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Dental Anatomy Mid Term Examination- 2018

Q1. Describe the Maxillary Lateral Incisor from all aspects along with diagrams. Add a note on
the side traits. (15)

Q2. Write in detail on:

a) Histodifferentiation during tooth development (8)

b) Pharyngeal Pouch (7)

Q3. Write briefly on:

a) Reciprocal Induction (5)

b) Classification of Dentin (5)
c) Seeding Theory (5)

Q4. Give the physical characterstics and chemical composition of enamel. Discuss in detail
about amelogenesis. (15)

Q5. Write in detail about:

a) Arch traits of incisors (8)

b) Tooth Numbering System (7)

Q6. Write Briefly on:

a) Development of Palate
b) Functions of Pulp
c) Define the following:
1) Cusp 2) Fossa 3) Mamelon 4) Oblique Ridge 5) Root Trunk

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