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Example on Sensitivity Analysis

A manufacturer produces four products, A,B,C, and D, by using two types of machines
(lathes and milling machines). The times required on the two machines to manufacture 1 unit
of each of the four products, the profit per unit of the product, and the total time available on
the two types of machines per day are given below:

Time required per unit (min) for product Total time available
A B C D per day (min)
Lathe machine 7 10 4 9 1200
Milling machine 3 40 1 1 800
Profit per unit ($) 45 100 30 50

a) Find the number of units to be manufactured of each product per day for maximizing the
b) What is the effect on the optimal solution if:
i) The total time available per day on the two machines changed from 1200 & 800 to 1500
& 1000 minutes.
ii) C1 changed to 40 and C2 to 90
iii) A new product is added with new column of 15 X7 in the 1st constraint and 10 X7 in the
2 constraint and C7 = 40

7 6
iv) A1 [ ] to [ ]
3 0

v) A new constraint is imposed as: 2 X1 + 5 X2 + 3 X3 + 4 X4 ≤ 600

Let X1, X2, X3, and X4 denote the number of units of products A,B,C, and D produced per
day. Then the problem can be stated in standard form as follows:

Maximize Z = 45 X1 + 100 X2 + 30 X3 + 50 X4
subject to

7X1 + 10X2 + 4X3 + 9X4 ≤ 1200

3X1 + 40X2 + X3 + X4 ≤ 800
Xi ≥ 0, i = 1 to 4

By introducing the slack variables X5 ≥ 0 and X6 ≥ 0, the problem can be stated in canonical
form and the simplex method can be applied.

Maximize Z - 45 X1 - 100 X2 - 30 X3 - 50 X4 = 0
subject to

7X1 + 10X2 + 4X3 + 9X4 + X5 = 1200

3X1 + 40X2 + X3 + X4 + X6 = 800
Xi ≥ 0, i = 1 to 6
The computations are shown in tableau form below:

Basic X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 Sol.
Z - 45 - 100 - 30 - 50 0 0 0
X5 7 10 4 9 1 0 1200
X6 3 40 1 1 0 1 800

Basic X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 Sol.
Z - 37.5 0 - 27.5 - 47.5 0 2.5 2000
X5 6.25 0 3.75 8.75 1 - 0.25 1000
X2 0.075 1 0.025 0.025 0 0.025 20

Basic X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 Sol.
Z - 3.571 0 - 7.075 0 5.43 1.1415 7429.25
X4 0.7143 0 0.43 1 0.114 - 0.286 114.3
X2 0.05714 1 0.01425 0 - 0.00286 0.025715 17.1425

Basic X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 Sol.
Z 8.182 0 0 16.4565 7.31 0.671 9309.9
X3 1.6612 0 1 2.326 0.265814 - 0.06651 265.814
X2 0.0335 1 0 - 0.3315 - 0.00665 0.027 13.355

i) the effect of changing bi to [ ]

0.265814 − 0.066512
A-1 = [ ]
− 0.00665 0.027000

Checking feasibility by multiplying A-1 × bi

0.265814 − 0.066512 1500 332.209

[ ] × [ ] = [ ]
− 0.00665 0.027000 1000 17.033
Since the result is positive, this means no change in the feasibility, then the new solution is:
X3 = 332.209 and X2 = 17.03, Z = 11669.27

ii) C1 changed to 40 and C2 to 90

since X1 is not a basics variable then changing C1 will not affect the status of the final

But for changing C2 from 100 to 90

0.265814 − 0.066512
The dual variables [𝑌1 𝑌2] = [30 90] × [ ]
− 0.00665 0.027000

= [7.4457 0.43464]

Since the result is positive , therefore optimality of the final solution will not be affected.

iii) A new product is added with new column of 15 X7 in the 1st constraint and 10 X7 in the
2nd constraint and C7 = 40

The dual constraint for the new product is:

15 Y1 + 10 Y2 ≥ 40

From the previous final solution, Y1 = 7.31, Y2 = 0.671

The objective function coefficient of the new variable is:

15 × 7.31 + 10 × 0.671 – 40 = 76.36

Since the objective function coefficient of the new product is positive, the solution will
remain optimal and no improvement in the objective function value.

7 6
v) A1 [ ] to [ ]
3 0

checking the optimality,

0.265814 − 0.066512 6 1.6

[ ] × [ ] = [ ]
− 0.00665 0.027000 0 − 0.04

Since one of the elements in the result is negative, then the new A1 column is [ ]
− 0.04

And the objective function coefficient of X1 is :

Y1 from the final solution is 7.31, and the new dual constraint is 6 Y1 ≥ 45, therefore,
coefficient of X1 in the Z equation is: 6 ×7.31 – 45 = - 1.14

Basic X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 Sol.
Z - 1.14 0 0 16.4565 7.31 0.671 9309.9
X3 1.6612 0 1 2.326 0.265814 - 0.66512 265.814
X2 - 0.04 1 0 - 0.3315 - 0.00665 0.027 13.355

Basic X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 Sol.
Z 0 0 0.7125 18.114 7.5 0.624 9500
X1 1 0 0.625 1.45375 0.166134 - 0.04157 166.134
X2 0 1 0.025 - 0.27335 - 0.00046 0.02534 20.0

The new optimal solution is: X1 = 166.134, X2 = 20.0, and Z = 9500

v) A new constraint is imposed as: 2 X1 + 5 X2 + 3 X3 + 4 X4 ≤ 600

Adding the slack variable:

2 X1 + 5 X2 + 3 X3 + 4 X4 + X7 = 600 ------------------ (1)

From the final solution, we have

1.6612 X1 + X3 + 2.325 X4 + 0.265814 X5 – 0.066512 X6 = 265.814, and

0.0335 X1 + X2 – 0.3315 X4 – 0.2265814 X5 +0.027 X6 = 13.355

X3 = 265.814 – 1.6612 X1 – X3 – 2.325 X4 – 0.265814 X5 + 0.066512 X6 , and

X2 = 13.355 – 0.0335 X1 + 0.3315 X4 + 0.2265814 X5 – 0.027 X6

Substitute the values of X1 and X2 in (1), we get:

X7 = – 3.151 X1 – 1.3205 X4 – 0.7642 X5 + 0.062 X6 – 264.12

Therefore new iteration table is:

Basic X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 Sol.
Z 8.182 0 0 16.4565 7.31 0.671 0 9309.9
X3 1.6612 0 1 2.326 0.265814 - .66512 0 265.814
X2 0.0335 1 0 - 0.3315 - 0.00665 0.027 0 13.355
X7 - 3.151 0 0 -1.3205 -.7642 0.062 1 -264.12
Basic X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 Sol.
Z 0 0 0 13.0 5.326 0.835 2.62 8624.2
X3 0 0 1 1.63 - .1371 -0.333 0.532 126.571
X2 0 1 0 - 1.63 - 0.41 .02767 .0107 10.55
X1 1 0 0 0.42 .24253 - 0.02 - 0.32 83.821

This is the feasible and optimal solution

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