Energy UbD

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Understanding By Design 1-Page Template

Unit 5 - Energy, Work, and Power

Stage 1 - Desired Results
Established Goals
Washington State - Next Generation Science Standards:
• HS-PS3-1 Create a computational model to calculate the change in the energy of one
component in a system when the change in energy of the other component(s) and energy
flows in and out of the system are known.
• HS-PS3-2. Develop and use models to illustrate that energy at the macroscopic scale can
be accounted for as a combination of energy associated with the motion of particles (objects)
and energy associated with the relative positions of particles (objects).
• HS-PS3-3. Design, build, and refine a device that works within given constraints to convert
one form of energy into another form of energy.
• ETS1-1 Analyze a major global challenge to specify qualitative and quantitative criteria and
constraints for solutions that account for societal needs and wants.
• ETS1-4 Use a computer simulation to model the impact of proposed solutions to a complex
real-world problem with numerous criteria and constraints on interactions within and between
systems relevant to the problem.

Northshore School District Proposed Physics Standards:

• Analyze a major global challenge to specify qualitative and quantitative criteria and constraints
for solutions that account for societal needs and wants. ETS1-1
• Use a computer simulation to model the impact of proposed solutions to a complex real-world
problem with numerous criteria and constraints on interactions within and between systems
relevant to the problem. ETS1-4
• Design, build and refine a device that works within given constraints to convert one form of
energy into another form of energy. HS-PS3-3
• Develop and use models to illustrate that energy at the macroscopic scale can be accounted
for as a combination of energy associated with the motions of particles (objects) and energy
associated with the relative position of particles (objects). HS-PS3-2

Students will understand… Essential Questions

• The relationship between kinetic, potential, • Why does the first hill of a roller coaster need to
and mechanical energies. be the tallest?
• The relationship between work and energy. • Which has more PE, a book 2 m above a table
• The principles of designing a physical or the same book 3 m above the table?
machine capable fulfilling a goal. • How can a motorcycle and a car have the same
• How energy is contained throughout the amount of KE?
universe in changing forms. • What is one factor that will increase or decrease
• How energy can exist in multiple forms in the kinetic energy the most?
an object. • Where does the "lost" mechanical energy in an
• How friction reduces mechanical energy but open system go?
does not violate the law of conservation of • What are instances when, according to the
energy. physics definition, no work is done?
• How are work and kinetic energy related?
• What is the difference in terms of work and
power of a 60 watt light bulb vs. a 100 watt light
Students will know… Students will be able to…
• What the variables stand for in the following • Investigate GPE and KE in roller coasters,
formulas: pendulums and projectiles.
o Kinetic energy: KE = ½ mv2 • Investigate which variable (mass or velocity) has
o Gravitational potential energy: PEg = mgh the greatest effect on the amount of KE of an
o Mechanical energy: ME = KE + PE object.
o Power: P = W/t • Research the development of different types of
• The role of height in determining the amount roller coasters and explain how KE and GPE
of GPE for an object. were used in the design of these rides.
• How total mechanical energy is composed • Calculate the amount of energy lost as heat due
of kinetic and gravitational potential energy. to friction/resistance in open systems or in the
• Total mechanical energy for a closed system use of simple machines.
remains constant. • Demonstrate that the total mechanical energy in
• Total mechanical energy for an open system a closed system remains constant.
can change however the total amount of • Understand the law of conservation of energy
energy in the universe remains constant.
• That a force must cause displacement in the
direction of the force in order for work to be
• Work is the change in kinetic energy
• Real world examples of work and energy.
• The change in total mechanical energy of a
system is equal to the total work done on the
system by an outside force.
• That mechanical energy is the sum of kinetic
and potential energy in a system.
• Power is the rate at which work is done (or
energy is used).

Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence

Performance Task Summary Other Evidence
Design, Build and Test of a Trebuchet : • Formative assessments:
• Students will be able to build a trebuchet of o Google form quizzes
varying sizes, but all will be compared to o Check out tickets
each other based on the efficiency of the o Socratic circles after each class session.
machine (i.e. maximizing the kinetic energy o Lab practicals
generated by a stored amount of potential • Summative assessments:
energy). o Unit exam
Analyze results and make revisions: o Trebuchet project final presentation and
• Students will make changes to machine to analysis
improve efficiency by analyzing
performance metrics.
Stage 3 - Learning Activities
Learning Activities
Engage Activities:
• What is Energy? W
• Energy Skate Park online simulation H
Explore Activities:
• Talks with engineers from industry over Skype E
• Video Analysis of a Falling Marble E
• Work and Power Stair Climbing Lab E
• Spring-Cart Collision Lab E
Explain Activities:
• “Planning to Succeed” – Trebuchet engage and project planning lesson. R O
• In-class lecture and/or flipped classroom videos. R T
• Online Station Rotation using CK12 Flex Textbook and Khan Academy problem solving. R
• Whiteboard walks R
• Discussion (whole and small group) R T
• Roller Coaster Energy Predictions and Calculations Discussion (whole and small group) R
Elaborate Activities
• Research and Design stage of the Trebuchet Building Project. E T O
• Talks with engineers from industry to discuss principles of trebuchets E
• Home power utility bill analysis Derivation Maze E
• Reading and Analysis – Where’s Energy - Energy Across the Sciences E
Evaluate Activities:
• GUESS Method Stations E-2 T
• Trebuchet group report-outs to class summarizing positives and negatives that occurred
during project. E-2 T O

Stage 3 Activities Key

W = Help the teacher know Where the students are coming from (prior knowledge, interests)?
H = Hook all students and Hold their interest?
E = Equip students, help them Experience the key ideas and Explore the issues?
R = Provide opportunities to Rethink and Revise their understandings and work?
E-2 = Allow students to Evaluate their work and its implications?
T = Be Tailored (personalized) to the different needs, interests, and abilities of learners?
O = Be Organized to maximize initial and sustained engagement as well as effective learning?

Wiggins, G. P., & McTighe, J. (2008). Understanding by design. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision
and Curriculum Development.

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