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Create Your Story:

My Prolouge to CSU

Due: September 3rd

Purpose of assignment: Share your journey with your instructor: what is your backstory, your
prologue? If you were to write a movie or book about yourself, how would you want to tell people
about who you are, why, and how you got to college/CSU?

 You have a story to share about what brought you to CSU and Key Explore. How were you
‘Called to Adventure’? By travelling the world with my grandpa and visiting here.

 Share about what you have accomplished up until this point and how that informed your
decision to attend college. Who/what have been your Aids, Guides, and Mentors along the
way? My mom, and grandpa have treamdously helped me and provided me with getting here.

 Share what you are anxious about and what you are looking forward to during your first year in
college. As you ‘cross the threshold’ (to college), what trials might you face? Im anxious about
writing lots of papers.

 What personal strengths & talents will you employ to overcome these potential barriers?
Studying and turning in my papers to the writing center.

 If you encounter a crisis, how will you return? What treasures will you use to “be at your best”?
Study and talk to my key professor.

Instructions: Write the beginning of your story, telling about your journey in getting to CSU. This is
meant to serve as an introduction of who you are, which you will continue writing throughout the
semester. Share what some of your expectations are of yourself in your first semester. This narrative is
personal, but also professional—consider your audience. The given prompts are suggestions, and while
they are meant to guide your paper, blend them together into a story- one that you’d want to read.

 Typed, 12 point font, space-and-a-half or double-spaced
 2-3 pages (3 pages MAX)

Grading Criteria (25 points):

 Shared your ‘Call to Adventure’ of how and why you chose to be at CSU and a member of Key

 Shared who helped you to ‘Cross the Threshold’, potential ‘Trials’, and what personal strengths
& talents you will leverage to ‘Return from Crisis’ during your first semester and year

 Proper spelling and grammar and clearly organized

Create Your Story:
My Prolouge to CSU

I am called to adventure at CSU because of my tremendous adventure around the states and

running into the beautiful rocky mountains. The campus is so pretty and called me by its

natural beauty, I enjoy looking at all the unique and amazing things on this campus. It sucked

me in so hard I didn’t even need to visit it a second time. It called me to adventure after the

first time I came because my mom bought tickets to the Wyoming verse Colorado game while

we were visiting there but turns out we didn’t know the game was at Colorado State so we

drove the hour long drive and watched 35,000 people go crazy in the stands for the rams the

support was crazy. That is why I came here. My grandpa helped me cross the threshold when

he took me everywhere and showed me how beautiful the world is. I learned then I was

going to explore and try to become the perfect indivual like my grandfather is. He gave me

talents I never knew I had by engaging me in school and to learn everything that could be

taught to me and when it was to me. I then would go to school everyday and learn my best I

could so my brain could have everything it needs in the future. I never knew one trip could

expand my mind so much but that truly is awesome that it happened that way. Now that im

here, I am truly anxious to encounter all of the college classes and the work to the success of

my future. Im going to use every oppurnity here to get better at writing and use key to

support me and help me schedule and to handle my classes. College is very crazy and a big

step to my journey of becoming a landscape architecture. My teachers are brilliant and have

presented the information very well the past few days which has truly made me understand

everything perfectly. I am so thankful to continure my life exploring the true beauty out here

in the mountains.
Create Your Story:
My Prolouge to CSU

The numerous clubs and opporunties for fun are endless and im so excited to see the new

culture which will greatly distract me from my environment so I need to learn how to counter

it to become my greatest potential. I am starting a whole new life out here with nothing or no

one which is crazy to think about but here I am standing wondering if my time has come to

finally explore the true beauty in the world and all the perfect and funny indivuals

everywhere. Yes I did that, and no I don’t know why but this is why I believe it is finally time

to buckle up and get comfortable and meet the true beauty of the people out here and all of

their missions. Ive had to conquer so much throughout highschool because when I was a

sophomore my bestfriend Jared had just got his car and had picked me up on the way to a

Halloween party and a two girls named Leah and Kailee but was speeding and crashed us on

the way to the house killing Kailee after we did three flips in a car after hitting a raised

driveway in a ditch leaving us three somehow luckily alive due to us wearing our seatbelts. I

was clueless, lost at life and didn’t know what to do after one of my girl bestfriends had just

been killed by my bestfriend. Life thought I could conquer it but truly it has destroyed me in

the inside every night thinking about that dark October night. High school became numb to

me and my only goal was to just graduate and get away from everything that has happened

in my hometown. I could not deal with all of the stress anymore after three years after me

being known as the kid in the crash. I wanted my own lane and known to everyone as just

that happy indivual. I am so glad to have gotten here and now I get to explore Colorado State

University and am so thankful for it and God’s choice to give me yet another oppurnity.
Create Your Story:
My Prolouge to CSU
Create Your Story:
My Prolouge to CSU

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