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Grammar 4B

Pronouns & Possessives, Determiners & Pronouns

Name: _______________ Teacher: ______________ Date: ___________ Score: ___/ 65 =___%

Pronouns and Possessives

I. Circle the letter of your choice that best completes the sentences. (10 pts.)

1. I don’t want this book. You can have _________________.

a. it b. them c. her d. him

2. Sue and Kevin are going to the movies. Do you want to go with _____________?
a. her b. they c. them d. him

3. I saw Mr. and Mrs. Lee with ___________________daughter.

a. her b. his c. they d. their

4. Hawaii is famous for ______________ beaches.

a. his b. its c. it’s d. their

5. I didn’t have an umbrella, so Mary gave me __________________.

a. her b. hers c. her umbrella d. she’s

6. I went to the movies with a friend of ____________.

a. mine b. my c. me d. I

7. We had a good vacation. We enjoyed ______________.

a. us b. our c. ours d. ourselves

8. Kim and Amy are good friends. They know _____________.

a. each other b. them c. themselves d. theirselves

9. Have you met _____________?

a. the wife of Mr. Suzuki d. the wife Mr. Suzuki
b. Mr. Suzuki wife e. Mr. Suzuki’s wife
c. the Mr. Suzuki’s wife

10. Have you seen _______________?

a. the car of my parents c. my parents’ car
b. my parent’s car d. my parents car
II. “Whose, mine, yours, hers, etc.” Circle the best answer. (5 pts.)

1. Whose computer is that? Your/Yours or my/mine?

2. My/Mine room is cleaner than Tony’s.
3. Who/Whose camera is this?
4. Is that house ours/our or theirs/their?
5. That red pen is he/his.

III. “Myself, yourself, themselves, etc.” Complete the sentences using myself, yourself,
themselves, etc. (10 pts.)

1. He is always alone. He likes to do things by _______________.

2. I can do this by ________________.
3. When we go on a vacation, we always try to enjoy _______________.
4. Tom and Jim are big boys now. They can take care of __________________.
5. I want to know more about you. Please tell me more about ________________.
6. Are you and John going to the city next week? You two should take care of _____________.
7. She is going to the party by _________________.
8. Ken and Sam saw a movie at the mall yesterday. They enjoyed __________________.
9. Tony fell off his bed. He hurt _________________.
10. He never thinks about other people. He only thinks about __________________.

Determiners and Pronouns

IV. Circle the letter of your choice that best completes the sentences. (10 pts.)

1. This cup is dirty. Can I have ___________?

a. clean one b. a clean one c. clean d. a clean

2. There’s ______________ in the fridge.

a. a milk b. some milk c. any milk

3. “Where’s your luggage?” I don’t have ______________.”

a. one b. some c. any

4. How much money do you have?” “ __________________.”

a. No b. No one c. Any d. None

5. I’m hungry. I want _______________.

a. something for eat b. something to eat c. something for eating

6. “How often do you read a newspaper?” “ _____________________.”

a. All day b. All days c. Every days d. Every day

7. __________________ friends.
a. Everybody need c. Everyone need
b. Everybody needs d. Everyone needs

8. I like ______________ those pictures.

a. both b. both of c. either d. either of

9. I haven’t read ______________ these books.

a. neither b. neither of c. either d. either of

10. There were _________________ people in the theatre. It was almost empty.
a. a little b. few c. little d. a few of

V. Underline the correct answer. (5 pts.)

1. Who saw you? (nothing/nobody)

2. What happened? (nothing/nobody)
3. Who knows the answer? (nothing/no-one)
4. Who was with you yesterday? (nothing/no-one)
5. Who was able to answer the question? (nothing/nobody)

VI. Match the sentences to make it a correct compound sentence. (5 pts.)

_______ 1. That house is empty. a. Don’t say anything.

_______ 2. Jack has a bad memory. b. I didn’t eat anything.
_______ 3. Be quiet. c. Nobody lives there.
_______ 4. What did you have to eat? d. It doesn’t cost anything to go in.
_______ 5. The museum is free. e. He can’t remember anything.

VII. Put in somebody/anything/nowhere/somewhere/nothing/anywhere etc. (5 pts.)

1. It’s dark. I can’t see _______________________________________________.

2. I don’t know ________________________ about computers.
3. What’s in your bag? “__________________________________. It’s empty.”
4. I don’t like warm weather. I want to live __________________________cold.
5. I’m looking for my glasses. I can’t find them _________________________.

VIII. Choose from the words below to fill in the sentences. (10 pts.)

some of neither most either of none

all every either most of neither of

1. ______________________ of the children in our school are Koreans.

2. You should try _____________________this cheese. It’s really delicious.
3. I know some of the people at the party but not _____________________ of them.
4. _______________________insects have six legs.
5. ____________________ of my friends can play the violin. They can only play the guitar.
6. It’s ______________________________ you take the test today or tomorrow.
7. Tom and I didn’t eat anything. ___________________________us was hungry.
8. I haven’t read _______________________________________ of these books.
9. Jane gets up at 6:30 ________________________________________ morning.
10. Is your friend Korean or Chinese? “____________________. She’s Japanese.”

IX. Rewrite these sentences using BOTH. (5 pts.)

1. My mother is a teacher. My father is a teacher.


2. She has got a job. He has got a job.


3. She was late this morning. I was late this morning.


4. I walk to school. He walks to school.


5. His answer is correct. My answer is correct.


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