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5:31PM & @ < 124, The ratio of the areas af the c cumeircle and the incircle of an equilateral triangle is ayes. (Qari 8:1 (43:2 (SSC CHSL DEO & LDC Es (04.12.2011 (tnd Siting (Werth: Zone} 125, Area of the incircle of an equila eral triangle with side 6 cm is @) Fam. 2) (8) 6x sq. cm. (4) 32 5q, cm. (SSC CHSL DEO & LDC Exam. 04.12.2011 {ind Sitting (East Zone} 126. Thearea ofthe square inseribed in a circle of radius 8 cm is 11) 256 sq. em @) 250 sq. em 1G) 128 sq. em (4) 125 sq. em (SSC Graduate Level Tier-Il Examn.16.09.2012} 127. Acirdeis inscribed inan_equi- feral triangle and a square is inscribed in that circle. The tio of the areas of the triangle and the square ts O~s @ 35 22 Exam. 17.09.2013, lind Siting) 128, The ratio of the area of an equi- lateral triangle and that of its (Q) 2¥3:25 @) 4: 3/3: 4 (4) 72:25 (SSC Multi-Tasking Stall Exam. 24.03.2013, Ist Siting) 129, Between a square of perimeter 44 em and a circle of circumfer- ence 44 cm, which figure has larger area and by how much? (1) Square, 33cm 2) Cirele, 33 em? (9) Both have equal area (4) Square, 495 em? (SSC CCL Pretim Exar, 27.02.2000 (First Sting) 130. “The perimeter of a square and a circular field are the same. If the area of the circular field is 3850 sq metres,what is the area (in mr) of the square? (1) 4225 @) 302: (3) 2500 4) 2025, (SSC CGI Pretim Exarn, 27.02.2000 (Second Sitting) 131. 132. 133. 134, 138. 136. SSC Mathematics MENSURATION The areas of a square and a rect angle are equal. The length of the rectangle is greater than the length of any side of the square by 5 cm and the breadth is less by 3 cm. Find the perimeter of the rectangle. ()17em —Q) 8) 30cm (4) 34cm (SSC OGL. Prelim Exam. 24.02.2002 (lind Sitting) & (SSC CGL Prelim Exam, 13.11.2005 (at Sitting If a wire is bent into the shape of a square, the area of the square is 81 sq. cm, When the wire fs bent into a semicircular shape, the area of the semicircle 22 (taking *= }is (0) 154 em? (8) 44cm? (4) 22 om? (SSC CCL Preis Exam, 24.02.2002 (Und Siting! & (SSC CCL Tier Exams 26 06.2011 (in Siting) The perimeter of a rectangle is 160 metre and the difference of two sides is 48 metre. Find the side of a square whose area ts equal to the area ofthis rectangle ()32m 8m Bam 16m (SSC CGI Prem Exam. 24.02.2002 (Middle Zane) & (SSC COL. Preian Exam. 13.11.2005 (st Sitting) I the area ofa triangle with base 12 cm is equal to the area of a square with side 12 em, the altt- tude of the triangle will be (1) 126m (2) 24cm (3) 18cm (4) 36 em (SSC CG Pretin Exam. 28.02.2002 (Middle Zone) & (SSC COL. Prelin Exam. 13.11.2005 (st Siting) The area {in m2) of the square which has the same perimeter a rectangle whose length is 48 m and is 3 times its breadth, is: (11 1000 (2) 1024 (@} 1600 (4) 1042 (SSC CGI. Prem Exam. 11.05.2003 (First Siting) (2) 77 cm? A square and an equilateral tri- angle are drawn on the same base, The ratio of their area is (2st ist O:4 Was (SSC CGE. Prelim Exam. 13.11.2005 (Second Sitting) 1) VoLTE Gam) 89% 137. A wire, when bent in the form of 2 square, encloses a region hav- ing area 121 cm2. If the same wire is bent into the form of a Circe, then the area of the circle ts ( Taker = 22 (1)144 cm? (2) 180 cm? (3)154 cm? (4) 176 cm (SSC CGL Prelim Exam. 27.07.2008 st Sitting) & (SSC HSL DEO & LDC Exam. 28.11.2010 (lind Sitting) 138.A copper wire is bent in the form ofan equilateral triangle and has area 12 1/3 em Ifthe same wire fs bent into the form of a circle, the area (in em} enclosed by the wire is (Take x = 22) (a) 364.5 2) 693.5 8) 346.5 4) 639.5 (SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam. 19.06.2011 (First Sitting) Accopper wires bent in the shape of a square of area Slem®. If the ‘same wire is bent in the form of a semicircle, the radius (in cr) 139, of the semicirele is (Take = (1) 16 ia (3) 10 7 (SSC CGL Tler-1 Exam, 26.06.2011 rst Sitting) At each comer of a triangular field of sides 26 m, 28 m and m, a cow Is tethered by a rope gf length 7m. The area (in m) ungrazed by the cows is (1) 336 @) 259 (3) 154 77 (SSC CGE Tler-1 Exam. 26.06.2011 (Second Sitting) An equilateral triangle is drawn on the diagonal of a square. The ratio of the area of the triangle to that of the square ts. 8:2 2:8 (3) 2:43 V2 (FCI Assistant Grade-tl Exam. 25.02.2012 (Paper-l) Narth Zone (ist Siting) A cow Is tied on the corner of a rectangular field of stze 30 m >20 m bya 14m long rope. The area of the region, that she can graze, 22 140. 141. 142. (1) 350 m? (3) 154 m? (SSC CHSL DEO & LDc Exam. 28.11.2010 (ist Sitting) Kindle 4.2% FREE DOWNLOAD OTHER IMPORTANT BOOK INSTALL cya © Be = | < 143. A circle and a square have equal areas, The ratio of a side of the square and the radius of the cir- ele is a) isd @ Jest Biss (xsd ($SC CHSL DEO & LDC Exam. 28.11.2010 (lind Siting) 144.1f the perimeters of a rectangle and a square are equal and the ratio of two adjacent sides of the area of the rectar the square is ist 2:3 @1:2 8:9 (SSC Graduate Level Ter-1 Exam. 21.04.2013) The perimeter of a triangle and an equilateral triangle are same. Also, one of the sides of the rectangle is equal to the side of the triangle. The ratio of the area ofthe rectangle and the triangle ts Or Bis 8) 2:43 4) 4:8 ($8C Constable (CD) Exam, 12,05,2013 lat Siting) The radius of a circle is a side of a square. The ratio of the area of the eirele and the square is, iia Qa Bxu2 M2: (SSC Graduate Level Tier-1 Exar, 19.05.2013 Ist Sitting) i the length of a rectangle is increased by 25% and the width 4s decreased by 20%, then the area of the rectangle (1) increases by 5% 2) decreases by 5% (3) remains unchanged 4) increases by 10% (SSC CGL Prelim Exam, 27.02.2000 (Second Siting) ‘The length of a rectangle is de- creased by 10% and its breadth fs increased by 10%, By what per cent is its area changed ? 1) 0% 211% GB) 5% (4) 100% (SSC CGI. Pretim Exarn, 08,02,2004 (ist Sitting) & (SSC CGL Ther- Exam, 16.05.2010 fst Sitting) The percentage increase in the area of a rectangle, if each of its sides is increased by 20%, is : (1) 40% (2) 42% B)44% (4) 46% (SSC COL Prelim Exar. 08.02.2004 (hhrst Satting) 14s. 146. 147. 14s. 14g. SSC Mathematics MENSURATION 150. If the circumference of a circle fs reduced by 50%, its area will be reduced by (1) 12.5% (2) 25% (3) 50% (4) 7596 ISSC CPO SJ. Exam. 05.09.2008) 151. increased, Ifthe side of a square by 25%, then its area ts in- creased by (1) 25% 2) 5596 (405% — (4) 56.25% (SSC CPO S.1, Exam. 26.05.2005} 152. If the radius of a circle is in- creased by 50%, its area is in+ creased by : (1)125% (2) 100% (375% (4) 50% (SSCCOL Prem Exam. 13.11.2005 dst Sitting) & (SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam. 26,06.2010 (lInd Sitting) 153, If the length of a rectangle is in creased by 20% and its breadth is decreased by 20%, then its (1) inereases by 4% (2) decreases by 4% (3) decreases by 1% (4) remains unchanged (SSC CPO S.1, Exam. 03.09.2006} 184. Ifeach side of a rectangle is in- creased by 50%, its area will be increased by (1)50% (3) 100% (SSC CGE Pretim Exam. 04.02.200: {ind Siting) & (SSC HSL DEO & LDC Exam. 28.11.2010) 155. Ifthe altitude of a triangle ts in- creased by 10% while its area re- mains same, its corresponding base will have to be decreased by () 10% 2) 125% (4) 250% (29% 1 3 94 ay (SSC Section Ocer (Commercial Audit) Exam. 30.09.2007 (lin Sitting) & (SSC MTS Exam. 17.03.2013, Kolkata Region) 1 ites @ uy 156. If the circumference of a circle is increased by 50% then the area will be inereased by (1) 50% 2) 75% ) 100% @) 125% (SSC Section Officer (Commercial Audit) Exam. 30.09.2007 (Second sitting) si! VoLTE Gam) 89% 157. The length and breadth of a rect angle are increased by 12% and 15% respectively. Its area will be increased by 1 4 272% 280 () 275 3 27% (4) 28% (SSC CPO S.1. Exam. 16.12.2007} Each side of a rectangular field is diminished by 40%. By how much per cent is the area of the 158, field diminished 2 (1) 3296 2) 64% (3) 25% (4) 16% (SSC CCL Prelim Exam, 27.07.2008 (Second Siting) The length of rectangle ts in- creased by 60%. By what per- cent would the breadth to be de- creased to maintain the same 159. 1 (1) 375% — 2) 60% (3) 75% (4) 120% (SSC CPO S.1. Exam, 06.03.2009} ‘& (SSC MTS Exam. 17.03.2013, Kolkata Region) If each side of a square is in- creased by 10%. its area will be increased by (1) 10% (2) 21% (3) 44% (4) 100% (SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam, 16.05.2010 (lind Sitting] & (SSC SAS 26.06.2010 Paper-t 161. Ifthe length ofa rectangular plot of land 1s increased by 5% and the breadth is decreased by 10%, how much will its area increase cor decrease ? () 6.5% (2) 5.5% decrease (3) 5.5% increase (4) 6.5% decrease (SSC CPO S.1, Exam. 12.12.2010 Paper-t) The radius ofa circle is increased bby 1%. How much does the area of the cirele increase ? (1) 1% 2) 11% (3) 2% @ 2.01% (SSC CHSL DEO & LDC Exam, 28.11.2010 fist Suting) In measuring the sides of a rect- angle, there is an excess of 5% on one side and 2% deficit on the other, Then the error 160. 162. 163. per: cent in the area (1) 3.3% 2) 3.0% (3) 29% 27% (SSC Multi-Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff Exam, 20.02.2011} Kindle 4.2% FREE DOWNLOAD OTHER IMPORTANT BOOK INSTALL cya © Be = | < 164. The length and breadth of a square are increased by 30% and 20% respectively. The area of the rectangle so formed exceeds the area of the square by (1) 46% (2) 66% (3) 49% (4) 56% (SSC CHSL DEO & LDC Exam, 04.11.2012, Ist Sitting) Ifeach edge of a cube is increased bby 40%, the percentage increase in its surface area is 0) 40% (2) 60% (3) 80% 4) 96% (SSC Multi-Tasking Staff Beam 10.08.2013, Ist Sating : Patna) 166. If the cliameter of a circle is in- creased] by 8%, then its area is increased by : 1) 16.64% 13) 16% 165. 2) 6.64% () 16.46% (SSC Mult-Tasking Staff Exam. 10.03.2013) 167. One side ofa square is increased by 30%, To maintain the same area, the other side will have to be decreased by () 232% 13 3) 30% (4) 15% (SSC Graduate Level Tier-1 Exam. 21.04.2013 lind Sitting) rhe length and breadth of a rect- angle are doubled, Percentage in- area ts (2) 200% (4) 400% (SSC CHSL DEO .& LDC Exam 20.10.2013) 169. ABC is an equilateral triangle. P 2) 76.22% 13 168, (1) 150% 300% and Q are two points on 7 and FE respectively such that Fj !! p, then area of 25 23 0) 3 sqcm FE an - 8 on a5 sven SSC CHSL DEO & LDC E: 2011 (nd Sitting OE 170. If area of an equilateral triangle 4s aand height b, then value of ey SSC Mathematics MENSURATION 1 as 3 1 oe oe (SSC CAPPs St & CISF ASL Exam. 23.06.2013) ABC is an isosceles right angled triangle with 2B = 90°. On the sides AC and AB, two equilateral triangles ACD and ABE have been constructed. The ratio of area of AABE and ACD is, ayi:3 @2:3 wise wi (SSC CHSI DEO & LDC Exam 27.10.2013 llnd Sitting) Two triangles ABC and DEF are similar to each other in which AB = 10 cm, DE = 8 cm. Then the ratio of the area of triangles ABC a1. 172, and DE aya: 2) 25: 16 6a:125 4)4:7 (SSC CHSL DEO & LDC Exam. (04.11.2012, tnd Siting) If AABC is similar to ADEF such that BC =, EF = 4m and area of AABC = 54 cm?, then the area of ADEF ts (1) 66 em 2)78 cm? (3) 96 cm? 4) 54 com? (SSC Graduate Level Ter-1 Exam, 21.04.2013, Ist Siting) The area of two similar triangles ABC and DEF are 20 em? and 45 em? respectively. If AB = 5 cm, then DE is equal to (1) 65 cm 75cm B8sem 5. {SSC CAPFs Si & CISF ASI Exam. 29.06.2013} ABCD is a parallelogram. BC produced to Q such that BC CQ. Then (Q) area (4 BCP} = area (4 DPQ) (2) area (A BCP] > area (A DPQ) (3) area (A BCP) < area (A DPQ) (@) area (A BCP} + area (A DPQ) rea (ABCD) (SSC Graduate Level Ter-1 Exam. 21.04.2013 lInd Sitting) 176, The ratio of the length of the parallel sides of a trapezium is 3:2. The shortest distance between them is 15 cm. If the area of the trapezium 1s 450 em, the sum of the length of the parallel sides is 173. 175. 1) VoLTE Gam) 89% () 15 em Q (3) 42. em © 60cm (SSC Multi-Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff Exam. 27.02.2011) 177.C, and C, are two concentric ‘eitcles with centre at O. Their radii are 12 em, and 3 em, re- ‘spectively. B and Care the point ‘of contact of two tangents drawn to C, from a point A lying on the circle C,. Then, the area of the ‘quadrilateral ABOC is ois 2 (2) 1245 ».em (8) o¥fB sa. cm (4) 6yI5 (ssc Exam. 21.04.2013 Itnd Siting 178 From a point P which is at a distance of 13 cm from centre 0 of a circle of radius, in the same plane, a pair of tangents PQ nd PR are drawn to the circle. Area of quadrilateral PQOR is (1) 65cm? (2) 60cm? (3) 30 en (4)90 em*® (ssc a, sate Level Tier-1 achsate Level Tier-1 Exam. 21.04.2013) 179. In A ABC, 04s the centroid and AD, BE, CF are three medians and the area of A AOE = 15 cm? then area of quadrilateral BDOF is (1) 20 em 30 cm? (3) 40 (4) 25 cm* (SSC CHSL DEO & LDC Exam, (04.12.2011 (lst Sitting (North Zane) 180. A straight line parallel to the base BC ofthe triangle ABC intersects, AB and AC at the points D and E respectively. If the area of the AABE be 36 sq.em, then the area of the AACD is (1) 18 sq.em 2) 36 sq.em (3)18cm = 4)36cm (SSC CHSL DEO & LDC Exam, 04.12.2011 (lind Sitting (Nertl Zone) 181. If ina A ABC, the medians CD and BE intersect each other at 0, then the ratio of the areas of A ODE and 4 ABC is (16 (6:1 (1 (iz: (SSC CHSL DEO & LDC Exam. (04.12.2011 (lind Siting (East Zone) Kindle 4.2% FREE DOWNLOAD OTHER IMPORTANT BOOK INSTALL 34PM @ OG = ‘Area of the required region 121. 3) A BD = DC = 7/3 cm AD = Jap? pp? = tas) -7ay = a8 +748 - 78) = 28 «78 = 21m OD = Radius of circle 21=7em 3 Area of circle = x7 22 = B x77 #154 sqem. 122, (2) Using Rule 10 and 14, Side of square = (2 metze Radius of ineirle v1 “oye mete Area of the circle = 272 123. (1) Using Rule 1 and 6, A B D c Let the side of the equilateral triangle be xem, 0.40K/s Z SSC Mathematics MENSURATION A. AOB + ABOC +.4 COA =\ABC 1 1 1 GRR S pad Den 82 4 aoe Beane Banh areata anes Be sae = 05 x55 aus em . (2) For the equilateral triangle of side a, a In radius = 575 B, .c D DB= Dc = Sem, ap= Jap? Bp? = (2-2 = 86-9 = (27 = 3,3 om. OD = In-radius 3 xav3 = Bem Area of the in-circle = x7 = rx V3 x3 = 32 sgem. 126. (3) Using Rule 10, A B — BD = Diagonal = 16 cm [Radius = Area of square = 5 x BD? 1 = Fx16x1G = 128 sq. cm. 2 128 sq. 8 a lo BI + C Let AB = BC =CA-= xunits, then 1 x OD = ZAD= 57 = radius of circle = Diagonal of square ‘Triangle : Square Bf ce Let AB = BC = AC = 2 units aps fat? = fx 1 x wbx ixe op= 3 B ons + 2x =] = Circum radius Kindle 4.2% FREE INSTALL DOWNLOAD OTHER IMPORTANT BOOK 5:35PM & OB < NABC:: Area of circum-circle = V3: 4x 129. (2) Using Rule 10. Area of a square = (sideF Perimeter > _(44)" fen) -) 1? = 121 em Area of a ericle (radius? + { Cusumlerence 2 (Circumference) ‘Area of circle ~ Area of square 154 ~ 121 = 33cm? Area of the circle is langer than the area of the square by 33 cx? 12) Using Rule 14. Area of circular field 3850 sq.m, 3850 130. == 1225 r= 1225 om Now, circumference of circle = According to question, Perimeter of Square = Circumfer- ence of circle Let side of square be x m. then, 4x = 220m Area of square (4) Using Rule 10, Let the length of the side of the square be x cm. x? = (x+ 5) («-3) 222 isi. = xta x? 4 Bx - Sx - 15 0.01K/s Zi ul VoLTE Goa 88% SSC Mathematics MENSURATION and breadth 5, 15 9 2 2 Required perimeter 34 (2.3) (272 2) Using Rule 10, The length of wire ertncter of the equare 4x fire = 4x JST= 4% 9 =36 cm Now, perimeter of semicircular shape = 36 cm > (exr +2] = 396 cm. (2 132. of square 2) = 96 cm 3128.96 em 3607 yoy = epi en 7x7 2 7x2 77 cm (1) Let the length and breadth of rectangle are a and b respective- y According to the question, 2la+ b) >atb a-b 133. i) a) (Onadaing) = 16m Area af rectangle 64 16 me ‘Area of square 4 x 16 me = side = 8x4 =32m ) Using Rule 1 and 10, Area of square = (12)? 44 cot Area of triangle 134, x base xheight 2 1 7% 12 x height 1 > * 12 x height 135. 136. 137. 138. (2) Using Rule 9 and 10. Let the length of rectangle = 48m. and breadth = 16m. Perimeter of square = Perimeter of rectangle (48 + 16) = 4x Side = 2 64 2+64 a Area of the square = (32)? = 1024 metre? (4) Using Rule 6 and 10, As a square and an equilateral triangle are drawn on the same base. side of triangle and square will be the same. Let the side be xunits. = Side = = 92 metres Areaofequare __x* ‘Areaoftiangle ~ 5, 4 4 Fea (3) Us Side of the square Length ofthe wire = 4x side x11=44cm Now the wires bent into the form of a circle. If the radius of the ctrele be rem, then, ‘ar = 44 44 _44x7 & 7 2x 2x22°™ At (3) Using Rule 6 and 14. Area of the equilateral triangle FB cer side? 4 2164 ide 11x 2= 22cm otal length of wire= 8 x 22 6 cm Let the radius of the circle be r cm, the 2ar = 66 Kindle 4.2% FREE INSTALL DOWNLOAD OTHER IMPORTANT BOOK 5:35PM & © @ < 2x22 7 6x7 21 2x92" 2 ‘Area of the tree 222121 7°29 = 346.5 cm? 199, (4) Using Rule 10 and 14, Side of a square =I =9 om Length ofthe wire sano 96 cm Perimeter of semi (x + 2)r where r- xr = 66 = 140. (2) Using Rule 17, ‘Area grazed by all cows, 77sq.metre Semi-perimeter of triangular field |, 26-+28 +30 * 2 ‘Area of the field (aaa —DoTAD = aAD— I = V@xiexit x12 36 oq.metre ‘Area ungrazed by the cows = 336-77 = 259 sqimetre 141, (3) Using Rule 6 and 10, Let the side of the square be x wunits, then s = 42metres diagonal = 72x units Area ofthe square =x” and area of triangle ~ Required ratio 0.39K/s Zi SSC Mathematics Bx 22 BE aw 2 14. 9) Using Rate 17 A D I) |. iim Required area = 1? 22 «14x14 7x4 143. (2) Using Rule 10 and 14, Let the radius of circle be r units and the side of square be xunits. then Pane? «fra 144. (4) Using Rule 9 and 10. Let Side of rectangle are 2x and xunits, and Side of square 4y= 6x units 148, (3) Using Rule 1 and 9. Let Length of rectangle = x units and breadth = y units Side of triangle 2x4 2y=3y S2x=y Ai) ‘Area © ‘Area of trlangle ay _ 4x Radius of circle = Side of square =F units Area of circle : Area of square sat earl — Ny COTE 147, (3) Using Rule 16. ows | nm | Rectangle = |Y Rectangle i According to question, Area of original rectangle =xy Area of new rectangle 25x x 0.80y Effective change 25 x 20) = (25-20 196 = 0% 100 ie. Hence. the area of the rect- angle remains unchanged. Q) Using Rule 10. Let the length and breadth of a rectangle are changed by xand y per cent respectively, then the net change = [+ y+] aes 2Ope, were pos yy = een (20202222) 109 = 404 4= 44% (4) Let radius =r Circumference = 2xr Reduced circumference 148, 10+10- 149. 150. ar = 2nd a Its 259% of 72 (the original area) Area ts reduced by 75%. (4) Using Rule 12, Let the side of a square is in- creased by x 9%, its area is 2 2 o ane ach creased by ( i00 Here, x = 25% 151. off ™ « Ee Kindle 4.2% FREE & INSTALL DOWNLOAD OTHER IMPORTANT BOOK 5:35PM & OB < Effective increase in area 2x 25+ 6.25% 28425), 100 152. (1) Using Fate 12 Wtbermian of rc te tncrease hy woe the area ‘changes By (axe 22) te \?** i009) 50% 50 100 (2) Using Rute 10 Eifectve change tn area {2x50+ 153. 2Y.) 96 100) where x and y denote pei age change (wens 20-20- 29520) 4% Hence, the area will decrease by 4% (2) Using Rule 10, Effective (s+ Beh 125 % 154, 155. (3) Let the base of triangle be decreased by 3%, According to the question, 10x 100 [-;Area remains same] 10-x- 7? lox + x 10 100_, 1 ax 9% 14) Using Rule 10, For an increase of 50% in the cir- cumference of circle, the radius of circle should be increased by 50%. Then, required percentage in- erease in the area of the circle 156. 157. 2) Using Rule 10, Percentage increase in the area of rectangle 1.70K/s Zi FS wal) VoLTE Go) 88% SSC Mathematics MENSURATION 78 oa 158, (2) Using Rule 10, Let the length and breadth of a rectangle are changed by x% and y% respectively, the effective change in area x+y+ 2 bo (s+ its -40 Here, x y=-40 Percentage decrease 40x 40 100 (- 80 + 16) % = - 64% (40-40+ Kogatve sign shows decrease 189, (1 Using ule 10, panges of 2% and ye in length and breadth especie efeetive change In area 2 too oy 9 sy 7 "3 10, 2) Using Rule 10, Ierease percent in aca (1010+ 1229) ay 161. 2 Using Rule 10 , ( - Be Not 9 effect («9 - (5-10-3210), 100 = 15-0514 =-5.5% The negative sign shows de- 12, (i) Using Rate 30 Sect on area « (1416222 po= 20186 100 18, (2) Using Rule 10, Required net effect Negative sign shows decrease “wl 164, (4) Using Rule 10, Percentage increase in area 30x 29) 100 165. (4) Using Rule 10, Required percentage increase 30+20+ 56% % increase (2735200) 100 “ 600 166. (1) Usi Required percentage increase ( 8x8 \ 100 (1) Using Rule 10, If the required percentage be x, then J ss00 167, sox 100 = 300 - 10x-3x= 0 30-x- Percentage Effect 168. (3) Using Rul Percentage increase in area 100=100) = (100 +100 + #00=" = 300% 169. (3} Using Rule 6, Pg QBC ‘APQ ‘AQP Kindle 4.2% FREE INSTALL DOWNLOAD OTHER IMPORTANT BOOK 5:35PM & OB < 5 area of arg = “..(pg? Big - 258 = = x(9/ sq.m, 4 4 @) Using Rule 1, ‘ 8 L c AD-b Let BD = De Each an {+ ts equilateral 60° «22 tan 60° = 22 bb 2 B=2 sxe als = BC =2 Area of the triangle 1 Bx BCxAD equilateral Ate. a= “Ps? Also AD (height 0.00K/s A = SSC Mathematics MENSURATION 171. (3] Using Rule 6, A D E c AB =xcunits BC =xunits AC = J xunits [Using Pythagoras} 172. (2) =25: 16 [+= AABC ~ ADEF] 173. (3) A D 8 E F = 96 an? 174.2) Der" pa? 20 25 45" DE? a, 15%25 | 225 > DE*= "30 4 15 bes > 176. (1) Join AC & DQ AAPG and ABCP lle on the same base PC and between the same parallels AB and PC ar (AAPC} = ar (ABCP) Now, AD || CQ and AD= CQ 176. 17. ADQC is a parallelogram. Again AADC and ADAQ are on the same base AD and between ‘same parallels AD and CQ. A B D' ar (AADC) = ar (AADQ) ‘Subtracting ar (DAP) from both sides, we get ar (AAPC] =ar(ADPQ) (ti) From i] and (fi), we get ar (ABPC) = ar (ADPQ) (4) Using Rule 13. 2 of parallel sides) x altitude Area of the trapezit (sum 1 34502 5 xt 29x 15 2 4502 35x= 5 = 60cm a A AB = AC same point OB = OC = 3 cm OA = 12 em 2 ABO = 90° viz? = Ji5x9 = 315 A OAB = angents from the Al OB x AB xaxayis = 8 sqm. Kindle 4.2% FREE INSTALL 5:35PM & OB < 178.2) 9 ® 20QP = ZORP = 90" PQ = op? - 09? = vis? - 5? =12 Area of PQOR = 2x 4 OPQ xgx Sx 12 2 = 60 sq. cm A C ‘ B D c ‘ar (AAOB) = ar(ABOD) 1 (ABOF) 179. (2) Area of quadrilateral BDOF x 15 = 30 sqm. A ’ ‘ B c ADBC and AEBC lie on the same base and between same parallel lines. 180. (2) = AADE 181. (3) SABE = 36 A roa B C In As ODE and BOC. ZBOC = ZDOE ON) dae Ae Le) SSC Mathematics MENSURATION 2DEO = ZOBC:; ZODE = ZOCB Both triangles are similar, SODE _ DE? ABOC ~ BC? DE | BC and DE = 4BC [Bc an 2 and area of A ABC = 3x Area of A, OBC or, 1:12 182. (4) Using Rule \AZ V/ AB=4+6= 10cm BC=6+8= 14cm CA=8+4= 12cm Semi-perimeter Area = Js(s - a)(s - B)(s - c) = /fane-T0)a8 1a) - 13) = ViBx 8x 4x6 3x 2x2" 2/6 = 24.6 sacm (2) Using Rule 13, 7YN LAY ABDE will be a trapezium AB= 4 units 183. et DE=3 AB=2 units FB = 1 unit, BD = 2 units. pF = 9? 77 = units ‘Area of ABDE, 1 . =7 AB +DExDF 44% = 35 sq. units 184. (3) 4 ABC xT [vy BC = 2B'C and AC = 24°C] MABIC 1 AABC 4 AABIC aABC paaBe 3 ‘ABC 185. (1) Both the triangles are congru- ent. A ABC = 60, A PQR = 60 186. (4) Using Rule 1 P Kindle 4.2% FREE INSTALL cya © Be = | < 182. Three circles of radii 4 cm, 6 em and 8 cm touch each other pair- vise externally triangle formed. by the lin ments joining-the centres of the three circles is, 0) 148 3 sam The area of the (0) 12 fos =a. cm 9) 6 JE sq cm (4) 246 sq. em (SSC CHSL DEO & LDC Exam 21.10.2012 (st Sitting “Two circles with centre A and B ch 183, and radius 2 units touch other externally at 'C’. A third e ele with centre °C’ and radius ‘2 units meets other two at D and E, Then the area of the quadri- lateral ABDE is 0) 54. units 2) 3/5 sq. units 6) 3,9 sq, units 1) 2.43 54, units (SSC CHSL DEO & LDC Exam 04.11.2012 find Sitting) ABCs a right angled triangle. B being the right angle, Mid-points of BC and AC are respectively B and A’. The ratio of the area of the quadrilateral AA’ B'B to the area of the triangle ABC is ayaa (22:3 si4 1) None of the above (SSC Graduate Level Mer-1 Exam 21.08.2013) 185. ‘Two triangles ABC and PQR are congruent. If the area of A ABC 184, is 60 sq. cm, then area of APOR will be 0) 6Osqem — 2) 30 sqem ©) 15sqem 4) 120 sqm (SSCCGL Ther-t Re-Exam, (2013) 27.08.2014) In APOR the line drawn from the vertex P intersects QR at a point S. If QR = 4.5 cm and SR= 1.5 em then the ratios of the area of triangle PQS and triangle PSRis 186. art Q3:1 3:2 @ 2:1 (SSC CGL Teer-t Re-Exam. (2013) 27.04.2014) 0.18K/s Z SSC Mathematics MENSURATION 187. The difference between the radii of the bigger circle and smaller circle is 14 cm and the differ- ence between their areas is 1056 em? Radius of the smaller clrcle is () 7m @) 5cm 8) 9em (4) 3m (SSC COL Tier-1 Re-Exam, (2013) 20.07.2014 dst Sittings ABCD is parallelogram. P and Q are the mid-points of sides BC and CD respectively. If the area of SABC is 12 em, then the area of AAPQ is, () 12cm? 2) 8 cm? @) 9m? (4) 10 cm? (SSC CGL Tier-1 Re-Exam, (2013) 20.07.2014 (lind Sitting) ABC is a right angled triangle. B being the right angle. Mid-points of BC and AC are respectiveely BY and A’. Area of AA'B'C' Is, 188. 189. (1) > * area of AABC 2) F x area of AABK (8) Z * area of AABC (4) F * area of AABC {SSC CGL Ter-1 Exam. 19.10.2014 (st Sitting) A wire of length 44 cm is first bent to form a circle and then rebent to form a square. The dif- ference of the two enclosed ar- eas is (1) 44 cn? 33 em? (3) 55 cm (4) 66 cm* SSC CGL Tier-I Exam. 19.10.2014) A parallelogram has sides 60 m and 40m and one of its diago- nals is 80 m long. 190. 191. (1) 500 is m? 2) 600 iS (400 is (4) 450 iS (SSC COL Tier am, 26.10.2014) ZACB is an angle in the semicir- dle of diamet Sand AC BC= 3: 4. The area of the trian. gle ABC is (1) 6/7 sq. (9) 12sq.cem 6 (SSC COL Teer-1 Exam. 26.10.2014) 192. Q\4 sac — 1) VoLTE Gam) 89% 193. If the lengths of the sides AB, 194. 195. 196. 197. BC and CA ofa triangle ABC are 10 cm, 8 cx pec- tively and ifM is the mid - point ‘of BC and MN | AB to cut AC at IN, then the area of the trapezi- uum ABMN is equal to 8 sq. cm. (2) 20 sq. cm. 8) 12 sq. cm. (4) 16 sq. cm and 6 cm rx ABCD §s a trapezium with AD and BC parallel sides, ‘on BC. The ratio of the area of ABCD to that of AED is point wo 2 e BC 'BC 6) AD+BE AD + BC OAD + cE ‘aD {SSC CGL Tier-tl Exam. 21.09.2014) In an equilateral triangle of side ‘24m, acitde ts inscribed touch- {ng its sides. The area of the ning portion ofthe trang is (SB =1732) (1) 98,55 sqem @} 100 sqem () 101sqcm 4) 95 sqcm (SSC CGL Teer-H1 Exam, 21.0.2034) . Perimeter of a rhombus is 2p ‘unit and sum of length of diago- nals is m unit, then area of the rhombus is 12 0) Amp squnit qm Pa 2) App? squint imp’ (3) (mm? — p?) squnit a : (p? - m2) sq unit (SSC CGL Ter- Exam. 21.09.2014) Two sides of a plot measuring 2 m and 24 mand the angle between them is a perfect right angle. The other two sides mea- ‘sure 25 m each and the other three angles are not right angles The area of the plot in m? is, () 768 2 534 @ 696.5 (4) 684 {SSC CGI Tier-Il Exams. 21,09,2014) Kindle 4.2% FREE DOWNLOAD OTHER IMPORTANT BOOK INSTALL cya © Be = | < 198. and b are two sides adjacent to the right angle of a right gled triangle and p is the per- pendicular drawn to the hypote- use from the opposite ‘Then pF is equal to Mare 2 ab? e9 ° a+b ze (SSC COL Tier-It Exam. 21.09.2014) Als the centre of circle whose radius is 8 and B is the centre of a circle whose diameter is 8. Ifthese two circles touch exter: 199. nally, then the area of the circle with diameter AB is () 36x @) 64x @ l44x (4) 2560 (SSC CGL Tier-II Exam. 21.09.2014) 200. The length of a rectangle is in- creased by 10% and breadth de- creased by 10%. The area of the new rectangle is (0) neither increased nor de- creased (2) increased by 1% (3) decreased by 296 (4) decreased by 1% (SSC CAPFs SI, CISF ASI & Delhi Police $1 Exam. 22.06.20 14} ff the numerical values of the height and the area of an equilat- eral triangle be same, then the Iength of each side of the trian- gle is Q)2units —@) 4 units @) Sunits (4) Sunits (SSC CAPFs SI, CISF ASI & Delhi Police $1 Exam. 22.06.2014) ithe length of a side of the square is equal to that of the diameter of a circle, then the ratio of the area of the square and that of the cir- ele is, (2) “ angle fs 6 J cm. The area (in cm) of the triangle is 4) 72 @) 108 8 23 8) 96,8 (SSC CHSL DEO & LDC E (02.11.2014 (tind Sitine) SSC Mathematics MENSURATION 204. If the numerical value of the cir- cumference and area of a circle fs same, then the area is (1) 625q. unit @} 4 xsq. unit @) Sxsq. unit (4) 12259. unit (SSC CHSL DEO & LDC Exam. 02.11.2014 (lind Sittings 205. The area of an equilateral trian- dle is 48 sq. cm. The length of the side ts 0) (Gx4em 4G em (Sem ) 16cm (SSC CHSL DEO & LDC Exum 02.11.2014 {lind Sittings 206. Area of regular hexagon with side ie o @ sq. unit 12 oe @ sq. unit 8) Ze @ saunit 5% 4) Ye @ so. unit (SSC CHSL DEO & LDC Exam. 911.2014) 207. The external fencing ofa circular path around a circular plot ofland is 33 m more than its interior fencing. The width of the path around the plot is, @ 5. @ 2 m — Q) 5.25 m m (SSC CHSL DEO & LDC Exam, 9.11.2014) 208. In ABC, D and E are two points on the sides AB and AC respec- AD tively so that DE! BC and =~ BD 2 3: Then the area of trapezium DECB “a of AABC. the ai equal to og @ 35 4 wig @ 5y (SSC CHSL DEO & LDe Exam, 911.2014) si! VoLTE Gam) 89% 209. The sides of a rhombus are 10 cmeach and a diagonal measures 16 cm. Area of the rhombus is (1) 96 sq.em (2) 160 (3) 100 sq. em (4) 40 (SSC CHSL DEO Exam, 02.11.2014 st Sitting) 210. The perimeter of a triangle is 54 m and its sides are in the ratio of 5:6: 7. Thearea of the triangle is () 18 ne ) 546 nF 8) 27/2 wm? (4) 25 we (SSC CHSL DEO Exam. 16.11.2014 fist Sitting 211, The lengths of two parallel sides of a trapezium are 6 cm and 8 com. Ifthe height of the trapezi- tum be 4'cm, then its area is (1) 28 em 28 sqem (3) 30 sqem (SSC CHL DEO Ex 2. 16.11.2014 st Situng) Ifa and bare the lengths of the sides of a right triangle whose hypotenuse is 10 and whose area 4s 20, then the value of (a+b)? is (1) 140 @) 180 (3) 120 & 160 ($8C CGL Teer- Exam. 12.04.2015, TF No, 567 TL 9} Awire is bent into the form of a 212, 213, ‘circle, whose area is 154 cm?. If the same wire is bent into the form ofan equilateral triangle, the ap- proximate area of the equilateral ‘niangle is (Q) $3.14 em (8) 83.14 cm (SSC COL Tier: 2) 90.14 cm (4) 39.14 cm* TF No, 022 MH 3) Ifthe ratio of the altitudes of two triangles be 3 : 4 and the ratio of their corresponding areas be 4 3, then the ratio of their corre sponding lengths of bases is a) ast Q) 16:9 () 1:2 arn (SSC CHSL (1042] DEO & LDC Exam, 16.11.2014, Ist Siting TF No, 333 10:2} Let A be the area of a square whose each side is 10 em. Let B bbe the area of a square whose diagonals are 14 em each. Then (A- B} is equal to (0 a1 (3) 2 wae (SSC CHSL (10421 DEO & LDC Exam, 16.11.2014 , Ist Sitting TF No, 333 10-2} 214. 215, Kindle 4.2% FREE DOWNLOAD OTHER IMPORTANT BOOK INSTALL < 216. Two sides of a parallelogram are 20 cm and 25 cm, Ifthe altitude corresponding to the side of length 25 cm is 10 em, then the altitude corresponding to the oth- er pair of sides is Q) 10.5cm —@) 12em @ 125cm (4) 10cm (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO.& LDC Exam, 16.11.2014 Ist Sitting TF No, 3330 2} 217. If the sides of an equilateral tri- angle be increased by 1m its area fs increased by JJ sq. mete “The length of any ofits sides is 2 5 () Qmetre (2) F metre 3 @) Z metre (4) /g metre [SSC CHSL. (10+2) DEO .& LDC Exam. 16.11.2014, Ind Sitting ‘TF Ne. 545 QP 6} 218. The in-radius of a triangle is 6 em, and the sum of the lengths of its sides is 50 cm. The area of the triangle (in square cm.) is a) 150 2) 50 6) 500 4) 56 (SSC CGL Tler-Il Exam, 12.04.2015 "TF No. 567 TL.9} 219. One of the angles of a right-an- led triangle is 15*, and the hy- potenuse fs 1 metre. The area of the triangle (in square cm.) is a) 1220 2) 1200 ®) 1250 (a) 1215 (SSC CGL Ter- Exam. 12.04.2015 ‘TF No. 567 TL.9} f for an isosceles triangle the length of each equal side is ‘a’ units and that of the third side is “b' units, then its area will be 2 ae? quare units 4 “ \ 3 oa? —b? square units: 2 b via? = 0? square units 0 2) 8 b a) v8? 20? square units (SSC COL Ter- Exan 12.04.2015 (o. 567 TL 9} SSC Mathematics MENSURATION 221. The outer and inner diameter of acircular path be 728 metre and 700 metre respectively. The breadth of the path is (1) 7 metre (2) 28 metre @) 14 metre (4) 20 metre (SSC CGL Tier Exam. 12.04.2015 ‘TF No. 567 TL9) 222. The area of the parallelogram whose length is 30 cm, width is 20 em and one diagonal is 40 emis ) 200 Jf cm* 2) 100 JS cm* (8) 300 Jf cm* (9) 150 Js cm? (SSC COL Tier Exam. 12.04.2015 TF No, 567 71.9} On increasing each side of a square by 50%, the ratio of the area of new square formed and the given square will be Mors ae 9:7 jars (SSC CGL-Tier-t Exam. 12.04.2015 "FF No. 567 71.9) The area of a circle fs _324 x square cm. The length of its long- est chord (in cm.) is «36 @) 28 @ 38 is (SSC CGLTer-t Exam. 12.04.2015 TF No, 5677.9) The atea of a thombus is 256 square em, and one ofits diago- nals is twice the other in length. Then length of its. larger diagonal is 0) 32 cm (3) 48cm (ssc 0 223. 224. 2) 16cm (4) 24cm er-II Exam, 12.04.2015 TP No. 567 71.9) 1 226. If the le of a square is z (+1) units and its diagonal is “J nits, then the length of the side of the square would be 4 L () F units — @) 5 unit (3) unit (4) 2 units (SSC CGLTer-I Exam, 12.04.2015 TF No. 567 TL 9} 1) VoLTE Gam) 89% 227. The circumference of a triangle is 24 cm and the circumference of its in-circle is 44 cm. Then the area of the triangle is (taking x = 22 7) (1) 56 square cm. (2) 84 square em. (8) 48 square cm. (4) 68 square em. ($8 CGL Tier-I Exam, 12.04.2015 TF No. 567 TL 9) Ifthe length of each of two equal sides of an isosceles triangle is 10cm. and the adjacent angle is 45*, then the area of the triangle is (1) 20 JJ square em. (2) 12 JJ square cm. (9) 25 JB square cm. (4) 15 J square em. (SSC CGL Ter Exam, 12.04.2015, [TF No. 5677.9) The length of the diagonal of a rectangle with sides 4m and 3 m would be im 27m 3) 5m um (S8C CGL Ter-II Exam, 12.04.2015 [TF No. 5677.9) . In a right angled triangle APR, PR is the hypotenuse of length 20cm. ZPRQ = 30%, the area of the triangle is (1) 50.5 em? (2) 100 fg an? 229, 100 Oyo (S$C CGLTer-Il Exam, 12.04.2015, ‘TF No, 56771. 9) . The perimeter of an equilateral tr angle is equal to the circumfer- ence of a circle. The ratio of their (3) 25 Gem? (22: aS @) 21: 28 (9) 21: 22V2 (4) 22: 21y2 (SSC COL Teer-II Exam, 2014 12.04.2015 (Kolkata Region} TF No. 7897117) Google Duo - High Quality V. 4.6 * FREE DOWNLOAD OTHER IMPORTANT BOOK 5:35PM & OB < Radius of the larger circle =Ram Radius of the smaller circle R-r= 14cm and (R*~ r= 1056 1056 _ 1056 x7 =r- x = R- = 336 3 (R+ A (R-9 = 336 336 SRers Tp 24cm (R+ q-(R- = 24-14 3S 2rs10>r=5can 188.3) A, D ‘9 B c sqem. 189. (3) Using Rule 1 Al B BC In ABC and AA'B'C ABI|AB £B=2B.2N=2A § ABC -AA' BC 1 AB = AB. Area of A A’ B'C Ble ale wl wie 0.01K/s Zi SSC Mathematics MENSURATION 190. 2} Using Rule 14, Circumference of circle = 2ar= 44 2x Brads Perimeter of square = 44 cm. Side of a“ leof square * “= 11cm Aven of mquare «110 11 = 121 sq. cm, Difference = 154 ~ 121 2°39 sq, erm 181. 2} Using Rule 1, ¢ ia metre A GOmetre -B Semiperimeter of 4 ABC(S) arbre 2 60 +40+80 2 Area of \ ABC Asis —ayts— its —o) 0 80-66) (90-40) 0-8) 20 x 10/75 = 300 JIS sq. metre Area of [] ABCD = 2x Areaof A ABC = 2x 300/15 = 600/75 sq. metre 192. (4) c 90 metre al B Angleat the semi-circle is a right angle. PA a _ ETL ZACB = 90° AB = 5 om. AC = 8xcm. BC = 4x cm. (3? + (4? = (5)? = Ox + 16x = 25 = 25: Se 1 3 x BC XAC Area of AABC = 5 1 3-6 g 4x32 193. (1) A N cM _B 8? + 6? = 107 \ ABC ts a right angled trian- ale. CM = MB =4cm, Nis the mid point of AC. CN=3cm, Area of trapezium ABMN = Area of A ABC — Area of ACMN 1 1, BXOx8- 5x84 24 - 6 = 18 sq. cm. 194, (4) Using Rule 13, BE A F D EF is perpendicular on side AD. Area of trapezitum 2ap+ BC) x EF 2 Area of AAED: Required ratio 1 tx AD xEF 2 (AD + BC) x EF T oF 5 *ADxEF AD+BC 198. (1) Using Rule 18, 6 and 14, In-radius = ap om Kindle 4.2% FREE DOWNLOAD OTHER IMPORTANT BOOK INSTALL 5:35PM & OB < ‘Area of triangl v 24x24 4 = 1443 sqm. 49.408, Area off circle = m7? 22 = FB 1056 7 ‘Area of rematning part = (249.408 - 150.86} 8.548 sq.em. = 98.55 sqem, G) Using Rule 12, D C NJ] LN a B Side of a rhombus = = 150.86 sqcm. AC = 2y units 0B = OD = x (let) BD = 2x units From AOAB, oo 0A? + OB? 2 Fastey Fa ateie = Pe ats ay? and 2x+ 2y =m ‘On squaring both sides, 42 + 47? + Bay = ot = P+ Bxy = = Bay = mt - Ln? =p 3 tay = Sl? - PA) Area of the rhombus = de acep 2 1 1 = bx2xx2y= 2x day 2 a = 144 x 1.732 Co) 0.00K/s A = SSC Mathematics Ld gn? pl Fak in? =p J in? =p = Lim? p41 og units 197. (4) Using Rule 1, = ¥327 +247 = Ji024+576 = {1600 = 40 metre Area of 4 ABC = 384 sq. Semi-peri meter of A ADC (3) 25+25+40 . 2 = Las = 2.45 mene Area of AADC = Yois—alis—bils- 4) = (4545 25/45 25145 - 4, = (15x D0%20%5 = 20x 15 = 300 sq. metre Area of the plot = 384 + 300 = 684 sqmetre 198. (3) Using Rule 1. A BDLAC ABL BC 199, Hypotenuse of AABC = a? +b? Area of AABC = £xACxBD 2 = AB x BC = AC x BD = ab la? +0? xp (On squaring both sides, 2? = (a + BF) pF ab? © at sb (1) Using Rule 14. (VS we = 844-12 units Diameter = 12 2 Area of ciscle = m= x x 6? 36x sq. units Radius 6 units . (4) Using Rule 10, 10x10 100 (Change in area = % Negative sign shows decrease. (1) a 2x Qxunits DC = xunits Area of AABC x(2xI? According to question, 3 2x)? = Vax 2a) = Kindle 4.2% FREE INSTALL 5:35PM & OB < 2 Bead fix d Sx +x > x01) =0 Hence length of side 2ei=2 une Lena of side = 9 units 202. (i) Length of side of square cuits Diameter of circle « 2x unsta Radius = xunits Required ratio = 42% : m* 7 =n 203. (4) Using Rule 6, A =4 Area of AABC & % 2x12 4 = 363 sq em. 2) Using Rule 14, Radius of circk According to question, ‘Area of circle » cireunference of circle Dars2er > r=2 units Area of circle= x sq, units 205. (+) Using Rule 6, Area of equilateral triangle = units x(side)?= 48 4 48x4 iB Side}? = 206. SSC Mathematics MENSURATION 2 WiVGn But oy side= foals =8 43 om © Using Rule 6, Area of regular hexagon D E c r B x 6 equilateral triangles Ss = 2fs @ sq units @ In-radius of areular plot = 1 metre (let) Width of path = x metre radius = (r+ x) metre According to the question 2 (r+x)~ 2ar= 33 3 2xreQax-2ar 3 2nx=33 32x > xx=8s 33x71 =x= St metre = 5.25 metre 2 a D E 5S c DE II BC ZADE 2ACB =A ABC Area of trapei 21 “Area of ABC - 35 209. (1) Using Rule 12. QR c = fee = ¥0+8)10-8) fis= = (6 =6em BD =2xOB=2x6=12em <+ Area of rhombus ABCD. 1 Zax, L F * 16 x 12 = 96 sqm. Kindle 4.2% FREE INSTALL 5:35PM & OB < 240. (2) Using Rule 1. Ratio of the lengths of sides =5:6:7 Sum of ratios = 5 +647 =18 15 metre; 8 7 x54 221 metre: 7 1 metry ‘Semi-perimeter(s} 18 +21 Area of triangle = 27 27-15) 27-18) 27-20 = VOT 12x 9x6 =3x3x 3x 2/6 = 5416 sq.metre 211. (2) Using Rule 13. ‘Area of trapezium 1 = 3g (sum ofparallel sides) x per- pendicular distance 1 2 28 sq. cm. 212. (2) Using Rule 1, A dxlded +8)x4 B c BC = a.units, AB = b units @ Area of A ABC L = J * base x height a 2 = ab= 40 square units....(t) 0.00K/s Zi ul VoLTE Goa 88% SSC Mathematics MENSURATION (a+ BP = a2 + b+ 2ab = 100 +2 x 40 = 180 sequare units 213. (1) Using Rule 14, If the radius of circle be r cm, r=7om Length of wire = 2nr 22, = x 27 tt cm 7 44 += Perimeter of equilateral triangle Side of equilateral triangle 44 7 Area of equilateral triangle & 4 B44 44 ass 1732x44 x11 _ 838.288 eS SS = 93.14 sqem, @) Using Rule 1, 1 ‘Area of triangle = > x base x 1 height » bh by g dom * 2 ~~ 3x38 7° 9 215. = 2sq. cm 216. (3) Using Rule 1, Area of parallelogram = base x height = 25 x 10 = 250 sq. cm. If the required altitude be x em, then xx 20 = 250 217. (3) Using Rule 6, Side of equilateral triangle = x metre Difference of area = (3 fi = Sew ae e Ss tuaestoates S2x+1=4 > 2xs3>x 218. (1) Using Rule 1 A 5 E B D c OD = OF = OF = 6 em, Area of triangle ABC = Area of (A. AOB + A BOC + A AOC) 1 1 z ABx OF + 5 BCxOD+ + ncxpe 7 AC xDE x 6 (AB + BC + CA) x 6 «50 = 150 square cm. 1 metre B — . sin 15* = sin (45° 30°) = sin 45° x cos 30° = cos 45° x Sin 3" 1 @ 11 ate & 1 £1 = 2/2 ~ 22 oe and cos 15° = cos (45° 30°) eos 45 coe 30" sn 43" sin ES bya h -y 8. ged 4.2% FREE DOWNLOAD OTHER IMPORTANT BOOK INSTALL 5:35PM & OB < square metre. aon 10000 1250 square em. 20. (3) B D c —b—_> AD, is perpendicular on BC. =pe=2 BD=DC= 5 ier 0.13K/s ZA SSC Mathematics MENSURATION 221. 3 B 700 oa = “> = 350 metre 2 728 56 OB = > = 364 metre Width of path = OB - OA = 364-350 = 14 metre 222. (4} Using Rule 1, A D B c In 4 ABD. AB = 20 cm. AD = 30 BD = 40 cm. Semi-Perimeter (s} atb+e _ 20+30+40 2 2 = 45cm. Area of 4 ABD = {45145 - 20145 ~ 3045 - 40) = (45x 25x15x5 = xFxTxBxBx Sx SxS = ¥5? x 5? x5x37x3. =5x5%3 Jip = 75/15 square em. ‘Area of parallelogram ABCD =2« 75 iB = 150/15 square cm. 225. (4) Using Rule 10, Side of the given square = xem (let) Side of new square 3x = em oy Required ratio of areas Kindle 4.2% FREE 224. (1) Using Rule 14. Area of circle = x72 = n= 9240 = P= 324 r= (32a = 18cm, Length of longest chord of cir- cle = Diameter = 2x 18 = 36cm. 225, (1) Using Rule 12, (One diagonal of rhombus =d,= xem, ‘Second diagonal = 2xem. Area of rhombu = 2x16 = 32cm. 226. (3) Using Rule 10. Diagonal of square = { xside 3 1 rae Bx Grd te 3 3-xextl 3 = 2x=25x= 1 unit A x B Dc The centre of incircle is point 0 Ob = OE = OF=r Qer = 44 a 2x 2 yraae 2622 ‘Area of 4 ABC 1 (AB + BC+ CA) xr zt ) 1 > x24 x7 = 84 square cm. 2 INSTALL 5:35PM & OB < 228. (3) a 10 AD = AB sin 45° = 10% > 2 =5 2 om ‘Area of A ABC D 3 B 4 c Bb = (pc? scp? va? +9? = Vig+9 = 25 metre 230. (1) P. 20 em oO AN 9 R =. PO sin 30°= 7 1_ Fo = 2° 20 1 = PQ = 20% 7 = 10cm. COMI) ¢/ae 4a-eT Le) SSC Mathematics MENSURATION Area of triangle POR 1 =} x10« 108 = 505 square cm. (1) Using Rule 6, Side ofthe equilateral triangle = x units det) ‘According to the question, 3x 2xr a2 xsGe Area of equilateral triangle 2 x mae 4 2 ri Required ratio» 7x =a: WS : VB =22: 213 7 (2) Using Rule 1 and 6, OD = acm, 01 OF = ccm, BC = AC =AB Area of A ABC = Areaof (BOC + ACOE + ABOA) -t L L = 7 XBCxas 5 ACKbY > xAB xe aot xBC= FBC las bed 2 = BC= = (a+bed Be = Je | 4 Required area 1 2 = 7% Gates [Prom equation (i) 8 = aa (are B ae nege = 7p (ae be o?5q, units 283. (3) Using Rule 14 ‘Area of circle = =F ‘Area of square = x° ‘According to the question. weaoxs ver Required ratio = © =dzil 234. (4) Using Rule 10 and 14, A D B € Radius of circle = runits ‘Area of circle = 22 sq. units In square ABCD Diagonal = BD = 2r units + Area of square 1 2 = yx Ons oF . Required difference = x#*— 28 = # (x=2) sq. units 235. (3) Using Rule 9 and 1 D_28cem_¢ A E28 >F 8B - fee = fi2+6ni2-6) = Vi8x6 Kindle 4.2% FREE INSTALL cya OB | < 232. From any point insice an equilat- eral triangle, the lengths of per- pendiculars on the sides are ‘a em, ‘bcm and ‘¢ cms, Its area (nents ty Fiasbea 2 Starved fs 8 BS asvea 2 . ) 2 lasbed (SSC COL Tier-It Beam, 2014 19.04.2015 [Kolkata Region) TF No. 789TH 7) 239, The areas of acirdeand asquare are same. The ratio of the side of the square to the radius of the circle ts (0) 2 Wise 3) Jeet {SSC CGL. Tier-It Exat 2014 12.04.2015 (Kolkata Region) Ot ve ‘TF No, 789TH 7] 234. ABCD is a square inscribed in a circle of radius r. Then the total area (in square units} of the por- tions of the circle lying outside the square is Q)xl2-4) — @) 2x1) B)rre-7 4) r(x-2) (SSC CG. Tier-Il Exam, 2014 12.04.2015 (Kolkata Region} TF No. 789TH 7) 235. The lengths of the two parallel sides of a trapezium are 28 cm and 40 cm. Ifthe length of each of its other two sides be 12 cm, then the area (in cm of the trax peziumis 0) 31245 (3)208 3 (2) 408 43 (4) 508 3 (SSC COL Ter Il Exam 2014 12.08.2015 (Kalla Region) ‘F No. 70974 7 236. The perimeter of a sheet of pa- per in the shape ofa quadrant of Brcirle is 75 em. Its area would (:-7) bere TZ (1) 100cm? — (2) 346.5 em? 1G) 693.em? (4) 512.25 em? (SSC CAPFs Si, CISF ASI & Delhi Police SI Exam, 21.06.2015 Uist Sitting) TF No. 8037731), maT Google Duo SSC Mathematics MENSURATION 237. The diagonal of a quadrilateral shaped field is 24m and the per- pendiculars dropped on it from the remaining oppostte vertices are mand 13m. The areaof the field is (1) 252m? —Q) 156m (3) 96m? (4) 1152 m? (SSC CAPFs Si, CISF ASI & Delhi Police SI Exam, 21.06.2015, (ist Sitting) TF No. 8037731) 298. Two isosceles triangles have equal vertical angles and their areas are in the ratio 9:16. Then the ratio of their corresponding heights is- (45:8 g)4:3 8:45 ssa (SSC CAPFs Si, CISF ASI & Delhi Police SI Exam. 21.06.2015, (ist Sitting) TF No. 6037731} In AABC, a line through A euts the side BC at D such that BD DC = 4: 5. Ifthe area of AABD 60 cm?, then the area of AADC is (1) 90cm! =) 50cm? 3) 60cm? (a) 75 em? (SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam, 09.08.2015 (ist Sitting) TF No. 1443085} Ifthe area ofa circle ts A, radius of the circle is rand circumfer- ence of itis C, then Aec o @) 10 =2a @Aty Waces (SSC CGL Teer-1 Exam, 09.08.2015 (ist Sitting) TP No. 1448088} In a rhombus ABCD, A and AB = 12cm, Then the diag- onal BD is () 10cm 6) 6cm 2) 2/3 an 4) 12cm (SSC CGI Teer-1 Exam, 09.08.2015 {nd Sttumag) TF No, 4230378) If two medians BE and CF of a triangle ABC. intersect each oth- erat Gand if BG = CG, 2BG 60° and BC = 8 am then area of the triangle ABC is (1) 9673 cm? 2) 64/3 cm* (3) 48Y3 cm? (4) 48 em? (SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam. 09.08.2015 (Und Situng) TF No. 4239378) 242. 1), VoLTE Gam) 88% 243. Two circles touch each other ex- ternally. The sum of their areas is 190 x sq cm and the distance between their centres is 1-4 cm. “The radius of the smalller circle is (2m @) 4am 5m 43cm (SSC CGL Teer-1 Exam, 09.08.2015 Hind Siting TF No. 4239378) . Let C, and C, be the inscribed and cireumseribed circles of a ‘triangle with sides em, dem and a A of af a 16 of wif (SSC CGL Teer-1 Exam, 16.08.2015 (ist Siting) TF No, 3196279) . If the altitude of an equilateral triangle ts 12/3 cm, the area would be a its () 12em* —@) 144 fg cmt @) em? (4) 36 YB cm? (SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam, 16.08.2015 (ist Siting) TF No, 3196279) ABC ~ APQR. If area (APQR) _ 256 apr = 12 area (AABC) 246. Given that al cm, then AC is equal to (0) 15.75 em Q) 16 em (9) 12.2 om (4) 15.5 om (SSC COL Tier-1 Exam, 16.08.2015 {ind Suting TF No. 2176785) ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. Diagonals AC and BD meets at P. If ZAPB= 110" and ZCBD = 90°, then ZADB measures as 2) 30° (3) 70° (4) 80° (SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam, 16.08.2015 {ind Siting) TF No. 2176783) A circular swimming pool is sur- rounded by a concrete wall 4m wide. If the area of the concrete ul 25 that of the pool, then the radius {in 13) of the pool is = as 2716 (3) 30 (4) 20 ($8C COL Tier-1 Exam, 16.08.2015 (Wind Sting TF No. 2176783) 247, 248, wall surrounding the pool is Google Duo - High Quality V. 4.6 * FREE DOWNLOAD OTHER IMPORTANT BOOK cy oY < 249. .\ ABC isstmilarto A DEF. The ratio of their perimeters is 4: 1. The ratio of their areas is a) 4st @) 16:1 @ 8:1 ) 8¥2 21 SC OGL Tier Re-Exam, 90.08.2015) 250. The amount of rice praduced in a square fleld of side 50 m is 750 kg. The amount of rice produced ina similar square field of side 100 m will be (1) 2000 kg) 3000 kx 13) 3500 kg (4) 1500 kg (SSC Constable (GD) Exam, 04.10.2015, tnd Siting} 251. The time required for a boy to travel along the external and intemal boundaries of a circular path are in the ratio 20: 19. If the width of he path be 5 metres, the internal diameter is (1) 195 metres (2) 192 metres @) 180 metres (4) 190 metres (SSC Constable (GD) Exam, 04.10.2015, lind Sitting) in triangle ABC, DE || BC where Dis a point on AB and Eis a point an AC. DE divides the area ©f A ABC into two equal parts ‘Then DB : AB is equal to fa: (V2+1) @ 2: (V2-1) @ (¥2-1) (V2+1): a (SSC CCL Tier-Il Exam, :25,10.2015, TF No. 1099685) 253. The centroid ofa A ABC is G. The area of \ ABC 1s 60 cm. The area of AGBC is (1) 10cm? — @) 30 cm (8) 40cm? — (4) 20 cm? (SSC COL Teer-II Beam, 25.10.2015. TF Ne. 1099685) 254. In trapezium ABCD, AB 11CD and AB = 2CD. Its diagomals intersect at O. If the area of AAOB = 84 em, then the area of ACOD is equalto () 72cm? (2)21 cm* @)42em @) 26cm {SSC CGL, Tier-It Exam, 25.10.2015, TF No. 1099685) 255. Given that the ratio of altitudes of two trlangles is 4 : 5, ratio of their areas is 3 : 2. The ratio of their corresponding bases is 256. 257. 258. 259. 261. SSC Mathematics MENSURATION (8:1 @s:8 (2) 15:8 8:5 (SSC CGL Tier-tt Exam, 25.10.2015, TF No. 1099685) ‘The area of an isosceles trapezium 2 1s 176 cm? and the heights +> th of the sum of ts parallel sides. 1 the ratio of te length of the parallel sides o-4 7 then the Teng of diagonal in cls (128 ae waa (SSC CG Ter tam 25.10.2018 Tre 1000085 Thearen ofa cicle whose radius ta he diagorilefa square wwe areas eq, unit (1 Y6xq tite (2) 49, unis 1) reg unite (4) Seo urs (S8c CSL 1012} LDc. DEO Starch fan, 15112015 st iting To. 6096808 Arectangular carpet as an aren F120 mand a perieter of 6 mere. The lent oft agonal (i) 23 metre @) 18 metre (3.17 metre (21 mere (Sse cust (t0.2)LDe. DEO Spade fan, 16112018 st Siting To. 6636588 A plate‘on square base made of brass is efiength emand wad Taam, The plate weighs 4725 fm if cubscemotbrase weaghe Sct gram then the value obxie iis ia78 n a7 (s5c cnsu (tora) LDC. DEO Pash fn, 15112018 AtaaSting TF No, PTE) ‘he length of two parallel sides atraperiamare 13 cm ad 20 Gin itt area to 175 ogc, then ita eights a) 15cm Q) 10cm G1 20cm (23m {S8C CHSL {10r2) LDC. DEO fe PA/SA Exam 06.12.2018 thn Sting TF No 8411851 ABCD isa square, Draw a trian le QBC on side BC considering Beas base and draw a tangle PAC on AC avis base such that NOBC =APAC. Then, Area of AQBC ‘Area of APAC 262. (32137 4s equal to: Google Duo - High Quality V. 4.6 * FREE 5. AABC 1s similar to ADEF. Ny COTE 2 a e 3 ® (SSC CHSL (1042) LDC. DEO & PA/SA Exam, 06.12.2015 ind Siting) TF No. 3441135) The hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is 39 cm and the difference of other two sides is 21 cm. Then, the area of the triangle is (1) 270 sq. cm (2) 450 sq. cm (3) 540 sq. cm (4) 180 sq. cm (SSC CHSL (1042) LDC. DEO &PA/SA Exam, 20.13.2015 (st Siting TF No, 9692918) ele wie . The ratio between the length and the breath ofa rectangular pars 2. Ifa man cycling along the boundary of the park at the speed of 12 km/hour completes one round in 8 minutes, then the area of the park ts (0) 153650 sq.metre 2) 135600 sq.metre (8) 153600 sq.metre (4) 156300 sq.metre (SSC CGL.Tier-I1 Online Exam.01.12.2016) |. A rectangular park 60 metre long and 40 metre wide has two con- crete crossroads running in the middle of the park and rest of the park has been used as a lawn. If the area of the lawn is 2109 metre* then the width of the road is ()Smetre — @) S metre (2) Gmetre 4) 2 metre (SSC CGL Tier-I1 Online on. 01. 12,2016) . A square and a regular hexagon are drawn such that all the verti- ces of the square and the hexa- gon are on acircle of radius rem. The ratio of area of the square and the hexagon is ms: 4:35 8 e:ve Wise (SSC CGL Tier-Il Online Exam.01.12.2016) I the area of ABC is 9' and the area of ADEF is 16 and BC = 2.1 cm, then the length of EF will be ()56cm. — @) 2.8 cm. 37cm. (4) 1.4 om. (SSC CGL Tier-Il Online Exam.01.12.2016) DOWNLOAD OTHER IMPORTANT BOOK < 267. If D and E are the mid-potnts of AB and AC respectively of ABC, then the ratio of the areas of 4 ADE and []BCED ts ayis2 isd 2:3 1:3 SSC OGL Ther What is the area of dark (co- Ioured) sector for the figure giv- en below? ry ) 8.38 ®) 16.76 (2)25.28 @) 18.56 (SSC CFO SI, ASI Online Exam.05.06.2016) (lind Siting! If two medians BE and CF of a triangle ABC, intersect each other at Gand if BG = CG, angle BGC 20", BC = 10 em, then area of the triangle ABC ts = (1) 50/3 cm* (2) 60cm? 8) 25cm? (4) 25/3 cm? (SSC CPO SI, ASI Online Exam.05,06.2016) (ind Sitting) Aroom 16m Sem long and 15 m broad is to be fitted with equal square tiles. How many number of largest possible tiles are re- quired so that they exactly fit? 1) 10400 8) 10800 2) 10700. 4) 9800 (SSC CPO SI. ASI Online Exam.05,06.2016) (lind Sitting) ‘Three equal circles of unit radius touch one another, Then the area of the circle circumscribing the three circles is wy 6x(2+ 5 2 2 22+48) @ 32+) 3 3(2+ 48), (SSC CPO Exam, 06.06.2016) (st Sitting) ® Google Duo SSC Mathematics MENSURATION 272. Area of the circle inscribed in a square of diagonal 6/3 cm. (in is a) 9x @) 6x @ 3x ) 9a (SSC COL Ter-1(CBE) Exam, 09.09.2016) (lst Sitting) 278. The diagonals of two squares are in the ratio 5 : 2. The ratio of their area is (5:6 Q) 25:4 B54 (@ 125: 8 (SSC COL Tee-1 (CBE) Exam. 09.09.2016) (lst Sitting In A ABC and A POR, 2 B £Q, £C= ZR Mis the mid- point of side QR. IfAB : PQ = 7 4, then 274. area{AABC) ‘area(APMR} ** 35, aa oF a 49 35 So 8 4 16 {SSC CAPFs (CPO) SI & ASL Delhi Police Exam. 20.03.2016) (nd Situ) The diagonals of two squares are in the ratio of 3: 7. What ts the ratio of their are 3:7 @ 9:49 4:7 7:3 (SSC CAPFs (CPO) SI & ASL Delhi Paice Exam. 05.06.2016) Ast Sitting 276. A string of length 24 cm ts bent first into a square and then into a right-angied triangle by keep ing one side of the square fixed as its base. Then the area of tri- angle equals to: (1) 24cm? @) 60 en? @)40cm 4) 28 car (SSC CAPFs (CPO) Si & ASL Delhi Plice Exam. 05.06.2016) (st Sittings 277. ABCD 1s a square. Draw anequi- lateral triangle PBC on side BC considering BC is a base and an equilateral triangle QAC on diag onal AC considering AC is a base. Find the value of 278. Google Duo - High Quality V. 4.6 * FREE . Ina triangle ABC, AB PA a _ ETL 1 a i 3 1 ay [SSC CAPPS (CPO) S1& ASL baths Pace Bx, 08:06:2036) st Siting) 1fD. & and F are the mid-paints ofthe sides of an equilateral tame le ABC. then the rlso ofthe area of triangle DEF and DCFis, 3 A E, F B D C Quast @ asia 09:1 (jaca (SSC CGL Tier-1 (CBE) Exam, 27.08.2016) (ind Sitting) ). The area of a rectangle is 60 cm and its perimeter is 34.em, then the length of the diagonal is () I7em—@) lem (3) 15cm 4) 13cm (SSC CGL Tier-1 (CBE) Exam, 29.08,2016) (ind Si ina) ). The centroid of a triangle AABC is G. If the area of A ABC = 72 ‘sq. units , then the area of 4 BGC is (1) 16 sq. units (2) 24 sq. units (3) 36 sq. units (4) 48 sq. units (SSC CGL Tier-1 (CBE) Exam. 90.08.2016) fst Sitting) |. Ina trapezium ABCD, AB I | CD, AB < CD, CD = 6 cm and dis- tance between the parallel sides is 4 cm, If the area of ABCD is 16 cm, then AB is a 2)2cm 8) Sem 4) 8am (SSC CGL Tier-1 (CBE) Exam. 31.08.2016) (Ist Siting) em, AC 0 cm and ZB = 90°, then the area of AABC is (0) @) 36 (3) 25 (4) 24 (SSC CGL Tier-1 (CBE) Exam. 01.09.2016) (st Siting) lem DOWNLOAD OTHER IMPORTANT BOOK € SSC Mathematics MENSURATION - 6am 297. (1) Using Rule 1, D, Area of CDEF = 28 x 6/5 c = 168 fF sq.m ‘Area of 4 ADE = 2 xaex De 2 1 B 240. sixex A 2 as AC = 24 metre 188 yam BE = 8 metre vB sa DF = 13 metre “+ Area of trapezium Area of quadrilateral ABCD = Area of ABC + Area of AACD. = (16803 +2. 18V3) sq. em. i = oy XACKBE+ 5 x AC x DF | 241. = 204 /§ sq. cm. 236. 2) 1 = 7 4x8 +24 x 13 B 2 t J c 1 = 7 2418 +19) A 1 = 7 X24 21 = 252 sq.metre a |e B ° A D In the rhombus ABCD, AB = AD = 12cm, ZBAD = 60° ZABD = ZADB = 60° BD = 12 cm. because AABD is an equilateral triangle. jos of circle be rom, . f | 242. (3) Using Rule 6. HE the radius of circle be rem, | if tf + 3) Using Perimeter of quadrant OAB As A ref 2B 28; 2C= ZF =0A+ SD +08 Ratio of altitudes « [Beare “Vie °° F, E 239. (4) Using Rule 1, a B b c ZBGC = 60" BG =GC (—— =3%16 pxcDx AE 8 Google Duo - High Quality V... |) SU\8" 4.6 * FREE DOWNLOAD OTHER IMPORTANT BOOK lemon On ©) < 0.67K/s ZA SSC Mathematics MENSURATION 243. 4) Using Rule 14, ape 12g om 247.13) AB = 2xcm. (let) BD = em From AABD, x AD = AB? - BD? 00°F +r=l4am, = er 2 ‘Renin, tra ert 1808 Sr? +1 = 180 = fae = ae = x Sr? +(14—r)?= 130 [From equation Bx-12 ins a Xe ore 196 = 28r, +128 190 sx= 120m 3 dre" -26r, + 196 "130 = 0 AB = 2e2 2x 12224cm, Sor 22s + 66 a Zapp = 110"= 2 cPD Sri aan 39-0 Bas CAPD = 180° — 110" = 70" Sr} = ir =3r,4 33 20 ‘Area of AABC = “4” % side = 2 BPC Srl, -1}-3 11) #0 ZPCB = 180° ~ 70" = SU, -in t,-3) 50 aac en 280" 11 of Sm 4 Angles eubtended by anme arca or iiem tt te circalorence ere eaa. 4a. 2) Dang Rate {tac 14 = 14448 sq. om. fhe clrcumference ae a Iisa right angled triangle a) lo A 248. (4) J c Radius of arcu cre C, p a & em, because AC = Diameter of circle Let the madtus of swimming pool ‘Semi-perimeter of AABC(s) be r metre. 34445 Breadth of shaded part = 4 me- = ES om, tre : d R OB = (r+ 4) metre Area of SABC = 4 x 94 ‘The ratio ofthe areasaftwo sim- | Aeeording to the question, 2 ilar triangles is equal to the ratio. x OB*~ 1x OA’ = 6 sq. cm. of squares of any two corre- ll a6 Spondling ides In-radius = = = == 1 em. et = s 6 Area of APQR = PR? areact©, pat? ‘area of ABC” AG? Area of C, 2 =-(3) PR? 256 2 > act 7 441 14 Bs "a5 122-256 +. = ac? * 441 245.0) Uaing ate, Takingsquaserotsofbathaes, | 2007+ 400= 112 A 1216 3 11 F- 220r+ 20r- 400 = 0 aC * 21 3 Lirtr= 20) +20 (r= 20) =0 S16 xAC= 12% 21 3 r=20) 1r+ 20)=0 \oe2i 68 r= 20 metre because acre Ta re- 2 metre £1 = 15.75 em. 1 acest Oo pe Google Duo - D ccoreo. EY High Quality V... cogle Duo 4.6 *& FREE Me | 249. (2) A © AARC ~ ADE AB BC AC DE ~ EF ~ DF ABSBC+AC 4 * DE+EF+DF ~ 1 Area of AABC ‘area of DEF AB? 16 : Beige DE? 1 250. (2) Area of the field with side 50 tm 50% 50 22800 aq, mere ‘Area ofthe Bld of side 100 m 00 x 100 10000 99, metre +; 2500 sq. metre = 750 kg. 10000 a, metre 750 = 10000 eg = 3000 kg 281. (4) 5 metre More distance, more time (speed isconstant) 2ar+5) 20 Qer 19 r+5 20 = (2x 95) metre = 190 metre 252. (3) a y E 5 c DE] BC Aaea of AADE = Area of quadst- lateral BDEC = Area of A ABC = 2 x ‘Area of A ADE In A. ADE and 4 ABC, 2D=2B;2ZE=2C AADE ~ ABC Area of 4ABC ap? = AB= 2 (AB-DB) = J2aB-AB= /3 DB = AB( /2-1)= (2 DB pp 2-1 >a (4) Using Rule 1, a B c AGBC = ACG = AAGB Area of AGBC 4 COD ~ 4 AGB Area of \COD ‘Area of AAOB om? ot “ap? "aco? 4 . Area of 4 COD 1 =} xe 221 sq em. . (2) Using Rule 1, 1 Area of triangle = 7 x base x height 1 = 5 xbxh 2 “According to the question, A D BE FC BC = 7x em. AD = 4x cm. AB = DC: AE 1 BC : DF. BC ‘Area of trapezium ABCD 1 = 7 * ADs BO) x AE a 2 3176 = 5 xdixx Gp tix = 176 = 18 176 avait -16 =x ie BC = 7x4 = 28cm. AD =4x4= 16cm. 1 BE = FC = > (28~ 16} cm, = 6 em. BF = 16 +6 = 22cm. DF= ay =8cm. . Diagonal BD = pr? 5 FD? = Vo2? + 8? x Llx= 2x 0 9, Google Duo - 4.6 * FREE High Quality V... INSTALL acl CeO =| < 0.01K/s Zi SSC Mathematics si!) VoLTE Gam) 87% MENSURATION - 263. (3) Distance covered by man in > Va84+ 64 175 = FU5+20) xh Sminutes = (ae = Janta 12 «1000 x8 pas = Vas1S7 1752 (PSPS) mete =2/157 am. J 6 = 1600 metre = Perimeter of park 257. (4) Using Rule 10, she 10am ‘ax metre (let) Side of square = wb unite 261.) D S ‘+ 2x) = 1600 Diagonal of square 9 os sun 150 56 =2./9 units A 2 = radius of the circle ‘ ~ 90, “Area of circle = m2 x= 5 = 160 a " ‘Area of park = 8x 2x = 6x2 = xx (2¥2| om ABC x (160) * ( Ct From AARC 53600 sq. metre = 8x 5q. units, acs Jan? one 264. (1) 258. (3) Using Rule 9, AB? + BC D © = Vac? +c? = 2 Be Area of rectangular park s A QBC ~ 4 PAC = 60 x 40 = 2400 sq. metre Area of AQBC BC? Lat the wih of eros-roadl be x A r ‘Area of APAC ~ “AC? ‘Area of cross-roads B + 40x— x2 Let the length of carpet be Ime BC? oon ed te and breadth be b metre. . Feta to the question = (dane) 1oox= 32 = 2400 2109 Diagonal = fp? «alll ee ‘cording to the question Be’ 32 10ax + 291 = = 12 back > x= 3x- 97x +291 =0 wea Fe oa 2c Eye 8 = I+ b= 23 262. (1) A aan aera ‘On squaring both sides, S x23 because x= 97 Mls bP = 29% = P+ is 2b=529 268. (2) 3 B+ 42x 120= 529 = Ps bt = 529-240 = 289 V@ ACI-2BC.AB = 441 Area of square “According to the question, 3 39° ror ig tothe g 39" 28C.AB =217 = 2269, em 2 = 2.BC.AB = 39? ~ 21 ~ .84 «4725 = 2.BC.AB = (39 + 21) (39-21) rea sq. cm. 10 = 2 BC. AB = 60x 18 Area of A088 * 4725x10 60x18 6y3 se SPE 25025 = 8c .an= Area of hexagon = S42 =60%9 a7 EIS = 75cm. avs de = 332 59. cm. (2) Using Rule 13. ‘Area of trang) 2" 4 Area of the trapezium . Required ratio 1 is 2, 38 = g * (Sum of parallel sides) x . 2 height e453 on ar ~ poe | @ Google Duo He x 4.6 * FREE Google Duo - High Quality V... INSTALL DOWNLOAD OTHER IMPORTANT BOOK 36PM 8 OB < 266. (2) ABC ~ ADEF Area of AABC BC? ‘Area of ADEF ~ EF? 2 2" 16 (EF? 2a 4° EF 4x21 = EF= = 2.8m. 267. (4) A 1 DE 11 BC and DE = BC Areaof4ABC BC? ‘Area of AADE ~ pe? * 1 ‘Area of ADE = 7 x Area of ABC area of [] BCED = 3 x area of AABC = 3 aren Required ratio = 1: 3 ° 0.00K/s ZA = SSC Mathematics 269. (4) B c BG = GC, BGC = 120° ZGBC = ZGCE = 30° AABC is an equilateral triangle. Area of SABC fi = By sae S 4. 10x10 la = 253 2} Length of room = 16 metre 5 = 1605 cm. Width = 1500 em. Largest side of square tile = HCF of 1605 em and 1500 em = 15cm, 1500) 1605 (1 1500 “TO5) 1500 (14 105 450 420 '30) 105 (3 a TS) 30 (2 30 x Number of tiles 1605 x1500 = Ts5x15 = 10700 271.13) 4.6 * FREE Google Duo - High Quality V... si!) VoLTE Gam) 87% sete =acnaem (+ Radius of each circle = Point Q is the centroid. 2 2 om=R*!= OM = radius of larger circle Required area =" 2+) “B | =F 8) 272. (1) y KA Diagonal of square = 6 J em. 6/2 Side of square = v2 = 6em Diameter of circle = 6 cm. Its radius = 3 em, ©. Area of circle = m7 = (3? sq. em. = 9x sq. cm. 273.2) Area of square 1 =] * (diagonally Required ratio (a) -( 274. (3) INSTALL DOWNLOAD OTHER IMPORTANT BOOK lemon On ©) Mis the mid point of QR +: PMis the median, A PMQ and A PMRare equal in £B=Q.20=2R By AA- similarity theorem, A ABC ~ A POR ABC 49 > QPMR ~ 16 275. (2) Area of square L 2 = y * Miagonaly "Required ratio 276. (1) Side of square = em. =6cm, Base of triangle = 6 cm. © +8? = 10? and6+8+ 10 = 24 Height of triangle = 8 em. Area of triangle A BX 6x8 = 24.59, cm. Q 27.(1) A BI ic P Side of square = x units Diagonal of square = (2 xunits Be Area of APBC + Area of AQAC Bo OAC a IB 0.01K/s ZF wut! Vo! SSC Mathematics B DC BD = DC = CF = AF= AE = BE = DE = EF = DF ABDE = ADCP = AAEF = ADEF ‘Area af ADEF = Area of \ DCF Required ratio = 1:1 (4) Let the length of rectangle be ‘acm and its breadth be b cm. According to the question, Area of rectangle = ab= 60 - and, perimeter of rectangle =2 (a+b) 32 (a+ = 34 =a+b=17 On squaring both sides, + B+ Qab= 177 = 289 De? 4 42x 60 = 289 [From equation (3] = @+b =289-120=169 Diagonal of rectangle 279. BY Cc Point G is the centroid of AABC. ABGC 3 AAGC = AGB 1 Area of A BGC = 5 x 72 = 24 sq, units 281.2) c Area of the trapezium ABCD «ass co a 3162208 +6) = AB+ 6 16 1 = 7 x 8x 6 = 24 59. cm. A 283. (4) Area ofAABC — BC? ‘Area of ADE ~ DEF Area cfAABC _ 6? 284. (3) BI c ‘The angle in a Semi-circle ts a right angle. BC =2« OA=2 cm. ‘Area of AABC =6em, = 5 «BC xOA 3 16 = FIAB+ O14 x6x w]e | 6 sq, cm, @ Google Duo 4.6 * FREE Google Duo - High Quality V... INSTALL < 283. In figure, DE 1! BC. If DE em, BC = 6 cmand area of AADE 15 sq. cm, then the area of AABC As, A B c 1) 75 sq. cm. @) 45 sq. cm. ©) 30.5q. cm. (4) 60 sq. cm. (SSC CGI Trer-1 (CBE) Exam. 02.09.2016) (lst Sitting) AABC ds a right angled triangle, the radius of its clroumetrele is 3 em and the length of its altitude drawn from the opposite vertex to the hypotenuse is 2.em. Then the area of the triangle is 284. 1) 12.5q. cm.) @) (4) {SSC CGL Ther-1 (CBE) Exam. 02.09.2016) (lst Sitting} 285. The lengths of the diagonals of a rhombus are 8 cmand6 cm. The ‘area of rhombus | 0) 96 cm* — 2) 60cm* ©) 48cm 4) 24cem* (SSC CGL Trer-1 (CBE) Exam, 06.09.2016) (lst Sitting} 286. Two adjacent sides of a parallel- ogram are 21 cms and 20 ems ‘The diagonal joining the end Points of these two sides is 29 ems. The area of the parallelo- ‘gram (in sq. ems) is, a) 240 2) 120 ®) 210 (@) 420 {SSCCGL Ther-1 (CBE) Exam. 07.09.2016) Ist Sitting} A ABC is an equilateral triangle and D and E are midpoints of AB and BC respectively. Then the ‘area of A ABC : the area of the trapezium ADEC is 287. 5:3 art 8:5 wars (SSC CGL Ther Exam. 07.09.2016) (lst 288. The perimeters of a square and a rectangle are equal . Ifthetr area be-A' my and ‘Bm? respectively, then correct statement 1s WAcB QAcB BA>B BARB (SSC CGL Trer-1 (CBE) Exam, 30.08.2016) (ind Sitting) Google Duo SSC Mathematics MENSURATION 289. A rectangle with one side oflength 4.em. is inscribed in a circle of diameter 5 cm, Find, the area of the rectangde. () 21cm? @) 4cm? 2) 12cm? (@) 3m? (SSC CGL Ter-1(CBE) Exam. 30.08.2016) (lind Sitting) 290. A rectangle with one side 4 emis inscribed in a circle of radius 2.5 em. The area of the rectangle is () Sem? 2) 12cm @) 16cm? (4) 20.cmr (SSC COL Tier-1 (CBE) Exams. 31.08.2016) (lind Sittin If O ts the centroid and AD. BE and CF are the three medians of AABC with anarea of 96cm*then, the area of ABOD in cm? is ws @ 12 @ 16 (24 (SSC.CGL Tee-1 (CBE) Exam. 01.09.2016) (lind Sitting) AABC is similar to ADEF. If the ratio of similar sides is ke 1, the 292. ratio of their areas is Wert 2kst at (4 2m ms 2 (SSC COL Tee (CBE) Exam, 02.09.2016) (ind Sitting} 293. The height of an equilateral tri- angle is 18 cm. Its area is 0) 36/3 square metre ©) 108Y3 square em. (3) 108 squ (4) 96/3 square metre (SSC CCL Teer-I (CBE) Exam. 30.11.2016) |. The length and breadth ofa rect- angular plece of a land are in a ratio 5 : 3, The owner spent Rs. 6000 for surrounding it from alll sides at Re, 7.50 per metre. The difference between its length and breadth is (0) 50 metre (2) 100 metre (2) 150 metre (4) 250 metre (SSC CGLTier-I(CRE) Exam. 30.11.2016) 295. The ratio between the area of a square and that ofa circle, when the length of a side of the square is equal to that of the diameter of the circle, is 3) 7 (take.x aia (3) 7:22 PA a _ ETL 296. A piece of wire 132 cm. long is bent successively in the shape of an equilateral triangle, a square and a circle. Then area will be Jongest in shape of (0) Cirete (2) Equilateral triangle (3) Square (4) Equal in all the shapes (SSC CGL Ter-I (CBE) Exam, 30.11.2016) Let AABC and AABD be an the same base AB and between the same parallels AB and CD. Then the relation between areas of tri- angles ABC and ABD will be () aABD = =a 1 2) AABD = SAARC 1 (3) AABC = [AABD (4) AABC = AABD (SSC CGL Tier-1 (CBE) Exam, 10.09.2016 (lind Sitting) 298. The perimeter of a rhombus is 240 metre and the distance be- tween any two parallel sides 1s 20 metre. The area of the rhom- bbus in square metre ts (1) 600 square metre (2) 1200 square metre (8) 2400 square metre (4) 4800 square metre (SSC CGL Tier-1 (CBE) Exam. 25.08.2016 (Est Sitting) 299. The area of the largest triangle that can be inscribed in a semi- circle of radius 6 m is (136m? 2) 72 m* (18m (4) 12m (SSC CGI. Tier 1 (CBE) Exam 29.08.2016 (Est Sitting) . A cirele and a square have same area. The ratio of the side of the ‘square to the radius of the circle wall be: @ vet @aisde Best Wise (SSC CGL Tier-1 (CBE) Exam, 02.09.2016 (ld Sitting) |. Point O is the centre of a circle of radius 5 cm. Ata distance of 13 cm from O, a point P is tak- en. From this point, two tangents PQ and PR are drawn to the cir- cle. Then . the area of quadrila eral POOR is (Q) 60cm? @) 32.5 cm? (3) 65cm? 4) 30cm? (SSC CGL Tier-1 (CBE) Exam. 03.09.2016 llird Siting) Google Duo - High Quality V. 4.6 * FREE DOWNLOAD OTHER IMPORTANT BOOK < 302. The length ofa median af an equ- lateral triangle is 12.43 ms “Then the area of the triangle is : (0) 144', 2) 2883 sq. cm. 1) 14443 sq. cm 4) 288 sq, cm, (SSC CGL Ther-1 (CBE) Exam, 04.09.2016 lind Sting} 308, Two circles touch externally. The sum of their areas is 130% 34 em, and the distance between their centres is 14 em. The radi- us of the bigger circle is 22) 7 @) 11cm (@) 44cm, (SSC CGL Tier-1 CBE) Exam. 06.08.2016 ind Siting} in an equilateral triangle of side 24 cm., a cirele is inscribed touching its sides. The area of the remaining portion of the triangle SSapprasimately equal to (assuming x = 22 (5 = 1733 {rate 0) 22 cm. ®) 33 cm (1) 36.6cm? (2) 54.2 cm* @) 72.8cm* (4) 98.5 cm? {SSC CGL Trer-1 (CBE) Exam, 06.09.2016 (llnd Siting) 905. The inradius of triangle is ‘and its area is 34 sq. cm. the perimeter of the triangle is Q)85cem (2) 17cm B)34em (4) 20cm (SSC CGL Trer-1 (CBE) Exam_ 06.09.2016 (lied Sitting} 906. The area ofa triangle ABC is 10.8, em?. If CP = PB and 2AQ = QB, then the area of the triangle APQis 0) 3.6 cm* (8) 2.7 cm* (2) 0.9 cm (4)* issec Exam, 06.09.2016 907. Ifa circle of radius 12 cm is di vided into two equal parts by ane concentric circle, then radius of inner circle | G6em —@4em (3) 6/Zem (4) gyB em {SSC CGL Trer-1 (CBE Exaum, 06.09.2016 (ltrd Siting) 908. In SABC, the medians AD and BE meet at G. The ratio of the areas of ABDG and the quadrilateral GDCE Is aise (iss 2:3 ara (SSC CGL Ther-1 (CBE) Exam. 08.09.2016 (ind Sitting) Google Duo SSC Mathematics MENSURATION 309. 0 is the centre of the circle and ZAOB = 150°, and the shaded portion is x part of the circular region, then x=? Ble ole L Os @ (SSC COL Tee (CBE) Exam. 09.09.2016 (lied Siting) ‘The area of the circle with radius y ts w. The difference between the areas of the bigger circle (with radius y) and that of the smaller Soy 310. circle (with radius ¥ is u is equal to oy-S @ yee hee h-2 ays a ps (SSC COL Ter-1(CBE) Exam. 10.09.2016 (lind Sitting) D. E and F are the mid points of the sides BC, CA and AB respec: tively of a AABC. Then the ratio 311. of the areas of ADEF and AABC is, 1 o 2 os aq Os “ig (SSC CGL Tier-1 (CBE) (09.2016 (ln Sitting) 312. An are AB of a circle subtends an angle x radians at the centre of the circle. Given that the area of the secctar AOB is equal to the square af the Iength of the are AB, then the value of xis 1 1 o R ar 1 1 owe 3 (SSC COL Tiee-1 (CBE) Exam, 27.20.2016 (lst Siting) 1), VoLTE Gam) 88% 313. The radil of two concentric cir- cles are 68 cm and 22 cm. The area of the closed figure bound- ed by the boundaries of the cir- cles is (1)4140r5q. em. 2)4110x5q em. (8)4080r sq. cm. (4) 4050x5q cm, (SSC CGL Tler-I (CBE) Exam. 12.01.2017) Ina trapezium ABCD. AB and DC are parallel sides and Z ADC = 90", IfAB = 15 cm, CD = 40 cm and diagonal AC = 41 cm. then the area of the trapezium ABCD is (1) 245 em?” @) (8) 247.5 cm.2(4) (SSC COL Tler-tI (CBE) Exam. 12.01.2017) The area ofa rhombus having ane side 10 cm and one diagonal 12 () 48cm? @) 96cm? @) 4em? 4) 192.4 (SSC CGL Tler- (CBE) Exam. 12.01.2017) 316. The cost of levellinga circular field at 50 paise per square metre is Rs. 7700, The cost (in Rs.) of putting up a fence all round it at Rs. 1.20 per metre is (v9+-2 () Rs, 132 (3) Rs. 528 314, 315. 2) Rs, 264 (4) fs. 1056 (886 CG ter (cBe) sam 12012037) 817. The sum of the length and trends ofa rectangle i Gem A tjuare la conatracted such that tne ofits sides equal toa diag- Gal ofthe rectangle I the ratio fareas of the square and ree angle ts 5: 2, the area Of the Square i emis @'20 “ay 10 Oe wie (Sse Cat tet ce) sam, 12.01.2017) 818. The length ofa ide ofan equa tral trtangle is Bm, The avea of the region lng between the ei Cumctree and the inetrele ofthe triangle (ow) 2 2) 50> cm 1 (a) 505 em? ; 2 (8) 785 cmt (SSC CGL Tier-It (CBE) Exam, 12.01.2017), 1 nt (8) 75> ew Google Duo - High Quality V. 4.6 * FREE DOWNLOAD OTHER IMPORTANT BOOK 5:33PM &§ © ? rT ES: b € SSC Mathematics MENSURATION 819, Two equal circles intersect sothat | 4. The perimeter of two squaresare | 12, The sides of a triangle are in the their centres. and the points at 40 cm and 24 cm. The perimeter 1 which they intersect form a | Ofathird square, whose area is | ratio! +!~. ithe perimeter of Shumecfaie len The area ir equal to the difference of the area 234 Scicm) of the portion that is com of these squares, is the triangle is 52: cm, the length mon to the circles is (38cm) 32cm of the smallest side 1s @)38em (4) 30cm ()24em =~ Q) 10cm w + as (EC CPO, Eewm 09.11.2008) Bicem 49am a 2 5. The length and breadth of a {SSC COL Prelim Exam. 27.02.2000 : rectangular field are in the ratio (Second Satna) @ = a (v2 -1) of 3: 2. If the perimeter of the | 15, The area of an equilateral trianae 5 field is 80m, its breadth (in {SSC CGL Tier-i (CBE) metres) is is 400 J3 sq.m. Its perimeter Exam. 12.01.2017 (18 216 is 320. D and E are points on the sides @)10 was (120m (2) 150m [AB and AC respectively of AABC (SSC CGI. Prem Exam. 04.07.1999 (390m (4) 135m such that DE is parallel to BC and (First Sitting) (SSC CCL Prelim Exam. 11.05.2008 AD: DB=4:5 CDand Bein | & The sides of a rectangular plot (Pirst Siting) tersect each other at F. Then find are in the ratio 5:4 and its area | 14, From a potnt in the interior of an fs equal to 500 sq.m. The perim= the ratio of the areas of ADEF Sterol the plot if: equilateral triangle, the wyvesas 40: gon" Loum cana fo om 2s ona (Sse CCL. herit (CBE) (S80 Cor, Pein Bsn, 0407-2098 573 om The perimeter (inem) of Exam. 12.01.2017] | 7. The perimeter of the top of a the triangle is other at the point O, IFAB = 2CD, is the length of its diagonal? (SSC CGL Pretim Exam. 11.05.2003 then the ratio of the areas of (1) 5m, 2) 10m. (Second Sating) a4: Q1:16 (SSC CGLL Prelim Exam. 27.02.2000 cm and its area is 30 cm?. If the Bisa (@) 16:1 (First Sitting) largest sidemeasures 13 cm, what (SSC CGL Tier-II (CBE) 8. If the length and the perimeter is the length of the smallest side 5: 16, the (38cm @)4em breadth will be in the ratio (3]5cm (4)6cm ay ssan 5:8 (SSC CGL Prelim Exam. 11.05.2003 Tiwperinteredtwosparsar | 5:4 (5:8 cron Satin 24 cm and 32 cm. The perimeter {SSC CPO S. Exam. 09.11.2008) | 46, ‘The area of a triangle is 216 cm? fin cm) of athird square equal in | 9 The length and perimeter of a and its sides are in the rat area ia the eum of the areas of rectangle are in the ratio 5:18. 4: 5. The perimeter of the tri- ieee Tonienctn ond bresathwinbe | Sue a inthe rte tas eso nas (h6em 120m am alas wars gia:s (260m (4) 720m (SSC CGL Prelim Exam. 24.02.2002 J (ssc 0 we Lew Teed (SSC CGL Prelim Exam. 08.02.2004 (First Sitting) 31-058 Ges Sueaonal (Second Sitting) — Swo nn Exam. 11.11.2012 (ist Sitting) le Perimeter of two squares are | 49, ifthe area of a rectangle be (x2 + 40 em and 32 em. The perimeter Jee hae an temo of the of a third square whose area is possible perimeter of 17. Ina triangular field having sides 30m, 72m and 78m, the length of the altitude to the side mea- the difference of the area of the tip dee 14) crn (2) foe 14) om suring 72m is fowo squares fs (8) (e+ 14} cm (4) xe Jem (25m 2)28m (246m @)42em (SSC Assistant Grade-ttl )30 4/35. 8)40em_ 4)20cm Exam. 11.11.2012 (nd Siting (SSC CPO Si. Exam. 16.12.2007} (SSC CGL Prelim Exar. 11.052003 | 11. Theperimeterofarectangular plot | 18, Ifthe perimeter ofa right-angled (Second Siting) is 48 mand area ts 108 m?, The 3. If the ratio of areas of two dimensions of the plot are isosceles triangle is (4V2 +4) squares 1s 225 : 256, then the (0) 36 m and 3 m ratio oftheir perimeter i (2) 12m and9 m fm, the length of the hypotenuse (1) 225: 256 (2) 256 ; 225 () 27 mand 4m « ; (15:16 (4) 16:15 (4) 18m and 6 m Wi4en — B)¢cm (SSC CL Prelim Exarm. 08.02.2004 {SSC Graduate Level Ter-t B8cm 10cm ost Sung) Foam 19.08.2013 lat Siting (SSC CPO Si, Exaua. 16.12.2007] Google Duo - Googledus High Quality V. : me Pel 4.6 *& FREE DOWNLOAD OTHER IMPORTANT BOOK acl CeO =| < 285. (4) Area of the rhombus = Lay xdz 2 1 =(4+86) og om ase) A > B lc Area of parallelogram ABCD. = 2x Area of A ABC Area of A ABC = {BI = alls —bils—2) = 8585-2085 -29)@35 — 21) > (@5x15x6x14 = f¥xBx5x3x2x3x2x7 = 7x2x3x 5= 210 sqem. ‘Area of ABCD = (2 x 210) sq. cm. = 420 sq. cm, 287. (4) A B c Let, AB = BC = 2eunits BD = BE = xunits Area of A ABC = Bxtay? 7 al = ¥3x? sq. units B 2 4 ‘Area of a trapezium ADEC Area of A BDE = 8 ‘) sq. units 0.00K/s ZA SSC Mathematics MENSURATION _ i? “ 4 Required rato =F: 882 4:9 288. (3) Length of rectangle = Imetre. its breadth = b metre Side of square = x metre According to the question, 4x52 (+b) = 1+ b=2x a Area of square Area of rectangle AqBax¥-b tsb)? -(F] -» Psp? sap 4 +b? + 2tb— 4b 3q. units > A>B 289.12) ° x B Let AB = 4cm, Diagonal of rectangle = Diameter of cirloe = 5 cm, In ABC, Be = ac? an? = 5?—4? = J25-16 = 3 ‘Area of rectangle = 4 x 3 12 sq. cm. 3 om. 290.12) Dy c © 4s B AC = Diameter of circle al of rectangle = 5 cm, In AABC > cul! VoLTE Gam) 87% Be = Jac? - AB’ = {5?—4? = 25-16 = 9 = 30m, Area of rectangle = (4% 3) sq. cm. = 12 sq. em a 291. (3) 5 B D c Point Q is the centroid of SABC. AAOB = AAOC = ABOC Again, ABOD = \COD 1 Area of ABOD = & x Area of AABC 1 = = «96 = 16 sq, em, 3 4 292. (1) A D cE AABC ~ ADEF Area of AABC __AB? ‘Area of ADEF ~ DE? “ =e 293, (2) Fietght of equilateral triangle x Side 18 x2 = Side = = Area of triangle = 12/5 om. x Side? x 1243 x 1243 = 108 3 sq. cm. (294. (2) Perimeter of rectangular land 6000 = TE = 800 metre Length = 5x metre Breadth ~ 3x metre 2 (Gxt Sx» 800 = 16x= 800 = x= 16 Required difference > eerie Google Duo - High Quality V... 4.6 * FREE INSTALL acl CeO =| < 208. (1) Side of square = x metre Radhus of cre = metre Area of square 2 ‘Area of circle * 1 =1M: 1 296. (1) Side of equilateral triangle = 132 3 4 a. 6 : woe (Eett tt = 4843 sq. cm. Tipe 7'= 822.8 99, em 132 Side of square = = Area of square = 33 x 93 = 1089 sq. can. 13 em. Circumference of circle» 2ar 32x 2 ures 1327 3 re 87 late ‘ea of circle 2 21x21 386 - Baas, 297. (4) ‘The areas of triangles on the same base and between the same parallel lines are equal. AABC = AABD 298. (2) Perimeter of rhombus 4x side 240 ". Each side = —]~ = 60 metre istance between parallel sides 20 metre ‘Area of rhombus 1200 sq. metre 299.(1) c 10 x 20 a o B ‘The angle ina semi-circle isa right angle. Lat point € be the mid-point of Maximum height of ABC = radius ‘Area of triangle ABC x AB x OC x12%6 = 36 sq. metre 0.00K/s Zi ul VoLTE Goa 87% SSC Mathematics 300. (1) Area of circle ‘rea of square eo PN o 09 1 QP: ORL PR OR = 09 = radius PQ = PR = Tangents from an extertor point OP is common. AORP = AOPQ In right AOPQ, = 13 cm., 09 = Sem, or PQ = Jigs? = Jieo—25 = fiaa = 12 cm 1 Area of OPQ = 5 x 12 x5 = 30 sq. em. ‘Area of quadrilateral PQOR= 2x30 60 sq. cm. (3} Median of equilateral triangle = ts height = 12/3 cm Ifthe side of equilateral triangle be xem, then its height 2 Required area Rey ne According to the question, aR? + x= 130n => Ry P= 130 o Again, Re r= 14cm. = 2R?- 28R + 196 - 13 = 2R?- 28R + 66 = R?- 14R+ 3320 = R’-11R-3R+33=0 = RIR- 11) -3(R-11)=0 Sor 11 cm. Radius of larger circle Tem. 304. (4) A 5 ¢ 2B 24 - 3p om Radius of circle = x(43)° Area of circ = 482 sq. cm. 22 = (0922) oy em = 150.86 sq. cm. Area of AABC 8 ) 8 24x24 4 jovem ‘Area of the shaded region (249.408 - 150.86) sq. em, 18.548 sq. cm, 908. (2) In-radius ‘Ares = Semi - perimeter = Semi-perimeter: Perimeter of triangle = (8.5 x 2) m= 17 em 308. (4) A B P c AP is the median at BC ‘Area of ABP = Area of AAPC Area of AAPQ 1 ‘Area of AABP Google Duo Km Google Duo - High Quality V... 4.6 * FREE INSTALL DOWNLOAD OTHER IMPORTANT BOOK 5:37PM 8 OB < According to the question, mx 12? = 2a = 27 = 12x12 12x12 =n. =7: me 2 = r= a= 6y2 em 308.(1) A F E B' c ‘Area of AABD = Area of AADC ‘Area of ABCE Clearly. Area of ABDG = Area of ACGD = ‘Area of ACEG ABDG : 1]GDCE = 1: 2 ZAC = ZBOD = 180" - 150° = 30° ‘Area of region x 60 = 359 «7 360 2739. units my? = Area of larger cir- 310. 5 E B D c 1 EF I1 CBand FE = 7BC ADFE ~ AABC Area of DEF _ EF? * ger? 4 312.22) Let units and radius of eircle be units, ZAQB = xradians = Again area of sector AOB =a According to the question, > > 912. (1) 0.01K/s A & SSC Mathematics ‘Area of AABC ~ BC? EF? 1 ‘B x the length of are AB be y 1 os y x= © at Xe = 377 sa. units = (xr? [rom equation (] ww? at? 2 1 9 314. (2 315. 316. | VoLTE Gam) 87% ‘Area ofthe shaded region =2(R?-R3) = F(R, +R) (R-R) = 1 (68 + 22) (68 = 2) = 2x 90x46 = 4140 sq. em. A 2 aD = Jac?- cp? = Yai? — 407 = (1s 4041-40) = a = 98cm, “Area of trapezium ABCD le wie l= =F (AB+ CD) x AD (15 + 40) x9 x55 x9 = 247.5 9q. cm. D, © x 3B ‘The diagonals of a rhombus bi- sect each other at right angles. Let, AB = 10 cm. op = (an?—oa? = fio? - 6? = y100-36 = Jé4 = 8cm. 'BD = 2 x OB = 16 cm, gat ‘Area of rhombus = 1 = 7X12 «16 = 96 sq. em (9) Area of circular field Total Expenditure * Rate per square metre 700 | =|) sq. metre 2) @ Google Duo x Google Duo - 4.6 * FREE High Quality V... INSTALL DOWNLOAD OTHER IMPORTANT BOOK yee Oe =) < r= J7x7 «100 = 70 metre Circumference of circular field 22 = 2x > x70 = 440 metre Total expenditure fe = Rs, (440 x 1.2) = Rs, 528 317. (1) Let, AB = acm. BC = bem, According to the question, a+b=6 ® and diagonal of rectangle = Va? sb? = side of square Area of square ‘Area of rectangle (Va? 0?) - J ab 2" ab 5 atyp? > a> Dab 5+4 a?+b+2ab > 5-4 * a? +b? - 2b [By componendo and dividendo} au 319. 0.00K/s Zi FS iu) VoLTE Go 87% SSC Mathematics Area of square = a? + 7 [a+ bP + (a= DPT a, YZ \ \ Z WSN) \ / Radius of in circle = 575 cm. Radius of drcum-circle 5 Where a = side of triangle Required area = Area of clr- cum-cirele ~ area of in-circle (&) (5) } _ 2 = 2505 sq. om, a (Sn) ( 0. ) 7 Distance between centres = di- agonal of squ: 1 Exradil = Jy cm, Required area = Arca of ex-circle = area of square By AA-similanity AABC ~ AADE AD DE “AB ~ BC AD one DB =p: DB+AD 544 "ap 7 4 AB 9 BC > 3p°a" bE ADEF ~ ACBF Area of ADEF _ DE? ‘Area of ACBF ~ gc? 16 == 16:81 51 Area of AAOB AB? ‘Area of ACOD ~ CD? Course Made By Expert Faculties, Learn | Ha Comfort of Home, Unlimited times x video play DOWNLOAD OTHER IMPORTANT BOOK

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