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Management: Concept,

Definition and Process

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Management has been defined by several theorists in their

own way. Henri Fayol defined management as,
“Management is to forecast, to plan, to organize, to
command, to coordinate and control activities of others.” In
simple terms, management is a means of organizing and
delegating the work that needs to be done among people who
can do it, and then ensuring that said work is done diligently
and timely.

You will see management in almost all walks of life.

Sometimes you will be managing things without actually
realizing it. The simplest example is, being the class
representative. There are so many things a class
representative has to manage. An efficient class
representative is the one who knows how to delegate duties
and take command of the situation.

14 Principles of Management
In the corporate world, management has a very crucial role
to play. We have a proper chain of command which can only
function if there is an efficient management in place. The
early scholars foresaw this need and came up with the
principles of management. These principles are like basic
guidelines for managers.

In order to be an efficient manager, an individual must be

aware of these principles. Henri Fayol gave us 14 principles
of Management. These 14 principles incorporate within
them the rules and guidelines with which a management
should ideally function.

Key Roles in Management

Henri Fayol’s 14 principles of Management also segregated
the function of management into five distinct roles, these
roles help understand management better. They are as

Forecasting and Planning

Commanding, Leading
Each of this role requires a distinct feature. The
management ought to have people who can execute these
roles efficiently in order to run the organization smoothly.

Importance of Principles of Management

Before we learn anything, it is always good to understand
why is it important to know it? Running an organization is a
huge task. At times it can be daunting if you do not know
where to begin. The principles of management help the
organization create a coherent management structure which
is the backbone of running a successful organization.

The principles work as a guidance and reference for the

management on how to handle certain situations or manage
the organizational structure and chain of command.

Question for You

Question: Is management and art or a science?

Answer: As per the analysis, management seems to have the

characteristics of both art and science. While certain
definite aspect makes it a science, others involving the
application of skills make it an art.Management: Concept, Definition and

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After reading this article you will learn about Management:- 1. Concept of Management 2. Definitions of
Management 3. Process 4. Principles 5. Comments.
Concept of Management:

One way to analyse management is to think in terms of what a manager does. Using this approach, we
can arrive at the management process which describes the work of any manager.

The management work can divided into a few basic functions of management, viz:


(1) Planning,

(2) Organising,

(3) Directing,

(4) Controlling.


Planning is the determination of objectives and formulation of plans, strategies, programmes, policies,
procedures and standards needed to achieve the desired organisation objectives. To implement the
plans there must be some organisation structure.
The human and material resources or inputs are allocated to the various units and relationships are
established among the sub-units. Organising is the second function of a manager. Organising is the
process of developing a structure among people, function, and physical facilities to execute the plans
and achieve stated objectives.

The third function of a manager is that of directing stimulating and motivating people in the organisation
to undertake willingly the desired actions as per predetermined plans and objectives. Motivation is an
integral part of direction to assure desired results.

The fourth and final function of management is that of controlling to assure directed action as per plans
and objectives. Controlling incorporates the establishment of standards, measurements and comparison
of actual results against the standard, and necessary corrective action to remove deviations from the


Experts agree that management is a distinct type of activity primarily responsible to get things done
through other people, and it is different from all other types of human activities. Similarly they also
agree that all managerial functions are universal and all managers in any field of human efforts perform
those typical managerial functions irrespective of what they are managing.

However, we do not have unified views of authorities on what are the managerial functions and what is
management precisely. The differences of opinion and approach are reflected in the following often
quoted definitions of management.

1. “To manage is to forecast, to plan, to organise, to command, to co-ordinate and to control.” —Henry
Fayol. It attempts to describe management in terms of what a manager does, and not what management
2. “Management is a multipurpose organ that manages a business and manages manager, and manages
worker and work.”— P. Drucker: The Practice of Management


Drucker stresses three jobs of management:

(i) Managing a business;

(ii) Managing manager; and

(iii) Managing workers and work.


Even if one is omitted, we would not have management any more and we also would not have a business
enterprise or an industrial society. According to P. Drucker, the manager has to balance and harmonies
three major functions of the business enterprise.

Hence, a manager is a dynamic and life-giving element in every business. Without efficient management
we cannot secure the best allocation and utilisation of human, material and financial resources.

Definitions of Management:
(i) Generalized Definition of Management:

Management is a distinct ongoing process of allocating inputs of an organisation (human and economic
resources) by typical managerial functions (planning, organising, directing and controlling) for the
purpose of achieving stated objectives, viz., output of goods and services desired by its customers

In the process, work is performed with and through personnel of the organisation in an ever-changing
business environment.


This definition include principal ideas of any school of management thought:

(1) Functional school sees management as a process of planning, organising, directing and controlling.

(2) Behavioural school is not interested in the process only but rather in the way the process affects the
organisation, i.e., with and through personnel or human resources.

(3) Quantitative school wants to improve the quality of decision making, i.e., fulfilling the stated
objectives of the enterprise.


(4) Systems approach concentrates on the entire organisation, i.e., inputs-process-outputs.

(5) Contingency approach emphasises dynamic nature of management process in an ever-changing
business environment.

(ii) Precise Definition of Management:

Let us formulate a precise definition of management. It should be the basis of our study of the principles
of management. The substance of management should be identified as a process. A process is
something that a person does.

A process also implies ongoing and unceasing cyclical operations. In management we have planning-
action-control cycle. Our definition must incorporate this management cycle. A process indicates the
dynamic nature of management.

It also implies that change is a constant reality of organisational life and management is the management
of change. Lastly, management is regarded as a social process because it is directly concerned with
management of human resources in order to secure cooperation and teamwork from the people in their

There are twin purposes of the management process:

(1) Maximum productivity or profitability and

(2) Maximum human welfare and satisfaction.

There are five parts to a definition of management as a process: first, the co-ordination of resources;
second, the performance of managerial functions as a means of achieving co-ordination; the third,
establishing the objective or purpose of management process, i.e., it must be purposeful managerial
activity; the fourth aspect is that management is a social process, and the fifth is its cyclical nature.

Let us describe each part separately:

1. Management is Co-Ordination:

The manager of an enterprise must effectively coordinate all activities and resources of the organisation,
namely, men, machines, materials and money the four M’s of management.

2. Management is a Process:

The manager achieves proper co-ordination of resources by means of the managerial functions of
planning, organising, staffing, directing (or leading and motivating) and controlling.

3. Management is a Purposive Process:

It is directed toward the achievement of predetermined goals or objectives. Without an objective, we

have no destination to reach or a path to follow to arrive at our destination, i.e., a goal, both
management and organisation must be purposive or goal-oriented.

4. Management is a Social Process:

It is the art of getting things done through other people.

5. Management is a Cyclical Process:

It represents planning-action-control-re-planning cycle, i.e., an ongoing process to attain the planned


(iii) Management — an Art, A Science or A Profession?

Science implies existence of a body of knowledge in a systematized form based upon careful observation,
accurate measurement, experimentation and inferences or conclusions derived from detailed analysis of
data, i.e., facts and figures.

The knowledge is verifiable through experiments giving us the cause-effect phenomenon. In other
words, science provides the theory, principles and the laws on any branch of human knowledge. Science
gives knowledge which in turn gives power for application.

Management is a developing science. It has now evolved certain basic principles and elements in the
form of process of management which has universal application in each branch of human activity profit-
making as well as non-profit organisations. However, management is riot comparable to exact sciences
like physics, chemistry, biology, etc. It deals with human beings and it is a social science like the science
of economics.

It is quite obvious that principles of management are not fundamental truths and their application may
not yield the desired results always. Human behaviour is ever-changing and most unpredictable. It is not
governed by the laws of mechanics.

A human being is not an inanimate machine. Hence, management dealing with complex human beings is
bound to be an inexact science. Even then theoretical base of knowledge is essential for developing
sound practice. In fact, theory must be supplemented by practical knowledge continuously. Science and
art are complementary and each supplements the other.

Art reflects practical application of knowledge and it is perfected through knowledge and
experimentation. Art is not only based on knowledge but it derives its inspiration through intuition,
inspiration and such other purely subjective attributes.

A manager is not only a scientist but also an artist. As a scientist, he relies on the existing theory and
philosophy of management and develops new knowledge, new principles and new schools of
management thought.

As an artist, he has to depend on his own experience, intuition and judgment while making a decision on
any managerial problem and taking action on the decisions to realise the set objectives. Scientific
attitude and scientific method shall be applied in problem-solving approach, e.g.. marketing research,
business research, etc. But decision making cannot be totally reduced to science.

In reality, human judgement and experience enjoy the veto power in decision and as a decision-maker a
manager is an artist. In the ultimate analysis, decision making, the heart of management, is an Art, to be
acquired by conscious effort and practice.

‘Knowledge is power’ is an old saying. But to be correct the saying should be ‘Applied knowledge is
power.’ Neither science should and the art of management go together hand-in-hand and both are
mutually interdependent and complementary. Theoretical teaching of medicine and engineering is
almost invariably accompanied by practical work in a hospital or workshop.

Planning and organising are called mechanics of management and indicate emphasis on the science of
management, whereas direction (including communication), motivation, coordination and control are
the dynamics of management emphasizing the art of management. Getting work done through people is
an art of management.

It is a tough job demanding initiative, drive, tact, discretion and other higher qualities. We need artistic
managerial ability to perform a managerial job. The art of management is fully reflected in the decision
making capacity of a manager. Judgment and imagination are essential even in a computerised economy.
A computer cannot replace a manager in decision making.

“A professional manager is one who specialises in the work of planning, organising, leading and
controlling the efforts of others and does so through systematic use of classified knowledge, a common
vocabulary and principles and who subscribes to the standards of practice and code of ethics established
by recognised body.” — Louis A. Alien.

Managerial revolution has brought about separation of management from ownership in corporate
management in all countries slowly but steadily. Hence, management is assuming a professional
character during the last three decades.

1. Body of Knowledge:
Management has now developed a specialised body of management theory and philosophy.
Management literature is growing in all countries. In fact, management knowledge is the best passport
to enter the world of employment.

2. Management Tools:

Topis of management have been developed such as, accounting, business law, psychology, statistics,
econometrics, data processing, etc. These branches of management profession have enhanced the
practical utility of the science of management.

3. Separate Discipline:

Management studies in many universities and institutions of higher learning are recognised as a separate
discipline. Since, 1951, we have even specialised schools of management offering master’s degree in
business management and administration.

Seminars, special courses, training programmes are becoming fashionable and popular for orientation
and retraining in management areas, e.g., export management, personnel management, general
management, production management, marketing management, financial management, etc.

4. Specialisation:

There is a growing tendency to select and appoint highly qualified, trained and experienced persons to
manage the business in each functional area of management. Thus we have today an increasing
tendency in favour of management by experts or professionals.

5. Code of Conduct:
Enlightened businessmen have recognised that business management is a social institution and it has
social responsibilities to be fulfilled — towards customers, employees, and the public or community.
Corporations have now social conscience and awareness.

Consumer-oriented marketing concept is the reflection of a corporate code of conduct. Pressure of

consumerism, trade unionism, public opinion, and legislation are definitely inducing the management to
evolve a code of ethics. No longer ‘buyer beware’ is ruling the exchange relations in the market. Now we
have ‘seller beware’ in place of ‘buyer beware’ influencing market practices.

6. Professional Association:

We have now Business Management Associations in many countries to promote the spread of
knowledge in all management areas and to build up the bright public image of managerial profession.

Process of Management:

Process of Management

Principles of Management:

Followers of Fayol gave other principles of management such as universality of management, control by
exception, equality of authority and responsibility, power and accountability and co-ordination.

By introducing two modifications in Fayol’s concepts, we could easily install the foundation of modern
management theory:

(1) Management is the planning, organising, command, co-ordination and control of technical, financial,
commercial, accounting and security activities.
(2) It is not command but motivation which can help us to understand why men and women work and
how to secure from them maximum productivity.

Thus we substitute motivation for command. Direction and command are not enough to get things done
through people. The manager of today has to encourage, communicate, develop and stimulate his
employees to secure higher output. Modern management places the greatest emphasis on motivation as
the key to productivity.

The pattern of management that developed in Du Pont Company had a far-reaching influence on modern
business enterprise. The writings of Taylor and Fayol stimulated further investigations into the theory of
management and its application to business. The example of Du Pont provided a pattern that was
followed with great success by many other companies.

The works of Taylor and Fayol the two pioneers in the evolution of managerial thought are in reality

(1) They both pointed out that the problem of personnel and its management at all levels is the master-
key to industrial productivity and progress.

(2) Both implied scientific approach and scientific method to solve the management problems.

(3) Taylor worked primarily on the operative level from the bottom of the organisation hierarchy
upwards. Whereas Fayol concentrated on the Managing Director and worked downwards on the
organisation hierarchy.

(4) Both, however, stressed on the technical or professional aspects of the management and both are
responsible for the managerial revolution which took place after 1940.

Principles of Management
Comments on Management:

(1) Management is a social process.

(2) It is directly in charge of allocation, utilisation and co-ordination of all human and material resources
to be produced from the business environment or Society. The environment provides these resources as
inputs to a business enterprise. Most of these resources are scarce and have alternative uses.
Management has to evolve an optimum combination of these resources or inputs.

(3) The resources are co-ordinated and integrated by the management through performing the typical
managerial functions, viz., planning, organising, staffing, directing, motivating, communicating and
controlling. These functions constitute the process of management. The basic resources are subjected to
fundamental functions of management.

(4) Management process is necessary to determine the objectives and goals and to take appropriate
action, i.e., implement the plan in order to accomplish the stated objectives. Controlling ensures
performance as per plan and enables the management to remove the deviations, if any, between the
actual results, and expected results.

(5) As people are our greatest resources, management has a special responsibility to create favourable
work environment and ensure maximum employee morale and productivity. Hence, management has
not only to manage the business but also to manage both managers and workers.

Motivation and leadership are the two unique managerial functions or activities to ensure maximum use
of human resources without sacrificing human welfare and human satisfaction.

(6) As a manager, you will be called upon to play different roles under different situations, such as
planner, coordinator, leader, liaison (connecting link), monitor, spokesman, disseminator of information,
risk-bearer, resource allocator, negotiator, disturbance handler, resolver of interpersonal and
interdepartmental conflicts, and so on.
(7) Classical or bureaucratic management is appropriate where the environment is relatively unchanging.
Behavioural and organic management is appropriate where the environment is dynamic, and innovation
and creativity are at a premium.

Management has been defined by several theorists in their own

way. Henri Fayoldefined management as, “Management is to forecast,
to plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate and control activities of
others.” In simple terms, management is a means of organizing and
delegating the work that needs to be done among people who can do it,
and then ensuring that said work is done diligently and timely.

You will see management in almost all walks of life. Sometimes you
will be managing things without actually realizing it. The simplest
example is, being the class representative. There are so many things a
class representative has to manage. An efficient class representative is
the one who knows how to delegate duties and take command of the

14 Principles of Management

In the corporate world, management has a very crucial role to play. We

have a proper chain of command which can only function if there is an
efficient management in place. The early scholars foresaw this need and
came up with the principles of management. These principles are like
basic guidelines for managers.

In order to be an efficient manager, an individual must be aware of these

principles. Henri Fayol gave us 14 principles of Management. These 14
principles incorporate within them the rules and guidelines with which a
management should ideally function.

Key Roles in Management

Henri Fayol’s 14 principles of Management also segregated the function
of management into five distinct roles, these roles help understand
management better. They are as under:

 Forecasting and Planning

 Organizing
 Commanding, Leading
 Coordinating
 Controlling

Each of this role requires a distinct feature. The management ought to

have people who can execute these roles efficiently in order to run the
organization smoothly.

Importance of Principles of Management

Before we learn anything, it is always good to understand why is it

important to know it? Running an organization is a huge task. At times
it can be daunting if you do not know where to begin. The principles of
management help the organization create a coherent management
structure which is the backbone of running a successful organization.

The principles work as a guidance and reference for the management on

how to handle certain situations or manage the organizational structure
and chain of command.

Question for You

Question: Is management and art or a science?
Answer: As per the analysis, management seems to have the
characteristics of both art and science. While certain definite aspect
makes it a science, others involving the application of skills make it an

Management has been defined by several theorists in their own way. Henri Fayol defined management
as, “Management is to forecast, to plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate and control activities of
others.” In simple terms, management is a means of organizing and delegating the work that needs to be
done among people who can do it, and then ensuring that said work is done diligently and timely.

You will see management in almost all walks of life. Sometimes you will be managing things without
actually realizing it. The simplest example is, being the class representative. There are so many things a
class representative has to manage. An efficient class representative is the one who knows how to
delegate duties and take command of the situation.

14 Principles of Management

In the corporate world, management has a very crucial role to play. We have a proper chain of command
which can only function if there is an efficient management in place. The early scholars foresaw this
need and came up with the principles of management. These principles are like basic guidelines for

In order to be an efficient manager, an individual must be aware of these principles. Henri Fayol gave us
14 principles of Management. These 14 principles incorporate within them the rules and guidelines with
which a management should ideally function.

Key Roles in Management

Henri Fayol’s 14 principles of Management also segregated the function of management into five distinct
roles, these roles help understand management better. They are as under:

Forecasting and Planning

Commanding, Leading



Each of this role requires a distinct feature. The management ought to have people who can execute
these roles efficiently in order to run the organization smoothly.

Importance of Principles of Management

Before we learn anything, it is always good to understand why is it important to know it? Running an
organization is a huge task. At times it can be daunting if you do not know where to begin. The principles
of management help the organization create a coherent management structure which is the backbone of
running a successful organization.

The principles work as a guidance and reference for the management on how to handle certain
situations or manage the organizational structure and chain of command.

Question for You

Question: Is management and art or a science?

Answer: As per the analysis, management seems to have the characteristics of both art and science.
While certain definite aspect makes it a science, others involving the application of skills make it an art.
Management has been defined by several theorists in their own way. Henri Fayol defined management
as, “Management is to forecast, to plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate and control activities of
others.” In simple terms, management is a means of organizing and delegating the work that needs to be
done among people who can do it, and then ensuring that said work is done diligently and timely.

You will see management in almost all walks of life. Sometimes you will be managing things without
actually realizing it. The simplest example is, being the class representative. There are so many things a
class representative has to manage. An efficient class representative is the one who knows how to
delegate duties and take command of the situation.

14 Principles of Management
In the corporate world, management has a very crucial role to play. We have a proper chain of command
which can only function if there is an efficient management in place. The early scholars foresaw this
need and came up with the principles of management. These principles are like basic guidelines for

In order to be an efficient manager, an individual must be aware of these principles. Henri Fayol gave us
14 principles of Management. These 14 principles incorporate within them the rules and guidelines with
which a management should ideally function.

Key Roles in Management

Henri Fayol’s 14 principles of Management also segregated the function of management into five distinct
roles, these roles help understand management better. They are as under:

Forecasting and Planning


Commanding, Leading



Each of this role requires a distinct feature. The management ought to have people who can execute
these roles efficiently in order to run the organization smoothly.

Importance of Principles of Management

Before we learn anything, it is always good to understand why is it important to know it? Running an
organization is a huge task. At times it can be daunting if you do not know where to begin. The principles
of management help the organization create a coherent management structure which is the backbone of
running a successful organization.

The principles work as a guidance and reference for the management on how to handle certain
situations or manage the organizational structure and chain of command.
Question for You

Question: Is management and art or a science?

Answer: As per the analysis, management seems to have the characteristics of both art and science.
While certain definite aspect makes it a science, others involving the application of skills make it an art.
Management has been defined by several theorists in their own way. Henri Fayol defined management
as, “Management is to forecast, to plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate and control activities of
others.” In simple terms, management is a means of organizing and delegating the work that needs to be
done among people who can do it, and then ensuring that said work is done diligently and timely.

You will see management in almost all walks of life. Sometimes you will be managing things without
actually realizing it. The simplest example is, being the class representative. There are so many things a
class representative has to manage. An efficient class representative is the one who knows how to
delegate duties and take command of the situation.

14 Principles of Management

In the corporate world, management has a very crucial role to play. We have a proper chain of command
which can only function if there is an efficient management in place. The early scholars foresaw this
need and came up with the principles of management. These principles are like basic guidelines for

In order to be an efficient manager, an individual must be aware of these principles. Henri Fayol gave us
14 principles of Management. These 14 principles incorporate within them the rules and guidelines with
which a management should ideally function.

Key Roles in Management

Henri Fayol’s 14 principles of Management also segregated the function of management into five distinct
roles, these roles help understand management better. They are as under:

Forecasting and Planning

Commanding, Leading



Each of this role requires a distinct feature. The management ought to have people who can execute
these roles efficiently in order to run the organization smoothly.

Importance of Principles of Management

Before we learn anything, it is always good to understand why is it important to know it? Running an
organization is a huge task. At times it can be daunting if you do not know where to begin. The principles
of management help the organization create a coherent management structure which is the backbone of
running a successful organization.

The principles work as a guidance and reference for the management on how to handle certain
situations or manage the organizational structure and chain of command.

Question for You

Question: Is management and art or a science?

Answer: As per the analysis, management seems to have the characteristics of both art and science.
While certain definite aspect makes it a science, others involving the application of skills make it an art.
Management has been defined by several theorists in their own way. Henri Fayol defined management
as, “Management is to forecast, to plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate and control activities of
others.” In simple terms, management is a means of organizing and delegating the work that needs to be
done among people who can do it, and then ensuring that said work is done diligently and timely.

You will see management in almost all walks of life. Sometimes you will be managing things without
actually realizing it. The simplest example is, being the class representative. There are so many things a
class representative has to manage. An efficient class representative is the one who knows how to
delegate duties and take command of the situation.

14 Principles of Management
In the corporate world, management has a very crucial role to play. We have a proper chain of command
which can only function if there is an efficient management in place. The early scholars foresaw this
need and came up with the principles of management. These principles are like basic guidelines for

In order to be an efficient manager, an individual must be aware of these principles. Henri Fayol gave us
14 principles of Management. These 14 principles incorporate within them the rules and guidelines with
which a management should ideally function.

Key Roles in Management

Henri Fayol’s 14 principles of Management also segregated the function of management into five distinct
roles, these roles help understand management better. They are as under:

Forecasting and Planning


Commanding, Leading



Each of this role requires a distinct feature. The management ought to have people who can execute
these roles efficiently in order to run the organization smoothly.

Importance of Principles of Management

Before we learn anything, it is always good to understand why is it important to know it? Running an
organization is a huge task. At times it can be daunting if you do not know where to begin. The principles
of management help the organization create a coherent management structure which is the backbone of
running a successful organization.

The principles work as a guidance and reference for the management on how to handle certain
situations or manage the organizational structure and chain of command.
Question for You

Question: Is management and art or a science?

Answer: As per the analysis, management seems to have the characteristics of both art and science.
While certain definite aspect makes it a science, others involving the application of skills make it an art.
Management has been defined by several theorists in their own way. Henri Fayol defined management
as, “Management is to forecast, to plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate and control activities of
others.” In simple terms, management is a means of organizing and delegating the work that needs to be
done among people who can do it, and then ensuring that said work is done diligently and timely.

You will see management in almost all walks of life. Sometimes you will be managing things without
actually realizing it. The simplest example is, being the class representative. There are so many things a
class representative has to manage. An efficient class representative is the one who knows how to
delegate duties and take command of the situation.

14 Principles of Management

In the corporate world, management has a very crucial role to play. We have a proper chain of command
which can only function if there is an efficient management in place. The early scholars foresaw this
need and came up with the principles of management. These principles are like basic guidelines for

In order to be an efficient manager, an individual must be aware of these principles. Henri Fayol gave us
14 principles of Management. These 14 principles incorporate within them the rules and guidelines with
which a management should ideally function.

Key Roles in Management

Henri Fayol’s 14 principles of Management also segregated the function of management into five distinct
roles, these roles help understand management better. They are as under:

Forecasting and Planning

Commanding, Leading



Each of this role requires a distinct feature. The management ought to have people who can execute
these roles efficiently in order to run the organization smoothly.

Importance of Principles of Management

Before we learn anything, it is always good to understand why is it important to know it? Running an
organization is a huge task. At times it can be daunting if you do not know where to begin. The principles
of management help the organization create a coherent management structure which is the backbone of
running a successful organization.

The principles work as a guidance and reference for the management on how to handle certain
situations or manage the organizational structure and chain of command.

Question for You

Question: Is management and art or a science?

Answer: As per the analysis, management seems to have the characteristics of both art and science.
While certain definite aspect makes it a science, others involving the application of skills make it an art.
Management has been defined by several theorists in their own way. Henri Fayol defined management
as, “Management is to forecast, to plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate and control activities of
others.” In simple terms, management is a means of organizing and delegating the work that needs to be
done among people who can do it, and then ensuring that said work is done diligently and timely.

You will see management in almost all walks of life. Sometimes you will be managing things without
actually realizing it. The simplest example is, being the class representative. There are so many things a
class representative has to manage. An efficient class representative is the one who knows how to
delegate duties and take command of the situation.

14 Principles of Management
In the corporate world, management has a very crucial role to play. We have a proper chain of command
which can only function if there is an efficient management in place. The early scholars foresaw this
need and came up with the principles of management. These principles are like basic guidelines for

In order to be an efficient manager, an individual must be aware of these principles. Henri Fayol gave us
14 principles of Management. These 14 principles incorporate within them the rules and guidelines with
which a management should ideally function.

Key Roles in Management

Henri Fayol’s 14 principles of Management also segregated the function of management into five distinct
roles, these roles help understand management better. They are as under:

Forecasting and Planning


Commanding, Leading



Each of this role requires a distinct feature. The management ought to have people who can execute
these roles efficiently in order to run the organization smoothly.

Importance of Principles of Management

Before we learn anything, it is always good to understand why is it important to know it? Running an
organization is a huge task. At times it can be daunting if you do not know where to begin. The principles
of management help the organization create a coherent management structure which is the backbone of
running a successful organization.

The principles work as a guidance and reference for the management on how to handle certain
situations or manage the organizational structure and chain of command.
Question for You

Question: Is management and art or a science?

Answer: As per the analysis, management seems to have the characteristics of both art and science.
While certain definite aspect makes it a science, others involving the application of skills make it an art.
Management has been defined by several theorists in their own way. Henri Fayol defined management
as, “Management is to forecast, to plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate and control activities of
others.” In simple terms, management is a means of organizing and delegating the work that needs to be
done among people who can do it, and then ensuring that said work is done diligently and timely.

You will see management in almost all walks of life. Sometimes you will be managing things without
actually realizing it. The simplest example is, being the class representative. There are so many things a
class representative has to manage. An efficient class representative is the one who knows how to
delegate duties and take command of the situation.

14 Principles of Management

In the corporate world, management has a very crucial role to play. We have a proper chain of command
which can only function if there is an efficient management in place. The early scholars foresaw this
need and came up with the principles of management. These principles are like basic guidelines for

In order to be an efficient manager, an individual must be aware of these principles. Henri Fayol gave us
14 principles of Management. These 14 principles incorporate within them the rules and guidelines with
which a management should ideally function.

Key Roles in Management

Henri Fayol’s 14 principles of Management also segregated the function of management into five distinct
roles, these roles help understand management better. They are as under:

Forecasting and Planning

Commanding, Leading



Each of this role requires a distinct feature. The management ought to have people who can execute
these roles efficiently in order to run the organization smoothly.

Importance of Principles of Management

Before we learn anything, it is always good to understand why is it important to know it? Running an
organization is a huge task. At times it can be daunting if you do not know where to begin. The principles
of management help the organization create a coherent management structure which is the backbone of
running a successful organization.

The principles work as a guidance and reference for the management on how to handle certain
situations or manage the organizational structure and chain of command.

Question for You

Question: Is management and art or a science?

Answer: As per the analysis, management seems to have the characteristics of both art and science.
While certain definite aspect makes it a science, others involving the application of skills make it an art.
Management has been defined by several theorists in their own way. Henri Fayol defined management
as, “Management is to forecast, to plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate and control activities of
others.” In simple terms, management is a means of organizing and delegating the work that needs to be
done among people who can do it, and then ensuring that said work is done diligently and timely.

You will see management in almost all walks of life. Sometimes you will be managing things without
actually realizing it. The simplest example is, being the class representative. There are so many things a
class representative has to manage. An efficient class representative is the one who knows how to
delegate duties and take command of the situation.

14 Principles of Management
In the corporate world, management has a very crucial role to play. We have a proper chain of command
which can only function if there is an efficient management in place. The early scholars foresaw this
need and came up with the principles of management. These principles are like basic guidelines for

In order to be an efficient manager, an individual must be aware of these principles. Henri Fayol gave us
14 principles of Management. These 14 principles incorporate within them the rules and guidelines with
which a management should ideally function.

Key Roles in Management

Henri Fayol’s 14 principles of Management also segregated the function of management into five distinct
roles, these roles help understand management better. They are as under:

Forecasting and Planning


Commanding, Leading



Each of this role requires a distinct feature. The management ought to have people who can execute
these roles efficiently in order to run the organization smoothly.

Importance of Principles of Management

Before we learn anything, it is always good to understand why is it important to know it? Running an
organization is a huge task. At times it can be daunting if you do not know where to begin. The principles
of management help the organization create a coherent management structure which is the backbone of
running a successful organization.

The principles work as a guidance and reference for the management on how to handle certain
situations or manage the organizational structure and chain of command.
Question for You

Question: Is management and art or a science?

Answer: As per the analysis, management seems to have the characteristics of both art and science.
While certain definite aspect makes it a science, others involving the application of skills make it an art.
Management has been defined by several theorists in their own way. Henri Fayol defined management
as, “Management is to forecast, to plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate and control activities of
others.” In simple terms, management is a means of organizing and delegating the work that needs to be
done among people who can do it, and then ensuring that said work is done diligently and timely.

You will see management in almost all walks of life. Sometimes you will be managing things without
actually realizing it. The simplest example is, being the class representative. There are so many things a
class representative has to manage. An efficient class representative is the one who knows how to
delegate duties and take command of the situation.

14 Principles of Management

In the corporate world, management has a very crucial role to play. We have a proper chain of command
which can only function if there is an efficient management in place. The early scholars foresaw this
need and came up with the principles of management. These principles are like basic guidelines for

In order to be an efficient manager, an individual must be aware of these principles. Henri Fayol gave us
14 principles of Management. These 14 principles incorporate within them the rules and guidelines with
which a management should ideally function.

Key Roles in Management

Henri Fayol’s 14 principles of Management also segregated the function of management into five distinct
roles, these roles help understand management better. They are as under:

Forecasting and Planning

Commanding, Leading



Each of this role requires a distinct feature. The management ought to have people who can execute
these roles efficiently in order to run the organization smoothly.

Importance of Principles of Management

Before we learn anything, it is always good to understand why is it important to know it? Running an
organization is a huge task. At times it can be daunting if you do not know where to begin. The principles
of management help the organization create a coherent management structure which is the backbone of
running a successful organization.

The principles work as a guidance and reference for the management on how to handle certain
situations or manage the organizational structure and chain of command.

Question for You

Question: Is management and art or a science?

Answer: As per the analysis, management seems to have the characteristics of both art and science.
While certain definite aspect makes it a science, others involving the application of skills make it an art.

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