Procedure To Use CLTD Programme PDF

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1. Copy the XL Sheet to a directory or Folder as desired

2. Double click on XL Sheet
3. The XL Sheet will open click “Enable Content “
4. Go to Worksheet


1. PROJECT DATA: in the spaces ENTER

Sheet No:
Of (Total Sheets of a project)
Client Name:
Job No: (If any)
Drg No: (For reference)
Computed by:
Checked by:
Approved by:


ENTER City Name in field for “Design Conditions”

ENTER Latitude

ENTER Daily Range

Summer Outside DB : Double Click & Select City & and Double Click selection

Summer Outside WB : Double Click & Select City & and Double Click selection

Winter Outside DB : Double Click & Select City & and Double Click selection
ENTER Values manually for : Summer W [ Five Decimal Plan]

Winter W [ Five Decimal Plan]

Summer Indoor DB

Summer indoor WB

Summer indoor W [ Five Decimal Places]

Winter Indoor DB

Winter Indoor W [ Five Decimal Places ]

Dimensional Details, Conduction, Areas, u Factors etc.:

ENTER the Hour for Heat Load Calculation (3 Choices)

ENTER manually u factors & Areas for each orientation for Walls,

ENTER Glass Conduction Areas.

For Conduction, CLTD values double click to go to appropriate Table.

Select & Double click from the required construction or the nearest u
& Wt Values.

For Lat / Month Correction, select field & double click.

Select Appropriate Latitude & Month & double click.

Exact Latitudes are not available Choose the nearest Lower Value

Enter u & Areas for participation, Ceiling, Roof & Floors

ENTER Areas in appropriate orientation & shaded / Unshaded the Areas.
For Shading Coefficients, Double Click Cell & Select from the various
charts available.

Max SHG Factors: Double click on cell, and select the appropriate orientation & Latitude

Shading Multipliers

Use only with external Shading Devices. Double Click Cell to go to appropriate Chart.

Select from Horizontal (Left Chart) or Vertical

projection (Right Chart) go to correct Latitude, Month, Time & Orientation.

Note Value, then from 1st table select the Shading Coefficient Multipliers, based on value in

Chart & Double Click.

If no external Shades enter value as “1”

Internal Loads

Lights / People Equipment / Misc : ENTER values for type of lights [ Not necessary]

Total Hours of usage

Starting Time

Ballast Factor

& Wattage / No of People

For CLF Double click & select.

Other Loads

ENTER value of Infiltration Air and ∆T between Indoor & Outdoor at that Hour.
ENTER perimeter of Room in Ft

If lights are in false Ceiling Enter, fraction to Area above F.C.

ENTER Ventilation Air & ∆T AT THE appropriate Hour.

Latent Loads

Latent Load Factor can be selected by Double clicking & choosing appropriate Value.

ENTER manually other cells

ENTER % of Return Duct Heat Gam

ENTER % of Safety for both Sensible Loads & Latent Loads

ENTER % of Supply Duct Leakage

ENTER % of Heat Gain

ENTER % of Latent Duct leakage Loss.

ENTER % of Supply Air Temperature


ENTER Value of Ventilation / Infiltration

ENTER Supply Factor Safety %

Pickup Factor : use default Value as “1”

If Heat pick up factors are not known

ENTER Supply CFM to work out Latent Loads for Winter.

Printing & saving

Press CTRL + P for Printing.

For saving follow the standard procedure.

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