The Pros and Cons of Homeschooling

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The Pros and Cons of Homeschooling

By Isabel Shaw


In the article “The Pros and Cons of Homeschooling” Isabel Shaw wants to give the
readers an explanation of homeschooling from her own experience and the main purpose
of the article is give a list of this particular way of learning.

According to the author, one of the advantages of homeschooling is that in this way
students can put more emphasis on the subjects they want instead of subjects imposed.

Another thing that the author mentions is that there’s a sense of physical, which means
that families don’t have to depend on a school schedule to plan their own activities with
their kids at any time they want.

Isabel Shaw also claims that homeschooling gives a sense of emotional freedom because
learning at home prevent some of the problems that most teenagers have to face in
school. Learning at home lets the students be themselves without being targeted by other

Homeschooling is also a good way for parents who want to provide their own religious
views to their children. In this way, parents can instill in their children even let them take
the path they choose.

Isabel Shaw assures on her article that homeschooling is also a good way to have closer
family relationship because families can share much more in this way. Homeschooling
permits the students to get over problems more easily in difficult times because they can
spend more time with their parents at home.
Another Pro that the author mentions is that due to this, kids will be well rested because
with this system, parents and kids can create their own schedules and organize their time
according to their needs.

The last pro that Shaw mentions is that with homeschooling, there’s no more busywork.
This means that kids can learn in less time than they spend in a classroom. Besides this,
there’s no homework.


On the other hand, according to the author, homeschooling also have their cons and one
of them is the restraints that come with it. The parents time can be consume for this and it
requires lots of creativity, even more when the parents have a job.

Isabel Shaw also assures that this method can be a problem for those families that don’t
have a good income because one of the parents would have to stop their full-time job to
work teaching their children.

Another thing that the author claims is that homeschooling will make parents to spend
almost all their time together. Shaw suggests that if parents don’t enjoy being with their
kids the most for their time then homeschooling is not for them. While it can be a good
way to share as a family, it also can be hard to do.

Isabel Shaw also claims that homeschooling limit the students at the moment to practice a
sport and join a team like they usually do in schools. She assures that sometimes teams
from public schools wouldn’t accept homeschoolers and because of this parents would
consider to create their own teams.

Homeschooling can also being criticized for some people and considered weird for some
others. Isabel Shaw suggest that if people is un capable to “live outside the box” then
they shouldn’t consider homeschooling as a method to teach their kids.

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