Power System Protection

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Protective Relays

Calculation and Selection of Elements of p

protective relays
for Distribution Transformers
A protective relay is a device that detects the fault and initiates the operation of the circuit
breaker to isolate the defective element from the rest of the system.
Calculating protective relay - It means:
1996 (e book)

* to select the type and schematic;

and Electrical Eng

of Power System 1

* to select the current transformers and current relay; 1

* to decide the sensitivity of the protection. 3
Key words:
Menta. Principles o

¾ Relay operating current, (pick up current); IROmin

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¾ Relay operating voltage, (pick up voltage); VROmin 1 2
¾ Relay returning current, () ; IRRmax
¾ Relay returning voltage, () ; VRRmax
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¾ Coefficient of reversing , …………….. K returning = RRmax = RRmax ;

R13 V K M

¾ Protective relay current, IRPmin first I ROmin VROmin

¾ Instantaneous current counter, ICC, relay with no intentional time delay and limited zone,

(see R13, p.504)

Electromechanical types:
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¾ Instantaneous relay operating current, Iinst min

6/22/2010 1
Protective Relays
Protective schemes for fault currents b/n pphases and over loading
g at higher
voltage side.
and Electrical Eng

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CRM – current relay magnetic type

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CRD – current relay intermediate with time delay

EMB – relay with electromagnetic breaking

MCP – maximum current relay

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6/22/2010 2
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Protective Relays
The fault clearance chain at redundant protection systems.

Protective Relays
g connections of instrumental voltage
g transformers and relays:
y (p
(p. 43, RUS fig.1a-d
g )

a) Single phase VT is connected with either of any two phases, while, if only one line
voltage is enough/required, say, VBC . (fig.1.)
and Electrical Eng

b) Two single phase VTs connection with open delta* primary is connected with any
of two line phases. Secondary's are connected with relay coils. This gives getting
an access to connect relays with all b/n phases.(VR1-VR3) and single phase
voltage with respect to the artificially neutralized system to line voltages.
voltages And also
ol of Computing a

relays with the same coil resistance (VR4-VR6) can be connected in star. But can
not be implemented if phase to ground voltage is required. (fig.2.)
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* Common type connection 6/22/2010 4

Protective Relays
c) In addition to (b)
(b), there will be a chance to get a connection for any
phase voltage with respect to ground.(VR7-VR9). (fig.3.)
and Electrical Eng

d) Filter with zero neutral…. (fig.4.)

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6/22/2010 5
Protective Relays
Wi di connections
ti off instrumental
i t t l currentt transformers
t f andd relays:
l (p.
( 159,160,162
159 160 162 RUS )

a) full star connection (fig.5.)

and Electrical Eng

b) half
h lf star
t connection
ti (fi 6 )
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6/22/2010 6
Protective Relays
c) delta star connection (fig.7.)
(fig 7 )
and Electrical Eng

d) difference
diff off two
t phase
h currents.
t (fi 8 )
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6/22/2010 7
Protective Relays
Comparison of a non-conventional
non conventional
current transformer (left in the
picture) with a conventional
outdoor transformer with paper
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BDU, institute off Technology Schoo gineering
and Electrical Eng
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6/22/2010 8
Protective Relays
Outdoor design of a combined non-conventional
CT current/voltage transformer in passive optical technology
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BDU, institute off Technology Schoo gineering
and Electrical Eng
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6/22/2010 9
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and Electrical Eng
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Protective Relays

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Protective Relays

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and Electrical Eng
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Protective Relays

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Protective Relays

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and Electrical Eng
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Protective Relays

Protective Relays
S l ti off Current
C t Transformers
T f is
i carried
i d outt :

™ By nominal load current at higher voltage side (IN);

STr .
ITr .nom. = ; for transformers.

™ By referring the primary(I1N) and secondary(I2N) nominal current of the

and Electrical Eng

current transformers
f ffor the
h ddesired
i d iinstallation
ll i (see
( table.1.).
bl 1 ) And
A d the
nominal coefficient of transformation will be known ;
I1N .
T .nom. = ;
ol of Computing a

™ By considering the type of current relay for the given protection (see table.2.)
and will be determined the min. operating current of the circuit.
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K starting .current of EM ⋅ K reliablity in ajustment . ⋅ K schematic.relay connection


I Re lay Operating .min( MCP ) = ⋅ I load max. ;

K returning / rever sin g ⋅ K transformation of CT
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6/22/2010 15
Protective Relays
I Re lay Operating .min( MCP ) - operating relay current, calculated, A;
I load
l d max.- maximum load current at the section to be protected,
protected A;

K starting .current of EM - coefficient of self starting of electric motor;


K reliablity in ajustment .
and Electrical Eng

- coefficient of reliability in relay adjustment considering of

the deviations of relay and CT (see table.3.)
K returning / rever sin g I RRmax VRRmax
reversing K returning =
- coefficient of relay reversing, = ;
ol of Computing a

I ROmin VROmin

K schematic.relay connection - the ratio of relay current to the phase current,

BDU, institute off Technology Schoo

I Re lay current .
K schematic.relay connection =
I phse current

Accordingg to the type

yp of sections to be pprotected, the following g max. current can be
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6/22/2010 16
Protective Relays
I Re lay Operating .min( MCP ) - operating relay current, calculated, A;
I load
l d max.- maximum load current at the section to be protected,
protected A;

K starting .current of EM - coefficient of self starting of electric motor;


K reliablity in ajustment .
and Electrical Eng

- coefficient of reliability in relay adjustment considering of

the deviations of relay and CT (see table.3.)
K returning / rever sin g I RRmax VRRmax
reversing K returning =
- coefficient of relay reversing, = ;
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I ROmin VROmin

K schematic.relay connection - the ratio of relay current to the phase current,

BDU, institute off Technology Schoo

I Re lay current .
K schematic.relay connection =
I phse current

Accordingg to the type

yp of sections to be pprotected, the following g max. current can be
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6/22/2010 17
Protective Relays
I Re lay Operating .min( MCP ) - operating relay current, calculated, A;
I load
l d max.- maximum load current at the section to be protected,
protected A;

K starting .current of EM - coefficient of self starting of electric motor;


K reliablity in ajustment .
and Electrical Eng

- coefficient of reliability in relay adjustment considering of

the deviations of relay and CT (see table.3.)
K returning / rever sin g I RRmax VRRmax
reversing K returning =
- coefficient of relay reversing, = ;
ol of Computing a

I ROmin VROmin

K schematic.relay connection - the ratio of relay current to the phase current,

BDU, institute off Technology Schoo

I Re lay current .
K schematic.relay connection =
I phse current

Accordingg to the type

yp of sections to be pprotected, the following g max. current can be
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6/22/2010 18
Protective Relays
I Re lay Operating .min( MCP ) - operating relay current, calculated, A;
I load
l d max.- maximum load current at the section to be protected,
protected A;

K starting .current of EM - coefficient of self starting of electric motor;


K reliablity in ajustment .
and Electrical Eng

- coefficient of reliability in relay adjustment considering of

the deviations of relay and CT (see table.3.)
K returning / rever sin g I RRmax VRRmax
reversing K returning =
- coefficient of relay reversing, = ;
ol of Computing a

I ROmin VROmin

K schematic.relay connection - the ratio of relay current to the phase current,

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I Re lay current .
K schematic.relay connection =
I phse current

Accordingg to the type

yp of sections to be pprotected, the following g max. current can be
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6/22/2010 19
Protective Relays
I Re lay Operating .min( MCP ) - operating relay current, calculated, A;
I load
l d max.- maximum load current at the section to be protected,
protected A;

K starting .current of EM - coefficient of self starting of electric motor;


K reliablity in ajustment .
and Electrical Eng

- coefficient of reliability in relay adjustment considering of

the deviations of relay and CT (see table.3.)
K returning / rever sin g I RRmax VRRmax
reversing K returning =
- coefficient of relay reversing, = ;
ol of Computing a

I ROmin VROmin

K schematic.relay connection - the ratio of relay current to the phase current,

BDU, institute off Technology Schoo

I Re lay current .
K schematic.relay connection =
I phse current

Accordingg to the type

yp of sections to be pprotected, the following g max. current can be
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6/22/2010 20
Protective Relays

I Re lay Operating .min( MCP ) - operating relay current, calculated, A;
I load max.- maximum load current at the section to be protected, A;

K startingg .current off EM - coefficient of self startingg of electric motor;;

and Electrical Eng

K reliablity in ajustment . - coefficient of reliability in relay adjustment considering of

the deviations of relay and CT (see table.3.)
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K returning / rever sin g I RRmax VRRmax

- coefficient of relay reversing, K returning = = ;
I ROmin VROmin

K schematic.relay connection
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- the ratio of relay current to the phase current,

I Re lay current .
K schematic.relay connection = ;

I pphse current
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6/22/2010 21
Protective Relays
According to the type of sections to be protected,
protected the following max.
max current can be
Taken ( I load max. ):

I load max. = I nom. - line without electric motors connected;

I load max. = I Starting .- line with electric motors connected;


max = I fault .max,

I load max. max - for calculating current counter(MCP);
and Electrical Eng

Where,I nom. , I S ta rtin g ., and I fault .max, - nominal line current, starting current of the
electric motor and max. fault current on the
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Depending of the type of connection of the secondary winding of the CT and the
yp of faults,, K schematic
type will have the followingg values:
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h i .relay
l connection

K schematic.relay connection = 1 - if the connection of the sec. winding of the CT is a


half star.
K schematic.relay connection = 1.73
1 73 - in
i all
ll condition,
diti under
d 3 phase
h short
h t circuit.
i it
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K schematic.relay connection = 1 - under 2 phase fault with single CT.

6/22/2010 22
Protective Relays
K schematic.relay connection = 2 - under
d 2 phase
h fault
f lt andd with
ith connection
ti ini currentt
difference of two CTs windings.

The remaining coefficients of the schematic can be assumed from the no.of
no of
working experiences:
= 1 - under the absence of the electric motors in the line.

K starting .current of EM
and Electrical Eng

K starting .current of EM = 2.5…..3.0 - under the presence of the electric motors

in the line.
K reliablity in ajustment . = 1.1…..2.0 - will be fixed from the table(see table.3.)
K returning / revering
ol of Computing a

= 0.8…….0.85

From the calculated value of the operating current, the catalogue value will be selected
I Re lay Operating .cata log ue ≥ I Re lay Operating .calculated
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B observing
By b i the
h condition:
di i

if there is a need of blocking in under voltage, then


Vworking min.
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Voperating =
K reliablity in ajustment . ⋅ K returning / revering ⋅ KVT
6/22/2010 23
Protective Relays


Vnormal .working min. - min . Working voltage under normal regime, V,

which equal to 0.7V
0 7Vnom.
K reliablity in ajustment . = 1.1;
K returning / revering ≤ 1.2;

KVT - coefficient transformation of the voltage/potential transformers,

and Electrical Eng

KVT = ; V2 = 100 V .
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Determination of the coefficient of sensitiveness.

I fault .min.at the protected end of the line, A I fault .min.at the protected end of the line , A
K sensitiveness = = ;
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I operating . protection , A ⋅ I operating .relay , A ⋅ K CT


((without blocking
g off under voltage)
g )
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MCP will reliably operates if …… K sensitiveness ≥ 1.2…….1.5

6/22/2010 24
Protective Relays
U d the
th presence off blocking
bl ki off min.voltage:
i lt
V fault .max.residual .at the protection sec tion ,kV V fault .max.residual .at the protection sec tion , kV
K sensitiveness = = ;
p g . protection
p ,A ⋅ p g .relayy ,V ⋅ KVT
Voperating V

V fault .max.residual .at the protection sec tion ,kV = 0.6 Vnom
and Electrical Eng

N.B. Under having instantaneous current counter - relay with no intentional time
delay and limited zone
K reliablity in ajustment ⋅ K schematic.relay connection
I operating .current counter = ⋅ I fault .max.at the protected end of the line, A ;
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K Current Transformation of CT
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Protective Relays
Structural designation
g of the current transformers.

1 - 2 - 3

L b li with
Labeling ith few
f letter:
l tt Cl
Class off accuracy and
d nos. off windings
i di
0.5/D - for two sec. windings : one has 0.5 accuracy
CT - Current Transformer.
and the second is assigned for differential P.

XX - Wound primary.
XX - Bar primary.y
and Electrical Eng

XX - Fast saturated.
XX - modified
Range of Voltages in number, kV.
XX - low voltage ratings
XX - enclosed with CB
XX - coil for differential p.
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XX - Coil for earthling fault Scales for nominal Voltages.

XX -
-- Scales for nominal p
y current ,,if I2 = 5 A.
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-- 1.5-10-15-20-30-40-50-75-100-150-200-250-300-400-500-600-
-- 750-800-1000-1200-1500-2000-3000-4000-5000-6000-8000-

-- 10000-12000-14000-16000-18000-20000-25000-28000-32000-
-- 35500 40000
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Protective Relays

Table. 1. Current Transformers with their primary current and type of application/features.

Type I1.Nom , A Designation*

1 2 3

XXX-6 300-400; 600-1500 CT- Current Transformer


XXX-10 50-400; 600-1500

and Electrical Eng

XXX-10 10-400

XXX-10 10-1500

XXX-10 50-3000
ol of Computing a

XXX-10 20-1500

XXX-10 2000-5000

XXX 20
XXX-20 400 1500
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XXX-35 400-1500

N.B. For all transformers I2.Nom = 5 A * see the above structural disignation
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Protective Relays
Table.2. Current Relays , type and relay operating currents.
Type I1.Nom , A Type I1.Nom , A
1 2 1 2

CRM-I 5;7.5;10;15 CR-40/20 5….10

CRM-II 10;15;20;25 CR-40/50 12.5…..25

CRM-III 30;60;50;60 CR-40/100 25….50


CRM-IV 75;100;125;150 CR-40/200 50……..100

and Electrical Eng

CRM-10-30 10;20;30 CREx-I, CREx-IV 5;6;7.5;10

CRM-5-15 5;10;15 CREx-II, CREx-V 10;12.5;15;17.5

CRM 20 60
CRM-20-60 20;40;60 CREx III CREx-VI
CREx-III, CREx VI 20;25;30;35
ol of Computing a

CRM-40-120 40;80;120 CREx-5-10 5;6;7;8;10

CR-40/0.2 0.05….0.1 CREx-11-20 11;12;14;16;18;20

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CR-40/0.6 0.15….0.3 CREx-20-35 20;22;24;27;30

CR-40/2 0.5….1 CREx-80, CREx-90 2-5,4-10


CR-40/6 1.5…..3 IR-80/1 4-10

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CR-40/10 2.5…..5 IR-80/2 2-5

N.B. For CR-40 under parallel connection of coil, can be taken doubled.
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Protective Relays
T bl 3 Coefficients
C ffi i t : K returning / revering andd K reliablity in ajustment .

Coefficient CRM CR-40 CREx IR-80 CR-40

K returning / revering 0.8…0.85 0.8….0.85 0.8….0.85 0.85 0.85


ICC 1.8….2 1.6…1.8 1.4…1.5 1.4…1.5 1.4…1.5

K reliablity in ajustment .
xx 1 1 1 25
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Protective Relays

E l

Given data:
Distribution line with ffactoryy transformer
f havingg
a power CB with spring drive at the higher side
(as shown in the diagram here, fig.2.).

Type of Transformer,

I (f 1) = 1.8 kA
and Electrical Eng

I f , kA
Protection against
g short circuit b/n pphases.
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Tasks to be done:
• to draw schematics diagram to protective relay-PR;
• to calculate and choose the elements of PR from
short circuit currents and over loadings;
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• reliability checking of the PR. Fig.2


1. Schematic diagram of the PR and its labeling,(fig.2)

• Since the PR ffrom short circuit currents and
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over loadings is required, CC is needed at the

place just after the breaker up to the point F1 Neutral
and MCP at the place further up to the transformer of higher side.
6/22/2010 30
Protective Relays

• Since the power CB has a drive with spring mechanism, with this, type CRM
and CREx. – relay with spontaneous operation are required;

• for protection against short circuit among phases, the connection diagram of the
CT and secondary load (relay) are required – from the current difference of two

and Electrical Eng

• since the system at higher side hasn't system neutral (neutral isolated), so,
a single phase to ground fault (or an insulation failure) can be controlled by
insulation control mechanism with alarm - signal under faults;
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• at low voltage side with surge protection neural , 4-wire system, so that,
an automatic breaker CBF will provide all types of protections;
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• since the transformer is dry type, so surge protection is not to be installed.

2. Selection of Current Transformer.

• line current of the distribution system.

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STr . 250
ITr .nom. = = = 14.5 A.
3Vnom. 3 ⋅10
6/22/2010 31
Protective Relays
• Since no electric motors are connected at the distribution line, a need of
adjusting starting rush current is not required.\
For the given system will be selected the CT XXX-10 sec; I1.Nom =50 A;
I2.Nom = 5 A and quantity =2 (use Table.1)
I1N . 50
• Coefficient of transformation, KTr .nom. = = = 10;
I2N 5

3. Selection of relay counter, type RCM.

K reliablity in ajustment ⋅ K schematic.relay connection
I operating .current counter = ⋅ I fault 2.min.at the protected end of the line, A ;
and Electrical Eng

K Current Transformation of CT
1.8 ⋅1.73
I operating .current counter = ⋅ 0.3 ⋅103 = 93.4 A;
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From the table.3, K reliablity in ajustment ,CC = 1.8

under 3Ф fault, current will be I ffault . max .,, A , so K schematic.relayy connection = 1.73
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From the table.2. we choose CRM-IV, I operating .current counter = 100 A


And we determine the Ksesitivness and Kreliability under the lower fault current
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(If 2Ф) at sending end of the DS: I fault .min.at the protected end of the line , A
K sensitiveness =
I operating . protection , A ⋅
6/22/2010 32
Protective Relays
I (2)
f .11 0.87 ⋅1800
K sensitiveness = = = 1.57;
1 57
I operating . protection , A 10 ⋅100

I (2)
f .min = I (2)
f. = 0
87 I (3)
f. ;

I operating . protection , A = KT ⋅ I relay operating

and Electrical Eng

Reliability condition, K reliablity ≥ 1.2 will be satisfied. So the CC operating reliably

4. Selection of relay MCP, type RCEx.
• we determine relay operating current,
ol of Computing a

K starting .current of EM ⋅ K reliablity in ajustment . ⋅ K schematic.relay connection

I Re lay Operating .min( MCP ) ≥ ⋅ I load max. ;
K returning / rever sin g ⋅ K transformation of CT
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1 ⋅1.25 ⋅ 3
I Re lay Operating .min( MCP ) ≥ ⋅14.5 = 3.9 A;
0.8 ⋅10

Where, I load max.

I Re ≥ ; K starting .current of EM = 1 (no EM ); K Schematic connection = 1.25
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R lay
l Operating
O ti
K transformation of CT

I load max. = 14.5 A.

6/22/2010 33
Protective Relays
From the table.2,, we choose RCEx.-I,, IOperating =5 A.

K sensitiveness(MCP) under the fault of I (2)

f .2 ( at the far end ),

I f .mini 87 ⋅ 300
K sensitiveness(MCP) = = = 5.2.
I operating . protection , A 5 ⋅10

Reliability condition, K reliablity ( MCP ) ≥ 1.2.

and Electrical Eng

5. Determination of the zone of operation of relay protection.(fig.3.)

2x CT -XXX-10 sec; I1.Nom =50 A
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RCM-IV, I operating .current counter = 100 A

RCEx.-I, IOperating =5 A.
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fig.3. 6/22/2010 34
Protective Relays – Variants
Relay Protection I (f 3 ) , k A
Variant CB
Relay Conn. Ish.c starti Ish.c end
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 SDr 2 Half star 0.2 0.04 1. Sketching..
2 EMDr 1 Half star 6 1.2 2. Choosing of CT,RC.
3. Proofing of KSensitiv.
3 SDr 2 diff,.of 2ФI 12.5 2.4

4 EMDr 2 , 2ФI
diff,.of 12.5 2.4
and Electrical Eng

5 SDr 2 Half star 0.3 0.06

6 EMDr 1 diff,.of 2ФI 2 0.4

7 SD
SDr 2 diff f 2ФI
diff,.of 4 08
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8 EMDr 2 Half star 0.4 0.08

9 SDr 2 Half star 2.5 0.5

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10 EMDr 1 Half star 0.8 0.16


11 SDr 2 diff,.of 2ФI 0.8 0.16

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12 EMDr 2 diff,.of 2ФI 2.5 0.5

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