Developmental Reading - Assignment

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Developmental Reading

Tañeca, Realyn D. Score:

BEEd – IIIA September 21, 2019
Exercise No. 1


1. Who was the Greatest speaker of all times? Literal

2. Who came out and have been carpeted his pathway with palm

3. In what verse in the bible did Jesus talk about having peace in Him? Literal

4. What did Jesus do to gain the unprecedented popularity? Literal

5. Where did Jesus had to go to suffer, die and rise again? Literal


1. What does it mean, “He pours out His heart to His apostles?” Interpretive

2. What was the essence of His preach?


3. What would it be if God didn’t offer His only son Jesus to save our

4. What was the purpose of the Holy Spirit to all the apostles? Interpretive

5. Where was the real kingdom of Jesus? Interpretive


1. If you were Jesus, would you sacrifice yourself so the others would
live? Why?

2. How was the story be similar in your own experience?


3. After reading the story, would you follow Jesus? How? Applied

4. How would following Jesus affect the persons around you? Applied

5. If you were one of the apostles, what would you do to save Jesus
from His death?
Developmental Reading
Tañeca, Realyn D. Score:
BEEd-IIIA September 21, 2019
Exercise No. 2

1. What does the author want to say in this article?

The author strongly wants to imply that Filipinos need to do something positive about poverty on
their own ways and not expecting solutions from others. Individually, we need to be united with one
goal which is to eliminate poverty. He also wants to say that we must focus on our present and think
about our future because poverty is everybody’s problem, so we are all responsible about it.

2. What does the author suggest to fight poverty in the Philippines?

He suggested that we should act together. We do have our resources in all macro and micro level
but to achieve our vision and goals for our county, we need coordinators to meld us together into one.
We should work things out especially all the possible causes of disunity and personify the poverty as
the real enemy.

3. How feasible are the author’s suggestions?

The suggestions of the author is feasible because it will be very helpful in narrowing down all the
possibilities in solving the problems of poverty. His suggestions have also focused on recognizing
potentials in every individual as a concerned citizen that someone can make a change. He also
mentioned that in our past, we sacrifices for people whom we did not even know, so we will surely solve
this problem if we are all united.

4. Do you have the same opinions as regards the issue? Why? Why not?
Yes, because it is true that the main solution is within ourselves. We must stop pointing finger to
others, they may be part of the cause but the main point is we are all responsible for this. Start acting
by doing something that can make us be the good role models to the younger generation. If other
countries can make a change so why wouldn’t we also make a change? I do agreed to the author’s
viewpoints especially in emulating the problem by encouraging people to give their concerns and make
a stand.

5. Based on the article, is the Philippine economy really in turmoil? Why?

Yes, the Philippine economy is in the state of great disturbance because as per the author said, 40
percent of our people live below the poverty line and 20 percent suffer food hunger. We became so
calloused that we do not feel the suffering of our fellow citizens. Our economic crisis became worst, we
are lacked of ideal people who are willing to chip in. We do have internal enemy in poverty and disunity
so we don’t need to be confused with the real problem before it’s too late.

6. Is the author positive that the gloomy picture of the Philippine economy would turn into a good
one? Explain how.
Yes, the author stated that if we will be concern with how to solve the problem in poverty, we can
surpass this crisis. Doing something positive on our own ways and not wasting time on blaming others
will definitely help us succeed in eliminating the said problem. It can be done if we work together with
unity and ask the help of the Almighty.

7. What role does unity play in a country’s desire for progress?

Unity is needed for survival. It protects a country from all the possible catastrophe it may be facing.
If we want to make a good progress we should help each stand our grounds and know the importance
of unity in our country. This will be a good foundation in building up our economy and in getting our
desired progress of better living.
Developmental Reading
Tañeca, Realyn D. Score:
BEEd-IIIA September 21, 2019
Exercise No. 3

1. What is the survey about?

The survey is about the declining of Pinoy’s English proficiency. Also, survey shows the reduction
of the percentage of Pinoy’s English proficiency in speaking English, reading and writing throughout
the years.

2. Who conducted the survey?

The survey was conducted by The Social Weather Stations (SWS).

3. How many said they speak English in the March 2006 survey?
In March 2j0j06 survey, only 32 respondents say that they can speak English.
4. How many students are not confident in conversing in English?
In student’s survey, 85 percent are not confident in conversing in English.
5. What did Mr. Bernardo say about the deteriorating performance in English?
Mr. Bernardo says that deteriorating performance of the students in English is needed to be
avert. He added that the whole department has evolved programs that would further hone the
communication skills of the students. Also, teachers should teach creatively and effectively in English
by having trainings and seminars. Furthermore, teachers and students must make English as part of
their everyday life.
Developmental Reading
Tañeca, Realyn D. Score:
BEEd-IIIA September 21, 2019
Exercise No. 4

1. What are the guidelines for?

The guidelines are for the proctors and students to be provided of systematic rules in periodical

2. Who are the persons involved in the implementation of the guidelines?

The persons involved in the implementation of the guidelines are the proctors and the students.

3. What are the responsibilities of the proctors?

The responsibilities of the proctors that must strictly followed are the following:

 The examination schedule must be strictly followed by the students and the assigned proctors.
 The proctors are expected to be aware of the rooms assigned to them.
 The proctors get the examination papers from the SAC Office and administer as scheduled.
 The first period exam proctors check the Examination Permit, record the names of students without
permits and submit the list to the Office of the Principal.
 The proctors remind the examinees of the remaining time. Writing it on the board is advised.
 The proctors collect the test papers ONLY AFTER the second bell, leave that examination room
and give the test papers to the subject teacher.
 Each exam must be taken only for an hour. No extensions.
 The next proctor enters the examination room and administers the test.
 The proctors before the break supervise the examinees as they go out of the examination room.
 The proctors after the break fetch the examinees from the Student Center.
 Students’ questions must be directed to the Subject Area Chairpersons stationed along the corridor.
 The proctors are not allowed to check papers, record etc. while administering the test. They must
roam around the room and closely supervise the students to prevent untoward incidents
 The proctors must always come on time and must not leave the examination room without notifying
the SAC.
 Student Pass must be worn when one goes out of the examination room.
 The proctors must leave the examination rooms clean and orderly.

4. What are the roles of the advisers and the SAC?

The roles of the advisers and the SAC are the following:

 The students must be informed about their examination room before the day of the periodical tests.
 Advisers prepare the examination rooms; check the number of chairs and their arrangement.
 The test papers must be bundled based on the number of examinees occupying the assigned room.
Also indicated are the section, sex, number of copies, and name of the subject teacher.
 The test papers must be at the SAC Office on/before the examination day.

5. What guidelines must examinees follow?

The guidelines followed by the examinees are the following:

 The schedule of the examination.

 Their examination room before the day of the periodical tests.
 Students must bring their Examination Permit.
 The bell will be rung twice. The first short bell means fifteen (15) minutes before the end of the
allotted hour. The second long bell indicates the end of the examination hour.
 Each exam must be taken only for an hour. No extension.
 Student Pass must be worn when one goes out of the examination room.
Developmental Reading
Tañeca, Realyn D. Score:
BEEd-IIIA September 21, 2019
Exercise No. 5

This is what happened when I stopped using exercise as a way to lose weight.
Olivia Muenter

For most of my adult life, my relationship with exercise existed on a cycle. After I finished high
school and no longer played competitive basketball, I found myself in college trying to figure out fitness
outside of the context of team sports. For most people, this would mean discovering the type of exercise
that made them feel best, or which workout they enjoyed the most.
For me–someone who had been trying to be smaller since I was 12 years old (I’m now 26), yet
always had hours of sports activities each week to accomplish this–it meant researching what could help
me lose weight in the quickest, most effective way.
During college and for a long time after, I would weigh myself or look at myself in the mirror
closely. If I noticed a change–a new stretch mark, an extra 5-10 pounds–I would panic. Eventually, I would
turn this panic into action convincing myself that I had to do something to get my body back to the way it
was. I was a problem to be fixed.
I would go on Pinterest or Instagram and map out a plan. I would sign up for a half-marathon and
print out a scheduled training program. I would buy a huge pack of SoulCycle classes with money I didn’t
have. I would order some fitness Instagrammer’s at home bodyweight workout plan. I would shell out
thousands on an expensive yearly gym membership and convince myself that the high price would be
motivation for me to go to the gym regularly.
In my early 20’s, I would have said that my desire to exercise was just me trying to be healthy, get
stronger, and stay focused. But the truth is that I wouldn’t have done any of it if someone told me that my
workouts would never result in weight loss. I wouldn’t have done it to improve my mental health, anxiety,
or energy, nor to build strength or endurance. I wouldn’t have done it for any reason at all if it didn’t make
me smaller.

The article is about the relationship between fitness and health and whether it brings happiness or
not. According to Muenter, using exercise as a way to lose weight will not improve one’s mental and
physical health, the thought of putting our minds to lose weight is what makes us more anxious and
Additionally, the author mentioned Science-proven benefits off working out that have nothing to
do with shedding pounds. When she runs, she doesn’t picture here thin self. Instead she pictures her happier
Exercise helps improve mental and physical health if focused on body movement and makes the
body feel amazing.
Developmental Reading
Tañeca, Realyn D. Score:
BEEd-IIIA September 21, 2019
Exercise No. 6

1. Give the meaning of the following words.

Undermining – (noun) the action or process of lessening the effectiveness, power, or ability of
someone or something, especially gradually or insidiously.
Boycott – (verb) withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or
person) as a punishment or protest.
Deficit – (noun) the amount by which something, especially a sum of money, is too small.
Subversive – (adj) seeking or intended to subvert an established system or institution.
Reluctant – (adj) unwilling and hesitant, disinclined.
Impotent – (adj) unable to take effective action; helpless or powerless.
Disenchantment – (noun) a feeling of disappointment about someone or something you previously
respected or admired; disillusionment.
Painstaking – (adj) done with or employing great care and thoroughness.
Emboldening – (verb) to make someone more confident.
Revolt – (verb) to fight in a violent way against the rule of a leader or government.

2. What is the article about?

The article is about how texting became a political tool. It was used during the late 1990’s for text
jokes to create protest against notorious public figures and politicians. Bringing the downfall of the
former President Joseph Estrada facilitated by texting and the boycott campaign to delay the plans of
phone companies that announced a charge of fee for every text message sent by cell phone users. It was
also mentioned in the article how other highest politicians were caught on their bad actions in some
elections through phone call records.
The author stated all the benefits of cell phones especially by means of communication and its
convenience to all the prepaid cell phone users

3. What makes texting very popular among Filipinos?

Filipinos uses cell phones to disseminate political activities or coordination among political
groups. Been very popular vital tool to all Filipinos because it was used for gatherings of all the people
that revolted during the late 1990’s.
It was also known to be the standard mode of communication among Filipinos. It is widely used
even in the remote countryside to connect and reconnect with family, friends and even overseas Filipino

4. How does texting shape Philippine politics?

Texting is well known during the late 1990’s, it was used to protest against government or a
politician’s ruling. The dynamism of it revolve around the country, it shaped the wireless revolutions
by exchange of messages. People continued to use texting to express their disappointments with the
politics of the government. In year 2004, the government wanted to impose a tax on texting to increase
revenues which leads to the oppositional messages of Filipino texters and joined the Txtpower to
bombard the said proposal. It was also mentioned that after the former President Gloria Macapagal-
Arroyo was accused of rigging the presidential election results, Txtpower made it popular to all the
cell phone users to be recognized as the protest tool.

5. What specific instances in the article would show that texting plays a significant role in Philippine

It is when texting was so popular during the time of former President Joseph Estrada. It was said
that Filipino cell phone users, maximizing the free texting service offered by phone companies, began
sending text jokes about the incompetence of Estrada. Texting was used to create protest against
Estrada and exposed all the disappointments against the government.

6. What cause the “revolts” of Filipino texters?

It was the appeal of Filipino texters forcing the phone companies to lower text service fees. The
government was very eager for the approval of higher rates which really enrage the millions of cell
phone subscribers in the Philippines.

7. Is the use of texting as medium of communication boon or bane? Why

It is boon because in became the standard means of communication among all the Filipinos. It is
widely used even in the remote countryside to connect and reconnect with family, friends, and even
overseas Filipino workers. Texting was used to maintain close relationships and also improved
coordination among political groups.

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