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Capstone Project
Submitted in Fulfillment of the
Requirement for Award of the Degree





HARSH RAKWAL (11402102)

Under the Guidance of




Lovely Professional University Jalandhar, Punjab


I hereby certify that the work which is being presented in the capstone entitled “Design
and fabrication of a multipurpose wheelchair cum stretcher” in partial fulfillment of
the requirement for the award of degree of Bachelor of Technology and submitted in
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lovely Professional University, Punjab is an
authentic record of my own work carried out during period of Capstone under the
supervision of Shailja kandwal Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lovely
Professional University, Punjab.
The matter presented in this capstone has not been submitted by me anywhere for
the award of any other degree or to any other institute. .

Date: Moparthi Rakesh

Poreddy Sai Charan Reddy
Nittala Pranav
Harsh Rakwal

(name of the students)

This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to best of
my knowledge

Date: (Shailja Kandwal)


The B- Tech capstone examination of ABC, has been held on _____________

Signature of Examiner

We, students of B.Tech under Department of Mechanical Engineering of Lovely

Professional University, Punjab, hereby declare that all the information furnished in this
project report is our own study and is genuine. This project does not, to the best of my
knowledge, contain part of my work which has been submitted for the award of my degree
either of this university or any other university without proper citation.

Date: Signature of Candidates




HARSH RAKWAL (11402102)


CHAPTER 1............................................................................................................08
1.1 Types of disability…….....................................................................................08
1.2 Physical disability .............................................................................................09
1.3 Sensor disability ...............................................................................................09
1.4 Mobility aid………………………………………….......................................09
1.5 Problem definition …………………………………………………………….10
1.6 Project scope…………………………………………......................................10

C HAP T ER 2 …… … ……… …… ……… … … …… …… ……… … … … .…… ……11

LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................11
2.1 Research and Development.................................................................................11
2.2 Reference Publications and Projects................................................................11
2.3 Wheel chair.....................................................................................................12
2.4 Types of Wheel chair.......................................................................................14
2.5 Stretcher..............................................................................................................17
2.6 Types of stretcher...............................................................................................17
2.7 Theme board......................................................................................................18
2.8 concepts................................................................................................................19
2.9 concept selection....................................................................................................20

CHAPTER 3 .............................................................................................................21
SCOPE OF STUDY AND OBJECTIVE...................................................................21
3.1 Scope....................................................................................................................21
3.2 Objectives ............................................................................................................21

CHAPTER 4...............................................................................................................22
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY................................................................................22
4.1 Wheelchair International Standards......................................................................22
4.2 Base strcuture..........................................................................................................23
4.3 Rear wheels............................................................................................................23
4.4 casters.......................................................................................................................24
4.5 Main base structure.................................................................................................25
4.6 Bearings ..................................................................................................................25

CHAPTER 5 .................................................................................................................26
WORK PLANNING .....................................................................................................26
5.1 Planning and Processing .........................................................................................26
5.2 Brainstorming Structure Design ..............................................................................26
5.3 Manufacturing Strategies and Materials ..................................................................26
5.4 Prototype and Design Approval ...............................................................................27
5.5 Purchase and Market Survey ....................................................................................27
5.6 Testing and Checking Dimensions ...........................................................................27
5.7 Assembly...................................................................................................................27
5.8 Tabulated Work Plan ................................................................................................28

CHAPTER 6 ...................................................................................................................29
DETAIL DESIGN..............................................................................................................29
6.1 Design...........................................................................................................................29

CHAPTER 7...................................................................................................................29
TECHNICAL DETAILS OF THE SETUP ....................................................................31
7.1 Planetary And Machine Required..............................................................................31
7.2 Material used .............................................................................................................33
7.3 Factors determining choice of material .....................................................................36

CHAPTER 8.............................................................................................................................39

CHAPTER 9 ..................................................................................................................40

Figure Name Page no.

1.1 Physical disability…………………………………………………………… 09
1.2 Sensor disability………………………………………………………………. 09
2.1 Wheel chair…………………………………………………………………… 13
2.2 History of wheel chair………………………………………………………14
2.3 Types of wheelchair…………………………………………………………15
2.4 Sports wheelchairs……………………………………………………………16
2.5 Stretcher……………………………………………………………………17
2.6 Theme board………………………………………………………………18
2.7 Concepts……………………………………………………………………19
2.8 Concept Selection……………………………………………………………..20
4.1 Wheel chair standards………………………………………………………...22
4.2 Rear wheels……………………………………………………………. 23
4.3 Front caster wheel…………………………....……………………………… 24
5.1 Planning and processing…………………………………………………….. 26
6.1 Design view of stretcher………………………………………………………29
6.2 Design view of wheel chair……………………………………………………30
7.1 Lathe machine………………………………...……………………………. 31
7.2 Drilling machine……………………………………………………………… 32
7.3 Welding machine……………………………...……………………………… 32

Table Name page no

5.1 Work plan……………………………………………………………………28

7.1 Chemical Composition………………………………………………………...33

7.2 Physical Properties…………………………………………………………….33

7.3 Mechanical properties………………………………………………………..34

7.4 Material used…………………………………………………………………37

The major aim of the capstone project is to harness the technical knowledge incurred by us
while pursuing the degree and effectively drive it into the practical endeavour. This project
also leverages the competent skills of students like Team-work, Hard-work, Time
management, Meeting Deadliness and Sincerity. This project deals with the work done by our
team over a period of four months. People suffering a lot from moving from wheel chair to
stretcher thus our project of changeable wheel chair cum stretcher is used for them.


DISABILITY is the term that is in use from so many decades . As per Oxford Etymology,
“DISABILITY” is used in many contexts , In 1650’s it was a sport with the name “CAP IN
HAND”, In 1750’s it was used in horse races , In 1870’s it is regarded as “Any race or
competition in which the chances of the competitors are to be equalized by giving an
advantage to the less efficient one or imposing a disadvantage upon the more efficient one .”.
From the year 1915 the word “DISABILITY/HANDICAP” has become the brand name for
the people who are physically or mentally challenged.

“Disabilities is a term, covering impairments, activity limitations, and participation

restrictions. An impairment is defined as a problem in the body function or structure; an
activity limitation is a difficulty encountered by an individual in executing a task or action;
while a participation restriction is a problem experienced by an individual in involvement in
the life situations. Thus, disability is a complex phenomenon as it is reflecting an interaction
between features of a person’s body and features of the society in which she or he lives”

World Health Organization

1.1 Types of Disabilities :

Disability is caused by impairments to various subsystems of the body. Disabilities are

classified into different categories.

1. Physical Disabilities
2. Sensory Disabilities

a. Visual Impairment
b. Hearing Impairment
c. Olfactory and gustatory Impairment
d. Somatosensory Impairment
3. Intellectual Disabilities
4. Mental health and emotional disabilities
1.2 Physical Disabilities

Fig 1.1

1.3 Sensory Disabilities

Fig 1.2


Mobility aid is defined as a device which was designed to help disabled walk or to
improve the mobility or movement for the people having impairments.

There are several walking aids that are available which are helping the impaired to walk and
wheelchairs or mobility type of scooters are used for more severe disabilities or for the
impaired people doing long journeys., For blind or visually disabled people , white cane and
guide dog are being in use from a long time. Traditionally (before) "mobility aid" is been
applied to the mechanical devices that have low technology.
The different types of Mobility Aids:

1. Walking aids that will help disabled to walk

a. Canes
b. Crutches
c. Canes & crutches combination
d. Canes & forearm crutch combinations
e. Walkers
f. Hybrid Walkers

2. Wheelchairs and Scooters

3. Stair lifts
4. Others

a. Sling lifts
b. Lift chairs
c. Knee scooters


The patients or disabled people are getting increased day by day in India. In hospitals
the patient needs to get shifted from wheel chair to stretcher, stretcher to beds, bed to
wheelchair, or vice versa; that creates pain and suffering for the injured patients. Transferring
or shifting of the patients in the hospitals is a common problem for caretakers or nurses.


This project Proposes a design that will reduce the effort being kept by caretaker and
it will also provide safe shifting of the patients in hospitals or other places and to make it
comfortable for disabled people. Hence is can be used for both function.


It is very important and essential for having sufficient information to start a research
work and carry it in proper direction. Any further improvement and modification in a
particular field always needed its history, accurate data, result and their analysis.


Here are some of the important research documents that have been published on our topic
wheel chair cum stretcher.


1. Design and Fabrication of Multiutility Wheelchair by Sandip S Bag, Prem D Lohe,

Harshal K International Journal 3, 182-188, 2017

The main purpose of the article is to discuss about the uses of wheel chair and to study about
it design and its components .From this article we are able to know how the wheel chair cum
stretcher is used to disabled people ,people in hospitals while shifting to bed. It also tell us
about the forces acting on the wheelchair cum stretcher and materials, components to be
required to construct the wheel chair cum stretcher.

2. How many people may benefit from a smart or highly technological wheelchair? By
Richard Simpson
So before starting the project it was necessary for us see how useful this product would be
and how many people would need it, from the above paper we found our required answer,
this paper funded by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, gives the exact number of
people who would use such a device. To obtain the set result, they collected information
about number of people suffering from set disease, and the percentage of people that would
actually be needing a smart chair. Though the results collected relate to the USA, we could
see the potential of our product and thus justify the time we put into it. Current Directions in
Wheelchair Research by Colin A. McLaurin, ScD

In this paper Mr. McLaurin, performs an intensive study on wheelchairs, he says that
wheelchair has become a symbol of disability, and it is highlighted as the symbol of
handicapped. He also said that this is one of the main reason that students, professors,
inventors and researchers are doing a lot of study in the recent years on wheelchairs and other
accepts related to it.

The paper individually highlights different departments within a wheelchair where the
research is being done, first are Functional Characteristics, under this have Seating Comfort
and Support, and Mobility. He has provided study on different diseases and given the data
such as Seating height, Seating angle, Angle of seat to horizontal, Angle of back to
horizontal. Such data is very useful when the main requirement is to provide customer

He then goes into study on each and every component that effects the performance of a
manual wheelchair, Frame, a tubular structure has been mostly being used a lot for a long
time now and materials of aluminium alloy, titanium and have different characteristics and
that each, simple stress analysis on a computer software can be done to find out is strengths
and weaknesses, before proceeding for the design.

Seats, much of research has not been done in this area but, a rigid cushion is used because it
can provide with a comfortable and predictable support can be provided. Light weight and
adjustable seating systems, these allow to be customized by the customer to adjust to his
comfortable position and large amount of research is being done on this to provide a correct
material, design and reliability of such designs. Many companies provide such designs and
some are very complex, so a high reliability is important to provide a long term of useful time
and keep the occupant safe and comfortable.


Wheelchairs were in use from more than 100 years, but old wheelchairs were only to help the
disabled or patient to move from one place to another place. As society is developing and
changing the wheelchairs also got changed because the disabled individuals became more
integrated, the role of the wheelchair also got changed. Wheelchairs are directly seen as a
techniques for transportation just as a way to deal with empower the users to express their
In year 1950, the first powered wheelchair was developed and It had used a electric
motor to power wheelchair. At the same time the sports wheelchairs came to existence. In
year 1964, first Paralympics games (also called as games for disabled people) were held in
Tokyo, Japan. Modern day wheelchairs are needed to be made up of light materials and have
high technology to meet the requirements of people. The wheelchairs available should meet
the needs and desires of the people or human. The future expects a well developed and highly
technological wheelchair that could help to serve the needy.

The basic structure of wheelchair has various parts. In simple words it is nothing but a
set of wheels attached to the chair. some of the important things a wheelchair must contain
are as follows. The seat should be comfortable, so that user or disabled patient does not feel
tired if he is sitting on it for long duration. It need to have a backrest which provides good
back support. It should also have arm rest at an optimum height to keep arms and a also a foot
rest for legs.

Fig 2.1 Wheel chair

Since the birth of wheelchair, there have been many modifications to its design. Today there
exists a huge variety of wheelchairs- manually, electric, foldable or rigid. Apart from these
they are classified based on their usage, standing wheelchair, sports wheelchair, mobility
scooters, bathroom wheelchair, steps climbing wheelchair etc. The range of wheelchairs
reflects the demand to meet individual needs.

Fig 2.2 History of wheel chair


Some type of wheel chairs are discussed below…
Manual wheelchairs
Manual wheelchairs are the type of wheel chairs that are moved by the user or by any other
person. By the use of push rims, users may travel frontwards and backwards at speeds based
on the amount of the force applied and it will allow to go towards left or right side.
Manual Transit wheelchairs
These type of wheel chairs are having small rear wheels and these don’t have push rims.
These wheelchairs are seen in places like airports and hospitals where attendants are there to
carry. They were also termed as manual transfer wheelchairs.
Fig 2.3 Types of wheel chair

Electric wheelchairs
Electric wheelchairs are also called “motorized wheelchairs” and sometimes electric powered
wheelchairs are powered by using electric motor. These chairs are used to navigate using the
control systems. For the individuals who are too feeble to even think about moving, a
manually power controlled wheelchair will profoundly profit by , additionally the people
having heart and breathing issues..

A wheelbase chair, also known as a scooter, consists of four small wheels. The sort of chair
mounted in this differs as indicated by the kind of incapacity and requirements of the user or
individual ; The controls of the wheelbase seat are mounted on a casing that bends upward
from the front to a tallness and position that is helpful for the client. A level guiding bar is
joined to the highest point of the casing.
Sports chairs
Since the year 1970, the crippled athletic people are utilizing the particular wheelchairs to
assist them with accomplishing their objectives from their preferred game. These seats
appears to be unique from one another, however what's basic in them is their lightweight
casings made up utilizing composite material; having robustness and steadiness for
unexpected turns (for this we utilize calculated wheels).Sports wheelchairs are exceptionally
intended for competitors with handicaps who are contending in the games, for example, ball,
athletic, tennis.

Fig 2.4 Sports wheelchairs

Stand-up wheelchairs contains pressure driven hydraulic pump that lifts and tilts the seat, it
will assist the userwith standing "up" independent from anyone else yet he is completely
upheld by the seat. This is helpful component if the client needs to take a thing from a rack or
on the off chance that he need to go out to do any shopping
Stair-climbing wheelchairs
Climbing stairs is one of the useful and innovative wheelchair. It is battery operated that will
support it’s back end so it acts as stabilisers on climbing using the chair. It has a series of
flexible wheels which will help to turn the rubber tracks so that it can grip the steps.

A stretcher is defined as a medical device which is used for carry or movement the affected
people or patients for some short period of time. A stretcher contains a surface that help for
conveying patients, and it has handles on either side along its length to help convey it.

Stretchers have been utilized since numerous years. They are utilized on war zones before to
convey harmed individuals in the war. Today, there are a wide scope of stretchers are
available that are comprised of lightweight materials and connections

Fig 2.7 Stretcher


Some of the types of stretchers are explained below:

Basket stretcher
A basket stretcher is used in situation when an injured person needs transportation by foot to
go to the medical attention. This type of stretcher disassembles in 2 halves, and when needed
for rescue or operation it will get assembled in seconds.
Ambulance stretcher
An ambulance stretcher, known as a little or gurney, consists of a solid frame and a heavy-
duty cloth that stretches across it. This ambulance often give the user a rough ride. This type
of stretcher also a absorbs part of impact to prevent any further injury.
Folding stretchers
Folding stretcher is used for transporting the injured ones from the inside of a building to an
ambulance stretcher. It’s portable and it can be folded into half for a convenient storage. This
stretcher is likewise a light weight one and is easy to carry and it is made of high strength
materials. These are accessible in various sizes to fit for various individuals dependent on
their size.
Pole Stretcher
The military people mostly use these type of stretchers to transport or take away the wounded
or injured people to a nearest medical facility. This type has a heavy-duty poles that extend
on both sides so two men will carry it. They are in lightweight and have firm control while


Fig 2.6 Theme board


Fig 2.7 Concepts


Various concepts were generated and selection was based on a matrix comparison
involving all the concepts and some parameters.


Based on the selection some refinements were made.

Figure 2. : concept selection

Above Fig shows the folding mechanism of product which we were designed. “Link 1” is for
back rest, “link 2” is the seating area , “link 3” is for the leg support. “Link a” is mutually
perpendicular to “link 1” and “link e” is mutually perpendicular to “link 3”. “Link c” is a ball
screw which moves linearly to and fro like a pendulum which is shown as dotted line in the
fig. “Link e” and “link a” are connected to “link c” by other links b and d respectively. Red
color arrow indicates the ball screw displacing to the right side of the viewer upon which the
product will become as a stretcher and this conversion is only done when the entire platform
is raised to desired position. When the ball screw is displaced to left of viewer, product
transforms into a wheelchair and this transformation is done when the desired entire platform
is raised to desired position.

Adjustment of the height is done by the help of pneumatic cylinder mechanism. There are
four pneumatic cylinders which are placed at the four corners of the seating area which are
actuated to adjust the height.

Before starting of any project there is a need to study its objective and also its future
scope, it is better to understand it uses and limitations, in this chapter we will look into the
scope and objectives of this project and understand its viability.

3.1 SCOPE:

Patients in hospitals always wants to overcome the problem of travelling or carrying from
wheelchair to stretcher or from stretcher to wheelchair, so to overcome this wheelchair cum
stretcher is introduced. It has an added advantage because in hospitals and airports we need to
provide both stretcher and wheelchair for their respective uses which makes them costly. But
by using this, multi usable one we can reduce the overall cost as it can be used as both
wheelchair cum stretcher based on a person’s requirement.

For the future, there is always scope for improvement, such as to make it motorized using
motors which helps disabled people to drive or operate it themselves.

We can also make it renewable using solar energy so that the use of batteries and other
electricity equipment is limited and so thus we can make it solar powered convertible
wheelchair cum stretcher by use of solar panels which makes it more efficient.


• Design a wheelchair with the benefits of both wheelchair and stretcher in single unit.

• To make Wheelchair cum stretcher accessible to everyone

• To make the prototype and change it according the requirements of market

• Theorize on various methods so as to improve design



This chapter details everything we read to better understand the designing and construction of
the project. These include everything from different aspects of the wheelchair its standards,
equipment used and how they work with each other.

4.1 Wheelchair International Standards

As with any thing being mass produced, and the fact that this is for disabled people, there has
been a lot of research done to find the right measurements for each and every part of a
wheelchair. And the image below details the widely accepted results of the research.

Figure 4.1 Wheelchair Standard Dimensions

Though these are the accepted standards, people can have a wheel chair made exactly to
match their requirements. The measurements mentioned above are for the mass produced
wheel chairs use in hospitals, and public places like railway stations etc.

4.2 Base structure

The base is basically a or it can also be called as a support for the entire assembly. The base
is constructed with the help metals such as aluminium, stainless steel, mild steel etc. In the
design of this wheelchair, the base consists of a structure that is made up of mild steel.

4.3 Rear wheels

The rear wheel is connected to each other using the shaft, such that it will keep it in
alignment. This wheel will hold the weight of whole body including the human weight.

Figure 4.2 : Rear wheels with the shaf

4.4 Casters
The caster wheels or simply casters are attached to the body of the chair with the help of the
bearings. A caster is defined as an wheel that is used to mount at the bottom of any larger
object (like "vehicles") which enables that the object can be moved easily. They are available
in different sizes, and they are made up of different materials such as rubber, steel, plastic,
nylon, aluminium.
Here we are providing with two caster wheels in the front for proper balancing and also for
changing direction as convenient.

Fig 4.3 : front caster wheel

4.5 Main base structure

This is the main base with the seat on it. Here the base is welded to the shaft of the wheels.
The wheels are attached using the nut and bolts, so its removable. The casters are also bolted
to the base leg, so as to keep it removable in case we need to change the caster.

4.6 Bearings
The direction are to be easily squeezed to fit into the pole in such a case that the bearing is
pounded it might create breaks. Bearing is made of steel material and bearing top is mellow
steel ball and roller direction are utilized broadly in instruments and machines so as to limit
the grating and power misfortune. While the idea of the metal roller goes back in any event to
Leonardo da Vinci, their structure and fabricate has gotten strikingly refined. This innovation
was purchased to its current situation with flawlessness simply after a significant stretch of
research and the improvement. The advantages of such specific research can be gotten when
its conceivable to utilize an institutionalized orientation of the correct size sort.

5.1 Planning and Processing

The figure given below gives us understanding of the work, timeline on the project.

Figure 5.1

5.2 Brainstorming Structure Design

This can be considered as one of the most important phase of the project, in this stage we
tried to come up with a suitable design, a feasible and reliable way to properly attach and
detach the frame from the manual wheelchair. And also looked ahead the different materials
that would be available for the manufacturing such as the wheel dimensions. And also studied
various study papers to find the other requirements of the project.

5.3 Manufacturing Strategies and Materials

During the second phase of our project, we with the guidance of our mentor discussed varies
manufacturing strategies and schemes and the selection of various materials and the
equipment’s needed which will fulfil the objective of the project. We choose the materials
that will fulfil our requirement and are easily available within our budget. For this project we
need a material which is stable and can take the some heavy load without any problem.
5.4 Prototype and Design Approval
In this stage we made the design in Solid works and tested its feasibility, for more accurate
results we made an exact replica of the wheelchair we procured and took that as the
reference, as most wheelchairs are made with standard dimensions, this will work on most
wheelchairs. And then checked the feasibility of our design, keeping all the constraints such
as dimensions of the wheel, caster Height and others.

5.5 Purchase and Market Survey

As it is a student project , so we performed extensive market survey so as to find as the best
product as possible these include wheel chair, steel rods, screws etc and also all the tools
required for the manufacturing process such as welding machine, cutter etc.

5.6 Testing and Checking Dimensions

Before the manufacturing starts, it’s important to verify that the design we have made would
be able to perform the desired objectives. For this we rechecked all the dimensions in the
design add cross checked with the material we bought so that there won’t be any problem in
the next stage.

5.7 Assembly
This the final stage where we assembled all the materials, parts which are needed to be
welded are performed welding. Remaining all other parts we have made are brought together,
attached as per the design Then a test run is done to find any defects and adjustments are
made to correct them.
5.8 Tabulated Work Plan

Time period Month Work Done

20-21 August Mechanism selection

1-7 September Designing

8-18 September Manufacturing Strategies,

Cost Analysis
19-28 September Market survey

1-10 October Purchasing

11-20 October Manufacturing

21-31 October Testing and stability

1-5 November Checking for functional


5-15 November Compilation of report

15-18 November Submission of soft copy

21-30 November Submission of hard copy

Table 5.1


The Uniqueness of this design is when the product is in stretcher or bed mode, the height will
match the conventional stretcher or bed. The Height is adjustable to bed or stretcher or
wheelchair or to any height desired. Conversion from a wheelchair to a bed or a stretcher or
vice versa is done by both the patient and handler. Below are the three different platforms of

a. Backrest
b. Seating Portion
c. Leg support

Ratchets are provided at the joint where they meet so that it will lock at each step of
conversion assuring the safety while converting. Ratchets are also provided to the Upper legs
so that those will be in locked position when the product is in wheelchair mode.


Fig 6.2 Design part of wheel chair




Lathe machine:-

Fig 7.1: Lathe Machine

A machine is a machine which will rotate the workpiece on its axis to play out a few tasks
like cutting, knurling, boring, or distorting, confronting, turning, with devices that are applied
to the workpiece to make our necessary object which has the balance or symetry about a axis
of rotation.

Machines are utilized from numerous points of view, for example, wood turning,
metalworking, metal turning, warm splashing, parts recovery, and glass-working.
Metalworking machines are utilized to deliver most solids of rotating, plane surfaces and
screw strings.

Drilling machine:-

Drilling is characterized as a cutting procedure wherein a drilling apparatus is utilized to cut

or broaden a gap of roundabout cross-segment in the strong materials. The drill tool or drill
bit device is turning cutting instrument (for the most part we use multi point drill tool). The
drill is squeezed upon the work piece and it is pivoted at rate shifts from hundreds to
thousands of rpm. This powers the front line against the work piece, cutting off chips or
undesirable from the gap to make our necessary one.
Fig 7.2 drilling machine

Welding machine :

Welding is a procedure that joins materials like metals or thermoplastics, by causing

combination or coalescence. This is to be done by dissolving the work pieces and adding a
filler material to frame a pool of liquid material that chills off to turn into a solid joint, with
pressure some of the time utilized related to warm, or without anyone else, to create the weld.
This is not quite the same as fastening and brazing, which include the way toward dissolving
a lower-liquefying point material between the work pieces to frame a bond between them,
without including the softening the work pieces.

Fig 7.3 : Welding Machine

7.2 MATERIAL USED: (ASTM A36 Mild or Low Carbon Steel)



ASTM A36 steel is one of the most ordinarily utilized mild and hot-rolled steel. This kind of
steel has great welding properties and it is appropriate for such a large number of procedures,
for example, pounding, punching, tapping, penetrating and machining. The Yield quality of
ASTM A36 is less contrasted with the cold rolledC1018, consequently it makes the ASTM
A36 to bend more effectively than C1018. Regularly, large diameters across in ASTM A36
are not created since C1018 hot rolled types are utilized for that reason

ASTM A36 steel is available/ present in the following forms:

• Rectangular bar
• Square type bar
• Circular rods
• Steel shaped beams such as H-beams, channels and I-beams.

Chemical Composition

Element Content

Carbon 0.25 to 0.29 %

Copper 0.20 %

Iron 98.0 %

Manganese 1.03 %

Phosphorous 0.040 %

Silicon 0.280 %

Sulfur 0.050 %

Table 7.1
Physical Properties

Physical Metrics Imperial

Properties standard standard

Density 7.85 g/cm3 0.284 lb/in3

Table 7.2

Mechanical Properties

Mechanical Properties Metric Imperial

Ultimate Tensile Strength 400 - 550 MPa 58000 - 79800 psi

Yield Strength 250 MPa 36300 psi

Elongation at Break (in 200

20.0 % 20.0 %

Elongation at Break (in 50 mm) 23.0 % 23.0 %

Modulus of Elasticity 200 GPa 29000 ksi

Bulk Modulus (typical for steel) 140 GPa 20300 ksi

Poisons Ratio 0.260 0.260

Shear Modulus 79.3 GPa 11500 ksi

Table 7.3

The machinability pace of ASTM A36 kind of steel is around 72%, and normal surface
cutting pace of ASTM A36 is 120 ft/min. Machining of ASTM A36 steel is to some degree
troublesome and it not as simple as that of machining AISI 1018 kind of steel.


ASTM A36 steel is easy to weld utilizing any kind of welding techniques, and the welds and
joints so shaped are of amazing quality.

Heat Treatment

Any carburizing and hardening methods used for the steel type AISI 1018 can be used for
ASTM A36 type.

ASTM A36 steel is subjected to the following processes:

• Normalizing at 899°C – 954°C (1650°F-1750°F)

• Annealing at 843°C – 871°C(1550°F-1600°F)
• Stress relieving at 677°C – 927°C(1250°F-1700°F)
• Carburizing at 899°C – 927°C (1650°F-1700°F)
• Hardening at 788°C – 816°C(1450°F-1500°F)


ASTM A36 type of steel is having the following applications:

It has its use construction of the bridges, buildings such as hospitals and others. It is also used
to make steel tanks, bins, steel plates, sprockets, cams, gears, base plates, forgings,
ornaments, stakes, brackets, fixtures and jigs etc.
The various factors that determines the choice of materials are discussed below.

1. Properties:
The material to be chosen must have the vital properties for our necessary application.
The different necessities that are to be fulfilled are weight of the material, surface completion,
it's unbending nature, the capacity of the material to withstand against synthetic compounds,
administration life, unwavering quality and so forth.
The following types of principle properties of materials affect their selection
a. Physical
b. Mechanical
c. From manufacturing point of view
d. Chemical

The distinctive physical properties to be concerned are dissolving point, thermal

Conductivity, specific heat, coefficient of warm development, electrical Conductivity,
magnetic purposes and so forth.
The distinctive Mechanical properties to be Concerned are tensile strength,
compressive strength, shear strength, bending strength, torsional strength and buckling loads,
fatigue resistance, impact resistance, elastic limit, endurance limit, and modulus of elasticity,
hardness, wear resistance and sliding properties.

The various properties concerned from the manufacturing point of view are listed below.
• Castability,
• Weldability,
• Brazability,
• forgeability,
• merchantability,
• surface properties,
• shrinkage,
• Deep drawing etc.
2. Manufacturing Case:
The interest for the most reduced conceivable assembling cost is acquired by applying
the suitable coating substances that may interest for the utilization of special materials.
3. Quality Required:
The quality will influence the assembling procedure and eventually the material. For instance,
it is never alluring to do throwing for less number of parts which can be created substantially
more monetarily and effectively by doing welding or hand fashioning the steel.
4. Availability of Material:
A few materials might be in rare and some might be hard to find. It at that point gets
necessary for us to utilize some other material which however may not be an ideal substitute
for the material structured. The conveyance of the materials and the conveyance date of item
ought to likewise be remembered.
5. Space Consideration:
We need to select high strength materials because there are several high forces involved in it
and there are also some space limitations to it.

6. Cost:
Like other problems, the cost of the material will a major role and it can’t be ignored.
So, the factors like utilizing the scrap, look, and non-maintenance of designed part are
involved in the selection of proper materials for the project.
MATERIAL USED : Items Quantity Specifications Material Used

1 Front wheels 2 100mm Dia Plastic

2 Square Pipe 15 ¾ inch MS

3 Flat Sheet 14 Sqft 16 gauge MS

4 Rear Wheels 2 622mm Dia. SS and Rubber

5 Hinged Pins 4 MS

6 Screw with nut 2 MS

7 Round pipe 2 MS

Table 7.4
This project work has given us a brilliant chance and experience, to utilize our constrained
information. We increased a ton of down to earth information and We feel that the task work
is a decent answer for connect the doors among institution and industries.

The main objective of our project is to make the helper life easy and to make sure the
patient is not hurt during the process of treatment. This wheelchair cum stretcher will
eliminate the step of shifting or transferring a patient from stretcher to wheelchair or vice
versa as it is very difficult to handle the old age people.

1. V.B. Bhandari, Design of Machine Elements, Tata McGraw-Hill Publication

Company Limited, New Delhi.

2. PSG, Design Data Book, section- Materials and Machine Elements.

3. R.S. Khurmi, Strength of Materials, S. Chand & Company Ltd. New Delhi.

4. R.S. Khurmi, Theory of Machines, S. Chand & Company Ltd. New Delhi.

5. Code of practice for power operated elevating work platforms. ,Department of

Labour, Wellington New Zealand 1st Edition 1986

6. 10. Ergonomic guide lines for manual material handling. Published 2007 by the
California Department of Industrial Relations
7. An Integrated Decision Making Model for Evaluation of Concept
Design:, ActaPolytechnica Vol. 44 No. 3/2004, Czech Technical
University Publishing House
8. Bariatric Bed:, Camtec Dr. S. Ray,
“Disabled Persons in India",
9. Indian anthropometric dimensions for ergonomic design practice, by NID

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