Comic Life Rubric

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Comic Book Rubric

Category 5 4 3 2 1
Content Content is Content is Content is Content is Content is
always correct; usually correct; sometimes seldom correct; rarely correct;
Ideas and Ideas and correct; Ideas Ideas and Ideas and
concepts are concepts are and concepts concepts are concepts are
always clearly usually clearly are sometimes seldom rarely
explained and explained and clearly explained and explained and
understood. understood. explained and understood. understood.
Captions Captions Captions Captions Captions Captions
are are are are are
always Usually Sometimes seldom Rarely
related to related to related to related to related to
the the the the the
scenes and scenes and scenes and scenes and scenes and
the the the the the
connection connection connection connection connection
s are s are s are s are s are rarely
always usually sometimes seldom easy to
easy to easy to easy to easy to understand
understand understand understand .
. understand . .
Characters/Setting The main The main The main The main The main
characters characters characters characters characters
are always are usually are are seldom are rarely
identified, identified, sometimes identified, identified,
and their and their identified, and their and their
actions actions and their actions actions
and and actions and and
dialogue dialogue and dialogue dialogue
are always are usually dialogue are seldom are rarely
well- well- are well- well-
matched. matched. sometimes matched. matched.
Landscape Landscape well- Landscape Landscape
and props and props matched. and props and props
are always are usually Landscape are seldom are rarely
related to related to and props related to related to
the the are the the
theme or theme or sometimes theme or theme or
purpose purpose of related to purpose of purpose of
of the the comic the the comic the comic
comic and and theme or and and
enhance enhance purpose of fail to fail
understand understand the comic enhance enhance
ing of the ing of the and understand understand
scene. scene. enhance ing of the ing of the
understand scene. scene.
ing of the
Spelling, There are There are There are There are The comic
no 1-3 4-5 more book cannot be
Punctuation, spelling, spelling, spelling, than 5 understood
punctuatio punctuatio punctuatio spelling, because there
and Grammar n, or n, or n, and punctuatio are too many
spelling and
grammar grammar grammar n, and
errors. errors. errors. grammar errors.

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