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AMAN Midterm test 2+3

Surname: BORDEI LUCIAN ID number (according to attendance sheet): 60149

1) What is Organizational Scheme?

2) Draw and describe Flat and Tall Structures.
3) Describe barriers to HRplanning.
4) Describe Recruitment and identify Sources of Recruitment?
5) Define Leadership Styles (Autocratic style, Democratic style, Laissez-faire style).
6) Draw and describe Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
7) Define Control and describe The Control Process (3 main steps).

1) The organizational scheme is a visual representation of the organizational structure. It expresses only
the relationship between the superior and subordinate, does not contain links to the same level and does
not include collectives and their relations.
2) Flat structures have few levels and they have a high number of managers on each level. Tall structures
are hierarchical and have many levels, with a small number of managers on each one. Power is
centralized on the top levels.



3) The barriers to HR Planning: it is time consuming, expensive and sometimes inaccurate.

4) Recruitment refers to the overall process of attracting suitable candidates for jobs by various methods.
(what to look for, where to look, who looks, how to look)

The sources of recruitment can be either Internal (Formal) or External (Informal). Internal include
current employees, former employees, referrals from inside the company and previous applicants.
External include advertisement, exchanges, recruitment agencies etc.

5) Autocratic style: the leader centralizes authority, dictates work methods, makes unilateral decisions, and
limits employee participation.

Democratic style: the leader involves employees in decision making process, delegates authority,
encourages participation in deciding work methods and goals, and uses feedback to coach employees.

Laissez-faire style: the leader gives employees complete freedom to make decisions and to decide on
work methods.


This pyramid illustrates what motivates people. It start to the bottom going up. Maslow stated that
people are motivated to achieve certain needs. When one need is fulfilled a person seeks to fulfil the
next one and so on.

7) Controlling means to monitor the way employees perform their activities, to evaluate the progress of
realizing each objective, and to identify eventual gaps between what it has been planned and what it has
been done and to evaluate the effectiveness of the realized objectives.

The 3 steps in the process of controlling:

1) measuring actual performance

2) comparing actual performance against a standard

3) taking action to correct the deviation from the standard

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