Preparation of Soyabean Milk and Its Comparison With Natural Milk

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ion of
Milk and
on With
Soy milk is a high protein,
iron-rich milky liquid
produced from pressing
ground, cooked soybeans.
Creamy white soy milk
resembles cow's milk but in
fact differs from its dairy
counterpart in a number of
ways. Not only is it higher in
protein and iron content, but
it is cholesterol-free, low fat,
and low sodium. It is,
however, lower in calcium
and must be fortified with
calcium when given to
growing children. Those
who are allergic to cow's
milk or are unable to digest
lactose, the natural sugar
found in cow's milk, find soy
milk easy to digest since it
is lactose-free. Those who
are calorie-conscious can
purchase reduced fat soy
milk (called lite soy milk) but
this is often lower in protein
as well. Some do not enjoy
the taste of original soy
milk, so manufacturers now
offer flavored soy milk. Soy
milk can be substituted for
milk in nearly any recipe.
Those who merely want to
boost protein intake often
add powdered soy milk to
other beverages, others find
it economical to purchase it
in powder form and then
make soy milk when they
add water to the powder.
Children under one year of
age should be given a
formula of soy milk
specifically developed with
their nutritional needs in
mind. Soy milk requires only
soybeans and water (and
steam) for its creation. Soy
milk is nearly always
fortified with calcium,
vitamins D, and certain B
vitamins. Highly
concentrated flavorings,
such as vanilla, carob,
chocolate, and almond are
often added to the finished
The Manufacturing
The soybean is a low acid
food and as such, is a good
host for the breeding of
harmful bacteria. Thus, the
manufacturing process is
"aseptic," meaning that at a
certain point in its
production, the soy milk is
sealed off from any air
because it might introduce
dangerous bacteria into the
product. The development
of successful, affordable
aseptic production of soy
milk has been of
tremendous importance in
the mass production of this
beverage. The initial phases
of the production of soy milk
do not have to be sealed off
to air only later does this
Procuring the raw
Soy milk manufacturers
very often work directly with
farmers so that the kind of
soy bean that produces
good soy milk is grown (one
manufacturer gives the
farmers the seeds for the
soybeans they require).
Generally soy milk
producers seek large
soybeans called clear
hylem. Once the soybeans
are harvested and brought
to the plant, the beans are
cleaned in a grain elevator
or bin on or off premises.
The process may begin with
the blending together of four
to six tons of soybeans at
one time.
The soybeans are steamed
and split in half. This
loosens the hull on the
bean. A vacuum sucks off
the hulls.

Invalidating the
indigestible enzyme
Next, soybeans must be
cooked in order to
invalidate, or counteract, a
specific enzyme which
makes them indigestible to
humans. This cooking
occurs in the Enzyme
Invalidator, in which the de-
hulled soybeans are cooked
using high pressure, Water,
and high temperature
(creating very hot live
steam) to invalidate that
Rough grinding

The cooked soybeans then

fall into the first rough
grinder or mill. Water is
added to the machine and
the bean pieces are roughly
ground in this first milling.

Finer grinding
Although they have been
ground once, the cooked
soybeans are still rather
coarse. Thus, the fine
grinder further pulverizes
the bean pellets into small
particles. The hot slurry is
white in color with
minuscule particles of
insoluble soybean particles.
A large centrifuge is then
used to extract the tiny bits
of soybean that are
insoluble and cannot be
included in the finished
product. These particles are
separated from the soy milk
slurry using a centrifuge. A
rubber roller presses the
soy milk slurry against the
surface of a drum within the
centrifuge, forcing the liquid
inside the drum while the
fibers remain on the outside
of the drum. The drum is
then scraped of these
fibers. These soybean
fibers are physically
removed from the
production process at this
This waste soy fiber is
called Okara and it
resembles mashed
potatoes. A separate
process dries the okara
for use other than human
consumption. The fiber-
less soy liquid is raw soy
milk at this point and is
referred to in the industry
as jun. Good quality
soybeans are harvested,
cleaned, hulled, and
pressure cooked. Next,
the cooked soybeans are
ground by a number of
grinders that transform
the beans into a milky
slurry. The slurry is
placed in a centrifuge that
extracts any insoluble
Soy milk (also called soya
milk, soymilk, soybean milk,
or soy juice and sometimes
referred to as soy
drink/beverage) is a beverage
made from soybeans. A
traditional staple of Asian
cuisine, it is a stable emulsion
of oil, water, and protein. It is
produced by soaking dry
soybeans and grinding them
with water. Soy milk contains
about the same proportion of
protein as cow’s milk: around
3. 5%; also 2% fat, 2. 9%
carbohydrate, and 0. 5% ash.
Soy milk can be made at home
with traditional kitchen tools
or with a soy milk machine.
Despite the terminology used
by consumers, it is illegal to
sell soy milk under that name
in the European Union, where
– with certain exceptions – EC
Regulation (1898/87) has
restricted the term ‘milk’ to
mammary secretions since
1987; in such countries the
term ‘soy drink’ is commonly
used. [1][2] The coagulated
protein from soy milk can be
made into tofu, just as dairy
milk can be made into cheese.
Preparation of soya milk Soy
milk can be made from whole
soybeans or full-fat soy flour.
The dry beans are soaked in
water overnight or for a
minimum of 3 hours or more
depending on the temperature
of the water.
The rehydrated beans then
undergo wet grinding with
enough added water to give the
desired solids content to the
final product. The ratio of
water to beans on a weight
basis should be about 10:1.
The resulting slurry or puree is
brought to a boil in order to
improve its nutritional value
by heat inactivating
soybeantrypsin inhibitor,
improve its flavor and to
sterilize the product. Heating
at or near the boiling point is
continued for a period of time,
15–20 minutes, followed by
the removal of an insoluble
residue (soy pulp fiber or
okara) by filtration.
There is a simple yet profound
difference between traditional
Chinese and Japanese soy milk
processing: the Chinese
method boils the filtrate (soy
milk) after a cold filtration,
while the Japanese method
boils the slurry first, followed
by hot filtration of the slurry.
The latter method results in a
higher yield of soy milk but
requires the use of an anti-
foaming agent or natural
defoamer during the boiling
step. Bringing filtered soy milk
to a boil avoids the problem of
foaming. It is generally
opaque, white or off-white in
color, and approximately the
same consistency as cow’s
For all raw soybean protein
products, heat is necessary to
destroy the activity of the
protease inhibitors naturally
present in the soybean. The
pancreas naturally secretes
proteases to digest a protein
meal. Eating raw soybeans on
a regular basis causes the
pancreas to hypersecrete,
leading to benign tumors of the
pancreas. When soybeans
absorb water, the endogenous
enzyme, Lipoxygenase (LOX),
EC 1. 13. 11. 12
catalyzes a reaction between
polyunsaturated fatty acids and
oxygen {hydroperoxidation}.
LOX initiates the formation of
free radicals, which can then
attack other cell components.
Soybean seeds are the richest
known sources of LOXs. It is
thought to be a defensive
mechanism by the soybean
against fungal invasion. In
1967, experiments at Cornell
University and the New York
State Agricultural Experiment
Station at Geneva, NY led to
the discovery that paint-like,
off-flavors of traditional soy
milk can be prevented from
forming by a rapid hydration
grinding process of dehulled
beans at temperatures above
80 °C. The quick moist heat
treatment inactivates the LOX
enzyme before it can have a
significant negative effect on
All modern bland soy milks
have been heat treated in this
manner to destroy LOX. In
1969, Mattick and Hand[16] at
Cornell University made the
important discovery that most
of the so-called beany flavor in
soybeans was not inherent in
the beans themselves but was
produced by the enzyme
lipoxygenase when the split
beans came in contact with
water. Lipoxygenase could be
inactivated and most of the
beany flavor removed by
either dropping unsoaked
soybeans directly into boiling
water or by removing any
cracked or split beans prior to
soaking, then carefully
dropping the soaked beans into
boiling water.
Normal mature soybeans
actually contain three LOX
isozymes (SBL-1, SBL-2, and
SBL-3) important for
undesirable flavor
development. One or more of
these isozymes have recently
(1998) been removed
genetically from soybeans
yielding soy milk with less
cooked beany aroma and
flavor and less astringency. An
example of a triple LOX-free
soybean is the American
soybean named “Laura”. The
University of Illinois has
developed a soy milk that
makes use of the entire
soybean. What would
normally constitute
“insolubles” are ground so
small by homogenization as to
be in permanent suspension.
[17] Natural milk.
Milk is a white liquid
produced by the mammary
glands of mammals. It is the
primary source of nutrition for
young mammals before they
are able to digest other types
of food. Early-lactation milk
contains colostrum, which
carries the mother’s antibodies
to the baby and can reduce the
risk of many diseases in the
baby. It also contains many
other nutrients. [1] As an
agricultural product, milk is
extracted from mammals and
used as food for humans.
Worldwide, dairy farms
produced about 730 million
tonnes of milk in 2011.
[2]India is the world’s largest
producer and consumer of
milk, yet neither exports nor
imports milk.
New Zealand, the European
Union’s 27 member states,
Australia, and theUnited States
are the world’s largest
exporters of milk and milk
products. China and Russia are
the world’s largest importers
of milk and milk products.
[3][4] Throughout the world,
there are more than 6 billion
consumers of milk and milk
products. Over 750 million
people live within dairy
farming households. Milk is a
key contributor to improving
nutrition and food security
particularly in developing
countries. Improvements in
livestock and dairy technology
offer significant promise in
reducing poverty and
malnutrition in the world.
[5] Project Aim: Preparation of
soya bean milk and its
comparison with the natural
milk with respect to curd
formation, effect of
temperature and taste. Theory:
Natural milk is an opaque
white fluid secreted by the
mammary glands of female
mammal. The main
constituents of natural milk are
proteins, carbohydrates,
minerals, vitamins, fats and
water and are a complete
balanced diet. Fresh milk is
sweetish in taste. However,
when it is kept for a long time
at a temperature of 35 ± 50C it
becomes sour because of
bacteria present in air. These
bacteria convert lactose of
milk starts separating out as a
When the acidity in milk is
sufficient and temperature is
around 360C, it forms semi-
solid mass, called curd. Soya
bean milk is made from soya
beans. It resembles natural
milk. The main constituents of
soya bean milk are proteins,
carbohydrates, fats, minerals
and vitamins. It is prepared by
keeping soya beans dipped in
water for sometime. The
swollen soya beans are then
crushed to a paste which is
then mixed with water. The
solution is filtered and filtrate
is soya bean milk. Materials
required: Beakers, pestle and
mortar, measuring cylinder,
glass-rod, tripod-stand,
thermometer, muslin cloth,
Soya beans, buffalo milk, fresh
curd, distilled water.
Procedure: Soak about 100 g
of soya beans in sufficient
amount of water for 24 hours.
Take out swollen soya beans
and grind them to a very fine
paste with a pestle-mortar.
Add about 250 ml of water to
this paste and filter it through a
muslin cloth. Clear white
filtrate is soya bean milk.
Compare its taste with buffalo
milk. Take 50 ml of buffalo
milk in three beakers and heat
the beakers to 300, 400 and
500 C respectively. Add
spoonful curd to each of the
beakers and leave the beakers
undisturbed for 8 hours and
curd is ready.
Similarly, take 50 ml of soya
bean milk in three other
beakers and heat the beakers to
300,400 and 500 C
respectively. Add 1 spoonful
curd to each of these beakers.
Leave the beakers 4
undisturbed for 8 hours and
curd is formed. Type of milk
Beaker no Temperature
Quality of curd Taste of curd
Buffalo milk 1 300C 2 400C 3
500C 4 300C Soya bean milk
5 400C 6 500C Result: For
buffalo milk, the best
temperature for the formation
of good quality and tasty curd
is… oC and for soya bean
milk, it is …. oC.

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