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Mystery Movie Star: Teacher's notes Topic focus Films; Celebrities and celebrity gossip Grammar / Functional focus Modal verbs of deduction (might, could, can't etc); Direct and reported speech; Past simple passive Level / Number of students Upper intermediate to Advanced / Minimum six students Time 30-50 mins, depending on number of teams (Extension 20-25 mins.) Preparation Copy the Movie Star factsheets (one per team of to to three students) and Weve itch ~The Project (below: one per tear). Ifyou can get hold of any celebrity magazines, Such as Hell” or “OK, take them nto the lesson WI Suggested lead-in Elicit the names of ten international movie stars Write them on the board, along with the following questions for pair discussion (5 mins: How many ofthe movie stars are Hollywoad stars? Why do you think Holywood dominates the film industry? Why do you think flm star {9058p sells so many magazines and newspapers? Get feedback and continue the discussion by looking at ‘celebrity magazines ifyou have taken some into the clas. B Preparation for the task Pur the students inte teams of tw tothe atleast three teams) if you have over 18 students, make to groups Tell them that each team i ging to recive some interesting fet about a famous movie star but that they trust keep the deny ofthe star secret. Hand out the Movie star fect sheets. Read through the instructions with ‘them, Give ther fa fo three minutes to dacide on the best order to read out their facts, While theyre working, put team names and points columns on the board for seoring Noe: if te students have recerity studies mode verbs of probability (deduction, encourage ther t0 use these verbs during the activity (le might J must! can't be Brad Pre. ete) Ti Use background muse and space the teams out 50 ‘that they can" her each others conversations The task ‘Arrange the seating $0 that al the teams can see on hear eachother Toking it in tuns, the teams should read out one fact about thet movie tr. The other teams should make notes. At the end ofthe first round (ie. when al the teams have read ut ene fac, sk them I they would like to guess the iéentity of anybody ese sta (a wrong gues loses them 20 point). Encourage them to sey why they tink its thisstar. Fro one gueses corre, give all the tears ten pont. Then move on to the next round. The longer they stayin, the mare points they accumulete When a team guesses another team’s movie star, they get 30 bonus pints. Any team that hasbeen knocked out con sil ste and ry to gues the other movie star The rounds continue unt all te move stars have been guested. At the endif any stars are left ungusse, the other teams can all ave free guess. The team with the most pois wins Tip: Encourage the students to listen to each other carefully and to osk questions or rephrase if necessary. Do ot echo what they say yourself. This will discourage them {rom listening to each other. [At the ond, if there's time, get each team to summarise two or thee of the most interesting fects about their ‘movie star ta the cass Extension: Movie Pitch Ask them: if you were a mavie screenplay writer which of the film stars vroull you most lke to write afl for? Put ‘hem into groups of three te four so thet they are al iting fora film star they ike. Hand out the Movie Piteh Project Sheet (below), one copy per group and ead through it. f students would prefer, they could write for 2 aitferent star as ong as they know plenty about him / er. Each group should have the fact sheet for their star, and 3 secretary to make notes. Monitor, offering ideas if needed, After 10-15 minutes get each team to present their idea to the class Movie Pitch - The Project In teams of three to four you have ten minutes to think up an idea for a film for a famous movie star. To ensure that the movie star and the producers are interested, follow these guidelines: star's fife + use some ideas from the movie + make sure that there are at east two other big stars in the film + make sure that there isa “happy ‘ending’ for your chosen movie star Prepare to present your idea to the rest ofthe class. You may want to draw a few quick pictures for your presentation, “Try to make your presentation brief but memorable. (Imagine ‘you are ‘pitching’ the idea to your chosen star!) RPRRDTRR HOH AAaaaee AMAA A ial mom Mystery Movie Star Here are ten facts about a famous film star. KEEP THE FILM STAR SECRET! You will read them out to other students, and they will try to guess whe the film star is. You can choose which one to read out first, second, ete. You should try to stop them from guessing the film star for as long as possible, so leave the easy facts until the end. Explain any difficult vocabulary if necessary. Do not reac out the information in brackets. ‘+ Her real name was Norma Jean She was a direct descendant of a Mortensen. US President. (James Monroe} + She was abandoned by her mother + She received less than $1000 each who went mad. for over half her films. + She first married at 16. + She once said, “Dogs never bite + Officially, she died of a drug me. Just humans.” overdose + Her last film was written by her husband, + Her natural hair colour was brown, + She posed naked for Playboy magazine. Key vocabulary Points scoring abandoned left for ever +410 points for each round if nobody guesses your star. drug overdose ~ too many drugs +30 points extra if you guess someone else's movie star naked without clothes -20 points if you guess wrongly! descendant ~ children, grandchildren, etc Don't forget to keep 2 record of your points totall Mystery Movie Star Here are ten facts about a famous film star. KEEP THE FILM STAR SECRET! You will read them out to other students, and they will try to guess who the film star is. You can choose which one to read out first, second, ete. You should try to stop them from guessing the film star for as long as possible, so leave the easy facts until the end, Explain any difficult vocabulary if necessary. Do not read out the information in brackets. Charlie Chaplin - #ewas born in snglana. + He very rarely spoke in his films. + He was very famous for his + He had deep blue eyes but few of moustache, his fans knew this. + In his first year of filmmaking he One of his biggest fans was a made 35 films. famous political dictator. (Adolf Hitler. He copied Chaplin’s * He hal leven chitven by four ue + He was the only person to have written, directed, produced and starred in his own film. + He was 36 years older than his last wife, + He once entered a look-alike dressed as himself, and { finished third! Key vocabulary Points scoring ‘moustache hair between the nose and the mouth “#10 points for each round if nobody guesses your star look-alike contest ~ a competition where the aim isto look +430 points extra if you guess someone else's movie star. like somebody well-known of famous -20 points if you guess wrongly! ravely ~not very often Don't forget to keep a record of your points total! star in ~ be one of the leading actors in (a film) eet meee otocoplable @ 2001 DELTA PIRIRHING om Tearinar yt Anon] = = = nim m mm & AN A kaya | (tom Cruise Mystery Movie Star Hore are ten facts about a famous film star. KEEP THE FILM STAR SECRET! You will read them out to other students, ‘and they will try to guess who the film star is. You can choose which one to read out first, second, etc. You should try to stop them from guessing the film star for as long as possible, so leave the easy facts until the end. Explain any difficult vocabulary if necessary. Do not read out the information in ‘brackets. (Nicole Kidman) stars of all time. instead of action movies. priest. + His second wife was a famous movie + For one film and its sequel, he made star who often acted alongside him. arecord $145 million. (Mission Impossible 1 2) ‘+ He was ranked third in Empire + He left his second wife for a woman ‘magazine's list of the top 100 movie _with a similar surname to his. (Pénelope Cruz) «His attitude to filmmaking changed _+ In 2002 he went home after opening after he worked with Paul Newman, _the Oscar Award Ceremony and he began to make anti-war films, _the rest of it on TV with his kids. + The film that brought him ovemight + At M he was studying to become a fame was about the pilot of a fighter plane. (Top Gun) + Both of his two children are adopted. + He was born on 3rd July, 1962. Key vocabulary alongside = next to, with ranked = ina position, in an order adopted = children raised as your own sequel =a second or third film in a series overnight fame ~ instant fame Mystery Movie Star Hore are ten facts about famous film star. KEEP THE FILM STAR SECRET! You Points scoring +10 points for each round if nobody guesses your star. 430 points extra if you guess someone else's movie ste -20 points if you guess wrongly! Don’t forget to keep a record of your points total! read them out to other students, ‘and they will try to guess who the film star is. You can choose which one to read out first, second, etc. You should try to stop them from guessing the film star for as long as possible, so leave the easy facts until the end. Explain any Bruce Lee + Hs real name was Lee Jun Fan, + Hle was a quarter German and three- + He died at the age of 32. step of art.” Key vocabulary charge (¥) _~ ask for or get money for services or products dubbed (dub) ~ with a different voice added on later, often in anather language numerous ~ many + He spoke four languages. (Cantonese, Mandarin, English and Japanese) + His voice is only heard in his last + He once said, “Simplicity is the last + He gave dancing lessons to pay for the ship that took him to the USA. + He used to charge $275 per hour for private lessons. (in Kung Fu) ficult vocabulary if necessary. Do not read out the information in brackets. quarters Chinese. + His last film was called Game of Death film, because all his previous films were dubbed. + Despite numerous fights throughout his life, he only lost one ~ when he Points scoring +10 points for each round if nobody guesses your star. 4430 points extra if you guess someone else's movie star -20 points if you guess wrongly! Don't forget to keep a record of your points total! ( Riatocepiate © 3001 DELIA PUBLBTING ram Team by Into Ancen | is wo w Mystery Movie Star Hare are ten facts about a famous film star. KEEP THE FILM STAR SECRET! You will read them out to other students, and they will try to guess who the film star is. You can choose which one to read cut first, second, ete. You should try to stop them from guessing the film star for as long as possible, so leave the easy facts until the end. Explain any difficult vocabulary if necessary. Do not read out the information in brackets. Julia Roberts - 1967. She is a qualified vet. ‘UNICEP, music singer. (Lyle Lovett) actress in movie history. Key vocabulary charity ~ an organisation created to help people or animals applied ~ (here) put on make-up insists (sist). ~ demand something forcefully sequel = second or thitd film in a series acceptance speech ~ speech you give after winning a prize a : : Mystery Movie Star She was born in Smyrna, Georgia in She played the role of a prostitute in hher first big film. (Pretty Woman) She does a lot of work for the charity Her first husband was a country Jn 2002, she was the highest paid + She Iles on her back to have her make-up applied before going onto a film set ~ she insists it gives her a relaxed look. + She has dated over ten famous actors and broken off two engagements, + She has never acted in a sequel. + In her acceptance speech for the Oscar she won, she forgot to thank the person the fil was named afte! (Erin Brockovich) Points scoring +10 points for each round if nobody guesses your star 4430 points extra if you guess someone else's movie star -20 points if you guess wrongly! Don't forget to koop a record of your points total! Here are ten facts about a famous film star. KEEP THE FILM STAR SECRET! You will read them out to other students, ‘and they will try to guess who the film star is. You can cho ose which one to read out first, second, ete. You should try to stop them from guessing the film star for as long as possible, so leave the easy facts until the end, Explain any difficult vocabulary if necessary. Do not of Mensa. Sharon Stone actress. + She posed naked for Playboy may (Total Recall) Key vocabulary Mensa an organisation for very clever people naked = without any clothes big break first chance to succeed adopted (adopt) — child raised as your own psycho = (psychopath) someone who is violent and mad allergic = when the body reacts badly to something + She has an 1Q of 154 and is a member + She was a model before she became an ‘+ She is famous for clothes that she didn’t wear for one scene. (during Basic Instinct) + Her first big break was in a science fiction film with Amold Schwarzenegger. read out the information in brackets. + Her adopted son is called Roan. + Her most famous role was as a bisexual psycho called Catherine ‘Tramell. (in Basic Instinct) + She is allergic to caffeine. + She once said she would be the wgazine, next Marilyn Monroe. + She once said you shouldn't have a relationship with anybody who has more problems than you do. Points scoring +410 points for each round if nobody guesses your star. 430 points extra if you guess someone else's movie star 20 points if you guess wrongly! Don’t forget to keep a record of your points total! [otoconia © 708 DELTA PIRUSHING Tom Tewari Araeon | ERY

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