan Football
Art. 5.1
The AKFA should follow the constitution, rules and regulations of Federation of
International Football Association (FIFA).
Article. 6. Affiliated Members:
The Azad Kashmir Football Association (AKFA) shall consist of affiliated members; i.e.
All DFA’S of AJK and AJK Police department.

Article. 7. Tenure:
Art. 7.1. The tenure of AKFA shall be four years,

a. or till next elections,

 or on the resignation,
 or death of any office bearer,
 or in case of no confidence.

Art.7.2. The term of the office bearer (The president, GS & SF of any TFA, DFA
and AKFA) of AKFA shall be limited to two terms and shall not be extended to third
Art. 7.3. The member ship of any office bearer ( TFA, DFA and AKFA)of
AKFA shall be ceased on his leaving the country for beyond six months
Art. 7.4. The office bearer of any TFA, DFA, and AKFA or member of any committee
of AKFA shall retain only one office or membership, except those mentioned in the
Art. 7.5. There should be no restriction on any player to become an office bearer
of AKFA (Association & Committee).
Article. 8. Subscription:
All the affiliated members shall contribute Rs. 1000.00 to AKFA as membership fee

Article. 9. Calendar Year:

The Calendar year shall be from first of January to 31st December.

Art. 9.1. Financial Year:

The financial year shall be from first July to 30 th June.

Article. 10. Football Club:

A football club shall be eligible for affiliation / registration to Tehsil Football
Association (TFA) provided it has minimum of eighteen (18) players. Such players shall
be registered with TFA through their respective clubs.

Article. 11. Tehsil Football Association TFA:

The Tehsil Football Association shall be:

a. To serve as basic unit for football at grass root level.

b. To act as executive body at tehsil level.

c. To have at least three active football clubs as its registered
d. To supervise all the activities regarding the quality of the
game of football at tehsil level.

Art. 11.1. Duties of TFA:

The duties of TFA shall be:
i) To organize at-least one tournament during the year in its jurisdiction.

II. To participate in district football championship.

iii) To select players & prepare team to participate in the tournaments at district level.
iv) To appoint umpires for tournaments at tehsil level.
v) To register football clubs having at least eighteen players (Registrati
on fee shall be Rs. 200.00 per club annually).
vi) To impose penalty to any club or player on any misconduct &
abeyance of rules & regulations of AKFA. Penalty may be in the form of suspension for
certain period of time (up to 3 months) or fine ( up to Rs. 1000.00) or both.
vii) In case of any dispute between RFC’S matter shall be referred to TFA, who
will hear the matter itself or may appoint arbitrators (to resolve the issue). The concerned
authority (TFA or arbitrators) here will decide the matter. The appeal against the
decision will be made before the concerned DFA. The decision of the DFA shall stand

VIII. Each RFC must hold its election in stipulated time (one
year) or within three months after the expiry date by which such elections were to be
IX. Each TFA shall contribute Rs. 500.00 to their respective
DFA as subscription fee annually.

Art. 11.2. Elections:

All TFA'S shall be elected by the votes of registered football clubs of concerned tehsil’s
on simple majority basis (President, VP, GS, SF shall be the office bearers). Each RFC
shall have one vote (President shall have right to cast the vote). The elections must be
held within the stipulated time or within three months after the expiry of the last date by
which such elections were to be held.

Art. 11.3. Suspension of the Registered Football Club:

The club shall stand suspended if failed:

I. to hold elections.
II. Unable to pay registration fee.
III. On any misconduct and abeyance of rules and regulations
of AKFA.

The membership shall be restored as soon as the failures are rectified.

Art. 11.4. Suspension of TFA:

TFA shall be suspended in case of failure to perform its duties (mentioned in Art.11.1.i,ii,
iv) and to hold elections in time. DFA shall have power to suspend the TFA. As soon as
failures rectified the membership shall be restored.

Art. 11.5. No Confidence:

No confidence move shall be passed on the basis of 2/3 majority.

Article. 12. District foot ball Association DFA:

i) Shall be the executive body at district level.

II. Every TFA shall be the affiliated member of the DFA of

their respective districts.
III. Shall supervise all the activities related with football.

Art. 12.1. Duties of DFA:

The duties of DFA shall be:
i ) To organize at least one football tournament during the year.
ii) To participate in A.K National Championship.
iii )To select players & prepare team to participate in tournaments at
state level.
iv ) To appoint umpires in the tournaments at district level.

v ) To impose penalty to any TFA on any misconduct & abeyance of rules &
regulations of AKFA. Penalty may be in the form of suspension ( up to 6 months) or fine
(up to Rs. 500.00) or both.

VI. In case of any appeal against the decision of TFA or

dispute or difference in opinion amongst TFA’S the matter shall be referred to DFA.
Who shall hear the matter itself or may appoint arbitrators (to resolve the issue). The
concerned authority (DFA or the arbitrators) here will decided the matter. The appeal
against the decision will be made before AKFA. The decision made by the AKFA shall
stand final.
VII. To collect annual subscription fee from TFA’S situated /
located in there jurisdiction.

Art. 12.2. Election:

All DFA'S (The President, SVP,VP,GS,JS & SF shall be the office bearers) shall be
elected by TFA'S. Each TFA shall have two votes. The President and
GS of each TFA shall have right to cast the vote. DFA shall hold elections in stipulated
time or within three months after the expiry date by which such elections were to be held.

Art. 12.3. Suspension of DFA:

DFA shall be suspended in case of failure to perform its duties (Art. 12.1. i,ii,vii) or to
hold elections in time. AKFA shall have power to suspend the DFA. After the
rectification of the failures the membership shall be restored.

Art. 12.4. No Confidence:

No confidence move shall be passed on the basis of 2/3 majority.

Article. 13. General Council Of The Azad Kashmir Football

Association (AKFA)
The supreme body responsible for the organization of the game of football shall be
called General Council (GC) of AKFA.
Art. 13.1. Composition:
The GC shall consist of the following members.
i) The office bearers of AKFA 08
ii) Two members from each DFA (The President & GS) 14
iii) Two members from AKP department (Nominated) 02
ix) Three elected members of EC 03

Total 27
Art. 13.2. Powers & Functions of the General Council:
The powers and functions of GC shall be:

I. To make & amend the constitution of the AKFA

through voting by the members of GC on the basis of 2/3 majority.
II. To make & amend the rules, regulations & by laws of
the association, when it deems necessary (by 2/3 majority basis).
III. To affiliate/admit new members to the association.
IV. To see that the Aims & objects of the association are
carried out smoothly.
V. To consider & pass the audited statements by simple
VI. To pass the annual budget by simple majority.
VII. To appoint auditors for the audit of the accounts of
the association.
VIII. To verify the actions taken by the Executive
committee in accordance with the rules.
IX. The GC shall be the supreme body of the AKFA. It
shall have the supreme power and authority. The GC shall be the sole competent
forum to take any decision, amendment in the constitution and resolution of
disputes (over the affairs relating to constitutional and game) among the affiliated
members. The decisions or actions taken by GC shall not be called in question in
any court of law or other forum.
X. The appeal against any decision of AKFA shall be
made before GC as provided in (Art. 14.1.xi).

I. In case of difference of opinion with regards to any of

the provision of this Constitution or any rule and regulations, the matter shall be
submitted to the GC of the association whose decision thereon shall be final and
binding. An individual or association not abiding by such decision shall loose
its affiliation with AKFA and its subordinate/ affiliated association.
II. To elect the office bearers of AKFA and the members
of the EC (only the affiliated members shall have right to cast the vote).
Art. 13.3. Meeting of General Council:
All the meetings of AKFA GC shall be held at its headquarter.
i) Annual GC meeting:
Shall be held once in the year during the month of December. GS shall call the
meeting by the orders of the President. Agenda item must be brought to the notice
of GS by the members not later than 31st October to enable him to prepare the
agenda in time. The meeting shall be attended by all the members. The GS shall
give 25 days notice to the members & shall circulate with the notice a copy of the
ii) Emergent / Special GC meeting: May
be called at any time during the year.
All the meetings shall be called by the GS.
a) By the order of the president.
b) On a request in writing of at least 1/3 of the Affiliated members of the GC, to
consider such matters as may be mentioned in the request & also circulate with the
notice, a copy of agenda.
Art. 13.4. Quorum:

I. One third of the total members / representatives shall

form a quorum for the meeting of the GC.
II. If quorum is not complete the meeting shall be
adjourned. No restriction of quorum shall be required for the adjourned meeting.
III. When an emergent meeting is called by the orders of
the President the condition of quorum should be waived off.

Article. 14. The Azad Kashmir Football association ( AKFA)

The office bearers of AKFA are as under:
President 01
Senior vice president 01
Vice presidents 02
General Secretary 01
Joint secretary 01
Secretary finance 01
Associate secretary 01

Total 08

Art. 14.1. Powers & Duties Of AKFA shall be:

i) To act as supervisory body.
ii) To receive & spend money.
iii) To organize A.K National Championship once in the year (may be held at any
place within the jurisdiction of AKFA).
iv) To organize tournaments at state level. v) To organize all
Pakistan level tournaments in AJK.

VI. To organize training camps to find new talent.

VII. To select players & prepare team to participate in inter
provincial & national level tournaments (All Pakistan).

viii) To appoint umpires in the tournaments organized in AK.

VI. To organize trainings for coaches & officials.

VII. To conduct courses for umpires.
VIII. In case of any dispute or appeal against the decision of
any DFA or AKP department a written request must be sent to the GS to put it before
AKFA, who may appoint arbitrators to resolve the matter or hear it, itself. The concerned
authority (The arbitrators or AKFA) here will decide the matter. The decision shall stand
final in both the cases.
IX. To impose penalty against any affiliated member on a
whole or any of its member (player/official) on misconduct and abeyance of rules and
regulations. The penalty may be in the form of suspension (up to one year) or fine (up to
Rs.2000/-) or both, depending upon the seriousness of the matter. The appeal against any
decision of AKFA shall be made before GC who will hear the matter itself or may refer
it to disciplinary committee that shall give recommendations. The decision of GC shall
stand final on majority basis, and shall never be called in question in any court of law.

xii) To collect annual subscription fee from affiliated members.

Art. 14.2. Powers and duties of office bearers of AKFA:

Art. 14.2. A. President:
i) He shall be act as head of the association and have general supervision
over the work of the AKFA.

II. He shall call the meetings of AKFA, GC and EC through


iii) He shall preside over all the meetings of the AKFA, GC & EC.
iv) He shall have the sanction power of the expenditures and passing of bills
up to Rs. 500000.00 at a time.
v) He may delegate his sanctioning powers to S.V.P / V.P.
vi) He shall have casting vote to decide a tie.
vii) He shall be ex-officio member of GC and EC.
viii) If the President consider it imperative to take decision, he shall take such action
as deems fit & action such taken, shall be reported at the next meeting of EC for
xi) He shall have the power in respect of the approved budget of the

VIII. He shall approve officials & selection of AJK teams for

competitions at home & abroad.
IX. He shall interpret the constitution (Hear and decide all the
queries etc, submitted to him pertaining to the interpretation of the constitution).
Art. 14.2.B. Senior Vice President
He shall exercise all powers and privileges of president when called upon to act in the
absence of president.

Art. 14.2.C. Vice president

He shall exercise all powers and privileges of president when called upon to act in the
absence of president and senior vice president.

Art. 14.2.D. General Secretary

i) He shall act as the executive officer of the AKFA.

II. He shall keep record of all proceedings of AKFA

(Meetings & decisions) and shall issue the notifications.

iii) He shall take measures / actions to implement the decisions of the AKFA.
iv) He shall call the meetings of AKFA & GC when necessary (By the orders of the
president or on request).
v) He shall have power to sanction expenditures and pass the bills up to Rs.100000.00
at a time with the approval of the president.
vi) He shall act as co-signatory to sign all cheques for the withdrawal of money from
the bank along with secretary finance.
vii) He shall maintain the record of registrations of all the affiliated members.
viii) He shall act as ex-officio member of GC & EC.

IX. He shall do all the correspondence.

X. To appoint office staff with the approval of the President.

Art. 14.2.E. Joint Secretary

He shall work along with General Secretary or on any other duty assigned by the
president / AKFA.
Art. 14.2.F. Associate secretary
He shall work along with General Secretary or on any other duty assigned by the

Art. 14.2.G. Finance secretary

i) He shall have to deal with all the funds of the AKFA.
ii) He shall maintain all the record and proper accounts of all transactions.
iii) He, as a signatory, shall jointly operate all bank accounts along with general
secretary as co-signatory.
iv) He shall prepare the budget (may be in accordance with the proposals of FC) and
present it in the annual meeting of the AKFA General Council for approval.
v) He shall make all the payments and receipts with the decision of the Executive

VI. He shall have to maintain the cash book and stock

VII. He shall prepare annual balance sheet & get it audited.
VIII. He shall receive all donations, grants, aids and
subscriptions on the behalf of AKFA.

Art. 14.3. Elections:

i) All office bearers of the AKFA shall be elected by majority votes on the basis of
secret ballot for the tenure of four years.
ii) All the DFA’S of Azad Jammu Kashmir and Azad Kashmir Police as affiliated
member of AKFA shall elect the office bearers of AKFA.
iii) Each DFA shall have the right of two votes, the President and General Secretary of
the DFA shall cast the vote.
iv) Azad Kashmir Police has the right of two votes as affiliated member of AKFA and
two representatives of AKP department shall cast the votes (nominated).
v) Only a person who is present can cast the vote as given in Art. 14.3, iii,
iv. Proxy vote will not be allowed and no one can cast the vote on the basis of
authority letter.
Art. 14.4. No confidence :
If in the best interest of the Association the majority of the affiliated members /
representatives feel necessary to remove any of office bearers or whole body before
the completion of the tenure the matter shall be placed before the house for decision
in the annual GC/Special/Emergent meeting of the GC. Only affiliated members /
representatives shall have right to cast the vote (secret ballot) and 2/3 majority shall
be required for such removal. The office such vacated shall be filled by election in
the same meeting or in the next meeting with in one month.

Article. 15. The Executive Committee (EC) of AKFA:

The Executive Committee of AKFA shall consist of: Eleven (11) members
(The eight office bearers of AKFA shall be the members of the EC. Three other
members shall be elected directly by the affiliated members of AKFA). On a whole
all the members shall be elected by the affiliated members of AKFA.

Art. 15.1. Powers and functions of the EC:

The powers and functions of EC shall be:

I. To supervise day-to-day affairs of the AKFA.

II. To recommend by-laws to the general council.
III. To sanction and control expenditure in accordance
with the budget approved by the general council.
IV. To formulate and pass the annual calendar/tentative
programme to be carried out in the next year.
V. To devise means to raise funds for the association.
VI. To recommend application for affiliation to AKFA
VII. To take steps to hold regional and national
VIII. To appoint any committee for the promotion of the
game. The nominees may or may not be the members of the GC/EC/AKFA body.
Art. 15.2. Meetings of the Executive Committees
The meeting shall be held at least twice a year. The general Secretary will draw the
agenda of the meeting, The members may also send suggestions. The general
Secretary shall fix the date by the order of the president. Seven days clear notice
shall be issued. The quorum shall be 1/3. The decisions shall be taken by the
majority votes or by show of hands. The president shall have the casting vote in
case of tie.

Article. 16. Standing Committees

The AKFA shall have the following standing committees: The EC shall appoint all
these committees. The nominees may or may not be the members of the GC/EC/
body of the AKFA.

Art. 16.1. Finance Committee (FC):

Shall consist of the following:
Chairman (The President of AKFA)
General Secretary of AKFA.
Secretary Finance of AKFA

Art. 16.1.1. Functions of FC:

a. To give suggestions for the preparation of budget.

b. To keep an eye on the expenditures, payments and
c. To suggest means for fund raising.
d. To have financial control over the expenses made by
the AKFA organizations.
e. To devise rules & regulations for spending the AKFA
funds & other resources.

Art. 16.2. Selection Committee (SC):

The selection committee shall comprised of the following:
Three members

Art. 16.2.1. Functions of SC:

Shall select the players for the team to participate in inter provincial, national and
all Pakistan tournaments.

Art. 16.3. Disciplinary Committee (DC):

Disciplinary Committee shall consist of the following:
Two members

Art. 16.3.1. Functions of DC:

The Disciplinary Committee after considering all the aspects of the inquiry/appeals
may propose any of the following measures to GC:

a. Dismissal/Dissolution.

The member organization may be dismissed or dissolved and an adhoc committee

be appointed to manage the affairs of the full member and hold general elections in
accordance with the constitution of AKFA with in three months.

a. Suspension and Fine.

The affiliated member (on a whole) or any of its member shall be suspended (up to
1 year) or fined (up to Rs. 2000/-) or both.

Article. 17. Procedure For Amendments To The Constitution:

The GC of AKFA shall have power to amend the constitution.
All the affiliated members / EC will have the right to suggest amendments. If any
member suggests the amendment then he will have right to present it directly
before the GC or may send it to EC. The EC shall present the recommendations
along with proposed amendments before GC through GS. In either of the cases,
suggestion by any member itself or through EC or by EC itself, the constitution
shall not be amended unless passed by two third majority of the members of the
general council.

Art. 17.1. Registration & Transfer:

The player shall be registered with Tehsil Football Association through a
football club and bound to play for the football club from whom he is registered.
The player is also bound to play for the Tehsil, respective District and then for
AKFA. If a player wants to play for another club, Tehsil & District can be
transferred and pay transfer fee to TFA from whom he got first registration.

Article. 18. General Rules Regarding Members & Associations:

1. No member organization shall permit any team from within the jurisdiction of
another member Association to take part in any tournament within the jurisdiction
unless the application of such a team is supported by the member association
concerned nor shall any member association permit any team or player from within
its jurisdiction unless the invitation of such team is supported by the member
association concerned, nor shall any member organization permit any team or
player within its jurisdiction to play charity or exhibition or festival matches or
under take Football tours within the jurisdiction of another member organization
without the consent of later organization.
2. Member organization shall report to the Secretary of the association within
one week, penalties, dis-qualification or bans imposed on players, clubs,
associations and tournament committees under their jurisdictions. Such matters
within one week of its receipt shall automatically be applicable in their jurisdiction
and shall remain in operation till termination of such penalties.

Article. 19. Suspension / Dismissal / Dissolution:

The AKFA shall have power to suspend / dismiss / dissolve all the bodies and
committees of AKFA except EC and GC on defiance of orders of competent
authorities, misappropriation of funds, misconduct, abeyance of rules and
regulations as laid down by the constitution and unable to perform its duties.
Adhoc committees shall be appointed immediately to hold the elections with in
three months.

Article. 20. Consistency:

This constitution consists of pages 1-13 and articles 1-20.

(Sheikh Hafeez-ur-Rehman)
Senior Member Board of Revenue.
Azad Kashmir Football Association (AKFA).

Dated: ___________

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