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Go-Samvardhan @ Nandi Sanctuary


I can be worshiped within
the cows by offerings of
grass and other suitable
grains and paraphernalia
for the pleasure and
health of the cows…

Welcome to our extended family in Nandi Sanctuary
Bull is embodiment of Dharma
Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah…
Dharma protects those who protect Dharma.

Protect Bulls and Cows…

"The state or home where wealth and strength are not
engaged in the advancement of brahminical culture, God
consciousness and cow protection is surely doomed by


But how to do so ... Right Now in the beginning of

2020 ?
Protection of Cows and
bulls for me is not mere
philosophy, I have
personal connection
with ... Govinda,
Nandini 6 yrs, her daughter is Mitravinda. Nandini is a special cow.
She has the qualities of a Leader and she is beautiful & can be easily
noticed in any crowd
Care Adopted by Visnu Murti das and Laksmipriya dasi
Nandini in middle with Mitra in front and Tulasi sitting on the right
Care is Adopted
Vikasa & Barbara
Her age: 16 yrs.

“I am senior among
cows-bulls. Due to
my vast experience I
can easily
understand what
people want”. I love
to give love..

“I live
Nandini and
daughter of
3 yrs and very
Care is adopted
Govinda, son
of Radhakunda
Took birth on
Lalita Sasthi.
5 yrs

Care Adopted
Govinda’s Care is Adopted by Adi Govinda das, Mahabhava devi dasi
and their children: Priya, Vanamali and Rasarani
Festivals @Nandi
Sanctuary which
bring all residents
closer to cows.
This is Rasarani who
loves cows & bulls,
specially Govinda her
beloved Bull
Nitai- 2 yrs, lives with Janmastami You can Adopt My Care
Story of Nitai and Janmastami
from the butcher’s cart – to New Life …
Janmastami with Nitai (2 yrs as of Dec.2019)
You can Adopt Care of Janmastami
Janmastami and Nitai
We were living in the neighborhood. Even though we lived with our mothers
we were always hungry. Our mothers loved us very much and they
would always keep some milk for us... after 11 months our mothers stopped
giving milk and that was our last day in that family. We both were sold
and few men tied our legs and head. We tried hard to get free with no
result, we were very sad and angry ...a lot of pain and fear...  but Lord
Govinda had a different plan and on our way, a car stopped by and this
incident completely changed our lives. We are both  now living happily
with Giriraj Govardhan Lal...
Yasha-vardhan: 3 yrs. You can Adopt his Care
Yasha-vardhan receiving loving service from his friend Vijay
Young gopi serving
Yasha-vardhan.@ Nandi
Ramaduta 3 yrs, sensitive Airavata: 6 yrs, loves to be caressed. Can
character, loves to be fed special eat Whole Apples, Pears, loves water-melon
You can Adopt Ramaduta’s Care You can Adopt Airavata’s Care
Pavan Kumar 4 yrs Gopi-Chandan 1.5 yrs
I had been abandoned by the master. I was
Very peaceful Bull. being chased away from place to place until I
He loves being with Maruti came walking and found this new loving home.
You can Adopt his Care You can Adopt my Care

...just as the residents of

Vrindavan are serving the
beloved Cows of Krsna together!
Cows and Bulls give us much more than we can give them...
Maybe we won’t be able to protect all the bulls and cows...
But we are making sincere
efforts to save and
serve many...
Gopakumar: 9 yrs
Came on Gopastami 2019.

Gopakumar’s Care is Adopted by

Vinay Krishna Das (Moscow)
Visit Gopakumar & show him
your love.
Top view Nandi Sanctuary (mother’s-shed in pic)
with view of Holy Jalangi River
Nandi Sanctuary
Dharmakshetra My New Life...
Before rescue
I was feeling severe pain in my legs and I wasn’t able to move my head. The rope was
tightly tied around all my 4 legs and my head was bent and tied with my legs. I was
very fearful, I didn’t know where I was being taken. I tried to change my position and
tried to get free but I couldn’t. I was very thirsty and wanted to reach my mother.
I could hear her crying call as I was taken away.
Suddenly a car stopped nearby and a lady and a man came to the cart. I could see the
tears flowing from the eyes of that lady. I didn’t know why she was crying but as she
gently caressed my head I UNDERSTOOD that she is sad to see my condition.
The man next to her asked how much it cost to save this Bull’s life.
The man from the cart shouted out the price. It’s the price of a cheap mobile phone,
the lady said...
Shortly after I was made free. I immediately jumped from the cart and stood by this
kind lady.
When I was taken in their van, I had No fear and I felt a New Life is waiting ahead...
Now I happily live with Govinda, Gopichandan, Giriraj and others. Everyone Loves me
here and I have many friends who bring bananas and veggies.
I'm Nandi Ghosh. Lived on streets. I was chased away, beaten and persecuted.
People tied me in horrible conditions... however, by the Lord's arrangement and
devotees’ desire for the last 4 yrs. I have a complete New Life!
I’m actually very peaceful and kind…
Age: 8 yrs, Care Adopted by Anandini and Vibhavini d.d.
I’m just a Bull...
Why I should live...?
I don’t give milk !!!
But I took birth so that you
may have milk...
Lived on the streets when my
hoof was ripped off by a truck.
Thanks to a devotee (Bhakta
das) who didn’t pass by
unnoticed. He saved me,
brought me to Nandi Sanctuary.
Vijay Tungavidya treated my leg.
Now I am a healthy bull.
I live with my friend Pavan kumar...
Age: 4 yrs. Maruti’s Care can be adopted.
Pavan Kumar age: 3 yrs.
He lives with Maruti His Care can be adopted.
Nadia- 5 yrs
I have a daughter
Kusumanjali- 2.5 yrs

In my childhood I
lost my mother
and since then
I’m m in Nandi

May be Adopted!
My name is Chiranjivan. When I was less than an year old, I was sold to
slaughter... however, by the Lord’s arrangement and devotees’ compassion for
the last couple yrs.. 

I have an interesting New Life!

Chiranjivan is 3yrs.

You May Adopt the


In this Pic
Visvadhika mataji is
enjoying in
expressing her love
Chiranjivan is
relishing in receiving.
Devotees love to visit Cows
and Bulls@ Nandi Sanctuary
The human society should
recognize the importance of the
cow and the bull and thus give all
protection to these important
animals, following in the footsteps
of Mahārāja Parīkṣit. For protecting
the cows and brahminical culture,
the Lord, who is very kind to the
cow and the brāhmaṇas (go-
brāhmaṇa-hitāya), will be pleased
with us and will bestow upon us
real peace.
S.B. 1. 17. 9

This program gives an opportunity
for everyone to care for a cow or
What does bull and bring auspiciousness and
prosperity into their lives.
Congregational “…Those who are anxious to cultivate the
service for the human spirit must turn their attention first
toward the question of cow protection.”
Welfare of Cows
Light of the Bhagavat, 27
How does Gosamvardhan work?
In 2 ways:

1. Full responsibility
2. Shared responsibility
for 1 bull/cow, you
for 1 bull/cow.

If you cannot continue with your pledge, please inform us ahead of time
Contributions for Gosamvardhan program
Contribution for 1 Cow/Bull Expenses in INR Expenses in USD
per month towards Per Month Per Month
Fodder,Supplements & Daily care
1 person/family takes full 5000 80

Shared Responsibility among 2 2500 40


If someone finds that at any given point it’s not possible to continue this SEVA for any reason, pls let us
know ahead of time. We are grateful for your any service rendered.
Reach us easily to offer your valuable Seva :

◦ Visvadhika Dasi (ACBSP) +91 704 760 46 58 ◦ Dayal Mukunda das +91 97 35 33 35 77
Mahabhava devi dasi +91 77 97 00 10 92 Adi Govinda Das +7 988 144 61 34

Madhurika Dasi +91 95 93 71 36 64 Gauranga Das +91 843 64 50 644

Nandi Sanctuary is a project of People For Animals International, a Non Profit

Organization, Recognized by Animal Welfare Board of India (Govt. of India).

Visit us @ People for Animals International

Om Surabhyai Namah!

Om Nandi-Keshavaya Namah

Thank you!

Hare Krishna!

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