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8/26/2019 DEBATE : Religion and politics should not be mixed

DEBATE : Religion and politics should not be mixed

"Religion satisfies soul while politics does the same for the
materialistic body"

A very wonderful good morning to one and all present over here, myself
Dutt Trivedi presenting before you my views against the topic Religion
and politics should not be mixed.

Politics is directly related to the people so naturally, it can not be

independent of the origin of people.

According to the dictionary or conventional definition - Religion is a set

of beliefs by which people worship a supernatural deity.
But this majoritarian view needs to be changed!
Religion is a well-organized set of rules which guides our exemplary, our
typical behavior! It is not something like people fulfilling their wishes

So I think most of us and especially my opponents have failed to

understand how religion connects us, how it binds us together in this
extremely diversified and divisive world.

So now he burning question, can they be mixed?

YES, definitely yes!

Politics involves mass attention, mass publicity, mass administration

and most importantly best of the best leadership skills, Religion has it
A religious leader or in fact a TRUE religious leader who can be the
torchbearer, who has mass appeal, who can assimilate all and respect
all religions can become a TRUE POLITICAL LEADER!
Religious sentiments and faith run from generation to generation,
people meet at a commonplace and discuss everyday aspects of their 1/3
8/26/2019 DEBATE : Religion and politics should not be mixed

lives, thus it should be the best place to rise above personal gains and
to liberate our minds from dirty politics.

One good example is the 16th century Church administration in Europe.

Again!, my friends I want all of us to leave the conventional notion of
religion as I mentioned in the beginning.
thus religion along with its complementary politics is the easiest tool to
bring effective administration so why not just we mix them?
If religion was mixed in a true sense, then politicians these days would
have had better things to do rather than sitting in newsrooms, talking
vaguely and creating controversies for personal gains!
So it is not the religion which has spoiled politics, rather it is the
politicians who have spoiled both politics and religion!
If politics is not mixed with religion then there would be eventually a far
more corrupt society than anyone can think of!
And of course, practically also you cant keep them separate, they cross
over each other daily.

We need to accept it that there is no absolute way to separate them


Thank you for being such a nice audience, have a good day ahead! 2/3
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