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Money has become a very important factor in people's life, and everyone associate money with power.

Our lives are influenced of how much money we produce and spend, but actually, life shouldn't be at all
about the money, or the power, life should be about happiness. Therefore i consider that we should be
satisfied with earning a comfortable living, because of three main reasons.

Firstly, i consider that living is more important than earning. Focusing on making large amounts of
money can be exhausting, and it will also make us to lose a lot of time, so instead of spending our time
to make money, we should actually live our life, make friends, start a family.

Secondly, I belive that if you spend your whole life trying to make a lot of money, you won't actually be
able to spend them the way you wished. If you get too old and all you did with your youth was to work
hard in order to make money, you won't be able to buy the time you lost, and you will start regreting
that you didn't enjoy your life more.

The third one, and the most important, is that life isn't about money, life is about happines and finding
what we love. Of course, we need money to do those things, but that doesn't mean we should focus on
making large amounts of money. We should be satisfied with less, because not always the most
expensives things are the best. A cheaper car does what an expensive car has to do too: it takes you
from point A to point B, and this thing should give us all the satisfy we need.

In conclusion, I consider that money should not be our main goal in life, and we should be satisfied with
a comfortable living, and instead of triyng to make more money we should instead try to enjoy our life.

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