Jurnal Radiologi Atelektasis

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By C. M. VAN ALLEN, M.D., Peiping, China, the late W. A. LAFIELD, M.D., and
P. S. ROSS, M.D., Cleveland, Ohio
From the Department of Surgery, Peiping Union Medical College, and the Department of
Roentgenology, Yale University School of Medicine

IATELECTASIS is not diagnosed with most abdominal operations and in which

I~ entire satisfaction by means of the the diaphragm stands nearly motionless
x-ray, owing partly to a lack of at about the position of normal complete
unanimity as to the definition of the term, expiration. Other examples are the semi-
and partly to a lack of pathognomonic inflated states of the lungs which exist in
signs. conjunction with deformities of the thor-
The situation regarding the first cause is acic walls, with intrathoracic tumors, or
as follows. Standard text-books of pa- with partial pneumo- or hydrothorax.
thology refer to atelectasis as a totally Such relationship as exists between
airless state of the entire lungs, or of any pneumonia and atelectasis does not at all
part of them, with collapse of the small warrant merging them. True enough,
airways and alveoli (the walls of these patches of obstructive atelectasis com-
compartments lying in direct contact with monly develop as pneumonia advances
one another, 1). This refers alike to the (4) because masses of viscid exudate collect
three recognized types of the disease- in the bronchi of the inflamed part, meta-
congenital, obstructive, and compressive. stasize, and plug the bronchi of neighbor-
Most clinical writers have adhered to these ing parts. Also, it is now generally be-
criteria, but recently some have extended lieved that areas of obstructive atelectasis
the meaning of the term to include nearly contaminated with pneumococci are more
all conditions in which it is evident from prone to develop pneumonia than are
examination of the living subject that the areas of normally inflated lung so con-
lung is denser than normal and reduced in taminated. However, both experimental
size, regardless of the nature of the and clinical experience have indicated that
consolidation. For instance, Coryllos and neither disease constantly precedes the
Birnbaum (2) call pneumococcal pneu- other and that these diseases do not al-
monia and atelectasis one and the same ways accompany each other. Thus, the
disease, mainly because, in both, the lung classical work of Blake and Cecil (5) on the
is consolidated and smaller than normal. pa thogenesis of pneumonia demonstrates
Coryllos (3) illustrates the histologic ap- that pneumococci enter the lungs by way
pearances of atelectasis with photomicro- of the peribronchial lymphatics and travel
graphs of lungs in which the alveoli are by those paths 'to the periphery, so that
filled with inflammatory exudate (pneu- the alveoli, not the bronchi as Coryllos
monia). Some authors include under contends, are the first of the airways to be
atelectasis a variety of states in which the involved with inflammatory exudate. The
pulmonary tissues are partially air-con- clinical pathologist has frequent oppor-
taining and lack complete alveolar collapse tunity to examine the lungs in the ex-
in any part. An extreme example of this tremely early stages of pneumonia, but
is the condition of the lower lobes of the he does not regularly, or even usually, find
lungs in post-operative elevation of the atelectasis (Figs. 9 and 10).
diaphragm-that situation which follows It is equally unwarranted to class

Fig. 2. Massive atelectasis of the entire right

middle lobe (male, 67 years) due to obstruction of
the corresponding lobar bronchus by carcinoma.
The shadow of the lobe exhibits the ground-glass
sign and an extreme gradation of density. The
right hemidiaphragm is lifted and the heart and
trachea are attracted toward the lesion.

Fig. 1. (Above): Massive atelectasis of one entire tween hypoventilated and atelectatic lungs
lobe of a dog's lungs, showing the ground-glass-like
appearance of the roentgen shadow. The atelec- is not only theoretically sound but also of
tasis was produced by bronchial obstruction during practical significance; for it differentiates
the last 24 hours of life. (Below): Same lobe, after
inflation to about normal size, demonstrating the between the pulmonary states of partial
increased radiolucence and size and the finely work and complete rest, which may be
traced structural markings.
clinically important, especially in the
therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis with
partially air-containing states of the lungs artificial pneumothorax.
with atelectasis. If the pulmonary condi- The lack of pathognomonic signs in the
tion in uncomplicated post-operative ele- diagnosis of atelectasis and the mistakes
vation of the diaphragm is termed atelecta- which arise therefrom will be evident from
sis, then it must be said that all persons the following brief survey of the roentgen
develop the latter disease with every diagnosis.
maximum expiration! These semi-ex- The most characteristic roentgeno-
panded states of the lungs are more rea- graphic feature of unilateral, obstructive, or
sonably referred to by Overholt's (6) congenital atelectasis is ordinarily taken to
expression, namely, "pulmonary hypo- be the gross reduction in the size of the
ventilation," since the affected parts carry affected tissues that is indicated by certain
on a definite, though reduced, respiratory displacements of the pulmonary environs-
exchange with the outer atmosphere, while the half of the diaphragm on the side
atelectatic tissues are totally without occupied by the lesion is elevated, and a
external respiration. 1 The distinction be- part or all of the mediastinum is carried
toward that side. Both of these displace-
1 These partially air-containing states of the lungs may remain
without change for long periods; whereas, according to many
ments appear with lesions involving com-
observers, any part of the lungs that is cut off from all external paratively small parts of the lung as well
exchange of air for more than a few hours becomes completely
airless. as with those extending over large portions.

Fig. 4. Massive atelectasis of a tuberculous right

upper lobe (male, 36 years) caused by artificial
Fig. 3. Massive atelectasis of the whole left lung pneumothorax. The lobe was adherent at the
(male, 6 years) developing from obstruction of the apex so that it was compressed only from the sides.
left primary bronchus by a plug of mucus, five days Its light ground-glass-like shadow contrasts with
after the onset of bronchopneumonia of the left the mottled shadows of the partially collapsed,
lower lobe. The ground-glass shadow is presented hypoventilated lobes below. The right hemidia-
in the intercostal spaces of the entire left lung-field, phragm is elevated but the mediastinum is not
although it is most easily recognized at the periph- displaced.
ery. The heart is missing from its normal posi-
tion and lost in the shadow of the left lung-field.
The .left hemidiaphragm is also indistinguishable.
The intercostal spaces on the side of the lesion are
toward the side of the lesion at inspiration
narrowed and the spine is slightly bent.
and away from it at expiration.
Bilaterally symmetrical, obstructive, or
When the atelectasis is confined to the congenital, atelectasis shows no media-
lower lung-field, the heart may be the only stinal displacements nor inequalities in
mediastinal organ showing distraction; position and movement of the diaphragm
when the lesion is limited to the upper and ribs on the two sides. This is also
field, the trachea alone is often displaced, true of compressive atelectasis, where
and when the entire hemilung is involved, the diaphragm, mediastinum, and ribs
both organs are displaced. The bony parts are either unchanged in position or are dis-
of the chest give the least evidence of dis- placed in directions opposite to those that
location: the ribs on the side with the have just been described.
atelectasis are commonly drawn somewhat These features of atelectasis are quite
together and downward, while those on generally recognized and agreed upon,
the opposite side are spread apart and but unanimity is lacking as regards the
elevated a little more than normal. The nature of the shadow cast by the pul-
spine sometimes becomes slightly scoliotic, monary tissues themselves. Some ob-
with the concavity of the curve directed servers (7, 8) find the shadow homo-
toward the lesion. The respiratory move- geneous, others (9), mottled or streaked,
ments are changed; the hemidiaphragm and many more, without constant compo-
and ribs on the side of the lesion move sition; again some find the shadow only
less than normally, while those on the slightly more radiopaque than the normal
other side usually compensate by moving lung, and others (9, 10), so very opaque
more than normally. The mediastinum as to be indistinguishable from the
has a pendulum-like swing, with motion shadows of the heart, liver, and ribs with

Fig. 6. Focal obstructive atelectasis of the whole

left lung (male, 27 years) which formed two days
after appendectomy. The left lung-field is dense
Fig. 5. Focal obstructive atelectasis of the lower and mottled but without the ground-glass sign.
part of the right lung (male, .53 years) which de- The mediastinum is displaced toward it. The
veloped 24 hours after cholecystectomy. The position of the left hemidiaphragm is hidden.
affected part is denser than normal throughout and
presents mottlings, but there is no ground-glass
appearance. The heart and trachea are drawn
toward the lesion. The right hcrnidiaphragrn is and mediastinal dislocation in 12 per cent.
indistinguishable. Manges (l9) and Packard (20) point to
the circumstance that the lung markings
and environmental displacements which
which it merges. It has been discovered characterize obstructive atelectasis may
that the lung is most dense in post- appear also in fibroid pulmonary tuber-
operative atelectasis and least so in the culosis, and they believe that mistakes in
compressive form of the lesion (7), the diagnosis are often made on that ac-
explanation given for this being that count.
greater amounts of interstitial inflamma- This insufficiency in diagnosis led us
tory fluids are usually present in the lung three years ago to begin seeking system-
in the former condition (11, 12). As atically for new roentgen signs to dis-
far as we can find, no writer in stating tinguish between atelectasis and other
that the shadow may be either homo- lesions which produce consolidation of the
geneous or heterogeneous suggests a cause; lung-fields. It seemed possible that a
nor has anyone called attention to the use roentgenographic study of the naked lungs
that can be made of the composition of might disclose differences in the consis-
the pulmonary shadow as a means of tencyof the shadow of these lesions which,
differentiating types of atelectasis or of when specially looked for, could be de-
distinguishing atelectasis from other dis- tected easily in clinical thoracic roentgeno-
eases which produce increased density of grams. Accordingly the study was under-
the lung. taken. Also, some information as to the
All these signs rnay occur in certain size relationships of diseased and normal
other pulmonary diseases. Many (13-18) lungs, which was obtained from experi-
have found them in pneumonia and have ments of Van Allen, Wu, and Wang,
called attention to the uncertainty of seemed applicable to the differential diag-
diagnosis arising on that account. Wu nosis of atelectasis, and this matter was
(18) found definite diaphragmatic eleva- tested. A terminology of atelectasis was
tion in 55 per cent of cases of pneumonia employed which was compatible with both

Fig. 7. Focal congenital atelectasis of both

lungs (female, 3 hours). The child was markedly
dyspneic and cyanotic at the time. Both lung-
fields show mottlings which are roughly arranged
in lines radiating from the hiluses, but no ground-
glass sign.

the pathology of the disease and the clinical

Terms.-"Atelectasis" was used in the Fig. 8. Congenital atelectasis in the lungs taken
from. a still-born infant. Above: the left lung,
restricted sense to mean that state of the showing the ground-glass appearance of massive
lungs as a whole or in any part with com- atelectasis. Below: the right lung after partial
artificial inflation, giving the mottled shadow of
plete airlessness and alveolar collapse. focal atelectasis, with a radial arrangement some-
It was referred to as massive when the area what similar to that in Figure 7.
involved was large enough to permit the
consistency of its roentgen shadow to be
determined, and as focal when the area was secured and analyzed: First, massive
was not so large. (This brought under atelectasis was produced in several dogs
focal atelectasis, not only the single by plugging a lobar bronchus for 24 hours.
and isolated areas of alveolar collapse, but The animals were sacrificed, the lungs
also the varieties in which the areas of removed, and roentgenograms made of
collapse are minute, multiple, and more or both the normal and the atelectatic lobes.
less widely distributed.) 2 The atelectatic lobes were reinflated arti-
ficially and roentgenographed again. Sec-
M'ethod of Study of the Pulmonary
ond, specimens of human lungs, which in
Roentgen Shadow.-Material of three types
toto presented examples of the three types
2 The adjectives, lobar and lobular, are commonly employed of atelectasis and of all of the common
by others to denote the forms of distribution of atelectasis, but
they are anatomical terms used properly only by the pathologist.
consolidating lesions of other varieties,
The clinical roentgenologist is seldom in a position to know with were obtained fresh at autopsy, roentgeno-
certainty the boundaries of the lesion relative to these units of
structure. Thus, autopsy has often shown that lesions thought grams were made of them, and the nature
clinically to be lobar actually involved a little less or a little
more than one lobe (Fig. 17). Indeed, the roentgenologist does of the lesions was checked by gross and
not need to define the boundaries of the lesions so accurately. histologic examination. Third, roentgeno-
The terms focal and m assiue have been used before, of course.
They have no reference to anatomical units but when the ex- grams of the chests of living human sub-
pression "of the upper (or middle or lower) lung field, anterior
(or posterior) part" is added, they indicate well enough the jects presenting these lesions, of which the
distribution of the lesion. Their chief advantage lies in the fact
that, when used in conjunction with the diagnostic signs to be
diagnosis was made as accurately as pos-
described, they differentiate two clinically distinct varieties of sible by all known clinical methods, were
atelectasis in each of the three recognized types of the disease.
This will be evident from what follows. collected. The lung shadows in the three

Fig. 10. Microscopic appearance of a pneumonic

area of the specimen of Figure 9. The alveoli are
filled with polymorphonuclear leukocytes, and
three air-pockets are present. The neighboring
regions, not shown in the illustration, present
alveoli containing both clear fluid and air. No
alveoli were collapsed (atelectatic).

Fig. 9. Extremely early bronchopneumonia and

congestion in the right upper pulmonary lobe raphy and account for the exquisitely
taken from an adult human being after death and defined markings of the bronchial and
inflated to about normal size. The left lower
quadrant of the specimen presents the mottlings vascular arborizations which appear in the
of the lesions, while the other parts show the shadows of normal lungs (Fig. I-B), as
delicate tracery of normal lung structure. No
area has the ground-glass appearance. well as for the clarity of delineation of foci
of consolidation in otherwise air-filled
lungs (Fig. 9). It is not generally ap-
types of x-ray films so obtained were preciated, perhaps, that amounts of air
studied and compared as to composition. in the tissues, so small as to be unde-
Ground-glass Shadow.-Many of the tectable with other methods of gross ex-
characteristics of the roentgen shadows of amination and disclosed otherwise only
animal tissues which result from the by aid of the microscope, are plainly re-
presence of air within the tissues are vealed with roentgenography. This point
generally well appreciated, although the bears especially upon the present subject,
physical explanation of these effects is not as will appear later. Only when the tissues
entirely understood. Thus, a pocket of air are entirely free from infiltration with air
in the tissues appears as a "negative is their shadow homogeneous. The totally
shadow," and diffuse infiltration with air airless lung has the same uniformity of
causes the tissues to take on a general consistency of shadow (Fig. I-A) as does
increase in radiolucence. These phe- the liver, spleen, kidney, or any other mass
nomena are commonly explained by refer- of solid soft tissue of a single composition.
ence to the great difference in atomic The density of the shadow, of course, de-
weight between the tissues and the air, pends upon the total thickness of the organ.
and to the displacement of the tissues by Therefore, every thoracic roentgenogram
air; but recent work (21) shows that contains examples of the appearances of
the increase in radiolucence is greater by the completely airless lung-the shadow of
far than can be accounted for by these or the subcutaneous tissue at the profiles of
other known physical principles. What- the chest, neck, and shoulders resembling
ever the explanation is, the phenomena are that of the thin airless lung, and the shadow
fundamental to pulmonary roentgenog- of the liver or heart being like that of the

Fig. 12. "Fibroid" tuberculosis of the whole left

Fig. 11. Lobar pneumonia (female, 29 years), lung and of part of the right upper lobe (male, 25
36 hours after the onset. The lower part of the right years) two years after the onset. The lesions are
lung-field shows a fan-shaped shadow of streaks and represented by discrete and confluent mottlings
mottlings, quite unlike ground-glass lung. The heart is and streaks and there is no ground-glass sign.
slightly displaced toward the lesion and the right hemi- The heart and trachea are drawn toward the side
diaphragm is elevated. with the larger lesion, and the hemidiaphragm on
that side is slightly raised.

thick airless lung. The appearance is best

described by likening the x-ray film in that tinguished readily from the presence of
region to a pane of glass with finely ground other signs. In short, the ground-glass
unpolished surfaces-whence the name, sign enters into the diagnosis of pulmonary
"ground-glass" shadow. lesions to the extent that it indicates
Our observations have shown that the complete airlessness of the field ordinarily
shadow of an area of atelectasis-con- occupied by the lung or of such part of
gential, obstructive, or compressive, in that field as is large enough for the compo-
dog or in man-always exhibits the ground- sition of the roentgen shadow to be recog-
glass roentgen shadow, provided: (1) that nized.
the dosage of x-rays is such as to obtain Degree of Pulmonary Shrinkage.-Recent
penetration of the tissues and demon- measurements by Wang and Van Allen
stration of their radio-consistency (which (22) agree with the qualitative observa-
is usually the case with the standard tions by many others, that a completely
thoracic roentgenogram), and (2) that the ateletatic division of the lung is very
shadow of the lesion is large enough to much smaller than normal, at either in-
permit discernment of its consistency. spiration or expiration. Van Allen and
On the other hand, many of the common Wu (23) measured the volumes of dogs'
consolidating lesions of the lung which lung lobes which had been inoculated
are confused with atelectasis present a with pneumococci during life and been
distinctly heterogeneous consistency of allowed to develop pneumonia. They
shadow because of residual air. Some found, pertinent to the present subject,
lesions besides atelectasis present ground- that the volume was about normal at
glass shadows but these are usually dis- expiration and very frequently much

Fig. 14. Lobar pneumonia of the entire right

lung complicated by acute empyema (female, 2
years), 14 days after the beginning of symptoms
The pus presents a ground-glass shadow in the
Fig. 13. Chronic empyema, with great thickening lateral half of the right lung-field (A-A ') while
of the pleura; and a very small cavity (male, 21 the consolidated lung casts a mottled shadow
years), resulting from a gunshot three years before. in the m~dial half (A I-A "). The intercostal spaces
It had been drained externally but failed to heal on the right are narrowed, but the corresponding
because of a retained foreign body. A solid body hemidiaphragm is very slightly depressed and the
of thickened pleura (A I-A ") occupies the lateral heart and trachea are pushed toward the other
half of the left lung-field and exhibits the ground- side.
glass sign. The partially compressed, hypoven-
tilated lung (A-A ') lies in the medial half of the
field, with a shadow that is less dense, mottled, and
streaked. The cavity is at B. The spine is curved side of the lesion in the majority of the
to the left, the intercostal spaces on that side are cases at inspiration but never at expiration.
narrowed, and the hemidiaphragm is lifted, but the
heart is pushed toward the other side. It follows that a point of differentiation
may be expected to appear in clinical
roentgenography between atelectasis and
smaller than normal at inspiration. The pneumonia, if the diaphragm is examined
abnormality of volume at inspiration at expiration as well as at inspiration;
was most pronounced at the stages of the namely, in atelectasis elevation of the
infection before development of consolida- hemidiaphragm on the side of the lesion
tion and after complete resolution of the should occur at both phases of respiration,
consolidation, and it was least pronounced whereas in pneumonia it occurs if at all
during the height of consolidation. The at inspiration only. ' ,
shrinkage was not due to atelectasis, since Clinical Results.-The application which
none was present, but it was thought to we have found in the diagnosis of atelecta-
be due to increased elastic tension of the sis for the ground-glass sign and for these
parenchyma caused by the thickening of factors of pulmonary shrinkage, taken
the alveolar septa that was present during together with the other diagnositic signs
all stages of this pulmonary inflammation. of atelectasis, is given in the following
The increased tension brought about in- paragraphs. The diagnosis of the disease
creased resistance to expansion of the in- has become distinctly improved in ac-
flamed part of the lung and this caused curacy during the two years during which
that part to be smaller than normal at these principles have been in use.
inspiration. Later Wu (18) found these
size relationships in man also, for thoracic
roentgenograms showed an abnormally Massive Atelectasis.-The roentgen
high position of the hemidiaphragm on the shadow of a massive area of atelectasis has

the consistency of ground-glass, unless

shadows of irregular density are super-
imposed thereon. Accordingly, the sign
is obtained in clinical roentgenograms
only in the intercostal spaces and in areas
in which the atelectasis involves the full
thickness of the lung. The density is
greater at the hilic region than at the
periphery (Fig. 2), and in lungs containing
more interstitial fluids than in those con-
taining less (Figs. 3 and 4). Close scrutiny
may be required to recognize the ground-
glass quality in the denser shadows, but
that quality in the lighter ones is very
obvious. The borders of areas of ground-
glass lung may be sharp, or they may be
indistinct or totally lost because of fusion
with neighboring shadows of similar con-
sistency, principally the shadows of the
heart and liver. The sign applies to all Fig. 15. Massive obstructive atelectasis, with
cortical distribution accompanying lobar pneumonia
three types of atelectasis alike (Figs. 2, 4, of the right upper lobe (male, 3 years) four days
and 8). It often represents the only after onset of illness. The lateral third of the right
upper lobe (A-A ') gives the ground-glass appear-
diagnostic criterion of the disease, espe- ance of atelectasis, while the remainder of the lobe
cially in compressive atelectasis and in (A I-A") shows the mottled shadow of pneumonia.
The trachea and heart are displaced toward the
symmetrically distributed, obstructive, or lesion. Compare with Figure lG.
congenital atelectasis. In asymmetrically
distributed, obstructive, or congenital
atelectasis the ground-glass sign is ac- scattered mottlings, cloudings, and streaks,
companied by visceral dislocations of which marks correspond to the positions of
the kind peculiar to atelectasis, which the individual foci of alveolar collapse.
were described in the introduction to this The ground-glass sign is absent. Focal
paper, and the dislocations occur at both atelectasis occurs in pure form most fre-
inspiration and expiration. The shape of quently in the compressive and congenital
the shadow is characteristic when the lesion types of the disease. The compressive
is due to obstruction of a single bronchus, focal lesion is seen in lungs which are held
for then the shadow fills the distribution partially collapsed for .long periods, as
of one bronchus, be it one whole lobe frequently occurs in "mantle" pneumo-
(Figs. 2 and 18) or a triangular segment of thorax, and the congenital focal lesion
one lobe (Fig. 16); but oftentimes the occurs very transiently in the process of
shadow corresponds in shape to no units of expansion of the lungs of the new-born
pulmonary structure, as, for example, infant (Figs. 7 and 8). In both, the mark-
with multiple peripheral bronchiolar ob- ings are usually "hard" and lie on a rather
structions when the shadow occupies a radiolucent background. Furthermore, in
zone along the profile of the lung (Fig. 15), the congenital lesion, they tend to be
and with pulmonary compression when the arranged in lines radiating from the hilus.
shadow conforms to the zone of the pres- Focal atelectasis occurs very often in
sure upon the lung that happens to be in combination with various forms of pulmo-
effect. nary inflammation. Thus, the majority of
Focal Atelectasis.-The shadow of a cases of post-operative atelectasis are of
part of the lungs which is involved with the focal form; but here the entire
multiple focal atelectatic lesions presents involved region is usually fairly dark and

the mottlings, cloudings, or streaks in the tween pneumonia and atelectasis, when
lung-field are hazy and indistinctly sepa- each is in pure form, is thus quite easy:
rated from one another (Figs. 5 and 6).3 Pneumonia is distinguished from massive
As the disease progresses, the markings in a at electasis by the lack of the ground-glass
part or all of the area may become com- sign, and from focal atelectasis by the lack
pletely confluent and the ground-glass sign at expiration of such visceral displace-
appears; but then, of course, the lesion is ments as are caused by reduction in pul-
partly or wholly one of massive atelectasis. monary size.
More concerning the composite lesions Tuberculosis.-It is as true of tuber-
will be written below. Visceral displace- culosis as of pneumonia, that the affected
ments of the kind denoting reduction in portion of the lung contains some, though a
the size of the lung occur with focal reduced amount, of air and casts a hetero-
atelectasis under the same conditions as geneous roentgen shadow (Figs. 12 and 18).
with massive atelectasis, i.e., at both To be sure, uniformly caseous areas are
inspiration and expiration and when the totally airless, but these are rarely larg :
lesions are obstructive or congenital and enough to give the ground-glass shadow.
unilaterally predominant. The denser lesions rnay show no other
Pneumonia. -The roentgen shadow of a irregularity of composition than faint
pneumonic area of lung, whatever the clouds, but, even so, their shadows are
type or stage of the pneumonia, is prac- clearly not of ground-glass quality. Small
tically always heterogeneous in compo- scattered tuberculous lesions often show
sition because of the air that is scattered markings that are readily mistakable
throughout the lesion. 4 The congestion for those of focal atelectasis. In cases in
and consolidation of early broncho- or which visceral displacements are lacking,
lobar pneumonia are indicated roentgeno- obstructive focal atelectasis is ruled out;
graphically by hazy streaks or mottlings but where such displacements occur, at
in the lung-field (Figs. 9 and 11), which both inspiration and expiration, as they
are sometimes very similar to the markings often do from the contraction of fibrous
in focal atelectasis. As the consolidation tissue in the lung, it may be difficult or
spreads, these opacities increase in num- impossible to distinguish tuberculosis from
ber, size, and density and become more focal atelectasis by means of roentgenog-
and more confluent; but, even at the raphy alone. Under these circumstances,
height of the disease, careful scrutiny of course, obstructive focal atelectasis
discloses faint cloudings or mottlings rather (that is, in its pure form) can be ruled
than a completely uniform and ground- out usually from the fact that it seldom,
glass shadow. The ground-glass appear- if ever, occurs so chronically as does tuber-
ance occurs rarely, and only in markedly culosis. Conversely, when the lung is
chronic pneumonias. Visceral displace- partially compressed, as with mantle
ments in pneumonia indicating reduction pneumothorax, and compressive focal
in the size of the lung are either entirely atelectasis develops therein, it may
lacking or are confined to inspiration. be impossible to distinguish the condition
The diaphragm is usually the only struc- from tuberculosis. This much may be
ture dislocated. The differentiation be- said rather categorically of the differentia-
S The general density and haziness are due to the acute in-
tion of these two diseases: The lack of the
flammation that nearly always accompanies the lesion in these ground-glass sign rules out massive atelecta-
patients. in the form of edema, bronchopneumonia, or both.
The special r6le of this inflammation in the pathogenesis of post. sis, and the lack of visceral displacements
operative atelectasis is explained in another publication (24). eliminates obstructive focal atelectasis.
4 Histologic examination of the consolidated tissues in pneu-
monia, even at the height of the lobar disease. usually reveals Hemorrhagic Infarction.-The roentgen-
scattered bubbles of air. These may be small and sparse, but
in toto they disturb very distinctly the uniformity of composition shadow of an infarct is almost always
of the roentgen shadow. The air remains throughout the course
of acute pneumonia, probably because the blood supply, upon
heterogeneous in consistency owing to the
which its absorption depends, is very poor. presence of smaller or larger amounts of

air in the tissues. 5 The shadow is mottled

or streaked, and the amount and degree
of such opacity are determined not only
by the quantity of blood and other fluids
extravasated in the lung, but also by
the presence and amount of atelectasis and
fibrosis. 6 The latter lesions sometimes
produce sufficient pulmonary shrinkage to
cause environmental displacements at both
inspiration and expiration. This is more
frequent in infarcts of several months'
duration. When fibrosis and atelectasis
are lacking, the displacements are also
lacking and the lesion is thereby dis-
tinguished from atelectasis. Otherwise,
hemorrhagic infarcts are known from
massive atelectasis by the absence of the
ground-glass sign, and from pure ob-
structive focal atelectasis by the great Fig. 16. Massive obstructive atelectasis asso-
rarity of chronic lesions of the latter type. ciated with unresolved pneumonia of the right
lower and middle lobes (male, 40 years) six weeks
Neoplasm. -When the air is displaced after onset of symptoms. The upper outer quad-
totally from a portion of the lung by in- rant (A) of the affected field gives the ground-glass
shadow of atelectasis, while the remainder gives the
filtration with tumor cells, the roentgen mottled and streaked shadow of pneumonia. The
shadow of the region presents the ground- mediastinal structures are shifted to the side of the
glass sign-that is, if the area is large
enough and if air-containing parenchyma
is not superimposed thereon. These two
conditions are not often present, but even visceral displacements are of no assistance.
when they are, neoplasm in pure form is However, pulmonary hypoventilation al-
readily distinguished from massive atel- ways can be told from massive atelectasis
ectasis by the absence of the environ- from the lack of the ground-glass shadow.
mental displacements characterizing the Extra-pulmonary Lesions.-Any extra-
latter disease. (See below for neoplasm pulmonary mass that encroaches upon
associated with atelectasis.) the lung-field and is uniformly and moder-
Pulmonary Hypoventilation.-Owing to ately radiopaque, like a collection of intra-
the partially collapsed state of the par- pleural fluid or thickened pleura, gives a
enchyma in pulmonary hypoventilation, ground-glass shadow, provided, of course,
the normal markings of the lung are that it is thick enough and does not lie
brought closely together and present a over air-containing lung. Because of the
mottled appearance that is often just like last requirement, these masses present the
that of pure focal atelectasis (Fig. 4). sign only when they occupy the full depth
Indeed, when the lung has been partially of the pulmonary space and this occurs
collapsed for days or weeks, both pul- most often at the profiles of the lung-field
monary hypoventilation and compressive (Figs. 13 and 14). They are readily
focal atelectasis are often present and the distinguished by the x-ray from massive
differentiation is impossible. Of course, atelectasis when, as is usual, they lack
environmental displacements of the type
r. Bubbles of air are captured in the alveoli at the occurrence
of infarction by the influx of red cells and serum. They tend to and extent characteristic of atelectasis;
remain there for very long periods, probably because the blood
supply is extremely poor (25). but when such displacements do occur,
6 In many hemorrhagic infarcts, foci of atelectasis develop as in chronic pleurisy with extensive
first from blockage of the air passages with blood cells and
desquamated epithelium and later from fibrosis (25). fibrosis, from the contraction of the fi-

are either not displaced at all or are dislo-

cated in a different direction than in
Composite Lesions.-When massive
atelectasis and another consolidative di-
sease occupy the same portion of the
lung-that is, when they are superimposed
upon each other-the ground-glass shadow
of atelectasis appears over the whole area
and obliterates all marks of the other
lesion (Figs. 3, 4, 15, and 16); unless
masses such as calcific deposits (Fig. 17) or
air-filled cavities (Fig. 18), which are of
distinctly different density from the airless
pulmonary tissues, are present to indicate
the existence of the second lesion. The
markings of pneumonia and of tuber-
culosis are effaced most often by the super-
imposition of massive atelectasis. Of
course, when any part of the inflammatory
field is left without atelectasis, the lung
markings characteristic of the inflammation
appear in that region side by side with the
ground-glass shadow of the atelectasis
(Figs. 15 and 16).
When lesions of focal atelectasis form
in a field containing small bronchopneu-
monic foci, the composition of the shadow
does not indicate the fact, but the pres-
Fig. 17. Massive obstructive atelectasis and ence of environmental displacements of the
pneumonia in the left lung taken from a man type and extent characteristic of atelecta-
(45 years) who died one week after gastro-enteros-
tomy and five days after onset of acute respiratory sis does so. Focal atelectasis in a field
symptoms. The lower lobe is shrunken and pre- occupied by tuberculosis- is well-nigh un-
sents the ground-glass sign of atelectasis, except at
points where calcareous bronchial plaques cast 8 Compressive and obstructive atelectasis, of both focal and
dense shadows (A). The lower fourth of the upper massive forms, develops very often in association with pulmonary
lobe is also atelectatic and has the same appearance, tuberculosis. The compressive type is practically always second-
but the remainder of that lobe is pneumonic and ary to pneumothorax or other cause of local pulmonary com-
pression. Bronchial obstruction is common in tuberculosis, for
mottled. (Reproduced by permission of Dr. the infection often begins by involving the lymphoid patches in,
Edward D. Churchill.) or close beside, the tertiary bronchi (26) and produces swelling,
caseation, ulceration, and cicatrization (with healing) of the
bronchial wall. Van Allen and Ch'in (27), by examining a few
lungs of man at autopsy, have been able to find several examples
of peripheral bronchi abruptly obliterated at points at which
brous tissue, the roentgenographic ap- they passed through small healed tuberculous lesions. In these
pearances may be quite like those of cases, as probably also in the great majority of all instances of
obstruction in tuberculosis, the lobule of the obliterated bronchus
massive obstructive atelectasis of cortical was not atelectatic but fully air-containing owing to collateral
respiration (28, 29). But where inflammatory swelling (here
distribution. 7 However, in the great tuberculous) of the parenchyma interferes with collateral
respiration (24), atelectasis must develop, being focal in form
majority of these extra-pleural masses, where small bronchi are blocked and massive where large bronchi
the viscera in the neighborhood of the lungs are blocked.
We believe that .many of the tuberculous lesions that are
diagnosed as fibroid because of pronounced pulmonary shrinkage
7 We know of several cases of pneumonia in children in which present that quality because of the presence .in the lesions of
the differentiation between a local collection of pleural fluid and many small foci of atelectasis, rather than because of the con-
cortical atelectasis was possible only by thoracentesis. In traction of fibrous tissue, as is commonly thought. This belief
one case reported to us, cortical atelectasis was mistaken for is entertained because in many cases the lung returns to normal
empyema and thoractomy by rib-resection was actually done; size coincidently with healing. The return to normal size is
but there the mistake could have been prevented by noting and "readily explainable by reinflation of the atelectatic foci by
correctly interpreting the presence of the visceral shift typical collateral respiration (30), whereas scar tissue would cause per-
of atelectasis. manent or, at least, long enduring pulmonary shrinkage.

recognizable roentgenographically, since

the composition of the shadow is not
appreciably different and since the en-
vironmental dislocation produced by the
atelectasis does not help, appearing as it does
also in tuberculosis without atelectasis. 9
When neoplasms of the lung are asso-
ciated with atelectasis, from obstruction of
bronchi or from compression of the par-
enchyma by the tumor, or from both
causes, the shadows of the two lesions are
fused and indistinguishable. The tumor
may then be unrecognizable as such, or, if
detected, it may appear much larger than
it really is. At least the presence of the
obstructive atelectasis is indicated by the
occurrence of environmental displacements
of the atelectatic type (Fig. 2), but even Fig. 18. Massive obstructive atelectasis of the
the presence of compressive atelectasis is right upper lobe superimposed upon chronic fibroid
tuberculosis (female, 20 years) two years after onset.
frequently undetectable roentgenographi- The upper lobe presents the ground-glass appear-
cally. We know of no way to overcome ance of atelectasis except where "negative shadows"
mark the positions of cavities (A), while the field
these difficulties. below shows the heterogeneous shadow of tuberculo-
Intrapleural accumulations of fluid or sis. The mediastinal structures are drawn toward
the right and the corresponding hemidiaphragm is
masses of thickened pleura lying at the pro- lifted.
files of the lung-field often seem thicker
than they actually are, because they
compress the cortex of the lung and pro- of the lungs in pneumonia as compared to
duce a layer of massive atelectasis that that in atelectasis are introduced. The
adds to the width of the ground-glass differential diagnosis of atelectasis is then
roentgen shadow. Displacement of en- outlined, with special reference to the
vironmental viscera does not enter to manner of use of the ground-glass lung and
assist the diagnosis. This source of error of the degree of pulmonary shrinkage.
seems to have no remedy.
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