Mutualism, Commensalism and Parasite.

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Teacher: Fatima Ahmed Subject: Science

Grade: 5 Unit: Date: 4-11-2019


Students will be able to:

• Identify and analyse the different between mutualism, commensalism and parasite.

Link to prior learning: Students will need to be familiar with the following because it is all about ecosystem
and they should to know some of the relationship in ecosystem.

21st Century Skills: Students will be able to communicate and collaborate together in the activity, and critical
thinking in the activity.

Key vocabulary: biotic, abiotic, relationship, limiting factors, population.

Common misconceptions for learners: Ways of identifying and addressing these misconceptions:

What is the different between I will use some picture and I will explain it for the student.
mutualism, commensalism and

Resources/equipment needed:

Teacher will use smart board to teach the student.


Worksheet with differentiation.

Exit ticket.


Resources & Time Starter (10 minutes)

Teacher Will: Students Will:
• Ask the student about what • Ecosystem, life cycle of plants,
they learned in the last living things and non-living
science period. things.
• And the teacher will do a
quick review for them.
• What is ecosystem? • Place that all animals and
plant living on it.
• What is abiotic? • Nonliving things.
• What is biotic? • Living things.
• Who know what is limiting • Something has limit.
• What did you learn about • Carrying is hold.
carrying capacity?
• Excellent.
• Today we will learn about
something new called
mutualism, commensalism
and parasite.
• Do you know what is • No.
mutualism, commensalism
and parasite mean?
• Okay these three things are
in the ecosystem.

Resources & Time Main activities (30 minutes)

Focus Centre: Teacher Will: Students Will:

• The first thing is called
mutualism and it is when
two living thing are happy
together for example like •
the fish which called
Nimmo and the sea tree,
the teacher will start
drawing in the smart board,
Nimmo is happy because it
have a nice home to live in
and a place that protect it
and also the tree is happy
because it have some body
clean her dirt, this called a
mutualism which two living
things are happy.
• And we have a
commensalism which one is
happy, and one doesn’t
care for example like the
tree and a bird the bird will
be happy, and it will build a
nest in the tree, but the
tree doesn’t care it is okay
for her.
• And the third is parasite
which one organism is
happy and the other is sad
like the lice and human the
lice is happy and eat your
blood but us as a human we
hate the lice.
Centre 2: E.g. Art •

Centre 3: E.g. Math •

Centre 4: E.g. •

Resources Plenary (5 minutes)

Teacher Will: Students Will:

Homework The homework:

Learning styles catered for (✓):

Visual: Auditory: Read/Write: Kinaesthetic

The student will see all the The student will listen to The activity is all
picture which is visual. the teacher and also, writing and they
they can talk with other. should to read the

Assessment for learning opportunities (✓):

Observation: Student self-assessment Oral questioning Peer assessment

I model the activity for

Quiz Student presentation Written work and Verbal feedback
Exit ticket.

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