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Red= Kui
Being an multi-ethnic state has caused problems in Thailand. There is ethnic inequality
for the Malay-thai’s in the south. This is the cause of conflict in the southern region of the

2. Nation- a culturally defined group who share a common past and relate to a certain
territory and have a shared political goal. (Flemings)
State-an organized territory that has a sovereign government.(Germany)
Nation state- a nation that occupies a state.(Japan)
Stateless Nation- a group of people that does not operate as an independent political
Multinational State- a state that has multiple nations in it.(United States)

3.Colonolism and Imperialism affected Thailand’s boundaries. European imperialism

during the 19th and 20th centuries has affected the location of the boundaries. Thailand
itself may have not been colonised, but its neighbors were. Cambodia was a French
colony. Burma and Malaysia was a British colony. This caused the boundaries to be
where they are.

4. The boundaries have not changed since World War II as Thailand was not affected by

5. Thailand is elongated. Problems with governing a country that is elongated in shape

is that some areas in the country are isolated. Areas closest to the capital have more
political advantage as they are closer and have more influence over politics.
Rimland theory is a political theory that holds control of Eurasia and Africa is achieved 
via control of the countries bordering the Soviet Union. Whoever controls the satellite 
countries of the USSR has the political advantage. 

Heartland theory argues that land based power was essential in achieving global 
8. The Cambodian-Thai border dispute. The treaty made Thailand take out its military 
from the promontory of Preah Vihear. It was settled in 2013. 
9.Thailand is apart of ASEAN or Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Thailand is 
also apart of the UN. 
10.Maritime laws govern how much of the ocean each country gets and how that can be 
used. Maritime law gives Thailand 2 EEZ or exclusive economic zones.  
11. Thailand has a federal government. Thailand is divided into provinces.  
12. Thailand is split up based on provinces. These provinces include metropolitan area. 
13. Thailand is an example of devolution. It has a central government, and its power is 
shared with governments at the subnational life. Balkanization is the process of 
dividing (a region or body) into smaller mutually hostile states or groups. Balkanization 
is used to describe the process of the breaking down of countries in Eastern Europe.  
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Cambodian–Thai_border_dispute `

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