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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Health

May 16, 2018


No.2 2014—2g30- ,4

SUBJECT: Amendment to Department Personnel Order No. 2016-2630 dated 19

July 2016 entitled “Creation of the DOH Monitoring and Evaluation
and Data Governance Oversight Committee and Technical Working

Department Personnel Order No. 2016—2630 dated 19 July 19 2016 entitled “Creation of
the DOH Monitoring and Evaluation and Data Governance Oversight Committee and Technical
Working Group” is hereby amended as follows:

I. To reflect the organizational changes in the composition of the Oversight Committee

as per Department Order No. 2018—0096 “Functional Structure of DOH Units and
Attached Agencies for the Implementation of FOURmula ONE plus for Health
(FI +) ”:
From To
Chair: Office for Policy and Health - Health Sector Reform
Systems (OPHS) . Cluster (HSRC)
Co-Chair: Office for Technical Services - Technical Service
(OTS) Cluster (TSC)

II. To revise the composition of the Technical Working Group as follows:

0 To designate the Director of the Health Policy Development and Flaming Bureau
(HPDPB) as Chair

0 To include the following:

1. Division Chief, Health Facilities Services and Regulatory Bureau
2. Division Chief, Disease Prevention and Control Bureau — Family Health
3. Division Chief, Disease Prevention and Control Bureau — Infectious Disease
4. Division Chief, Disease Prevention and Control Bureau — Degenerative
Disease Office
5. Head, Health Sector Performance Monitoring Unit

0 To exclude as a member the Executive Assistant of the Office for Health

Operations (OHO)

III. To revise the functions of the Technical Working Group as follows:

a) To support functions of Oversight Committee
b) To review existing M&E-related policies, plans, programs and information
0) To evaluate and recommend actions on existing and proposed M&E—related
plans/programs, including new information systems, within DOH and with

Building 1, San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, 1003 Manila 0 Trunk Line 651-7800 local 1108, 1111, 1112, 1113
Direct Line: 711-9502; 711-9503 Fax: 743-182 9 0 URL:; e-mail: ftdu ue doh. ov. 11
d) To assess and provide clearance on health-related survey proposals
e) To review and evaluate existing M&E—related forms and tools
f) To provide clearance on the M&E-related forms and tools that will be
cascaded to DOH Regional Offices and/or other DOH units
g) To recommend sustainability measures for M&E to the Oversight Committee

IV. To remove Epimetrics and Health Sector Performance Monitoring Unit as

consultants that should assist the Committee and TWG

V. To revise the paragraph with regard the frequency of meeting of the Committee and
TWG as follows:
“The Oversight Committee shall meet once every semester and the TWG shall meet
at least twice every quarter.”

As thus amended, all other provisions of Department Personnel Order No. 2016-2630
dated July 19, 2016 still stand in effect.


Secretary of Health

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