Test 1 Unit 4

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I. Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the other.
1. A. lecture B. cure C. furniture D. picture
2. A. pause B. cause C. laugh D. naughty
3. A. passage B. massage C. message D. village
4. A. heart B. wear C. bur D. pear
5. A. check B. chair C. chalk D. character
II- Pick out the word that has the main stressed syllable different from the others :
1. A. climate B. comprise C. casual D. cotton
2. A. occasion B. religion C. federation D. collection
3. A. puppet B. unique C. tunic D. notice
4. A. compulsory B. convenient C. correspond D. communicate
5. A. economic B. encourage C. embroider D. experience
III. Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences
1. His house has been sold ______ $ 1,000,000.
A. at B. for C. in D.with
2.Bread is usually ______ wheat.
A. made of B. made with C. made by D. made from
3. Peter, can I ______ you a drink?
A. buy for B. buy to C. buy D. invite
4. It isn't quite ______ that they will come to our party.
A. sure B. exact C. certain D. right
5. ______ goes to the bus; now we will have to walk home.
A. On time B. At once C. There D.Early
6. Don't hurry! There is no need ______.
A. running B. to run C. run D. you run
7. Please write your answers ______ ink.
A. in B. with C. of D. by
8. Peter was not feeling well, so we gave him ______ to do than you.
A. fewer work B. less work C. little work D. least work
9. He spent half a year ______ this house.
A. to build B. building C. built D. on building
10. Will you ______ the door open?
A. leave B. allow C. permit D. give
11. What food should you eat if you want to ______ on weight?
A. take B. get C. put D. carry
12. The weather was cold. I wish it ______ warmer.
A. had been B. has been C. were D. was
13. Dickens ______ wrote a lot of interesting stories.
A. his is one of England's best-known writers
B. as one of England's best-known writers
C. besides one of England's best-known writers
D. one of England's best-known writers
14. Mike had hoped ______ his letter.
A. her to answer B. that she answer
C. that she would answer D. her answering
15. It is a ______ skirt.
A. French cotton flowered B. cotton French flowered
C. flowered cotton French D. flowered French cotton
16. Do you know the beautiful girl ______?
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A. sit in the car B. sat in the car
C. sitting in the car D. who sit in the car
17. This shirt costs______88,000 VND.
A. approximate B. approximation C. approximately D. approximative
18. I can complete a ______English test if you want.
A. speaking B. spoken C. speak D. spoke
19. If you study at the Brighten Language Center- UK, you can live in a______on campus.
A. hotel B. mobile room C. Private room D. dormiroty
20. I saw your school’s ______in today’s edition of the Vietnam News.
A. advertiser B. advertisement C. advertising D. advertise
21. Do you enjoy.English?
A. learn B. learnt C. to learn D. learning
22. The government supplied the victims______food and water.
A. on B. for C. to D. with
23. She said that she______learning English with you.
A. liked B. to like C. liking D. like
24. She asked me where I______from?
A. came B. to come C. come D. coming
25. If you want to attend the course, you______pass the examinatin.
A. has to B. have to C. had to D. could
26. She______me whether I liked classical music or not.
A. asks B. Asked C. asking D. ask
27. he asked mewho editor of this book______?
A. was B. were C. are D. is
28. He wants to know whether I______back tomorrow.
A. will come B. would come C. come D. came
29. He told me he______leave the city the following day.
A. has to B. had to C. would have to D. will have to
30. I wonder why he______love his family.
A. don’t B. hasn’t C. doesn’t D. didn’t
31. She asked me where I______that car.
A. buy B. bought C. will buy D. can buy
32. She asked him where he______from.
A. is B. was C. were D. has been
33. They said that they______their house.
A. sell B. sold C. will sell D. are selling
34. I asked them if they______the final exam.
A. passed B. Pass C. can pass D. will pass
35. I asked him if he______help me.
A. will B. was C. can D. could
36. He is a strict______.
A. exam B. examination C. examine D. examiner
37.I want to______at course.
A. attended B. attendance C. attend D. attendant
38. This school has excellent____________.
A. reputed B. reputable C. repute D. rewputation
39. We often take part in many______activities at school.
A. culture B. culturally C. cultural D. cultured
40. If you want to______your English, we can help you.
A. improve B. improved C. improvimg D. improvement
41. Please, phone this number for more.

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A. inform B. information C. informative D. informatively
42. I want to______for selling my house.
A. advertise B. advertisement C. advertising D. advertised
43. HE is an______of this newspaper.
A. edition B. editor C. edit D. editing
44. This book is not____________.
A. availability B. available C. avail D. available
45. He______answered these questions.
A. exact B. exactly C. exacting D. exacted
46. The meeting will be______tomorrow.
A. have B. had C. hold D. held
47. If you learn this lesson carefully, you______the exam.
A. can pass B. passing C. passed D. wold pass
48. We will wait until you______your work.
A. finish B. finishes C. have finished D. will finished
49. He can’t get home______he has a ticket.
A. if B. until C. unless D. without
50. The result will be better if he______harder.
A. work B. works C. worked D. will work
I. Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following passage:

English is a very useful language. If we (1)________ English, we can go to any contries we

like. We will not find it hard to make people understand (2)_________ we want to say. English also
help us to learn all kinds of(3)__________ hundreds of boks are (4)________in English everyday in
(5)__________ countries. English has also helped to spread ideasand knowledge (6)__________ all
corners of the world. Therefore, the English language has helped to spread better (7)__________
and (8)_________ among the countriesof the world.

1. A. to know B. know C. knew D. known

2. A. what B. where C. when D. how
3. A. subjects B. things C. ideas D. plans
4. A. write B. wrote C. written D. writing
5. A. much B. lot of C. many D. a lots of
6. A. in B. with C. at D. to
7. A. to understand B. understanding C. understand D. understood
8. A. friend B. friendly C. friendliness D. friendship
II. Find the mistake then correct it.
1. Charlie said that he is living in London then.
2. She said she would go to Canada next day.
3. He asked me if it is raining.
4. It was say that he would have money problem.
5. They asked me how old is she.
6. She asked me if was I happy to shop there.
7. Tom said he can’t come to our party on Friday.
8. He asked me if I can speak more slowly.
9. Tom asked me weather I could go with him.
10. She said that she must go then.
III. Rewrite each sentence, beginning with the words provided.
1. “ I have something to show you now.” He said to me.
 He told me…………………………………………………..…………………………………………………..………………………..…………
2. “ I’m leaving here for Hue tomorrow.” She said.
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 She said…………………………………………………..…………………………………………………..………………………..……………
3. “ I’ll come with you as soon as I am ready.” Tom said to her.
 Tom told her…………………………………………………..…………………………………………………..………………………..……
4. “ I must go now.” The father said to us.
 The father told us…………………………………………………..…………………………………………………..……………………….
5. “ Why do you come here late?” she asked me.
 She asked…………………………………………………..…………………………………………………..………………………..…………
6. “ Who puts the salt in my cup of coffee?” asked Peter.
 Peter asked…………………………………………………..…………………………………………………..………………………..………
7. “ Can you play the piano?” he asked the girl.
 He asked the girl…………………………………………………..…………………………………………………..……………………….
8. “ I’m having a good time here.” Said Maryam.
 Maryam said…………………………………………………..…………………………………………………..………………………..……
9. “ Do you like pop music?” Hoa asked Maryam.
 Hoa asked Maryam…………………………………………………..…………………………………………………..…………………
10. “ Where do you live, the boy?” asked the man.
 The man asked…………………………………………………..…………………………………………………..………………………..
IV. Supply the correct verb form.
1. She asked me where I (buy)……………… that car.
2. She asked him where he (be)……………….from.
3. They said that they (sell)…………………their house.
4. I asked them if they (pass)………………. the final exam.
5. I asked him if he (can)……………… help me.
6. she said to me that she (sell)……………. That car the following day.
7. He asked me where I (go)………….. the previous day.
8. The teacher asked her why she (not do)…………………….. the test.
9. I asked her if she (listen) ……………….. to music.
10. They asked him if he (must)……………..go then.
VI. Fill in each gap with one suitable word. There are three extra words you do not need to use.

knows – undersanding – things – subjects – written –

many – to – know – friendship – in - what

English is a very useful language. If we (1)………………. English , we can go to any countries

we like. We will not find it hard to make people understand (2)…………. …….we want to say. English
also helps us to learn all kinds of (3)…………………. Hundred of books are (4)……………. in English
every day in (5)………………… countries. English has also helped to spread ideas and knowledge (6)
………………. all corners of the world. Therefore, the English language has helped to spread better
(7)……………….and (8)…………………
among countries of the world.
VII. Rewrite each sentence, beginning with the words provided.
1. It is high time for us to go home
It is high time we………………………………………………..
2. You can’t go in to this restaurant without a jacket and tie
3. The question was so difficult that no one could answer it
It was such ………………………………………………………
4. She hasn’t finished the letter yet
This letter………………………………………………………..
5. He isn’t good at English. He can’t get a job.

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If. ………………………………………………………………..

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