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Formal assessment rubric:

Formal assessment: Exceeded the goal Met the goal Not yet met goal
(3) (2) (1)
Graphic organizer Student includes all Student includes Student includes
(is the graphic five of the some (more than 3) limited (less than 3)
organizer filled in summarizing of the summarizing of the summarizing
appropriately in components matched components matched components matched
relation to the five appropriately to the appropriately to the appropriately to the
components: 2nd half of the myth 2nd half of the myth 2nd half of the myth
somebody, wanted, with descriptive with little detail. with little to no detail.
but, so, and then, in detail.
relation to the 2nd half

Organization Summary does flow Summary flows from Summary does not
(does the summary from one idea to the one idea to the next, flow from one idea to
flow with transitions next, with transitions with minimal the next, no
from one idea to the and reader can follow transitions and transitions are
next in the written without difficulty and reader can follow evident, and reader
summary) is engaging with some difficulty. has difficulty
audience. Students following.
own voice can be

Order All five components 4 or 5 components 3, 2, 1, or none of the

(as the order of the were followed were followed in components were
five components appropriately in correct order in the followed were
followed correct order of the written summary. followed in correct
appropriately within written summary. Student includes only order of the written
their written Student includes what was written for summary.
summary.) other sentences the five components.
1. Somebody
within the summary
2. Wanted to strengthen.
3. But
4. So
5. Then

 Students who receive a 9 as an overall total score of all three areas being assessed will
have exceeded the goal and received a score of a 3 (exceeded the goal).
 Students who receive a 8, 7, or 6 as an overall total score of all three areas being
assessed will have exceeded the goal and received a score of a 2 (met the goal).
 Students who receive a 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0 as an overall total score of all three areas
being assessed will have exceeded the goal and received a score of a 1 (not yet met the

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