Brg2 AIO U4 Test Lvl1

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4 Unit Test LEVEL 1 Name Mark

1 Choose the correct answer. (8 x 2 = 16 points)

1. My neighbours don’t get along with / treat / fall in love with each other.
2. John has got three spouses / couples / siblings, and they’re all doctors.
3. It’s sad when couples feel comfortable / keep in touch / break up.
4. At Christmas, similar backgrounds / relatives / honesty usually get together.
5. My sister is very shy. She rarely goes on a spouse / date / couple.
6. I’m beginning to share common interests / break up / lose patience with this computer.
7. That noise is getting on my nerves / making friends / getting to know.
8. Funny people must have a sense of humour / loyalty / generosity.

2 Choose the correct answer. (6 x 2 = 12 points)

1. We felt … for the new boy.

a. sorry b. proud c. jealous
2. Most parents are … of their children’s success.
a. afraid b. fond c. proud
3. I’m very … about your sister’s troubles.
a. pleased b. sorry c. jealous
4. The children are very … of their aunt.
a. sorry b. pleased c. fond
5. I know it’s silly, but I’m … of flying.
a. afraid b. pleased c. sorry
6. Congratulations! I’m so … for you.
a. pleased b. jealous c. afraid

3 Complete the passage with the words below. (6 x 3 = 18 points)

lose patience • fond of • disappointed • pleased • afraid • jealous of

To train a pet, you mustn’t be (1) afraid of it! Always show that you’re (2) pleased when it does something good. Of course,
if the pet does something bad, you must show that you’re (3) disappointed. But it’s important not to (4) lose patience with
your pet. Sometimes, pets are (5) jealous of a new baby in the family. Don’t worry – it’ll become (6) fond of the baby in the

4 Unit Test LEVEL 1

4 Choose the correct answer. (6 x 2 = 12 points)

1. I’ll feed the dog if you tidy / would tidy / will tidy your room.
2. If she will agree / would agree / agrees to help, we’ll have the party here.
3. The baby won’t sleep unless you give / will give / gave her a bottle.
4. Would she help / Would she have helped / Will she help if we had asked her?
5. If I was / were / would be you, I’d call the doctor.
6. David will drive us if we will be / are / would be ready.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (10 x 3 = 30 points)

1. I would have walked (walk) home with you if you had asked me to.
2. We would still be friends if they didn´t move (not move).
3. You would have (have) more money if you worked more hours.
4. The baby will catch (catch) a cold unless you dress him warmly.
5. If the sun comes out, we will go (go) for a walk.
6. If Gary hadn´t helped (not help) me study, I wouldn’t have passed the exam.
7. I won’t go to the theatre unless I finish (finish) my work.
8. If I were very rich, I would travel (travel) around the world.
9. If the weather hadn´t been (not be) bad yesterday, we would have gone on a picnic.
10. As soon as the prices go down, we will buy (buy) a new computer.

6 Choose the correct answer. (6 x 2 = 12 points) (No entra)

1. I’m cold. I wish I … a sweater.

a. brought b. had brought c. would bring
2. I’m tired. I wish I … to sleep.
a. could go b. can go c. would go
3. It’s so dry! I wish it … .
a. will rain b. did rain c. would rain
4. My school is far away. If only it … closer.
a. had been b. were c. would be
5. I wish you … .
a. didn’t leave b. wouldn’t leave c. won’t leave
6. I wish you would call more often so we … .
a. will talk b. can talk c. could talk

4 Unit Test LEVEL 1

OPTIONAL READING Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

I If you could write to a pen friend anywhere in the world and learn about a different culture, which country would
you choose? Writing to pen friends has been popular for decades, although nowadays, many people write and
send their letters by computer.
II No one really knows when writing to pen friends began, but at the 1964 World’s Fair, the Parker Pen Company
used a computer to match pen friends from the United States with people around the world who shared common
interests. The programme, which was called “Peace through Understanding through Writing”, was tremendously
successful. By August 1965, the programme had matched a million pen friends.
III The idea of writing to people from other countries continued to be very popular during the late 60s and early
70s. International journalist Geraldine Brooks grew up in Australia during the 1960s, and like many other young
Australians, she never had the chance to meet people from other parts of the world. However, writing to pen
friends gave her the chance to get to know people from other countries and make new friends with people from
around the world.
IV Since the 1960s, many pen-friend organisations have been created as a meeting place for people from different
countries. While some organisations offer only Internet communication, other organisations encourage both
e-mail (online) and snail mail (postal) contact. Surprisingly, in today’s world of modern technology and the
Internet, many people still prefer to write letters instead of sending e-mails. They enjoy receiving envelopes with
colourful stamps, reading letters written in different handwriting and saving the letters as personal history.
V Maybe that’s why people today, like the young Geraldine Brooks, still get excited about receiving a letter from
a pen friend. These letters bring a different piece of the world into their postbox.

1 Choose the correct answer. (2 x 3 = 6 points) 3 Answer the questions. (2 x 4 = 8 points)

1. The Parker Pen Company matched people who … . 1. Why is it surprising that many people still prefer to get
a. shared computers letters instead of e-mails?
b. had common interests Because in today´s world of modern technology
c. succeeded at the World’s Fair and the internet, it´s a bit rare.
2. Writing to pen friends gave Geraldine Brooks a chance 2. Why do people enjoy getting letters instead of e-mails?
to … . Because receiving envelopes with colourful
a. visit people in other countries stamps, reading letters written in different handwriting
b. meet young people from Australia and they can save the letters as personal history.
c. make friends with people from other countries
4 Find words or expressions in the text that

2 Complete the sentences. (2 x 3 = 6 points) mean: (5 x 1 = 5 points)

1. tens of years (paragraph I) decades
1. In the 1960s, young people in Australia writing to pen 2. very (paragraph II) tremendously
friends got a chance to get to know people from other 3. a news person (paragraph III) journalist
countries and make new friends. 4. developed (paragraph IV) modern
2. The purpose of pen-friend organisations is to 5. your individual (paragraph IV) personal
encourage people to know people around the world
who share interests with them.

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