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Title of paper :

Effect of SiC Particles on Mechanical Properties of Aluminium

ADC12 Composite through Stir Casting Process

1. Address all the concerns/recommendations of the reviewers.

2. All amendments made are to be highlighted in red color in the revised paper.


Final Recommendation (please highlight one)

Accepted without modification

Accepted with minor corrections
Accepted with major modification

Reviewer's Comments Comment
There are spelling mistakes, typos, and grammatical
errors. Please beware also of using BAHASA
INDONESIA term as it may not proper. You can use Y Please see the comments in the manuscript
tools such as Grammarly or recommendations provided
by MS Word for language checking.

Manuscript should contain: Introduction, Literature

Review (optional), Methods, Result, and Conclusion
and are written in a separate section. The use of sub-
sections to divide the text of the paper is optional and
Y Generally okay
left as a decision for the author BUT please follow the
format style instructions as carefully as possible.
The equations, formulas and mathematical models are
not written using format style
N The equation needs to be further explained

The length of the manuscript is between 4 and 6 pages Y Okay

Authors have not used referencing tools such as Zotero,
Mendeley, or EndNote for reference management and
The manuscript MUST used Citation & Bibliography N
feature in Microsoft Word for handling citation in
manuscript. This is to facilitate the layout editor to
finalize the manuscript. Please use IEEE citation style.

Make sure all information related to the reference

is written completely (e.g. Who, Where, and When). The reference format should comply with
Check from the primary source for this information. IEEE method
Write the name of the journal without abbreviations.
Reviewer's Comments Comment
Please include DOI if it's available
The explanation related to previous research (literature
review) is not sufficient. Authors must cite at least 1 0
related researches where 80% of which are
RECENT papers and another at least 6 non-recent N Many references are older than 2014
papers that are closely related to the title of the paper
and considered as seminal/reputable/most cited articles in
the field. Recent papers are published 2014 onwards.
The manuscript still used references that come from
non-credible sources. It is suggested, the authors cited
references published in ScienceDirect, IEEE Explorer, The references are credible. Just they are
ACM Digital Library, Springer Link, Scopus, Clarivate before 2014
Analytics, DOAJ, and Indonesian national accredited
journals (SINTA 1/2).
The title is too long/wording. Please make it maximal
12 words and each word should be written in capital on N The title is okay
first alphabet except conjunction.
The title is written briefly, describing the
contents and contributions of the manuscript

The title also does not use abbreviations or acronyms

except the standard ones such as HTML, URL
The style for the names is initials then surname, with a
comma after all but the last two names, which are
separated by ‘and’. Initials should not have full stops—
for example A J Smith and not A. J. Smith. If the Unsure, since the authors name are deleted
authors are at different addresses, numbered superscripts
should be used after each surname to reference an author
to his/her address.
Abstract has not been written in 150 to a maximum of Abstract is already written between 150 to
250 words. No citation 250 words
Abstracts should outline Research Background, Yes but need revision as suggested in the
Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. manuscript
The number of keywords between 4 and 6. All
N No key words appears
keywords must be written/mentioned in the abstract.

Keywords have not been arranged in alphabetical order. N No key words appears
The introduction has not explained the context/object of
research and must focus in accordance with the scope of
the title, why this research is important and research
objectives/contributions explicitly.
The introduction should further emphasis on
If this section included the existing research
N what is the difference between recent work
(literature) please show the gap on the previous
literature, explain also the unique differences from this and previous works by others
study compared to similar previous studies. You must
cite at least 7 relevant and recent papers (published 2014
onwards) that are closely related to the title of the paper.
Reviewer's Comments Comment
Authors only describes the definition and conception or
theories. This literature review SHOULD examine the
existing research.

Authors has not showed the Gap in the literature on what

has been known or unknown. How this research is
different compare to previous works and what insights
this paper will offer.
The references used in this manuscript needed to be
improved to include:
Recent related articles published 2014 onwards.
Some references used in this manuscript are not from
credible sources. (ScienceDirect, IEEE Explorer, ACM
Digital Library, Springer Link, Scopus, Clarivate
Analytics, DOAJ, and SINTA 1/2).
Authors did not refer particular approach in guiding the
There is no explanation on how such method is used in
this article
especially how the research methods/design will help
address the research problem.
The authors did not explain the method systematically It is better that the authors mention the
steps in a proper sequence
The authors did not explain how the results or design or
prototype or system produced in this research is tested or
The authors did not explain the results The authors explained the microstructure
systematically in accordance to the prescribed step N results first, while in the experimental the
or phased described in the previous Method section authors mentioned mechanical tests first
The authors did not provide explanation on table or
figure used in this results Y Authors explained the table and figures

The authors did not analyze the results, data from the
More elaboration on the trend and
experiments in term of for instance its effectiveness, N
validity, trend, and implication. implication should be there

Data used and results presented in this section are not

relevant and did not match with the aim
Y The data are relevant

The authors still used Bahas Indonesia to describe

parameter, variable or figure caption
N The authors used English thoroughly
The authors did not provide conclusion statement The authors gave conclusion statement
based on the results described in the Result section based on the results
The authors did not explain how the results of this
research has address the research question or research Y The authors did explain
problem as stated in Section 1 (Introduction)
The authors did not explicitly state the contribution N The contribution of this research in the
Reviewer's Comments Comment
arising from this research, novelty that specifically add conclusion should be more emphasized
to the current body of knowledge. Or The authors did
not compare the results of this research compare to the
existing studies as cited in Section 2 (literature review)
The authors did not explain the limitation of this study
from which future research could or should address
The authors suggest the future possible
Or The authors did not suggest what future research Y
continuation of the work
could do in term of method used, algorithm, resources
etc. to yield better results
The authors did not used appropriate table and The authors used appropriate table and
figure style formatting figures
Figure used in the article has low resolution and not
Y Especially the SEM results and XRD

Figure used has copyright issues, author should ensure

this is free from infringement.
Table or figure used in this article should be no more
than 6 for each

(Please add more rows if needed)

Comments / Questions Related to Content

Please revise acoording to the comments in the manuscript

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