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SIN. 11714202637





A. Background of the Problem

Vocabulary is the collection of words that an individual knows (Linse,

2005:121).There are some experts who give definitions of vocabulary.
Hatch and Brown (1995:1) define that vocabulary as a list of words for a
particular language or a list or set of word that individual speakers of
language might use. Furthermore, in Webster Dictionary (1985:1073),
vocabulary is define as a list or collection of words usually
alphabetically arranged and explained or lexicon, stock of words use in
language or by class, individual, etc. While according to Roget
(1980:1036), vocabulary is:

a. A list of words often defined or translated.

b. All the words of Language.

c. Specialized expression which are indigenous to a particular field,

subject, trade or subculture.

Laufer (1997:54) states that vocabulary learning is at the heart of

language learning and language use. In fact, it is what makes the essence
of a language. Without vocabularies, speakers cannot convey the
meaning and communicate with each other in a particular language.
Vocabulary is an important aspect in teaching language, as stated by
Edward (1997:149), “Vocabulary is one of the important factors in all
language teaching; students must continually learn words as they learn
structure and as they practice sound system”. Sometimes, it’s difficult to
determine the words that students related to vocabularies such as:
meaning, spoken/written forms, collocations, connotations, grammatical
behavior, etc.( Linse,2005:121).

Vocabulary is one of the English components that is needed to be

mastered by the learners. When learners are learning a new language,
they should have enough vocabularies in order to make use of their
language into four language skills that are listening, speaking, reading,
and writing. Without vocabulary, it is difficult for the learners to express
their opinions, ideas, and feelings. Therefore, it is important to choose
appropriate media when a teacher teaches vocabulary in a class.

When learners are learning a new language, they should have a lot
vocabulary in order to make use their language into four language skills
that are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In other words, if the
students master vocabulary, the students will be able to produce so many
sentences easily either in spoken or written in learning English. It is
difficult for the learners to express their opinions, ideas, and feelings if
they have limited vocabulary. They will find difficulties in arrange a
sentence to express or mastering their language skills because of having
too limited vocabularies. Therefore, vocabulary mastery must be the first
priority in English teaching and learning.
According to David Wilkins in Thornbury (2002:13) state that without
grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be
conveyed. In relation with that statement, Dellar and Hocking in Sukrina
(2013) who say that we will see most improvement if we learn more
words and expressions. It means that students will improve much if they
learn more words and expressions. Even if students’ grammar is
excellent, they just won't be able to communicate their meaning without
a wide vocabulary.

Most of students lack of motivation. The students easily got bored, more
passive, and worried to learn English because the English teacher lack of
ability in using media, especially in teaching vocabulary. English teacher
only used text book and white board in teaching learning process. They
just pay attention to what the teacher’s explanation or rewrite the
vocabulary that’s written by the teacher on the white board. The teacher
just force the student to memorize some words, as a result, it makes
student can’t memorize some words well. Therefore, most of learners
only master simple vocabularies like animal, clothes, things in the
classroom etc.

In order to solve this problem, a teacher should help students to learn the
vocabularies by using media to conduct teaching and learning process in
the class. According to Davies (1996:8) in Wiranata (2015), English
teachers should try to vary the teaching to improve the students’ ability
in learning English. The teacher has to look for ways that can be used to
make students’ interested in learning English. According to Lyne (2001)
the students’ interest is one of the main factors to achieve the goal of
teaching learning English. For that reason, movie is medium that can be
used to improve students’ motivation in learning English.

B. Formulation of the Problem

The problem of this research can be formulated in the following


1. What are the students’ difficulties with respect to the implementation

of movie to improve vocabulary mastery at the first grade?

2. Is there any improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery after being

taught through movie as the media of instruction at the first grade?

C. Research Method

The method of the research is experimental research. In this research,

Researchers study variables, which are characteristics that take on
different values across people or things. Experimental research involves
a study of the effect of the systematic manipulation of one variable(s) on
another variable. The manipulated variable is called the experimental
treatment or the independent variable. The observed and measured
variable is called the dependent variable.

Amalia Lydia. 2017. Teaching Vocabulary Through Movie To Improve

Vocabulary Mastery of the First Grade Students At SMPN 26 Bandar
Lampung. [ script ]. University Of Lampung.

Nurjanah KS. 2013. Improving Students Mastery In Vocabulary

Through Movie Learning Media At The Fourth Grade Of Sdn 1
Gumulunglebak Greged Cirebon. [ thesis ]. Syekh Nurjati State Institute
For Islamic Studies Cirebon.

Lail Husnul. 2018. The Effectiveness Of Using English Movie With

English Subtittles In Teaching Vocabulary At The Eighth Year Students
Ofsmpn 1selong In The Academic Year Of 2018/2019. Journal of
Languages and Language Teaching.

Ebrahimi Yasser. 2016. The Effect of Watching English Movies with

Standard Subtitles on EFL Learners’ Content and Vocabulary
Comprehension. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research
Volume 3.

Zohrabi Mohammad and Sabouri Hossein. 2015. The Impact of

Watching English Subtitled Movies in Vocabulary Learning in Different
Genders of Iranian EFL Learners. International Journal on Studies in
English Language and Literature (IJSELL) Volume 3

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