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Español 3 Honores (Spanish 3 Honors) 2019-2020

Teacher/ Maestra: Ms. Martínez

Per. 4 M/L 10:54 - 11:42 am
T/M & TH/J 10:20 - 12:25 am.
Room #/ Salón: I-13

Classroom Expectations
The following are our Spanish 3 Honors classroom expectations for the school year. It is an
honors class; therefore, students will work at a higher level becoming biliterate in the Spanish
language. The classroom expectations are:

1. Students are to speak Spanish at all times with the exception of using English when
referring to a specific term or concept.
2. Students are expected to be respectful and honest at all times, as well as helping each
other out.
3. It is mandatory to follow directions at all times and not use phone during class.
4. Students are to come prepare to class with all materials such as: textbook, workbook,
notebook, pens, pencils, and highlighters.
5. Students are expected to turn in homework or classwork on time.
6. Students are expected to come to class every time we meet.
Failure to meet expectations
Failure to meeting the class expectations will result in a variety of discipline considerations
depending the severity of it. Students will write a paragraph in Spanish explaining what occurred
and why they failed to meet the expectations. Nonetheless, they will receive either:
1. Warning
2. Embedded Support
3. Point deduction
4. Detention or Saturday school
5. Referral

Routines and Procedures

Students expected to come to class on time every Monday at 10:54 am and Tuesdays and
Thursdays at 10:20 am. Failure to do so will result in consequences that will reflect on grades.
 Absences
o Students are to bring a doctors or parent/ guardian excuse letter signed by them.
o 3 or more unexcused absence will result in embedded support for each time of
absences and Saturday school.
 Tardy
o Students are not allowed to be tardy to class unless they have a teacher’s or
security slip signed by them.
Classwork and Homework
Classwork is considered homework when not finished during class time or embedded support.
Homework will be collected on Thursdays during the beginning of class period. Failure to turn in
homework will result in 5-point deduction automatically. For additional information, look under
California Education Code.
 Late or Missing Work
o Students are to turn in late or missing work before the quarter ends; however,
there will be a penalty of a 5-point deduction penalty.
o Late work will be considered under special circumstances in a period of time with
no penalty.
 Makeup Work
o Will always be permitted before quarter ends.

Daily Journals
At the beginning of class, students will write a journal answering the question that is on the
board in a paragraph form otherwise stated. Journals are an important part of their grade and it
will allow them to understand the class lesson by being able to connect it with their lives. Their
journals will also allow them to participate during class discussion by reading them out loud.
These will reflect their knowledge in the lesson and the language target. Journals will be written
in their class notebooks and will be collected at the end of the quarters and semesters for a grade.

Restroom Policy
Students are allowed to go to the restroom once at a time with a teacher’s permission pass signed
by myself. Students are not allowed to take phones and will hand them to me before leaving.
They are also not to exceed 5-7 minutes at the restroom.

Embedded Support
After the class has finished, students will have 15 minutes of embedded support to receive
additional help, time to work on classwork/ homework, and/or time to do makeup work.
Nonetheless, students with a C- or below will stay in for embedded support, as well as those who
failed with the class expectations.
 Students are recommended to ask for help at all times, during class and during embedded
27 de octubre de 2019
Querido padre de familia,

Hola, yo soy la maestra Martínez y seré la maestra de su hijo/a para la clase de español 3
honores en la cuarta hora. Estoy muy emocionada por enseñarle un nuevo mundo a través del
idioma español y su cultura tan diversa.

Tengo una licenciatura en español con una licenciatura corta en periodismo. Para
empezar, me gradué del colegio Rio Hondo Community College en la ciudad de Whittier con un
diploma en español. Después, me transferí a la universidad donde obtuve mis carreras de español
y periodismo en California State University of Fullerton. Además, tomé un curso de español en
la Universidad de Guadalajara en México donde pude mejorar mis conocimientos y habilidades.
Actualmente estoy en CSUF para el programa de la credencial de maestros en la materia de

Me siento competente para ser la maestra por mi larga experiencia dando tutorías y
tomando clases de español durante la primaria, preparatoria y mis años universitarios. Yo misma
tomé esta clase en esta misma escuela y sé todos los requisitos que se requiere para obtener una
buena calificación. No obstante, es mi primera lengua y al igual que su hijo/a, me convertí en

Mi meta para su hijo/a es que pueda relacionarse con la lengua impartida en clase. Quiero
que por medio de las lecciones él/ella comience a apreciar su cultura y sus raíces. Todas las
lecciones serán impartidas con el pretexto que puedan conectarse con ella y a la misma vez
desarrollar sus conocimientos en dicha lengua. Quiero que, al terminar la preparatoria, ellos
puedan obtener el “Sello de biliteracidad” demostrando que son competentes en ambas lenguas.

Cualquier duda o pregunta no duden en contactarme al correo electrónico que está en la

primera página. También, son bienvenidos al Back to School Night y después de escuela de
3:00- 4:00 pm. De antemano, gracias por confiar en mi. ¡Nos vemos pronto!


Ms. Martínez

Firma de padre
October 27, 2019
Dear parent/ guardian,

Hello, my name is Ms. Martinez and I will be your son/ daughter Spanish 3 honors class
teacher. I am very excited to show him/ her the world through the Spanish language and its
diverse cultures.

I have a bachelor’s degree in Spanish with a minor in journalism. First of all, I graduated
from Rio Hondo Community College in Whittier with an Associates Degree in Spanish. After
that, I transferred to California State University of Fullerton where I completed both major and
minor. Furthermore, I took a Spanish course at the Universidad de Guadalajara in Mexico where
I was able to develop my knowledge skills. As of now, I am in the Spanish single-subject
credential program at CSUF.

I feel capable of being this class teacher based on my years of experience with tutoring,
being in Spanish classes in elementary, high school, and my college years. Nonetheless, I took
this class at this school and I know how to prepare your child in obtaining a good grade. Spanish
is my native language and I will help him/ her become bilingual.

My goal for him/her to be able to connect with the class content. Through the lessons I
want them to start appreciating and being proud of their culture and roots. All lessons will be
instructed in the way that students will be able to connect with them and at the same time
develop their knowledge in the target language. Once they are ready to graduate, I want them to
obtain the Seal of Biliteracy recognizing that they biliterate.

Any questions, you can always email me, my email is on the first page. You are also
welcomed to come to Back to School Night and after school from 3:00-4:00 pm. Thank you for
trusting in me. I will see you soon!


Ms. Martínez

Parent/ Guardian Signature

Communication Plan:
I will introduce the class expectations and their routines and procedures paper on the first day of
class, after we introduce each other. We will read it in class because I want students to
understand our class community that we will have. Parents will receive this letter on the first day
of school to also invite them for Open House. I decided to write the letter in Spanish and English
because other than being a Spanish class, I am aware some parents speak only Spanish or vice
versa. They will have to bring either letter signed by them to let me know they have read it,
which will be turned in at the end of the week. They can sign the letter with the language they do
not understand so that they can keep the one they do understand for their convenience. Students
and parents will also stay with the Building a Classroom Community for them to have any
information about the class.

It is expected for students to speak Spanish at all times, because not only is it a world language
class, but it is an honors one. Students were placed in this class because they scored a level
where they demonstrated they can speak Spanish at a higher level and in various settings. In
other words, it is a Spanish honors class and students need to practice the language at all times
during class. However, I do understand that there will be times where students will need to use
the English language for reference. In addition, students will write short journals of 5 sentences
to practice their writing skills, as well as connect their background knowledge with the lessons
that will be covered for the day. Students who fail to follow classroom expectations, have a C- or
less, and/ or need additional help, will stay for embedded support. For 15 minutes after class,
students will work on late or makeup work, receive additional help, and for those who did not
follow the classroom expectations, will have to stay and work on class work as a penalty. Not to
mention, students are allowed to go to the restroom during class time, but in a period of 5-7
minutes without a phone because most of the time, students use their phones for other things and
do not use their time at the restroom properly.

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