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Name: __________________________

Mixed Media Robot Rubric

Criteria 3 2 1
Sketches I practiced I practiced I did not complete a
sketching 2 or more sketching only 1 robot sketch.
robots robot.

Geometric shape use Robot has all Geometric shapes Robot has many
geometric shapes are mostly used for organic shapes
my robot

Craftsmanship Project is all neatly Most of the Student did not

stamped, cut, glued, stamping, cutting, stamp, cut, glue, and
and drawn gluing, and drawing draw neatly
is done neatly.

Use of color scheme All of the robot’s There is 1 incorrect Robot has no clear
colors belong to a color included in color scheme
Warm, cool, secondary, color scheme listed the robot
or primary, or neutral

Perspective Robot is standing Robot is standing Bottom edge of the

below the bottom above the bottom city is at the bottom
Foreground/background edge of the city edge of the city of the paper causing
elements robot to be above
the bottom edge of

+1 point for correct answer to the question- “What did you do throughout this lesson?” Y/N


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