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Pintor, Christian Oliver V.

Quelazon, Jim Stiphen B.
Resurreccion, David Aeron R.

October 2019
The researchers would like to extend their deepest gratitude to the following

persons whom without their help words of encouragement, the research study would not

have been possible:

Ms. Angela J. Nieva, our research adviser, for her deep concern in giving

suggestion and assist to the research throughout the study. Through this advice and moral

support to the students and for the researcher’s approval and recommendation to conduct

this study.

Mr. Lawrence Y. Piguerra, class adviser, for encouraging us to work hard and

always do your best in pursuing our goals despite of the schedule she have in other class.

To the researchers family, for giving their much needed moral guidance,

financial support, and most of all the love which made the researchers realize in pursuing

their goals;

To ABM Family, for guiding and cheering each other whenever they’re feeling

down. For being there to each other whenever someone needs help.

The Selected Students, our respondents that gave their precious time,

cooperation and honesty towards answering the constructed questionnaire;

We want to express our debt of gratitude to our Senior High School Acting

Principal, Mr. Nino Joseph A. Ballares for his full support who encourage us to survive

in this kind of situation just to finish this study.

Above all, to God Almighty, the source of all blessings, everlasting love and care

and for giving the researcher enough strength and determination to work on this research.

- The Researchers


We dedicate this study to our family, friends, teacher, Almighty

God and inspiration in life giving us strength,

encouragement and support

we need throughout

this study.





Title Page ..………………….………………………………………………………..… i
Acknowledgement ………………………………………………………….………….. ii
Dedication …………..……………………………………………………………….… iv
Table of Contents .……………………………………………………………...…….... v
List of Figures .……………………………………………………………...…………. vi
Introduction ...………………………………………………………………..…. 1
Background of the Study…………………………………………………..….… 2
Statement of the Problem ...……………………………………………….……. 3
Conceptual Framework .………………………………………………….…….. 4
Research Paradigm ………………………….…………………………….……. 5
Scope and Limitations ……………………………….…………………………. 6
Significance of the Study. ……………………………………………….……… 6
Definition of Terms ……………….……………………………………………. 7
Related Literature .………………………………………………………………. 8
Related Studies .…………………………………………………………...……. 15
Research Design .………………………………………………...……………... 24
Research Locale .………………………………………..……………………… 24
Respondents of the Study .………………………………………………...……. 25
Research Instrument ..………………………….………..…………………...…. 26
Data Gathering Procedure ..……………………….…………………….……… 26
CURRICULUM VITAE………………………………………………………………….

Figure Page
1 Research Paradigm …………………………………………………………… 5
2 Data Gatheing Procedure …………………………………………….……… 26


The Problem and Its Background


Most of Filipinos do not know the actual lyric of Philippine national anthem. This

song show the love and care in their country that know as national anthem its need to

practice, memorize and sing it properly. Patriotism or national pride is the feeling of love,

devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who

share the same sentiment. Patriotism takes hard, thoughtful, informed, dedicated, humble,

steady work. According to Rankle (2004), to be a patriotism means to zealously love and

support one’s country and its interests. In other words, a patriot is someone who is loyal

to his motherland, its people and the political system and work for its development. Being

a patriotic does not mean to abide by the words of the individuals who are in power. It is

loyalty towards the country and its political systems and not towards any political leader.

Under Section 38 of RA 8491 states, when the National Anthem is played at a

public gathering, whether by a band or by singing or both, or reproduced by any means,

the attending public shall sing the anthem. The singing must be done with fervor. As a

sign of respect, all persons shall stand at attention and face the band or the conductor. At

the first note, all persons shall execute a salute by placing their right palms over their left

chests. Those in military, scouting, citizens military training and security guard uniforms

shall give the salute prescribed by their regulations. The salute be completed upon the last

note of the anthem. Reverence and respect shall at all times be accorded the flag, the

anthem, and other national symbols which embody the national ideals and traditions and

which express the principles of sovereignty and national solidarity. Cause of the

new technology many Filipinos are using they cellphone while the national anthem is


The National anthem is very important to the country. They sing it with respect.

But now some Filipinos are chatting and moving while the national anthem is being play.

The most problem of Filipinos when they hear the national anthem they not song with

fervor and Filipinos is inferior. Today generation Filipinos are getting boring when they

sing the national anthem so they not sing it. The purpose of this study is to show how

singing of National Anthem strengthens the patriotism of Filipinos. It will show how does

this practice affect the individual to be more patriotic. The researchers wants to give

some reasons why singing of national anthem is essential and should be done by every


Background of the Study

According to Victor (2017), Filipinos would be required to sing the national

anthem when it is played in public and to do so with enthusiasm under a bill that the

House of Representatives of the Philippines approved on Monday. If the bill, which will

be considered by the Senate, is approved and signed into law, a failure to sing the

anthem, “Lupang Hinirang,” with sufficient energy would be punishable by up to year in

prison and a fine of 50,000 to 100,000 pesos. A second offense would include both a fine

and prison time, and violators would be penalized by “public censure” in a newspaper.

“The singing shall be mandatory and must be done with fervor,” the bill states. The law

would also mandate the tempo of any public performance of the anthem — it must fall

between 100 and 120 beats per minute. Schools would be required to ensure all students

have memorized the song. It’s not unusual for a nation to value its national anthem see

the uproar over Colin Kaepernick’s refusal to stand during the anthem before N.F.L.

games but it is rare for respect to be legally required.

The article shows that the practice of singing the National Anthem fervor and

sincerity is required in every Filipinos. As a Filipino citizens it is our obligation to

perform it to show respect and love for our homeland

According in Philippine history, Lupang Hinirang (Tagalog, “Chosen Land”) is

the national anthem of the Philippines. Its music was composed in 1898 by Julian Felipe,

and the lyrics were adapted from the Spanish poem Filipinas, written by José Palma in

1899. Originally written as incidental music, it did not have lyrics when it was adopted as

the anthem of the revolutionary First Philippine Republic and subsequently played during

the proclamation of Philippine independence on June 12, 1898. During the American

Colonial Period, the Flag Law of 1907 prohibited public display flags, banners, emblems,

or devices used by revolutionaries in the Philippine-American War. Under color of this

law, the colonial government banned the song from being played. The Flag Law was

repealed in 1919. During the Commonwealth era, Commonwealth Act No. 382, approved

on September 5, 1938, officially adopted the musical arrangement and composition by

Julian Felipe as the Philippine National Anthem.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to show how singing of National Anthem strengthens

the patriotism of Filipinos.

Specifically it sought to answer the questions that follows:

1. What are the perception of selected respondent in the issues in the practice of the

National Anthem terms of:

1.1 Undisciplined

1.2 Disrespectfulness

1.3 Rude

2. How does the practice singing the national anthem strengthen the value of patriotism

of the Filipinos?

3. What implications can be drawn based on the result of the study?

Conceptual Framework

According to Tarnoff (2017), Patriotism isn’t blind faith in your country. It’s

about taking action and participating in making a more perfect minion. Understand the

patriotism as a strong of emotion taking the nation as its object. Understand it is a form of

love, and thus distinct from simple approval on commitment or embrace of principles. It

is connect to the feeling that the nation is one’s own and it usually includes some

reference to that idea is its ritual (Nusbanm, 2011). Practicing the national anthem is

should be strengthening the patriotism of Filipinos by this song.

This concept explain what is the patriotism means in a country. By this concept

researchers can apply this in their present study for how the citizens understand the real

meaning of patriotism that can strong the loyalty of a country. Filipinos embracing the

principles of the Philippine tradition in sing the national anthem.

Research Paradigm

Independent Variable

 Perception of selected respondent

in the issues in the practice of the
national anthem in terms of: Dependent Variable

o Undisciplined  Strengthen the

patriotism of
o Disrespectfulness
Filipinos by
o Rude practicing the
 Does the practice of singing the national anthem

national anthem strengthen the

value of patriotism of the

Figure 1 Independent and Dependent Variables Model on the Practice of singing the

national anthem in strengthening the patriotism of Filipinos

Figure 1 shows the research paradigm of the study illustrating the practicing the

national anthem in strengthening the patriotism of Filipinos. The independent variables

are undisciplined, disrespectfulness, rude in practicing the national anthem and strengthen

the patriotism of Filipinos by practicing the national anthem. As the study shows the

factor that strengthening the patriotism of Filipinos by singing the national anthem. For

the Filipinos became a more patriot for the country and for how they value the national


Scope and Limitations

This study aimed to strengthen the patriotism of Filipinos by practicing the

national anthem considering the perception of the respondents and the value of national

anthem. The respondents of the study are ten(10) Filipinos who know the national anthem

clearly. The researcher well be conducted from August to October 2019. Convenience

sampling is a non-probability sampling technique where subjects are selected because of

their convenient accessibility and proximity to the researcher. Researcher may easy to get

a reliable respondent in the study. Researchers choose this sampling because it is fast,

inexpensive, easy and the subjects are readily available.

Significance of the Study

This study may serve as a basis for them in to become advantageous and

noteworthy to the different people in the community. The results of the study will be of

great benefit to the following:

Filipino citizens. It will help to strengthening the patriotism of its other and how

to sing the national anthem. There are the main subject of the present study. They give

the researchers a clear answer of the study. It will help to how they would do if the

national anthem play in public places.

Students. It will help memorize and how to sing the national anthem. It will help

the students to how they can sing the national anthem with fervor. This will guide them in

how will they really do if the national anthem have been play in school. This study may

give them expanded background on how they cooperate to strengthening the patriot of


Researchers. This study will satisfy their curiosity about the topic and may see

this as a stepping stone in discovering deeper and greater understanding. They can

acquire more knowledge which they can share to other people and knowledge that they

can use to help solve the patriotism of Filipinos.

Future Researcher. To give provide ideas on the patriotism of Filipinos, how

well it sing the national anthem, how to strengthen it. This study may serve as a basis for

them in developing future studies that may indicate greater relevance.

Definition of Terms

This includes the meaning of the difficult words that is used in the study. The

meaning of each words are based on its real meaning.

Censure. Expression of strong disapproval or harsh criticism.

Fervor. Intensity of feeling or expression

Patriotism. Love for or devotion to one's country

Penalized. To put at a serious disadvantage

Perception. Idea, Impression, Insight and understanding, observation.

Zealously. Marked by fervent partisanship for a person, a cause, or an ideal.


Review of Related Literature and Studies

Concepts and studies related to the study are reviewed in this chapter. Reviews

were gathered from journals, internet, and other references. It presents the literature

pursued to gather insights for the study. This also includes the studies considered to

strengthen the concepts. It provides the reader with an overview of the significant

researches related to the problem. The review of the literature supports the variables

presented in the statement of the problem. Moreover, it highlights the similarities and

differences of the previous and present studies

Related Literature

According to Aldio(2015), entitled “Patriotism is alive In the hearts and minds of

Filipinos”. These days, although it is often said that patriotism is “more words than

action,” it does live still in the hearts and minds of many Filipinos, young and old alike.

Take those who are abroad. Majority of them are truly proud Filipinos. Citizens can tell

this by how they act and introduce themselves before other nationals. Like the people of

Mindanao who are very expressive of their love for the region, the country and the flag,

for which they are willing to sacrifice life. In relation to the ongoing dispute with China

over the West Philippine Sea, there may not be much talk about it in our streets. But it

may be because of the citizens lack of awareness and understanding of the issue. Maybe

it is high time we created some “noise” and join hands to show support for our country in

act of patriotism. They guess that can start by preferring Filipino products to imported

goods especially those coming from China. It is one of the best ways to express unity and

solidarity with the nation.

This literature is similar to the present study because the patriotism of Filipinos

they more words than action not a truly patriot. This article focuses in Filipino citizens

that lack awareness and understanding of the issue of patriotism. Maybe by singing the

national anthem can help the patriotism high and supporting the nation by practicing the

national anthem. Unity and solidarity with the nation is the sign of patriot in their


According to Calipay (2019), entitled “ Veterans `living proof’ of patriotism” in

Legazpi City- Major Gen. Fernando Trinidad, commanding officer of the Army’s 9th

Infantry Division (9ID) in Bicol urged the people here on Monday to always remember

war veterans for their bravery and patriotism that motivated them to fight and liberate the

Philippines from the hands of foreign invaders. The region's highest Army officer gave

the message during the commemoration of the 74th anniversary of the historic Albay

Gulf Landing led by City Mayor Noel Rosal. On the shore of Barangay Rawis in this city,

Filipino-American forces engaged Japanese soldiers in a fierce gun battle and hand

combat on April 1, 1945, defeating the enemies in the process. The 9ID commander also

said the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) stands firm to its core purpose "which is

serving the people and securing the land". Trinidad also appealed to the city government

of Legazpi to continue supporting the troops in the continuous battle against lawless


This literature is similar to the present study because of the background of the

Philippine national anthem that many invaders foreign who Major gen. Fernando

Trinidad the motivation of the Filipinos to be patriot in the sacrifice for the past war.

They fight and liberate the Philippines from the hands of foreign invaders.

In the article entitled “A cultural approach to Patriotism”. It explores an under-

researched phenomenon of how Filipinos communicate about patriotism via ordinary

political version. We conducted two studies that offer a critical-qualitative analysis of

how patriotism is colloquially articulated among Filipinos. In study one, focus group

interviews were conducted, transcribed, and analyzed using constant comparative

method. In study two, quantitative content analysis. The findings from study one revealed

that there are three relational conceptualizations that help characterize one’s orientation

to their nation (i.e., community: subordinate, guardian, and tumultuous). Participants

expressed having an attachment to, identification with, and commitment to their

communities (Metillo, 2018).

This related literature is similar to the present study because they analyze of how

patriotism is colloquially articulated among Filipinos. They`ve discussed the

phenomenon of how African Americans communicate about patriotism via ordinary

political conversation. This related literature is connected to the present study because the

patriotism of their country is not characterized in one nation. They also indicate the

possibility to help the nation is subornation, guard, and tumultuous.

According to Ariley (2016), entitled “Evaluation of patriotism across countries,

groups, and policy domains”. Numerous studies have examined the level of the factors

that shape patriotic feelings, and the ways in which diverse dimensions of patriotism are

related to a broad set of attitudes and behaviors. Citizen evaluation of patriotism, in

particular in the context of majorities and minorities view the consequences of patriotism

and whether their attitudes are affected by inclusive state policies.

This related literature is similar to the present study because they discuss the ways

in which majorities and minorities view the consequences of patriotism and whether their

attitudes are affected by inclusive state policies. They`ve discussed for how is the result

of the survey that many country patriot for the nation. Many country negative in the

perceive of patriotism in perception of other. It`s should be similar because Philippine it`s

should be consider in this survey of the policy domains.

According to, the article “To love a country like a Mother: Patriotism after 9\11”.

The practical power of appeals to patriotism in one form or another is here to stay. As

such, arguments for the repudiation of patriotism cannot avoid seeming a bit utopian or

ethereal. Practically speaking, we cannot repudiate patriotism and still have effective

functioning states. To that end, political philosophers should concern themselves with

finding legitimate uses of the potent tool that is patriotism. This article is one part of this

project, and in it I considered one small but critical aspect of patriotism (De Guzman,


This literature is similar to the present study because it determines the related of

church in patriotism it`s implies that patriotism in one form. Their some law under

patriotism that should be consider because it`s represent the love of a country. This

related literature is similar because of country is should be love as a motherland or

homeland that can get a patriot in their country.

Entitle “How to Strengthening the Patriotism Education of Collage Students

during the New Period”. The patriotism education is an eternal topic. This article uses

analysis of the meaning of patriotic education in different periods as the point of

penetration. On the basis of analyzing current situation of contemporary college students

patriotism, this article put forward several new ways to innovate and expand college

students patriotism education (Mercado, 2012).

This literature is similar to the present study because they find how to

strengthening the patriotism in education during the new period. Every college students

need to understand what patriotism means by analyzing the different periods as the point

of penetration. This related literature is similar to the article that the researchers was

conducting now because their study emphasize the contemporary college students

forward in several new ways to innovate. Expanding the patriotism education in new

period in eternal topic.

An Analysis to Colin Kaepernick, Megan Rapinoe, and National Anthem Protest,

the purpose of this article was to investigate the Facebook narrative surroundings Colin

Kaepernick and Megan Rapinoe’s activism as crafted through user comments on their

respective public Facebook pages following the athlete’s protests during the national

anthem. A total of 85,649 user’s comments were collected and analyzed within the

context framing. The themes emerging from the data suggested a strong nationalistic

narrative, addressing the issues Kaepernick and Rapinoe desired to highlight through

their activism. The nationalistic frames discussed what constituted American values and

the consequences for not conforming to those values. The non-nationalistic themes

targeted the social issues related to the two athletes. In terms of differences between the

two athletes, users attacked Kaepernick’s specific characteristic (i.e., race and sex), while

Rapinoe’s data contained discussions surroundings the role of athletes. Implications of

these findings will be discussed further (Schmidt, 2018).

This article is related to the present study because of the national anthem protests.

Nationalistic frames will discuss as not conforming to those values of American values

and consequences. Because of non-nationalistic themes of the social issues related to the

present study that explaining how will the research strengthening the patriotism by

practicing the national anthem.

According to Narisma(2015), Entitle “The Contemporary Value of Patriotism”.

Patriotism is a kind of emotion, will, thought theory and behavior as a whole. The

reaction of the complex relationship between individuals and country value system is

formed in the process of social history, and it is developed and consolidated in the

process of the history of human society, it is a kind of thought and feeling of loyalty and

love their motherland. Under the background of contemporary economic globalization,

some people that carry forward the patriotism produce confusion even think patriotism

has become less important. From the perspective of the development of Philippines and

the world, this paper makes researches on contemporary value of patriotism, patriotism is

of realistic significance on safeguarding national sovereignty and interests, and helps to

achieve the Filipinos dream, deal with complex international environmental challenges,

and participate in the international competition.

The study stated above has a relation from the research topic for defining

patriotism. National anthem of the Filipinos are one of the history of the Philippines.

Patriotism is an emotion that illuminates ones behavior. Patriotism of one’s person shows

a love and loyalty for motherland. Through practicing of singing national anthem this will

makes Filipinos to remember their roles as a Filipino leading to show how patriotic

Filipinos are.

This article show the important of patriotism in the motherland that have less

important in different country. Sovereignty is the power to role a country that may help

the nation to be patriot. Many citizens confuse for the background of contemporary

economic globalization that may realistically significance on safeguarding nation.

According to Slater (2018), in this article entitled “Sing it for “us”: Team passion

displayed during national anthems is associated with subsequent success”. The present

research examined the link between passion displayed by team members during the

singing national anthems at UEFA Euro 2016 and team performance in the tournaments’

51 games. Drawing on social identity theorizing, we hypothesized a positive relationships

between passion and performance. Consistent with this hypothesis, results showed that

teams that sang national anthems with greater passion went on to concede fewer goals.

Moreover, results provided evidence that the impact of passion on the likelihood of

winning a game depended on the stage of the competition. Extending recent reviews that

highlight the importance of social identity processes in sporting contexts, these results

suggest that team members` identity-based expression of passion for the collective can be

an important predictor of subsequent performance.

This article show the singing the national anthem in sports that similar in to the

present study because they sing this every games that they play or in stage of

competition. By singing the national anthem before they play in tournament with fervor is

a sign of patriotism that can strengthen it.

Entitle “The Effects of Race and Religion on Patriotism Among Filipinos”. This

article examines the reasons behind people's different views of defining what "patriotism"

is. Three multivariate linear regressions were performed to determine the causes behind

an individual's level of patriotism. Two of the regression models found that individuals

who identify as black have lower levels of patriotism than whites. None of the models

supported the author's hypothesis that Muslims would have lower levels of patriotism

than someone non-Muslim. The study also found support from all the regression models

for one of the confounding variables, age; the older you are the more patriotic you tend to

be (Promentilla, 2017).

This related study is similar to the present study because of the patriotism is relate

to the religion the can modify as a loyalty in country. This article examines the reasons

behind people's different views of defining what "patriotism". Because of the religion

citizens can may be a patriot in their country that can make a unity.

Related Studies

In this study entitled “The Underlying Paradoxes of the National Anthem of the

Republic of the Philippines” it asserted that National symbols are very instrumental items

for a country’s peace, unity and prosperity. The national symbol for instance the national

anthem is always sung at the learning institutions and or during the country’s special

occasion. Through national anthems just like any other national symbols have a noble

role in the country, some countries tend to disregard its letter and spirit. One such country

is the Republic of the Philippines. This is happening despite the fact that its national

anthem possesses elements of peace and harmony. In this regard, the paper intends to

expose the underlying paradoxes inherent in the national anthem. (Abad, 2016). This

paper intends to expose the underlying paradoxes inherent in the national anthem of the

Republic of the Philippines.

This related study have a large belief on their National Anthem, because every

time we listen to songs we feel move and to some extent psychologically and emotionally

affected either positively or negatively. They have to show that their loyalty was not been

lost. This was normally happens depending on the perlocutionary effects the song evokes

in the listener’s minds. They have to give more power to be a good influence and to know

that patriotism will not lost on their country.

In this study entitled “Political Leadership in Philippines: Our National Anthem

and National Pledge” This paper examines Filipinos political leadership in relation to her

national anthem and national pledge using secondary sources within elite theory frame.

The strongest factor standing against Filipinos national vision is leadership. This paper

argues that there is too much financial entitlement and benefit attached to public office in

Philippines. The depth of power and resources embedded in the central government has

had trickle-down effect on sub-national unit (state government) and local government.

Relying on narrative and interpretative lens, this paper recommends that: Federal

Government should reduce the financial entitlement of political office holders, from the

presidency downwards, coupled with lean budget which must be the new ‘catch word’,

i.e., cars and other public properties at public office holders’ disposal should be scaled

down (Palis, 2018).

This related study show that Filipinos political leadership was strictly focusing on

their national anthem. They say that there are too much financial embed in Public Office.

They are focused on their budget that gives to government for the National Pledge and

Patriotism. They know that someday they will face the crisis about the patriotism on their


In the study entitled “Melopoetics of the Contemporary National Anthem of

Egypt and Its Translations: A case Study”. The National anthem generally expresses the

ideology of a given nation. It functions to recruit the body politic in a patriotic

framework. The national anthems should crystallize the outlook of the nation. This paper

aims to analyzing the Egyptian national anthem within the transdisciplinary field of word

and music studies to measure the melopoetic sagacity of this anthem. This is substantially

drawing upon the linguistic sociocultural background where textual analysis, folkloric

relevance, musicological characteristics and the Egyptian cultural perspective are

discussed at large. The paper encounters three translations of the contemporary national

anthem to investigate their soundness. It also diagrams a semantic frame, extracted from

the content words of the cotemporary national anthem of Egypt, toward crystallizing its

characteristics (Essam, 2015).

This study is similar to our present study because of the contemporary of national

anthem that generally expresses the ideology of the nation. This study is related because

of the nation anthem to strengthen the patriot framework. They analyze the Egyptian

national anthem within the transdisciplinary field of word and music.

In the study entitled “Patriotism as a Citizenship Value: Perceptions of Social

Studies Teachers Candidates”. Patriotism is one of the citizenship values that to be taught

in social studies. This study explored social studies teacher candidates perceptions of

patriotism and patriotic education. The study was conducted in phenomenology design

and it included 15 social studies teacher candidates. Data were collected using semi-

structured interviews and analyzed thematically. The study found that all the teacher

candidates primarily associated patriotism with love, respect and commitment. Also,

some of the participants regarded patriotism as fulfilling one’s responsibilities while

others considered it as striving for human rights and democracy. The result showed all

the teacher candidates primarily associated patriotism is love, respect and commitment.

Also, some of the participants regarded patriotism as fulfilling one’s responsibilities

while some others considered is as striving for human rights and democracy. In addition,

the participants generally had a constructive and democratic perception of patriotism

(Figen, 2012).

First it should start in teachers because they all know and they already

experienced it that they learned how to sing national anthem through schools. This related

study is similar to the present study because they explored social studies teacher

candidate’s perceptions of patriotism and patriotic education. This related study is similar

to the present study that value the patriotism of the citizens they conduct the study in

semi-structured interview and analyzed thematically. Participants regard the human rights

and democracy of them responsibilities.

In this study entitled “The Romanian National Anthems, Historical Stylistic and

Aesthetic Considerations”. This text represents an abridgement of an extensive research

paper, recently completed, and titled The Song-Symbol, History and Content. About the

National Anthems. It has not been long since I wrote about a sensitive subject: that of

prejudices in considering and reconsidering history, those which could manipulate (in

fact do manipulate) consciences positively or negatively, and sometimes generate

extremist ideas and attitudes (Cherlalu, 2017). That following the course of history, a

dilemma arose regarding the national anthem, particularly regarding its origins, the

circumstances under which a particular anthem was chosen, and above all, comparisons

of one anthem to another. As a result, I want to suggest certain improvements towards the

current configuration of this musical genre. First I will summarize the history of the

Romanian national anthems, beginning with the very first one, adopted during the reign

of Alexandru Ioan Cuza, continuing with the monarchic period, then the anthems of

communist Romania, and finally the present one, Desteapta-te romane, which is in fact

the oldest all. The main reason researcher choose this issues does not concern purely

academic curiosity; it pursues my entirely subjective interest in the circumstances that

prompted Romanians to adopt, over the last country and a half, just these hymns and not


This study is similar to the present study because of the national anthem and their

history of how they will arose the dilemma of their national anthem. The national anthem

of the roman is base in the history that make the same in the Philippine. That make a

dilemma in their national anthem in particular anthem that make a comparisons of the one

anthem to another.

In this study entitled “The Complexity and Nationalism”. Classic theories of

nationalism, whether modernist or ethno symbolist, emphasis the role of elites and spread

a common imagined community from Centre to periphery. Recent work across a rang of

disciplines challenges this account by stressing the role of horizontal, peer-to-peer,

dynamics alongside top-down flows. Complexity theory, which has recently been applied

to the social sciences, expands our understanding of horizontal national dynamics. It

draws together contemporary critiques, suggesting that researchers focus on the network

properties of nations and nationalism (Kaufmann, 2016). This paper argues that

complexity theory – the notion that complex social phenomena may emerge from

seemingly uncoordinated individual acts – can enhance our understanding of national

identity, nationalism and ethnic conflict. This study makes the case for viewing nations as

complex systems, not just elite constructs. Against a classic view which sees national

consciousness diffused from elites down to masses and from centres out to peripheries,

complexity allows for the emergence of national identity from below.

This study has a relation in the research because of the theory about nationalism.

It emphasize the roles of individuals to be a patriotic person. This aims to discipline every

individual to have a nationalism. It gives a clear understanding of having nationalism or

the love for one’s country.

The Nationalism in Philippines: A Case for Patriotic Citizenship. Nationalism as a

concept has been misconstrued to fit into our mental category and because the idea of

Nationhood is debased, we lose the meaning of patriotism in its proper sense. But the

concept is not completely independent of patriotism. The possibility of a holistic guiding

principle that unifies nationalism and patriotism for a constructive practical action has

been problematic. Analytically looking at these issues in the light of some topical

Filipinos socio-political problems, we aver that we do not acquire national development

all in an immobile present but through gradual congenital reorientation (Legasto, 2015).

The tension between ethnic and civic nationalism has gravely impacted Filipinos and led

to the loss of nationhood. In the face of this, patriotism remains beclouded as it is

impracticable to speak of patriotism to an idea of nationhood that is not anything better

than just a figment of one’s thought. Citizens should be taught to break off from weak

and corrupt foundations/traditions and embrace continuity in the positive direction.

This study is similar to the present study because its help how they strengthen the

patriotism and how they explain what is the meaning of patriot in their country. That

problem is the possibility of a holistic guiding principle a constructive practical action.

The Patriotic education and civic culture of youth in Philippine: sociological

perspective. High level of patriotic consciousness is supposed to be an important factor of

civic consolidation and enhancement of competitive ability of Filipinos in geopolitical

schedule. In the meantime, multinational character of Philippines society, specifics of its

territorial and administrative division, difference in political and socioeconomic situation

of its regions challenge the existing mentality of modern youth. Today in Philippines

society there is an apparent need for development of ideas of active citizenship, initiative

behavior and practical civic co-participation among youth (Amor, 2015). In the political

culture literature there is a long debate about cause-and-effect relations between people’s

aspirations, attitudes and actions and political system functioning. We do not make a

claim to find the truly priority but it seems incontestable that both processes are

interrelated. That means that the state by imposing some ideology influence and form

public opinion, but without positive disposition it would be difficult to implement it

effectively. So, the analysis of the content of social representations of population of the

notion ‘patriotic education’ may help to understand how well the state strategy and

elaborated programs of patriotic education fit the population attitudes and expectations

towards patriotism and patriotic education and vice versa, how these programs change

public opinion.

This study is similar to the present study because they conscious in the important

factor of the patriotism education and civil culture of youth in Philippine. They enhance

the competitive ability of Filipinos in patriotism and they develop the ideas of active

citizens. This related because they strengthening the patriotism of Filipinos by giving a

education that they learn in the society for how modern youth is the mentality existed.

A Solution for the Filipino Youth who Lack Nationalism and Patriotism. One of

the factors that contributed to the difficulty of solving national issues in the Philippines

(today) is the absence of nationalism and patriotism in the hearts and minds of the

Filipino youth. According to Benedict Andersen in a thesis presented by April Herrera

(2010), nationalism is on the verge of crossing its boundaries and it is not only confined

to the significance of nationalism and patriotism in our country. The best way for the

Filipino youth to trigger their nationalistic consciousness is through educating them by

imparting Philippines heritage to all aspects of learning (Santiago, 2010).

This study is similar to the present study because of the Filipino youth of how the

lack the nationalism and patriotism for their country. This is related because they

significance the nationalism and patriotism in the hearts and minds of the Filipinos that

may connect for how to strengthen the patriotism of the Filipinos in practicing the

national anthem

Entitle “Filipino Youth Nationalism and Political Consciousness: A study on

Social Media”. In almost every society, the role of young people, or the youth, in nation-

building is a formidable one. In the Philippines, a clear manifestation of this social

responsibility can be seen from Emilio Jacinto’s generation to the First Quarter Storm

movement in 1970s. From a probable observation, the young people of today will be the

citizens of the future simply because they will be the inheritors of the political and social

system. In this simple relationship, one cannot disregard the contribution of behavioralist

approach in emphasizing and analyzing the importance of political socialization. Once

the Filipino youth became aware about the events that are continuously happening in the

Philippines, the youth will start to get themselves active and involve in making

advocacies and projects that can create a change for the betterment of the country

(Medina, 2014).

This study explores an under researched of how Filipino’s communicate about

patriotism via ordinary political conversation. The concept of the patriotism is multi-

faceted and is approached in different ways. While it is commonly assumed that

patriotism denotes a love for and service to one’s country. The practice of “Singing the

National Anthem to Strengthening the Patriotism” has various manifestations. The

patriots may be considered to be people who support the government’s policies and

actions completely. Filipino youths have to learn to the citizens how to be a patriot.


Research Methodology

This chapter presents the research design used in the study, research locale, and

respondents of the study, sampling technique used, research instrument, and data

gathering procedure, validation of the study, statistical treatment and survey


Research Design

This type of research was qualitative which focused on gathering statistical data

from the Students of St. Joseph Academy of Sariaya, Quezon. The research type of this

study is qualitative research. Qualitative research, in reality is conditioned by society and

people’s intentions are involved in explaining the cause and effect relationship. The type

of qualitative research of this study is ethnography because it represent the study of a

particular cultural group or practice of tradition on singing the national anthem.

Ethnography, study of culture life style practice and customs. This study is Ethnography

because of the possibility of being discuss is the cultural tradition in practicing the

national anthem. That clearly understanding the meaning of the song and organize in

particular event or ceremony. This study talks about the cultures and tradition of Filipinos

in singing the national anthem. And also the researchers want to gather opinion and point

of view of the respondents.

Research Locale

This study gathered information from the Students of St. Joseph Academy of

Sariaya, Quezon. SJASQ aims at the formation of small Christian Communities among

its students, teachers and staff as a means of Christian renewal. Researchers choose this

location to gather data because the SJASQ play the national anthem Monday to Friday in

flag ceremony. The researchers may have easy access to get particular information of

how they practice the national anthem. This can help to strengthening the patriotism of

Filipinos. The researchers want to promote this School because there is many students

that have forgot on how patriotism is important in a country. The school guide and

practice the student of singing the national anthem.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this research were the students of St. Joseph Academy of

Sariaya, Quezon. The chosen 10 students, have the proper knowledge about patriotism

happened in the said locale. Researchers choose this respondents because of the

patriotism of the school that strengthening it. The method that they will use in choosing

respondents is availability or convenience sampling. Non-probability sampling method

that relies on data collection from campus members who are conveniently available to

participate in the study. Researchers appropriate the students that can they participate in

the study. Researchers inform the students that can willing to answer all the question that

researchers give. Ask them if there are suitable for the present study. The result of this

study can also motivate them to participate in every flag ceremony when the national

anthem has been play. Make sure the participants will cooperate in the present study.

Researchers use convenience sampling not just because it is easy to use, but because it

also has other research advantages. This sampling technique is also useful in

documenting that a particular quality of a substance or phenomenon occurs within a

given sample. Convenience sampling is usually used because it allows the researcher to

obtain basic data and trends regarding this study without the complications of using

a randomized sample.

Research Instrument

The researchers used interview as the data collection instrument of this study.

Interview was a type of data gathering method that was utilized to collect, analyse, and

interpret the different views of a group of people from particular population. The

researchers provided the questions containing information about the perception of the

select students in practice of singing the national anthem. The researchers should present

request to the respondents before conducting the data gathering or survey. The

questionnaire of this study is about of how they sing the national anthem. Researchers

prepare of 5 to 10 questionnaire.

Data Gathering Procedure

The study concerned in determining the Practice of Singing the National Anthem

in Strengthening the Patriotism of Filipino’s in which the researchers gathered the data

from the students of St. Joseph Academy of Sariaya, Quezon.

SOP and question

Secured Permit

Inform Consent

Analyze and Interpret

Figure 2. Show the step of data gathering

First thing that researcher’s do is to construct question. Second they will ask

permission signed by SHS principal, research adviser, and researchers. Third is to inform

the participants that will be the respondents of the study. Researchers explain to the

respondents that maybe aware to the study. After the approval, the researchers secured

the permits from the SHS principal to allow them to conduct research. Upon approval, the

researchers asked permission from the Highly Administration of SJASQ, by submitting

the permit from the school. After being granted permission, the researchers proceeded

and do the survey questioning. The researchers ensured that the questions they gave to

respondents were clear and easy to understand. The data gathered must be handled and

stored properly. After gathering an enough data for determining the Practice of Singing

the National Anthem in Strengthening the Patriotism of Filipino, the researcher analysed

and interpret the data and results in order for them to make a conclusion. They will

analyse the information that they gathered. They will only choose information that are


Curriculum Vitae
Address: Brgy. Balubal Sariaya, Quezon
Contact No: 09126561180

Nickname: Ian
Age: 16 years old
Sex: Male
Birthdate: December 6, 2002
Birthplace: Batangas
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil Status: Single
Father: Michael Allan A.
Occupation: OFW
Mother: Angela V. Pintor
Occupation: Housewife
Senior High School: College of Sciences Technology and Communication Inc.
Strand (ABM) Accountancy Business Management
S.Y 2019-Present
Junior High School: College of Sciences Technology and Communication Inc.
Sariaya, Quezon
S.Y 2015-2019
Primary Level: St. Vincent Learning Center
Sariaya, Quezon
S.Y 2009-2015

I hereby attest that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge
and belief.

Pintor, Christian Oliver V. (COVP)

Address: Munting Bayan Sariaya, Quezon
Contact No: 09363582792

Nickname: Jimmy
Age: 17 years old
Sex: Male
Birthdate: August 17, 2002
Birthplace: Lucena
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil Status: Single
Father: Gaudioso Q.
Occupation: Retired Government
Mother: Remy B. Quelazon
Occupation: Housewife
Senior High School: College of Sciences Technology and Communication Inc.
Strand (ABM) Accountancy Business Management
S.Y 2019-Present
Junior High School: Pili National School
Sariaya, Quezon
S.Y 2015-2019
PRIMARY: Sariaya East Central Main Elementary School
Sariaya, Quezon
S.Y 2009-2015

I hereby attest that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge
and belief.

Quelazon,Jim Stiphen B. (JSBQ)

Address: Concepcion 1 Sariaya, Quezon
Contact No: 09104454799

Nickname: Boss Ron
Age: 18 years old
Sex: Male
Birthdate: December 29, 2000
Birthplace: Makati
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil Status: Single
Father: Ronel Generoso
Occupation: Bus Driver
Mother: Mylene Resurreccion
Occupation: Secretary of
Senior High School: College of Sciences Technology and Communication Inc.
Strand (ABM) Accountancy Business Management
S.Y 2019-Present
Junior High School: San Isidro National High School
Catanauan, Quezon
S.Y 2013- 2018
Primary Level: Emiliano Gala Memorial Elementary School
Sariaya, Quezon
S.Y 2006-2013

I hereby attest that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge
and belief.

Resurreccion, David Aeron R.(DARR)

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