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Male Signs : Aries, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius , Cancer & Pisces (all Odd signs except Gemini and
Aquarius ( no planets exalted in these signs) + Even signs : Pisces & Cancer)

Female Signs : Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn & Aquarius ( all Even Signs except Cancer &
Pisces + Odd Signs: Gemini & Aquarius)

Highly Fertile Signs: Pisces & Cancer

Fertile Signs: Taurus, Libra, Aquarius, Sagittarius, scorpio

Less Fertile Signs: Leo & Capricorn

Barren Signs : Aries, Gemini & Virgo

Male Planets: Sun, Jupiter, Mars & Rahu

Female Planets : Moon, Venus, Saturn & Ketu

Sex of the Child:

Male Child: In case 5L is exalted or conjoined with Male Planets

Female Child: In case 5L is debilitated or conjoined with Female Planets

Rasi : In male chart refer to 5H and in Female Chart refer to 9H for child birth

From Rasi Chart ( based on Jaimini Principles):

Gestation Period from conception to birth for human beings is 9 months. Hence 9H from Sun posited
sign and 7H from it ( 3H) are the root signs. The 8th houses from Arudha Padas of 9H & 3H (4H and
10H) will determine the fertility of A9&A3 / AS9 & AS3).

1. Calculate arudha padas for 3H & 9H from Lagna (A3 & A9) – Physical ability to procreate &
Sun (AS3 & AS9)- sperm life & capable of growing from Kshetra (sustain Atma in sperm)
2. In case Sun is placed in 2,6,8,12 houses from A3, A9, AS3 & AS9, it creates infertility.

Santhan Poshana Yoga: Rasi Chart 5H has Moon or child giving planets ( other than Saturn, Venus
and Mercury).

Saptamsa Chart (D7):

In case D7 lagna falls in an Odd Sign ( count is direct) – FC: 5H, SC: 7H & TC : 9H

In case D7 lagna falls in an Even Sign ( count in reverse order) – FC: 9H, SC: 7H, TC: 5H

D7’s Lagna Lord & Child Karaka Jupiter are in 6/8 position ( also LL is debilitated) it leads to infertility.

1. Check Saptamsa’s LL, 5L & 9L

2. Placement of Saturn, (Venus*) and Mercury in trines of D7 makes the native barren,
irrespective of all child giving yogas in Birth / Rasi chart.
3. If D7’s LL of Male is placed in D7’s 6H or 11H ( 2& 7 –maraka houses from 5H) it indicates
adverse position ( children may die)
4. If D7’s LL of Female is placed in 10H & 3H (2& 7 –maraka houses from 9H) it indicates
adverse position (children may die)
5. In case D7’s LL is placed in 6H or 8H or conjoins with 6L or 8L, it indicates delay or denial of
6. In case 6L or 8L is placed in D7’s Lagna, not considered good for child birth

Male –D7 Chart:

Female Chart: Moon is significator of motherhood and Moon’s weakness in D7 Chart indicates the
inability of mother to carry the child. Moon is with Rahu and Mandi, it gets hurt. Check trines from
Moon as well.

Kshetra Sputa ( for female) : Add zodiacal degrees of Moon + Mars + Jupiter and expunge 360
degrees. Should fall in Even Signs ( D1, D9 & D7)

Beeja Sputa (for Male) : Add zodiacal degrees of Sun+ Venus + Jupiter and expunge 360 degrees .
should fall in Odd Signs ( D1, D9 & D7)

Santhan Tithi : ( Long of Moon – Long of Sun ) X 5 / 12

Adoption of child

5H falls in Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn or Aquarius and have association or aspect of Saturn or Mandi

Upapada : 5H and 9H from UL – Moon in 5H or 9H from Moon is good.

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