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Notice Writing, Examples, Format, Tips, Topics, Samples

By:Ruchika Gupta

Notice Writing Format, Examples, Topics


Notice Writing for All Classes Class 7,8,9, 10, 12

What is a notice?
A notice is a written or printed announcement (Example - a notice for sale). It is written in order to inform a large number of people
about something that has happened or is about to happen. It could be an upcoming event, competition, Lost and found notice or
just a piece of information to be delivered to the targeted audience. It is generally written in a formal tone. Notices are factual and
to-the-point. The language used is simple and formal, not flowery. They are put up on display boards in schools or at public places.


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Notice writing - English Writing skills

In the class 12 CBSE examination, choices will be given to attempt any one question out of the given two Short Answer Questions
(4 marks each) based on any of the following – 

i. Notice writing
ii. Poster writing
iii. Formal and informal invitation and reply writing.
iv. Advertisement writing   

Notice writing - Breakup of Marks                                    

The breakup of 4 marks  for English writing skills - notice writing as per CBSE guidelines is as follows:

Format 01 mark

Content 02 marks

Expression O1 mark

Total 04 marks

Format of a notice for Class 12 English writing skills - Notice writing

The Notice writng format should include: NAME OF THE INSTITUTION / ISSUING AUTHORITY / NOTICE / TITLE, DATE, and
 A notice should contain all the necessary details such as:

i. Name of the issuing agency (school, etc)

ii. Date of issue/release of the notice
iii. Title/Subject of the Event (what?)
iv. BODY-Date/time/duration/Place/Venue (when and where?)
v. Authorized signatory: Name and signature (contact details)
Name of the issuing agency/authority
Date of issue/Release of the notice

Title/Subject of the Event


Authorized signatory  
(Name, Designation and signature)

Notice Writing Tips

Please follow the given tips while attempting a question based on Notice writing for Class 12 English writing skills paper -

i. Do not cross the word limit to avoid penalty of marks. The prescribed word limit is 50 words.
ii. Repetition of any information should be avoided.
iii. Always enclose the notice in a box. Make sure you draw the box with a pencil.
iv. Keep your notice short, crisp and to-the-point. (

v. Highlight the word “NOTICE” and “TITLE”. It can be either bold or underlined.
vi. The title should be captivating and eye-catching.
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vii. Don’t make hypothetical information and facts. Make use of what’s give in the question.
viii. Make sure you do not mention your personal information.
ix. Make use of all the available information in the question.
x. Your answer shall include answers to all the 5 W’s – What, Why, When, Where and Who.
xi. The purpose for which it is being written should be stated clearly.
xii. Focus on presentation and clarity.

Notice Writing Topics

The topics for notice writing could be as follows –

i. A competition
ii. An excursion trip
iii. A lost and found notice
iv. An inauguration to take place
v. An exhibition
vi. A blood donation camp to be held
 Or any such type of event or information to be issued in public interest.

Samples and examples for Notice writing for Class 12 English writing skills
Question 1: Water supply will be suspended for eight hours (10 am to 6 pm) on 6th of March for cleaning of the water tank. Write
a notice in about 50 words advising the residents to store water for a day. You are Karan Kumar/Karuna Bajaj, Secretary, Janata
Group Housing Society, Palam Vihar, Kurnool. (CBSE 2016)


Janata Group Housing Society, Palam Vihar, Kurnool.

March 01, 201X
This notice is to inform all the residents regarding the suspension of water
supply for 8 hours. It is being done to clean the water tank. The details are as
DATE- March 6
TIME- 10am – 6 pm
Thus, we request you to store the required amount of water beforehand to
minimise the difficulty. Thank you

Karan Kumar/ Karuna Bajaj



[Any other relevant title]

– what - suspension of water supply for 8 hours
– when - 6th March; 10am – 6pm
– where - Society
– reasons for cut - cleaning of water tank
– steps to be taken - store water
– any other relevant details

Question 2: While walking in a park in your neighbourhood you found a small plastic bag containing some documents and some
cash. Write a notice in about 50 words to be put on the park notice board asking the owner to identify and collect it from you. You
are Amar/Amrita 9399123456.
(CBSE 2017)

March 01, 20XX
This is to inform all the readers that a plastic bag has been found in the
neighbourhood park. It has a few documents andsource
Your No1 someforcash inEntrance
Latest it. The plastic
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bag is red in colour and is medium-sized. It was found on February 27, at
around 6pm near the fountain in the park. The owner of the bag shall contact
me on 9399123456 along with an identity proof.  Thank you



Heading : [LOST & FOUND / FOUND / any other relevant title]
-What - plastic bag with documents and cash
-When – date & approx. time
-Where - park
-description of bag- colour, material, size -owner to claim with identifying details -Contact details- AMAR/ AMRITA -Phone no. -
(any other relevant detail)

Question 3: You are Asma/Ashish, the head girl/boy of XYZ international school. Your school is soon going to publish the annual
magazine next month. Write a notice for the notice board of your school inviting students to submit write-ups.



March 01,2019
This is to inform all the students that our school is going to publish its annual
magazine next month. All those who wish to contribute can mail their entries
to Write-ups will
be accepted latest by March 30,2019 till 11:59 pm. You can take any topic of
your choice. For further information, contact your respective class teachers.
Thank you

Head Girl/Head Boy

Question 4: You are Ruhi/Rahul, head girl/boy of ABC convent school. Your school is going to organize an inter-school singing
competition. Write a notice for your school notice board inviting names of all the interested students.


March 01,2019

Our school is organising an Inter-school Singing Competition on March 19,

2019; Tuesday at 12pm in the school auditorium. More than 20 schools from
all over the city will participate. Interested students may contact the
undersigned latest by March 10, 2019.

Head girl/boy  

Notice Writing Format - A Notice, generally, is a displayed sheet or placard giving a news or information. It is a written or a printed
piece of information or news. It is written to inform people or students (in a school) about an activity or an event and is only meant
for a specific group of individuals. They are put up on display boards in schools or public places. Since a notice is a formal
announcement or piece of information, its tone and style are formal, and it is based on the facts given. Its language is simple and

Format of a Notice
A Notice must cover the following points –

1. Title – A notice should have an appropriate title.

2. It should give information what the event is about.

3. A notice should tell when the event will Your

be held.
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4. The venue of the event should be disclosed in the notice.

5. It should carry the name and designation of the issuer of the notice.

6. A notice should also mention the date on which it is issued.

7. It has to be written within the given word limit.

To see an example of Notice writing, watch the video below:

This video talks about Notice Writing Format - How to write a Notice ? See Notice Format, Examples and Topics. Format of Notice
Writing for Higher Classes . Notice is a formal communication to display information to a specific category or group of people.
Notices are generally meant to be pinned up School or College Notice boards or in public places. Govenment publishes Notices
(legal or otherwise) in Newspapers for Wider Public Circulation.

Topics for Notice Writing

The topics for notice writing could be as follows –

i. A competition
ii. an excursion trip
iii. a lost and found notice
iv. an inauguration to take place
v. an exhibition
vi. a blood donation camp to be held
or any such type of event or information in public interest.

Notice Writng Format Example

Let us see a Sample Notice -

1. You are Radha/ Ravi, head of the music department at The Learner’s Paradise school, Doon. Write a notice giving information
regarding the upcoming singing competition in the school. Include relevant information like date, time venue, age group categories,
prizes, judges and sponsors for the event. The maximum word limit is 50 words.

Also, See Letter to the Editor Format - CBSE Class 9, 10, 12(letter-to-the-editor-format-cbse-class-9-10-12.html)

The Learner’s Paradise school, Doon

Date: 11 August 2018 (

Singing Competition
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This is to inform the students that the annual singing competition will be held on 31st August 2018 at the school auditorium at
9:00 AM. The students have been divided in three age categories as follows –

Class I – III                            Junior level

Class IV – VI                         Intermediate level

Class VII- X                           Senior level

Five students will be shortlisted from each class who will compete in the final round. The final round shall be judged by a panel
comprising of Sh. Mohan (a renowned vocalist), Dr. Arun (school principal) and Ms. Radha (H.O.D., Music deptt).
The winner in each category shall be awarded a trophy and a cash prize of INR 1,000. Those students who want to participate
should give their names to their Music teacher on or before 20 August 2018.

H.O.D., Music Deptt.

To see an example of Notice writing, watch the video below:

Notice Writing is part of the syllabus for class 10 and in some boards for class 9.
Also See:

E-mail Writing - Class 10th, 12th Formal, Informal Email Writing Format(

Letter Writing Format - Formal Letter, Informal Letter Samples, Topics(letter-writing-format-formal-letter-informal-letter-samples-


Class 9 English Explanation, Summary(

Class 10 English Lessons - Explanation (

Class 12 English Lessons Explanation (

Free Online English Test - MCQ Test Series (

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