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Appendix 1: Lesson Plan (template)

LESSON PLAN Subject: science

Trainee:Maitha Alkaabi Topic or Theme: staying healthy

Class: Kg2 Date & Duration: -

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working on: student understand and know the what will keep them healthy and remind them of the
plant and what the plant gives us.

Lesson Focus

Lesson focus on staying healthy.

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to:

Links to Prior Learning

The last lesson is about what plants give us, here will be that the student will say plants give us
vegetables and fruits

21st Century Skills

student will collaborate while working and think creatively during the activities.

Key vocabulary

Healthy m un healthy , good , not good, fruits , vegetables.

Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

Student work on the activities in the wrong Teacher ask the student questions to lead them to right
way answer.
Student doesn’t know what is the food that
makes them stay healthy.

Resources/equipment needed

Different kind of healthy and un healthy food. work sheets, colours, paper plate, coloured papers , pizza
and different toppings. .
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
Teacher will start with morning routine.
15 Min Student will respond to the teacher.
Teacher will ask the student : what are we
learning about ?

Teacher will show the student some

- different healthy and unhealthy food and
they should tell .

Teacher will discuss with the student what

to the plant give us. Vegetables and fruits.

(teacher will explain the different

centers before let the student go
and start working so they know
what they will do during each

Main activities
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
Student will respond as teacher asked Activity 1(focus group): student will have
15Min two teeth , one is happy one sad, they need
to sort the food in the right place. Then
they have to draw their healthy lunch box.

Activity 2(Science): student will have

different fruits and vegetables they have to
color them, then cut them and make a
healthy plate of food.

Activity 3(math): they will have pizza and

they need to add the topping to follow the
order of the pizza.

Activity 4(Science): student will have a

human body , they have to put the pictures
of the fruits and vegetables in the right
Activity 5(Art): student will have different
fruits and they need use a mosaic papers to
finish them.

Differentiation activities (Support)

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

& Time Plenary/Conclusion

10Min(closing) Students will Teacher will

Student will represent their works in Teacher will bring the student back to the
5Min(assessmen the circle . carpet and ask them to tell and show what
they’ve done


Assessment Formative assessment , were student will circle the food that keep them
Strategies: healthy.

☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment


☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work and ☐ Verbal feedback



The lesson was focusing on , staying healthy. I tried to connect the theme to the
previous lesson were they had to know what the plants give us. This will helps them
know that the food we get from plants keeps us healthy. I tried to ensure that all
the student at the end of the class will know what are the food that keeps us
healthy, I set a goal to see by the end of the class that all the student will be
able to know what the lesson focuses on. In the beginning of the class all the
student were engaged by showing them different plastic food some are healthy and
some are not , so they tell me if they are healthy or no . and also I let the
student turn and talk about some pictures I give to them to see if they know what
are the food are health and what are not

Then by explaining all the activities and model them for the student will give the
an idea of what will happen in the centres this will help me and the student that
when they go to the centres they start working and not wait to the teacher till
she come by and explain for each group.

Activities was engaging and they are in the right level of the student. They are
hands on activities according to piaget, that hands on activities helps them in
their cognitive thinking.

Then during the centres go around and ask some blooms taxonomy questions that helps
them think more about the topic. And if they are M student ask some questions that
will helps them think outside the box.

After finishing the centres gather the student back to the carpet and let them show
and tell their work and what they’ve done during the centres and do a formative
assessment to make sure they got what you wanted them to do and reach the goal that
you set.

Also give the student some class-dojo point for the ones who work hard in the
centres .

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