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SOP for Scotch -gard -

Customer Education:
 Tell customer about importance & benefits of Scotch-gard.
 Update on what are the basic requirements -shampooed or new sofa,
drying time of upto 4 hours, etc.
 Various steps involved - Pre-check process, treatment process, post
treatment precautions, etc.

Pre-Check (5 mins):
 Sofa should always be shampooed before applying Scotch-gard. Sofa
should be completely dry before starting the treatment
 In case of a new sofa (2-3 months old only), only after pre-check of sofa
for cleanliness, should the sofa be considered for cleaning –Dry
Vaccuming is bare minimum essential prior Scotch-gard treatment.
 1st check - Always check sofa for a pre-treatment by dropping couple of
drops of water on one side. If water seeps in in 10-15 secs, we can
proceed with second check.
 2nd Check - Wet a white cloth and rub it on the unexposed side of sofa to
check if color comes from it. If there is no color discharge, do the third
 3rd Check - Do the same color test with a white cloth wet in Scotch-gard
solvent. If there is no color discharge in this step also, then we can go
ahead with the Scotch-gard treatment.

Treatment Preparation (15—20 mins)

 Make sure that sofa is kept in a dry and properly ventilated place
 Cover the floor with plastic wrap so as to make sure that scotch-gard
solution doesn’t come in contact with the floor as it can react with the
flooring & damage it.
 Inspect Sofa for areas where solution need not be applied and mask those
areas with newspaper or paper tape
 Fill the solution in the Spray machine (upto 1.2 litres per seat) and start
the treatment.

Treatment (20-25 mins)

 Spraying should always happen in top to bottom fashion.
 Two coats of solution should be sprayed on each side - one in left to right
motion (going from top to bottom), another from top to bottom motion
(going from left to right)
 Keep the nozzle approx 9 inch from the sofa surface. This covers around
20 cm area in one go.
 If solution sprays over any undesired area, immediately clean it with a dry
 After treatment, let the sofa dry in air. Solvent will evaporate leaving
behind a well coated sofa. Remove the masking and floor cover after 10-
15 mins of completing the treatment.

Post Treatment precautions

 Make sure that no one touches the sofa for at least 4 hours after the
treatment is done.
 Treated sofa should not be put through any chemical or water cleaning for
next 8-10 months, else the protective layer is removed and sofa needs to
undergo same treatment of Scotch -gard again to have desired results
 Scotch -gard controls seepage for up to 15 secs. Spilled liquid has to be
cleaned before that with a soft cloth to preserve Sofa

Safety instructions for Crew & Apparatus Maintenance-

 Carpenter tends to mark foam cushion with Pen/marker for cutting, this
mark may come up while application of Scotch-gard. Incase it shows
through than it needs to be rubbed off immediately with white cloth.
 Solution sprayed on sofa is a high concentration alcohol solution with
suspended particles. This should not come in contact with any part of the
body for too long.
 Crew should wear - high quality mask to cover their face & keep fumes
out, shoes, Full sleeves shirt/t-shirt & eye-wear for protection
 No Dilution is needed for application. Dilution with water will turn the
solution to white spoiling the sofa
 Maintenance of machines is very important as leaving solution in the spray
machine can choke the nozzle in 48 hours. For cleaning, first remove the
container of solution and run the machine on clean water for upto 3-4
litres. Post that clean the nozzle in formaldehyde solution (industrial
cleaning solution) and allow to dry.

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