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a) oi & = 4 Es <} ry PS a = Fy c & a 8 ey es a = 5 eA a a o a = a o = = = 3 o © a 2 FS FA z 4 Exercises 124, Page 674 te gey= SLT EM game einen agents Soe ae Ssa=rt DS ve Exercises 12.8, Page 680 1 COs a,x; a defined by cot 0.7402, Ay = 11.7349, 41.4388, Ay = 90.8082 £08 0.8603r, y2 = cos 3.4256, 95 = 0s 6.43734, yg = c08 9.5298 5. 301 + sin’a,] 1.0) = (M)on.= sin(ME men 1.2.3, a & ftyl+4y=0 to) [sin(™ ne) sin( ins) de = Oren a Sey] + ney [erestoeseoade = 0mm 14 (a) Ay= 169735 = sing tan!9,0= 1,2,3, "a 1, 1, = mf temrmensiye ata Exercises 12.6, Page 686 Tay = 12Tfay = 2339, 05 3391,@,= 4441 ea 3 f= = atta @™ Be _auhind 8 10) = 42 et + 1150) Sauls 2 fee) = 203 He) peasy i Qa? + sia) 9S 4Ga) 8 p09 =~ 6S tae 15. f(x) = 4 Pola) + EPIC) + ig Paes) — BPA) + Poa) + § Pal) — is PAR) + idon(—1, 1) ‘Chapter 12 in Review, Page 687 1 rue 3. cosine 5 false 1 35,10 ue 1a fy 5 42S {aef-o eyileoeane + 2ciysinnes} by g@ ice fo = 1 0 OE cosnms & dant ~ (17 so = 3 Gacy 1 sin nex Or ay = En 12,35 y= os (* tnx) 1 18 a) = ier 1D, on TNT (Ode = 01m #0 [vine “1 & Aa) a 10) 4 a Mos) Exercises 13.1, Page 692 1. The possible cases can be summarized in one form se", where cy and c, are constants, 3 w= erro? 5 w= aly) 1. not separable 4 w= e (Aye cosh ax + Bye! sinh ox) exe 00s ax + Bye sin ax) Age + Bs) (c, cosh ax + c, sinh axe, cosh aat + cy sinh act) (5008 ax + ¢, sin ax)(cy 008 at + cy sin aa) (ox + eMleyt + C12) (ey cash ax + cp sinh a)(cy cos ay + cy sin ay) (¢s€08 ax + cg sin a2)(c; cosh ay + cy sith ay) (ox + eeu + 6d) 15. For A= a? > Othere are three possibilities: @ Ford < <1, = (cycoshax + eysinh ax)(eycoshVI = ay + exsinh V1 = @y) (i Fore? > 1, (¢,cosh ax + e, sinh ax)(eycos Ver — ly + egsin Ve? = Ly), u. a (ii) Fore? = 1, u = (c,coshx +c, sinhayoxy + e). ‘The results for the case A = ~a* are similar. For A (eyx + cs\(ca cosh y + c, sinh y) ANSWERS TO SELECTED ODD-NUMBERED PROBLEMS 1 elliptic 18, parabolic 21. hyperbolic 23. parabolic 25. hyperbolic Exercises 13.2, Page 697 au Do gp <¥0 Wn=0%] =ar>0 Ws.0) JOOS ESL ae Mo ce ctioo 19 = 10084] = hat, 2 > 0 ux, 0) = f@).0 0, ha consant (0,1) = sin(adl), aL, 1) = 0,1 > 0 use) =f@),0<20 (0, #) = 0, w(L, 1) = =xL-», M0) = XL = 2, >0 =00 ax? Bay ~ apr? reais U0, 1) = O,u(L, 1) = sinat, > 0 au (x50) = f0), Fp O0 a0 cone aoe vet azn Pr = ®) (©) Yes; the table in part (bis the table in par () g Tine E ros shifled downward, F a00 cost osmra =} aos fom sans Exercises 171, Page 796 4 aie Wome Oa aH a1 87-131 bs ous sam OR 74 Si 11-10) mh, ~5+ 12% ta fas aslo Om —21 we -3- fom 8-7 & 30 sme as a aan PA 033 cam oma = 18 BB a. 201 a Bay 20 chim tin 24 ay 5 a os cro tis dot ahh 2 aay) I ce oo _ 0018 yg ow, Vee 1 FG -F = 5 moxa-hye 8 P+ PL - FF Tm rei) rem rem re re i=} We 2=-ht hi BUG o 90000 0.1000 020003000 0.200.100 aos comes leas aos ee i] ano maze art toms nora! one Exercises 17.2, Page 800 = lool 01971-0137 aise 0167-011 4, 2(¢08 0+ isin 0) or2c0s 2a + isin 2) 8 aatsss noo Mozame “oss ~aas2 —ompa0 homeo oom Moses “oanie nis —oomne, on gt = a diem Tamas Tomo “orse “owms Damme. 3(om°% + isin") 5 Va (cos +isin tose antes onsss aes asses et i sie Glare cao Oasi2 OO RS os Simo: cogs ore ozo aims fase e a a ) FA Saias “o1ese oars “azn 0218 1886 3V2(_ 50 Se g yam “aos “oie “omer aie —o0ms 8 (cos + isin Pa Somer —doest ais alse olen 9-3 F Seti 01mo 021 0mm oat oss «© MH PHA $.5433 + 2.29617 SS Hoe Tne epee a end 18 8 Y- Y Chapter 16 in Review, Page 789 17, 30V2 [c0s(25n/12) + sin(25n/12)]; 1. thy = 0.8928, = 3.5714 ug, = 13.3929 40,9808 + 10.9808 26) sa swam sae 18 gtq leos(—a/4) + isin(—a/ay); 4-40 ‘wo oammo ‘orto camo oatbo team) O58, S12 aki B-i camo oasis fam seem) OMT, wo Zewy = —1+ Vi. im: omens ae * ums oss oss azz a wy = + Pam = -¥- YA ‘ANSWERS TO SELECTED ODD-NUMBERED PROBLEMS

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