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To Whom it May Concern,

It is my pleasure to write a letter of recommendation for Harmony for

the Residency Program. I taught Harmony in Level 1 Health Assessment.

She was always prompt, prepared and attentive in class. Harmony has

successfully balanced school, volunteering and work; maintained high

grades; and is a certified nursing assistant who has experience in the

health care field in addition to clinical practice.

Harmony is a hard-working student who has demonstrated strength,

resilience, and determination throughout the program. She is a great

candidate for the Residency Program!

If you have any questions regarding Harmony’s character traits, please do

not hesitate to contact me.

Kori Fine, M S N, R N

Professor Fine


If the person completing this form is affiliated with Grand Canyon University. “Grand Canyon University is committed to supporting
your educational journey and as such allows faculty members to provide letters of recommendation to be written on behalf of
students. Letters of recommendation from GCU faculty do not represent the views of GCU nor are they an explicit or implicit
institutional endorsement.”

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