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1. Look at the flags below, identify the countries they represent and say what they have in common. (15 points)

a) b) c) d)

2. Put the words/expressions on the left into the right category according to the variety of English it belongs.
(15 points)

barbie sick roo autumn Australian English American English British English
travelling lift subway cookies
Do you have a map? at the weekend

3. Use the words in the box to identify the following body language signs. (9 points)

1. agreement 2. Honesty 3. Lying 4. Defensiveness 5. Tension 6. disinterest

a. Bitting lips c. Crossed arms e. Bead nodding

b. Hands in pockets d. Direct eye contact f. Touching nose while speaking

4. Complete the following text with the words/expressions given below. (15 points)

Proof acts execute political spray paint tools tagging mural train style

Like all other artistic forms, graffiti has experienced movements or changes in _____1_____. From the first tag
scribbled on a subway _____2_____ to the large, complex _____3_____ on a billboard, the movement has
experienced change. The _____4_____ and the means have changed as well. Markers were traded in for
_____5_____ paint, and stencils and stickers were introduced to make pieces easier to _____6_____ in a hurry.
The messages have also evolved. Graffiti has always been a bit _____7_____, but it has come a long way from
simply _____8_____ one's name to parodying world leaders to make a statement.
This is further _____9_____ that graffiti is a form of art and not just a result of random _____10_____ of
vandalism. The graffiti community moves in different directions and the resultant artwork moves with it.

5. Write the type of Future construction (Future simple, Be going to, Present Simple or Present Continuous) used
for each situation. (8 points)

a. Timetables _________________________
b. Fixed arrangements _________________________
c. Plans or intentions _________________________
d. Predict a future event _________________________

Death threats over new Banksy painting

A new painting by the "guerilla artist" Banksy is currently
the focus of a heated argument in the city of Bristol, England. The
painting appeared overnight on a building. The leader of a nearby
youth club, Dennis Stinchcombe, couldn't believe his luck when he
5 saw it and discovered it was a Banksy that could be worth up to
$150,000. He prised it off the wall using a crowbar and stored it in
the youth club. However, the city mayor said Mr Stinchcombe had
no right to take the painting as it was on the wall of a city-owned
building. The mayor wants the painting put back. Stinchcombe said it would be vandalised and hopes to auction it
10 to raise money for the youth club. He has since received death threats from angry Banksy fans.
The painting has been called "Mobile Lovers". It depicts a man and woman embracing while checking out
their mobile phones over one another's shoulder. Art by Banksy is much sought after the world over. The
mysterious artist, who is only known by the pseudonym Banksy, has become famous for paintings left on walls
and buildings around the world. Many have been removed by building owners and caused similar spats.
15 Wikipedia says Banksy's work combines, "dark humour with graffiti executed in a distinctive stenciling
technique." Banksy's work is heavy on political and social commentary. The city mayor said it was "against the
spirit of Banksy and street art" to remove it from where the artist put it.

1. Read the article and say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). (24 points)
Correct the false ones.

a. The article described Banksy as a "gorilla artist". T/F

b. The Banksy painting had been on the building for over a week. T/F
c. A mayor said it was wrong to remove the painting from the wall. T/F
d. The person who took it thinks it might have been vandalised. T/F
e. The painting is called "Love of Mobiles". T/F
f. Banksy is also known by the name Jo Chameleon. T/F
g. Banksy produces paintings on buildings all over the world. T/F
h. The mayor said street art should remain where the artist made it. T/F

2. Match the words from the left with their synonyms. (12 points)

1. heated
2. appeared b. collect
3. heavy on c. strived for
4. put back d. shows
5. raise e. passionate
6. depicts f. merges
7. sought after g. profuse with
8. combines h. turned up
9. heavy on j. returned
3. Who/What do the following words refer to? (8 points)

a. he (line 4) b. it (line 8) c. who (line 13) d. many (line 14)

4. Explain the meaning of this statement “Art by Banksy is much sought after the world over.” (8 points)

5. Fill in the blanks with a part of the body from this list. (8 points)

eye chin nose heart lips

a) Keep your __________ up. I’m sure you’ll be able to understand English soon.
b) Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about your secret. My __________ are sealed.
c) I’ve asked the neighbours to keep an __________ on my house while I’m away.
d) I know all the vocabulary so far. I’ve learnt it by __________.

6. Replace the word or phrase in bold with one of the idioms from the list below. Make the necessary changes.
One is left out. (12 points)

• Have one’s head in the clouds • be head over heels • cost an arm and a leg • Cry one’s heart out

a) Marta is completely in love with her new boyfriend.

b) She felt very unhappy when he went to Scotland to get a Master’s Degree.
c) These paintings are wonderfull, but they are very expensive.

7. Fill in the gaps with a, an, the or Ø. (12 points)

Martina is _____ Ukrainian student who is studying in _____ Portuguese school. She is staying with _____
amazing host family. _____ family lives in _____ countryside and Martina loves it! _____ family has got _____
dog – Kikas. _____Kikas also likes Martina. She hopes to return to _____ Ukraine _____ next summer. She will
miss _____ Portugal and _____ Portuguese.


In about 120 words, write an opinion essay on graffiti based on the quotation below.

“Graffiti is real art and should be put in art galleries and museums.”

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