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English Grammar

María Alejandra Bastidas

Jhon Edison Ortiz Suárez

 Brief review about the last subject: Linking and connecting

words using some short sentences and stories.

 Listening comprehension using the link below:  Home available
er-a1-listening/spelling-colours materials like Sheets
 General review:
of white paper,
Linking and  Some general features of the Singaporean Math method will be  Reading
scissors, pieces of
connecting words. revised using some basic image pattern for making comprehension.
cardboard, markers,
understanding skills better assimilated and functional.  Listening practice.
1 0 01 pencil, eraser,
 Listening  Creativity and
10 00 11 0 sharpener and ruler.
comprehension. writing skills.
 Practical
 Available tablet to
 INTRODUCTION: memorization.
listen to the audios
Singaporean math.
of the listening

 General review of vocabulary previously granted and some

basic features of the Singaporean math method.

 Listening comprehension using the following link:
 General review:
Vocabulary words
previously granted.  While making up some sentences and having brief  Practical
conversations about a non-specific subjects the next words will memorization.
be reviewed and practiced: ‘’Curly’’ ‘’Straight’’ ‘’Now’’ ‘’Row’’
 Listening  Listening skills.  Available tablet to
1 0 01 ‘’First’’ ‘’Then’’ ‘’Next’’ ‘’After’’ ‘’Last’’ ‘’Because’’ ‘’So.’’
comprehension.  Speaking skills in listen to the audios
10 00 11 0
context. of the listening
 Vocabulary  While listening the following song some pronunciation and practice.
 Pronunciation skills.
memorization. vocabulary aspects will be reviewed:

 Vocabulary song.

 General review of unknown vocabulary related to the song.

 While making up some sentences the following word will be

both reviewed and practiced:  Home available
 General review: ‘’Flavorful’’ ‘’Stocky’’ ‘’Furry’’ ‘’Crowed’’ ‘’Agile’’ ‘’Spacious’’  Practical materials like Sheets
Song. ‘’Rough’’ ‘’Picky’’ ‘’Healthy’’ ‘’Fluffy’’ ‘’Mellow’’ ‘’Wild’’ ‘’Well built’’ memorization. of white paper,
‘’Witty’’ ‘’Thoughtful’’ and ‘’Domestic.’’  Listening skills. scissors, pieces of
 Vocabulary  While emphasizing on the meaning and how to use every single  Speaking skills in cardboard, markers,
1 0 01 memorization. word, some new and creative contexts will be created and context. pencil, eraser,
10 00 11 0 practiced.  Phonetical review sharpener and ruler.
 Listening and pronunciation
comprehension.  Listening comprehension using the following link: focused  Available tablet to pronunciation skills. listen to the audios
 Interview Review. er-a1-listening/understanding-numbers  Politeness. of the listening
 Using the previous document for the interview, some basic and
useful random interview questions will be practiced in order to
improve both confidence and fluency when being asked.

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