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Goyo Reaction Paper

Julian Vitug 11733217

1. What specific issues in the movie reflect the issues of our country today?

The issue that can reflect a problem the country is currently facing is the cult of personality
and nepotistic nature of those in charge, leading to Filipinos being led by incompetent leaders. A
recurring theme, not only in this movie but in the prequel Heneral Luna, was the difficult choice
that faced those tasked with the responsibility of public service; serve yourself or the nation you
serve? In Heneral Luna, Gen. Antonio Luna chooses to serve the country he loves, to the point it
led to his demise. In the film Goyo, Gen. Gregorio del Pilar faces the similar problem, but chooses
to stay loyal to President Emilio Aguinaldo and the film shows how a soldier can go from “just
following orders” to a lapdog. The films also show how del Pilar became the Presidents favorite
because of his loyalty, not necessarily for his skills in the battlefield. This can be likened to the
treatment of Gen. Luna in the first film due to his attitude not because of his tactics on the

This can be likened to the political landscape present in the nation today. Filipinos are in
love and enamored by leaders that promise them the world, and cross the thin line between
becoming law-abiding, patriotic citizens and hypnotized fanatics willing to go through extreme
lengths to show their loyalty. They confuse patriotism with blinded loyalty and support the leaders
even if the policies being put forward are not in the best interests of the country. This can be seen
with elections basically becoming popularity contests, with celebrities and popular personalities
garnering more votes than qualified and dedicated public servants and intellects. The film also
touches on nepotism, which is especially rampant in local politics today. Instead of having the best
public servant available, citizens must endure and be led by relatives, friends, and cronies of those
in power. Nowadays, most of the posts are filled up my people judged by their personal beliefs
and loyalty instead of their expertise on the said post.

2. Why do young citizens like you need to be reflective of the past and on-going issues in
the country?

As the next generation of leaders and voters, it is imperative for us to grasp a better
understanding of the socio-economic and political issues gripping the nation. Uninformed voters
are as detrimental to national progress as corrupt politicians. Informing ourselves and remembering
how we got here as a nation and then exercising our right to vote is the least we can do for the
country. A vote may not be enough to make an effect on a national election, but when grouped
together, our votes can set the path of the nation for generations to come. With all this power and
responsibility at our fingertips, it is our duty to find a way and be best equipped to handle this.

Not only must we be aware of current issues like inflation, turmoil in Mindanao and
amnesty of Sen. Trillanes but we must also look back and learn from lessons before. This means
remembering the struggles of Martial Law in the 70s, the root of the problems in Mindanao, and
many others. Perhaps, this can be summarized in the immortal words of our national hero, Jose
Rizal; “He who does not know how to look back at where he came from, will never get to his

3. As a Lasallian, how can you contribute to solving these issues.

As a Lasallian, the course of action to contribute solving these problems would be to adhere
to the core values set by St. John Baptist De La Salle. These core values call for faith, service and
communion. By following these, we Lasallians can make a difference for the greater good in the
name of God and in service to the nation. It may not solve all the social problems overnight but in
our own way, we can collectively make and become the catalyst for progress and change for the

Faith calls for believing in the Lord and putting God in the center of all this. This inspires
us to accomplish the greater good in honor and for the glory of the Lord. We are also called to
remember to keep his presence in us and inspire us to get through our challenges, whatever it may
be. This is important in reminding ourselves that we are serving a cause that is bigger than us and
that it is not about ourselves or self-enrichment,

The next core value is service. This means helping out our countrymen countrywomen any
way we can. It must be in ways to better benefit those in need and remember to be men and women
for others. This must be done with the intention of sincerely caring and be there for those who are
in need and receiving the aforementioned service. By helping each other and cooperating with ne
another can we can we accomplish such big tasks and pace the way to concrete solution and solving
the main social issues facing the people, community and nation.

The last core value to be tackled today is communion. This is fundamental in community
building and aims to help create an inclusive, open society and welcome everyone with love and
joy. This idea of friendship and sharing of ideas and feelings help create close-knit community and
can lead to civilized discussions ending arguments and tensions. Such a community will allow
each member to grow and develop as a human being. It is easy to doubt that such small measures
and groups of people aren’t enough to make a change. Although not entirely false, it is still a step
in the right direction and toward a better, progressive society and nation.

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