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Module 4 :- Methods of Data Collection

Presented By Group 1 :-
1) Abhishek Bokade
2) Aditya Khanorkar
3) Aishwarya Sahare
4) Anisha Fating
5) Anjali Madhwani
6) Anuja Gawande
7) Avadhut Gopewad
Question 1. The management of ‘Outlook’ magazine finds that despite changes in
publication frequency, the magazine is still facing a stiff competition from the rival
‘India Today’. Thus, the management wanted to conduct a comparative survey for
the two magazines and assess whether they had a distinct positioning. Who was the
reader of ‘Outlook’? How did he/she rate the magazine, and so on? The specific
study objectives were to:
• Understand the consumers’ magazine reading behaviour.
• Understand what the reader looks for in a general interest magazine
• Know how the reader evaluates ‘Outlook’ and ‘India Today’ in the light of these
parameters, which he looks for in a magazine
• Evaluate the reader satisfaction with the individual magazines
• Establish the reasons for the satisfaction with each of the magazines
• Understand the positioning of the ‘India Today’ and ‘Outlook’ amongst the readers of
the magazines
• Understand the consumer profile of the typical reader of the magazine.

Which method of data collection would you use for this study and why? Design a
suitable questionnaire that can be used for this study?
Answer :

➢ Primary Data Collection

➢ Questionnaire Method
•This is survey on readership habits. We would be highly obliged if you could take
out some time from your busy schedule and give us valuable inputs. Please note
that this is academic exercise and all the information will be kept confidential.

▪Demographic Profile :

•Name –

•Age –

•Sex –

•Highest Education Qualification –

•Occupation –

•Monthly Household Income -


1. Which are the general interest magazines you are aware of ?

Please tick

The Week
India Today

2. Do you read Outlook or India Today ?

a) Yes (both) _____ b) Yes (outlook) ____

b) Yes (India Today) ____ c) No ______

3. Source of acquiring the magazine ?

a) Borrow______ b) Buy From retail shops______

c) Library_______ d) Office Workplace______

d) Other (Please Mention)________

4. On a scale of 1 to 5 , Please rate each of the magzines:

1) Strongly Disagree
2) Disagree
3) Neither agree nor disagree
4) Agree
5) Strongly Agree
Statement Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree Agree

1. This Magazine Outlook

gives me news first. India today
2. This Magazine is Outlook
very bold. India today
3. This magazine Outlook
covers variety of India today
4. This Magazine is Outlook
truthful. India today
5. This Magazine is Outlook
read by elders. India today
6. This magazine is Outlook
read by young people. India today
Statement Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree Agree

7. This Magazine Outlook

analyses information India today
in depth.
8. This Magazine is Outlook
for the highly India today
inquisitive mind.
9. This Magazine is Outlook
very well researched. India today
10. This magazine Outlook
gives attractive India today
11. This Magazine Outlook
gives me news which India today
is spicy.
Statement Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree Agree

12. This Magazine has Outlook

very attractive issues. India today
13. This Magazine has Outlook
reach in content. India today
14. This Magazine Outlook
gives very predictable India today
15. This Magazine Outlook
gives relevant India today
information only.
16. This Magazine is Outlook
intellectually India today
stimulating .
Statement Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree Agree

17. This Magazine Outlook

provides me with an India today
18. This Magazine is Outlook
centered around India today
19. This Magazine Outlook
gives me news as it is. India today
20. This Magazine is Outlook
for the practical India today
21. This Magazine Outlook
gives reliable news. India today
Thank You

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