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Teacher: Ms. Ortiz

Unit Title: Color
Lesson Title: Introduction
Class: Drawing and Painting
Grade Level: 9/12
Equipment/Materials: Color Vocabulary worksheet, Pencil

Instructional Strategies :
Direct Instruction / Individual Practice
Teacher Preparation (What you will need to get ready before class):
Set up Color introduction presentation
Zerox Color Theory worksheets


RESPONDING—Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work
7.1 Enduring Understanding: Individual aesthetic and empathetic awareness developed through
engagement with art can lead to understanding and appreciation of self, others, the natural world, and
constructed environments.

Behavioral Objectives (What will students be able to do - correlate to Content Standards):

Students will be able to perceive and analyze artistic work through the analysis of different art examples
and completing a complementary worksheet giving students the ability to process new content

ELD 9-12.II.2.4 Using nouns and noun phrase- Expand noun phrases to create increasingly
detailed sentences about personal and familiar academic topics


English Learners - Keep only the adaptations you will actually use
Identify key vocabulary/ Definition sheets (Worksheet)
Pictures, objects, videos visuals available (Power Point)

Struggling Readers- Keep only the adaptations you will actually use
Vocabulary help (Power Point)
Word banks with definitions (Worksheet/PowerPoint)
Summary of reading provided (Power Point
Oral material provided
Advanced Students - CHALLENGE
Use Inquiry Based, discovery learning exercises
Provide a challenge to go deeper, not just more work
Independent study
Differentiated assignments and assessments


Cognitive thinking: Students will be engaged in geared instruction towards their interests connect
their assets and personal interests with their suggestions on the meaning behind color and the
transferable skills. Through presentation of powerpoint materials students will see visual
references affirming their entry level assessment hypothesis.

Behavioral Theories: Students will receive positive reinforcement for their ideas and encouraged
to do research on things that interest them that they would like to include in their art. The
presentation and homework will allow students to break up the information about the semesters
assignments into smaller chunks making the large concept about color theory easier to grasp.

Entry Level (to find out prior knowledge, skill level):
How will you find out this information? How do we use color in our everyday lives?
Where do we see color?
What kind of feedback will students receive? Verbal feedback and suggest ideas that the
teacher came up with
How will this influence your teaching? See how students are thinking critically about
color or if we need more practice examples.

Progress Monitoring :
How will you check for this? Walking around the classroom and checking their notes.
What kind of feedback will students receive? One on one adjustments if they are not
understanding anything
How will this influence your teaching? Reiterating any confusing information and going
into detail as we start to work on projects

How will you measure this?
Students will be completing worksheets showing their progress and understanding
of the concepts of color

What kind of feedback will students receive? Tweaking and editing from their teacher.
How will this influence your teaching? Taking more time to adjust the topic to their
Performative “Color Theory Worksheet” assessment RUBRIC
Students are being assessed not only on their understanding of the art terminology but the
theory of color. This will also allow the teacher to assess their skill level on mixing, and mark
making with these new materials.

Did the student 0pts 5pts 10pts

properly label their Why? Why?
vocabulary on their
Color Wheel?

Did the Student use 0pts 5pts 10pts

the appropriate Why? Why?
color mixing
combinations for the
labeled portions on
the color wheel?

Did the student 0pts 5pts 10pts

paint with good Why? Why?
(inside the lines,
even paint layers, no

Connection to the world at large:

What is your connection or link?

There is more to color than we realize. It can set a mood it can make us feel certain
emotions, and it can influence our choices. Color is used as a tool not just for aesthetics. In the
world of design and entertainment color is incredibly important to create an atmosphere and style
representative of what they are trying to portray.

What do you expect students to learn from this and why is it important?
There is a good point to choosing colors that compliment your work. Art or not, these
choices will influence the audience you present them to. Whether it is something as simple as
putting together your outfit for work the next day or designing a proposal for a major company,
these color choices matter.

How and when will you introduce these connections / links?

Post entry-level assessment.

How will this inform the students’ artwork for this assignment?
Hopefully this will prove color to be more valuable that we realize.

This is the introductory lesson the unit color. Students will be introduced to the different
ways of combining colors to give different moods and purposes to their choices. Students will
discuss the reactions and meanings behind these colors and the connections that colors have to
careers and their tool abilities.

Teacher will ask the class: How do we use color in our everyday life? Where do we see
The teacher will have the students write down their thoughts in the form of a mind map. Writing
down as many things as they can think of within 5 mins. Then they will be randomly called on to
share their ideas with the class. This will lead into the beginning of the presentation.

Daily Lesson Introduction:

More related to classroom management and reminders for daily goals and activities
Students will find their seats take out their folder and hole punch the new worksheet and attach it
to their folder the beginning of class. During those 10 mins, the teacher will take attendance with
the seating chart.


10 mins) explaining the goals of the class day
We will be working on a worksheet discussing color. Make sure that it is hole punched
and put in your notebook this presentation will be uploaded to google classroom after the end of
class in case you missed any of the notes.

35 mins) lecture
10 min) Entry level assessment.(lesson intro)
How do we use color in our everyday lives? Where do we see color? Students will
write down their thoughts on a scrap piece of paper for the next minute and then the teacher will
call upon random students for their answers. Each answer will be written up on the board and
then referred to during the introduction to the presentation.
25 mins) Power point
Include anecdotes from students suggestions during the entry level assessment.
Students will be expected to fill in their worksheet’s corresponding vocabulary in the
provided boxes.During slides will be writing the corresponding vocabulary words as well as any
additional notes they find important.

Now that we have an understanding of what color can do we can begin to look at the different
combinations that make up the different emotions and moods that we feel throughout this unit.
Students will be graded on their completion of the worksheet and their comprehension of the
critical thinking questions post the lecture as a summative assessment of their understanding of
the unit introduction
Daily Closure:
More related to classroom management, cleanup, reminders
Folders will be turned into their drawer tray at the end of class and they will need to bring in
Tupperware containers for homework.
Color theory Worksheet Name Period


Color Theory____________________________________________________



Label the following wheel with all Primary and Secondary colors. The outer ring must include
the color’s Shade. The Middle ring is the Mid-Tone. The third/small ring is the Tint.

Powerpoint Presentation

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