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Readings for Quora Daughter Page No.

Provided by: Anmohiey +919448527542
Printed on 06/04/2019 at 17:55:45
Readings Astrological Cause

1. General results of being born in Vishakha Nakshatra: 1. Physical Moon is under star 16-
features: Your face will be round, bright and physical appearance
extremely attractive. There has been noticed two types of physical
appearance i.e. one with fatty and long structure and the other with very
lean and short structure. 2. Character and general events: You will be
full of vigor and vitality and possess intelligence of the highest order. You
are a firm believer in God and lead a life of truthful existence. You do not
believe in the orthodox principles nor the age old tradition. You are fond
of adopting modern ideas. Mainly, you live away from your family. You
are overly generous when dealing with others. While you are very much
religiously active, you do not follow any superstitious religious fanaticism.
You treat all religions, castes and creed as one. You will follow a non-
violent approach to life and may become a renunciate in your mid-30s.
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: You are a very good orator
and has the capacity to attract a crowd. You will win several prizes in
elocution competition. Hence you will be the fittest person to be in the
political circle. There is a peculiar spending tendency. While on the one
side you are very careful spending, on the other side you may be
extravagant in spending where it is not required. You are fit for doing an
independent business, or a job involving high responsibility, banking and
religious professions, mathematician or a teacher or a printer. 4. Family
life: You may not enjoy love and affection from your mother, caused
mainly by seperation. . On the other hand, there may be several
beneficial points of your father with which you can always be proud of,
even though you will lead a very independent life.There may be
difference of opinion between your father and you that seem
unresolvable. It is due to these reasons from childhood that you become
a hardworking and self made person. You love your spouse and children
very much, although you may struggle with addiction to intoxication and
intimate relationsips outside of marriage.In spite of these weaknesses
they will not become a hindrance either in the family or in your social life.
5. Health: Your health will normally be very good. However, you may be
prone to paralytic attack after the age of 55 years. You may also be
prone to asthmatic attack.

1. Physical features: You will possess extremely attractive features. YouMoon is under star 16-
may face some problems due to your attractiveness, a lot of attention Visakha,
and the person is

from the opposite sex. 2. Character and general events: You will speak
in a sweet way. You will be very humble. You prefer not to inhance your
looks through artificial means. You are subject to the jealousy of others.
You are a firm believer of religious principles and quite often observe
fast and perform pujas and visit holy places frequently. 3. Education,
sources of earning/profession: You are interested in poetry. 4. Family
life: You treat your spouse with the upmost respect. Your religious
attitude will confer love and affection from your in- laws. As you looks
after the welfare of all family members and even distant relations, you will
have power and authority conferred on you. You will have more
attachment to your father- in-law. You may frequently be visiting sacred
places. 5. Health: She will generally have good health.

A cheerful and jovial character. More than one marriage is indicated. Mercury is under star 3-
Krttika, and Mercury is in star
Readings for Quora Daughter Page No. 2
Provided by: Anmohiey +919448527542
Printed on 06/04/2019 at 17:55:46
Readings Astrological Cause
You have a stout body, long life, wealthy and enjoys happiness from quarter # 2.
your children. You may renounce the world after 40 years of age.

A variation of "Daridra" Yoga is present in your chart. At times you willThe lord of the 5 conjoins the
experience some poverty or financial difficulties. This is a common andlord of the 6 or the lord of the
5 conjoins the lord of the 12 or
general combination that many people have, and it accounts for the the lord of the 5 conjoins the
general type of troubles that come and go in most of our lives. lord of the 8, and is not the
lord of the 5 is aspected by a
benefic, and is not the lord of
the 5 conjoins a benefic.
Affluent, devoted to your husband, splendorous and eloquent. Moon is in 7, and the person
is female.
4 is aspected by a malefic
At times, especially those ruled by the 4th lord, your feelings will be hurt,
and you will express this in various ways both in actions and verbally. planet
or a malefic planet is in

Brings a bad name, misery, trouble through brethren, gloomy, Venus is aspected by Saturn,
and Venus is in Gemini or
possessive; happier in later life. Venus is in Virgo.

Happiness, education, conveyances, lands, agriculture, etc., will thrive The lord of the 4 is in a kendra
well. You will dig wells and construct new houses. You will plant trees or the lord of the 4 is in a trine
or the lord of the 4 is is in itÕs
and your agriculture will flourish. mulatrikona or the lord of the 4
is exalted or the lord of the 4 is
in itÕs own sign, and the lord
of the 4 is considered Strong in
Shad Bala.
Indicates stepfather or stepmother. Living by forestry, capable but Saturn is aspected by Venus,
and Saturn is in Sagittarius or
sensuous. Saturn is in Pisces.

Intelligent, clever, a favorite of your superiors and wealthy. You engageMoon conjoins Jupiter, and
Moon is in 7.
in trade and commerce and rise to a high position.

Jupiter produces a spiritual atmosphere in the family whereby everyone Libra is in 7, and Jupiter is in
is harmoniously blended with each other. Small difficulties raised by 7.
siblings are soon overcome and life moves on quite peacefully. You and
your spouse are regarded as very respectable.

Slow and dull in every respect, depraved, dejected and discourteous. Saturn is in 9, and is not
Saturn conjoins a benefic, and
You get an authoritative post; maintains the archives for the common is not Saturn is aspected by a
men in 39th year. benefic.

The Ascendant lord, Venus or Jupiter are located in a Kendra, which The lord of the 1 is in a kendra
will bless your overall live to some degree. To have at least one good or Venus is in a kendra or
Jupiter is in a kendra.
angular placement is of advantage for material life in general. If all three
planets are in Kendras, then the Yoga would have an accordingly more
strong and powerful effect. Fortune, wealth and other material blessings
would be almost guaranteed throughout life.

The Moon in this sign will activate one's creativity but may cause both Libra is in 7, and Moon is in
marriage partners to build castles in the air. Enjoyment of the most basic7.
pleasures of life, though frustrating to your dormant spiritual instinct, will
become your way of life. Your spouse becomes the center of attention
and brings luck and good fortune.

The lord of the eleventh house of gains is well placed as it occupies the The lord of the 11 is in 4 or the
ninth, the fourth, or the eleventh house. The comforts of nice dwellings lord of the 11 is in 9 or the lord
of the 11 is in 11.
Readings for Quora Daughter Page No. 3
Provided by: Anmohiey +919448527542
Printed on 06/04/2019 at 17:55:46
Readings Astrological Cause
and fine vehicles shall be known to you in some way.

This Yoga is a sweet one because it involves the first house, which is The lord of the 1 is aspected
by the lord of the 9 or 1 is
your overall life, and your overall self, being blessed by the all-good ninth
aspected by the lord of the 9,
lord, who is connected to material and spiritual blessings, so this tends and the lord of the 9 is in a
both a good nature as a giving spiritual person, but also porsperity in kendra.
return for you, at least on a deep, inner level of spiritual satisfaction. This
is a blessed yoga, so be happy you have it.

A benefic is in 10 from Moon

This combination is of some advantage to your career and rise in life and
or a benefic is in 10.
your reputation.

This is called "Kahala" Yoga. The lord of the fourth is in a Kendra fromThe lord of the 4 is in a kendra
the Lord of the ninth and the Ascendant lord is strong. Depending on from the lord of the 9, and the
lord of the 1 is considered
various other factors in the chart, this will tend to give you a strong will,Strong in Shad Bala.
persistency and stubbornness at times. Strong angular placements in a
chart are a solid foundation and therefore good for succeeding in
material life.

Watch out for diseases associated with too much sexual activity. Your Venus is under star 6-Ardra,
and Venus is aspected by
familial relations may be strained. Saturn.

When Rahu occupies this sign, you may become depressive and Cancer is in 4, and Rahu is in
interested in the occult. You have trouble with your family and may be
denied your mother's affection.

You are an idealist, though an unhappy one, uninterested in life. Capricorn is in 10, and Ketu is
in 10.
Venus is under star 6-Ardra,
You are intelligent and attain a high education. You will have employees
and Venus is aspected by
or servants beneath you. Jupiter.

You are learned and rich. You will be a pillar of your community. Venus is under star 6-Ardra,
However, you may lose some money through your association with the and 3.
Venus is in star quarter #

opposite sex. You will be god fearing. You will observe religious rites in
an orthodox style. Suffers from blood disorder.

You are likely to have artistic inclinations or even pursue a career in art,Venus conjoins Saturn or
Saturn is in 12 from Venus or
especially if the involved planets are located in favourable houses. Venus is aspected by Saturn.

You are tactful and wise. Gives much importance to dress. Earns good The Sun is under star 4-Rohini,
profit out of cattle or horses. Does good services to the society. Possibleand
the Sun is in star quarter #

diseases are epilepsy, cerebral hemorrhage or headaches.

You can be a leader who is both powerful and competent. When Capricorn is in 10, and Mars
is in 10.
difficulties arise, leadership abilities actually sharpen. You make a
considerable contribution in leading society towards an ideal goal.

You may be controlled by your spouse, who also controls the money. Gemini is in 3, and Venus is in
Your prime interest in life is to enjoy the company of cultured people and
spend money frivolously on them.

You may be brought up by a person other than your own mother, will beSaturn is under star 20-
Purvashadha, and Saturn is
shouldering many responsibilities. aspected by Venus.
Readings for Quora Daughter Page No. 4
Provided by: Anmohiey +919448527542
Printed on 06/04/2019 at 17:55:46
Readings Astrological Cause
You may have a sibling who becomes wealthy abroad. The lord of the 7 is in 3, and
the lord of the 7 has at least
one beneficial placement
You may undergo troubles from debts, cuts and wounds. Saturn is considered Strong in
Shad Bala, and Mars is
considered Strong in Shad Bala.
You might feel misunderstood by relatives and friends- like an outcaste,The lord of the 4 conjoins a
malefic planet or the lord of the
often just due to misunderstandings. 4 is aspected by a malefic
planet or the lord of the 4 is in
the house of an enemy or the
lord of the 4 is in the house of
a great friend the house of a
great friend or the lord of the 4
You will acquire name and fame. The lord of the 1 is in 10, and
the lord of the 1 has at least
one beneficial placement
You will most likely enjoy good living conditions or nice homes. The lord of the 4 conjoins a
benefic, and the lord of the 4 is
in a kendra or the lord of the 4
is in a trine.
Your chart shows one of the famous "Pancha Mahapurusha" Yogas, "theMars is in a kendra or Mars is
five planetary combinations, that create great people". They arise, whenin a trine, and Mars is in itÕs
own sign or Mars is exalted,
Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter or Saturn occupies it's own or exaltation and Mars a benefic.
sign in the chart, while being in an an angular or trinal house. These are
very useful, but fairly frequently occuring yogas and they do not always
give the promised effects, as the involved planet needs to be strong,
well-placed and free from malefic aspects. In your case, it is Mars,
creating "Ruchaka Yoga", the "radiant combination". If the Yoga
manifests not only from the Ascendant, but additionally from the Moon
and the Sun Lagnas, then it will be accordingly more powerful. If Mars is
in it's exaltation sign, the dispositor needs to be strong, in order to
provide the results. A strong and well-aspected Mars will bestow the
good Mars qualities upon the person, and when the planet is in an angle,
the characteristics tend to also show on the physical level, as opposed to
planets situated in trinal houses, that tend to manifest more subtly. You
are determined, decisive, couragous, brave, ambitious, victorious in your
untertakings and protective. You might have an athletic body or be a
good athlete and be very sharpminded and dextrous with your hands.
Your approach to life generally tends to be passionate and agressive. If
Mars additionally is aspecting the Moon or the Ascendant, then the
above mentioned qualities are hightened. Depending on where the planet
is sitting, it expands it's effect to other areas in life. Mars in the seventh
house, for example, might give you a "martial" spouse. If Mars is too
dominating in the horoscope, It can also manifest it's violent or
dominating tendencies. "Ruchaka" Yoga is commonly found in the charts
of martial type people, military leaders, executives, politicians, lawyers
and scientists.
Readings for Quora Daughter Page No. 5
Provided by: Anmohiey +919448527542
Printed on 06/04/2019 at 17:55:46
Readings Astrological Cause

Your Signs
01-Aries in the Ascendant allows you to be fearless, ambitious, Aries is in 1.
courageous, and eager to take initiative. An idealist by nature, you
strongly want to contribute to society and you wish to change things.
Routine is not for you, you like originality and fresh beginnings, and you
want credit for your achievements. You create awe and radiate energy in
achieving your goals, which makes others uncomfortable. You will find
difficulties when dealing with men, education and expressing yourself. To
obtain your highest potential you need full freedom without restriction.
Your idealism may create some contradictions. Outwardly you will be
active, but inwardly lonely and frustrated. If you could be freed from
mundane entanglements, you could readily attain to divine planes due to
your goal-oriented and idealistic nature. Be careful of fire. You will be
interested in visiting foreign places, be miserly in disposition, emaciated,
not happy, jealous, stammering in speech, troubled by bilious and windy
diseases and complaints of heat, skillful in performance, timid, religious,
not very intelligent and will destroy others' wealth. You will be fickle-
minded, enjoy pleasures, famous, have bad nails, bereft of brothers, be
discarded by your father, have inactive (or unlucky) children, endowed
with various kinds of wealth, and be virtuous. Your spouse will belong to
a base family, be virtuous and be reproached. You will derive happiness
and wealth in undesirable manners. (This is a classical reading, somewhat
unchanged, and is ridiculously general if taken literally, so don't take it
literally. Look to the energies and tendencies indicated herein, not the
literal words).

02-Taurus in the Second House invariably attracts you to material Taurus is in 2.

wealth. You have a great thirst for acquiring precious things; though you
know the futility of material possessions, the lust for them remains
uncontrolled. You may speak in the language of spirituality, but only
when it aids in the achievement of your worldly goals.

03-Gemini in the Third House enables you to possess the best cars or Gemini is in 3.
other vehicles. You are fond of you family and have "the gift of gab." In
problems requiring legal intelligence, your advice can be of great
assistance. You are religious and understand the inner significance of
rituals.You are held in high esteem among family members and receives
honor from the state.

04-Cancer in the Fourth floods this house with its natural characteristics;Cancer is in 4.
happiness is generally assured under its influence. You have an intuitive
understanding of the finer forces of nature, and, if other planetary factors
agree, you may become a student of sacred wisdom. You will be
humble, popular, and accomplished in almost every way. In spite of your
material abundance you remain unattached to your possessions, for your
heart is concerned with deeper realities.

07-Libra occupying the Seventh house does not, as a rule, lead to a Libra is in 7.
happy married life. The conflict between materialism and the spiritual
quest upsets the composure and balance needed for a stable human
relationship. Idealism and the other conditions of life are at variance here,
giving rise to much mental strain. Almost invariably, individuals with Libra
Readings for Quora Daughter Page No. 6
Provided by: Anmohiey +919448527542
Printed on 06/04/2019 at 17:55:46
Readings Astrological Cause
in the Seventh are maritally unhappy.

09-Under the influence of Sagittarius, you are prepared to take the Sagittarius is in 9.
plunge into spiritual exploration, but material proclivities will always pull
you back. Knowledge of the occult will be held as a reality, and you will
be vitally interested in observing traditional religious practices. Many
experiences will bring you face to face with esoteric realities, but the
sacrifice needed to undertake the arduous task of spiritual discovery will
be missing. You will be a great traveler and explorer.

10-Capricorn in the Tenth house produces a powerful individual with a Capricorn is in 10.
purpose in life. You will have a direction to follow. You dislike
inefficiency; your life is matter-of-fact and you do not appreciate anyone
whose outlook is circuitous or indirect. You are generally a god-fearing
person, believing in an unseen hand guiding your life, though in actual
practice you may not always be able to meet your own expectations.

Courageous, wealthy, the head of your family, and of fixed Moon conjoins Jupiter.
determination. You are intelligent and have the company of good people.
Also, you do good for them and give due respect to your family and
friends. You friendship is fast and you are gentle and courteous.

Good luck at the money-lending business. Moon is in Taurus or Moon is

in Libra.

Much movable property, gain and success through partnership, morose Moon is in Libra.
and irritated for nothing, soft-spoken, courteous and warm-hearted,
success in love and marriage, balanced and artistic if Mercury is in good
aspect. Much traveling. Elevated nose, humble looking face, thin body,
many partners, abundant properties, valorous, skillful, will honor divinity
and saintly persons, wealthy in various ways, conquered by the opposite
sex, will be easily swayed from decisions, helpful to relatives.

One of the stars over your ascendant or Moon brings the following The ascendent is under star 2-
Bharani or Moon is under star
characteristics: Character and general events: You are generally not 2-Bharani.
well-liked, in spite of the fact that you are pure hearted and do not harm
anyone. When you want to express your opinion in any matter you are
just not bothered about the sentiment of others. You will not like to get
anything for yourself by buttering. Come what may, you are not ready to
work against your consciousness whether you are, according to others,
right or wrong. Due to this attitude you have to face a lot of resistance
and failures. You won't hesitate to spoil the relationship even with near
and dear ones on small matters. But when you are convinced of your
fault, you will completely forget your enmity and start reciprocating
sincerely. Tactful behavior is alien to you. You are far away from a state
of obedience. Arrogance quite often leads to miseries. Subordination is
equal to death for you. When you have to bow to others, you become
pensive. Advice and encouragement have no room in your mind. You
will generally be having a good all around education and you have the
capacity to go deep into any matter. You will shine well in public life.
You tend to face criticism and loss of wealth. You like to command
others and will always be eager to establish supremacy. You cannot
Readings for Quora Daughter Page No. 7
Provided by: Anmohiey +919448527542
Printed on 06/04/2019 at 17:55:46
Readings Astrological Cause
march forward without hurdles and will have to face stiff competition,
and in the long run will quite often have to face failure. To others, you
may appear to be arrogant, but the truth is that you are pure hearted.
Life is full of ups and downs. It is advisable that you not get involved in
unnecessary arguments or competition. You will fight for certain
principles which will ultimately lead to trouble. You are fond of spreading
rumors and wasting time by humors. There will not be any good or bad
periods for long time. In short you have to face a life of good and bad
always. You are quite capable of looking after others but you need some
one to look after you. Ultimately friends turn against you. You cannot
establish permanent relationships with any one. There is never a
permanent good or bad time. After 33 years there will be a positive
change in your surroundings, in life, and in livelihood. You are fit for any
type of work, particularly in administrative job, business, agriculture and
small scale industries. You may make money through sports, music, art
advertisement, automobile, restaurants or you can also be a good
surgeon or judge. You can be successful in the business of tobacco items
or cultivation of tobacco. You will attain success in all undertakings
provided you establish or start any activity by proceeding to the eastern
direction first and also if possible the place of activity or business may
also be in the eastern side or eastern direction from your house.
Marriage comes around 27 years of of age. You are fortunate in
conjugal bliss. Your spouse will be expert in household administration
and well-behaved. Your spouse must save money for a rainy day, as you
may make some impulsive purchases, whether there is money left for
other purposes or not. You love your family and dislike being away from
family members even for a day. While you do not take care of your
health, there won't be any serious health problem. Main possible
diseases are dental problem, diabetes and bodily pain, high fever,
apoplexy. Normally, you are a very poor eater. You believe in the
principle of 'eating to live', not 'living to eat '. You are afraid of water and
you should be careful while traveling through water, bathing in rivers,
ocean and ponds. Injury in the forehead and just around the eyes. Since
you may be a chain smokers, you have to be careful about your lungs.

One of the stars over your ascendant or Moon brings the following The ascendent is under star 2-
characteristics for you specifically as a women: you will have a very Bharani or Moon is under star
2-Bharani, and the person is
beautiful figure. White teeth but perhaps not in proper arrangement. Youfemale.
will possess a clean, admirable and modest character. You respect
parents and elderly persons, but you do not relish suggestions from
others and act according to your own sweet will. You are bold and
impulsive and over optimistic. You will earn your own livelihood and will
be successful as a receptionist, guide or sales woman. You will not wait
for opportunities to come but will go out and create opportunity to fulfill
your desire. You may earn through sports activities. Marriage comes
around the 23rd year. You will have an upper hand in all matters and will
behave like a commander. While you will enjoy full confidence, love and
satisfaction from your husband, you are quite often troubled by in-laws.
You always speak high of your own family. You will obey only such a
man whom you can admire. In case you marry a simple man, who is
lowly placed in life, you will over power and subdue him in all walks of
life. As you are a little aggressive, your married partner should have
patience and deal with you tactfully for avoiding daily friction in life. Your
health will be good. You may have frequent menstrual problems, uterus
Readings for Quora Daughter Page No. 8
Provided by: Anmohiey +919448527542
Printed on 06/04/2019 at 17:55:46
Readings Astrological Cause
disorders, anemia.

This bodes well for the general well being of your mother. Moon conjoins a benefic.

When the Moon is in this placement the intellect is sharpened and the Moon is in Aquarius or Moon
is in Gemini or Moon is in
mind becomes inquisitive and is drawn to creative pursuits. If not Libra.
aspected by a benevolent planet, it brings nervousness, anxiety,
restlessness and a lack of focus. But the restlessness may not always be
negative in that it may make you search and go deeply into something,
resulting in accomplishment.

You are passionate, possessing an attractive spouse from whom you Moon is in 7.
acquire much wealth. Gain from voyaging, trade, speculation; water
products; partnership. On land, from grocery shop, milk and milk
products, chemist shop, hotel industry; commission agent and insurance
agent. Avoid litigation, as Moon in the 7th house causes trouble and loss
through it. You marry a devoted spouse who is also very healthy. Such a
spouse alone can give full sexual pleasure. Gain from sale and purchase,
roving on land or foreign trade abroad. You enjoy tasty food; sensual;
thin and lean; vanquished by the enemy. The 7th house denotes
marriage, partnership and enemies etc. You are handsome, healthy,
wealthy and wise; famous; kind; always traveling, itinerant; dominated by
spouse; debauch. Exalted, full Moon gives a beautiful & charming
spouse; tand you yourself is wealthy and handsome. If this Moon is in
depression, aspected or associated with a malefic, you know no peace
or happiness in life. Squint; marriage after 32 with an unchaste person,
arms attack; sweet and soft-spoken; palatial home; two marriages, if the
lord is strong. Exalted full Moon, or of its own sign will give one
marriage and contented with spouse only. You will be amiable, happy,
will possess a good physique and be sensuously disposed. If the weak
Moon be so posited, you will be pitiable and sick. Notes: If the Moon is
in the 7th one will be happy spouse, will earn wealth in business in
foreign places, will enjoy food, will sexually enjoy many partners, will be
very sensuous and be liberal. There is difference of opinion among the
various authors inasmuch as some say there will be wealth with this
placement while yet others say this position will cause poverty. It
obviously depends on the state and lordship of the Moon.

The Sun is in 2, and the Sun
Defect of the eyes or problems in the mouth. Will have long illnesses and
conjoins a malefic planet.
an incomplete education.

The Sun is in Taurus.

Eyes and looks defective, tolerant, tactful, wise, jealous, affluent, fond of
music, danger from water. Firm, patient and obstinate. This placement
indicates that you will have troubles from disease of face and eyes, will
endure difficulties, will have an emaciated body, will not have many sons,
will be beautiful ( also means fortunate, nice, handsome etc.), will
possess decorum, be wise, will be jealous of those with no children, be
endowed with eatables, clothes and scents, will have knowledge of
singing, playing musical instruments and dancing and will face risk from
Readings for Quora Daughter Page No. 9
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Printed on 06/04/2019 at 17:55:47
Readings Astrological Cause
Spiritual opportunities fail to arise for you, but you are provided with Taurus is in 2, and the Sun is
in 2.
material affluence, renown, and honorable status-these things do not
satisfy the cravings of your heart.

You cannot make much money or you will spend away your earnings. The Sun is in Taurus, and
Aries is in 1.

Mars produces fiery enthusiasm in the Tenth house. Energizing the astro- Mars is in 10.
mental component of the human personality, it will make you an idealist
who is ready to sacrifice your life for a cause. Such an individual can
wage war ruthlessly if you considers it necessary; you can abandon your
dearest kith and kin, provided you does so for a cause; and you can be
a passionate lover when the fire is enkindled in your heart. Generally,
Mars will make you courageous, devoted, respectful and ambitious. You
may be a fine engineer, doctor or organizer, and a fiery speaker. In all
social interactions you will play the role of leader, and you will be more
interested in action than in debate or negotiation. Bold, merciless,
residing far from the birth place; wicked, living with low people.
Extravagant and vicious. Unworthy sons. You are impulsive; feelings and
emotions over-rule the rational mind, dominated by the passionate or
forceful side of nature. Trouble through ambition, independence,
domination and aggressiveness. Defamation, whether deserved or not.
Death of parents or discord with them. You are full of courage, energy,
enterprise, force; but will gain from service corresponding to the nature
of Mars than own business. If Mars in the 10th house, If feminine signs
rise in the lagna of this person, promotion after hard labor and personal
efforts. Masculine signs, rising in the lagna of this person, will cause wind
falls. This Mars in the 10th house is Maraka to maternal uncle. Mars in
Tenth House You, who hasn't got Mars in the 10th house, has also no
chance to celebrate marriages and other auspicious occasions in your
family. Your jobs without much effort are spontaneously finalized. You
has plenty of attendants. Even if born in a low family, you attains lion-like
success-uncrowned king and popular leader of the populace under the
benefic influence of this Mars. You with Mars in the 10th house gets
wealth from the royal court, relatives, agriculture and friends. Continued
success. Valiant, self made, Auspicious celebrations are frequently held.
Prosperous, contented, glorious, generous, philanthropic, enthusiastic,
pleasure loving and cruel. This person is influential, renowned, wealthy,
gallant. If Mars in the 10th house, Longevity to brother. Gain in 18th
year from business, royal favor or own efforts.

You show courage and a spirit of adventure; interest in heroic actions, Mars is in Capricorn.
high hopes, great efforts, good management, position, authority and
success. Slow to learn but intuitive, interest in commerce and science.
Gains through marriage. (If afflicted indicates many difficulties and strife
with superiors. Unlucky for parents.) Wealthy, fortunate, endowed with
happiness and pleasures, nice demeanor, famous, leadership abilities are
good, has a good spouse, successful in combat or competition, lives in
her own country, independent, a protector, virtuous, interested in
learning detailed procedures for carrying things out.
Readings for Quora Daughter Page No. 10
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Readings Astrological Cause

02-Mercy in the Second House bestows learning, command of Mercury is in 2.
language, sweetness of tongue, and honorable surroundings and
relations. Often it happens that lost wealth is gained again under the
impact of Mercury; the wealth is regained by your own efforts and often
as a result of your learning and educational abilities. You speak cleverly
and skillfully and may take up the profession as a writer, businessman,
principal, professors, or director of a company. Good for gaining wealth
in general, promotes conjugal pleasure, eloquent, critic of books, smart,
good learning in the early part of life. Gain by letters (college degrees),
writings, lecturing, traveling, clerical jobs, commission agent, small
commercial transactions; advertising, stationery orders and supply,
books etc. Through jobs corresponding to the nature of the planet in
good aspect or sign occupied.

A lot of education is indicated. Mercury is in 2, and Mercury

conjoins a benefic or Mercury
is aspected by a benefic.
Your intellect is full of happiness and cheer, but you may be too Mercury is in Taurus.
when it comes to love, finding yourself attracted to more than one
person. You like to use your intelligence to actually achieve worldly
happiness in life. Your motto is that prosperity flows from good thinking.

Your physical surroundings will be comfortable and you will have a high Taurus is in 2, and Mercury is
in 2.
social status, yet you are not considered happy. Your health will be
weak and you may travel frequently in connection with your work. Your
wealth and property will not be commensurate with the amount of effort
you expend. Above all you will find it difficult to accumulate property.
Hostility and possible litigation frequently pester you.

You are respectable, wealthy, educated and virtuous. Marital happiness Jupiter is in 7.
will probably be there for you. Fidelity depends on aspects from other
planets. Your spouse will be deeply devoted to you. Jupiter in the 7th
house--brings chance of serious danger in the 21st year.

You will be a happy person in the overall sense. Jupiter is in a kendra or Jupiter
is in a trine, and Jupiter
conjoins the lord of the 4.
You will be a good friend, modest, respectful to relatives, wealthy, Jupiter conjoins Moon.
virtuous, some regard for Divinity and wise persons. You will tend to
have daughtersand be intelligent and helpful to others.

Your Jupiter gives you a cultured and polished taste, and makes you Jupiter is in Libra.
generous and helpful. You might gain through the opposite sex, those in
authority, and the highly enlightened. You get trouble through unfaithful
Readings for Quora Daughter Page No. 11
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Printed on 06/04/2019 at 17:55:47
Readings Astrological Cause

03-Venus in the Third House causes you to be overly materialistic. YourVenus is in 3.
Venus in the 3rd house makes you very attracted to the finer material
enjoyments in life. You will have the ability to express things eloquently,
though your inner feelings may not be able to come out through your
speech. Watch for throat troubles, especially in Venus ruled periods.
Regarding your marriage(s), there is a tendency to have various
problems, such as delays, struggles, more than one marriage, marrying a
previously married person, separation, economic troubles after
separation etc. You like older spouses.You may have a marriage later in
life after the first marriage ends somehow. Members of the opposite
gender are apprehensive towards you. You gain while traveling even for
pleasure, and you have favorable relatives from whom you also gain.
You like correspondence and dignified social affairs. You may not have
so much intimacy with ladies, but may rather see them as friends instead
of intimates. You like your relatives and friends much, and you support
some dependents. You don't so much like to donate to religious circles,
and sometimes in battles you shrink away from the challenge. Your
Venus makes you somewhat fascinated and overpowered by the
spouse. Surrounded by relatives, friends and sisters or men-friends or
associates. Enthusiastic and successful at business, though sometimes too
sharp and cunning. Careful speaker, well-groomed, recognized by
government and dignified. Developed tastes regarding fine arts and
aesthetic matters. A mature mind, bright, optimistic, peaceful, balanced
and productive.

Your Venus, being in Gemini, gives name and fame through science, art, Venus is in Gemini.
literature, composition of poetry and drama; intuitive, ingenious,
humorous, income through varied sources, conducive to mental growth.
Amicable and friendly. Unfaithful in love affairs; more than one link.

Your desires are "out of this world" or in other words, are shaped by Venus is in 3, and Venus is in
thoughts and ideals more than practicalities. In choosing a spouse, you Gemini or Venus is in Libra or
Venus is in Aquarius.
are very careful and thoughtful on the matter, and may regret the choice
later due to a lack of worldly beauty in the partner. The hearing ability
may fade away later in life.

Fond of learning, knowledge, study and research. Interest in domestic Saturn is in Sagittarius.
life, generous, helpful, bold, capacity to predict through intuition and
insight. Religious, blessed with talented children, affluence with age,
reputed, quiet, courageous, gain through securities and investments.

Saturn stifles every avenue of material enjoyment and sensual Saturn is in 9.

gratification and leaves you disenchanted with the pleasure-providing
potential of the physical world. It may also render you indigent,
humiliated, diseased, or morally "fallen," but through these experiences
Saturn guides you to that realm of consciousness where only the truth,
the basic reality, exists. The experiences through which this final glory is
perceived are very disorienting, but the bridge, once crossed, leads to
enduring peace and harmony. Special case of Saturn Raja Yoga, general
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Readings Astrological Cause
prosperity on the 9th house, but the father is adversely affected. You are
mentally seasoned; averse to lust and sensuality. By disposition and
practice, you are not unpleasant to others; rather, are gentle, attractive
and lovely. Fond of yogic philosophy and follow it. Grief and sorrow
through friends and relatives in misery. Dutiful to pull them out of their
lot; or renounces this world in the quest for supreme spirit. You suffer
pain and sorrow through friends and relatives. Ready for pilgrimage to
control sensuousness. Distributes alms. Pure of mind and straight
forward. In old age detached from the worldly affairs and turns to yogic
practices to attain salvation. You are pious and virtuous; and may have
some physical deformity; imperfect. Handsome. You are prosperous,
soft, happy and generous. Blessed with sons, weak and perverse.
Vicious, unfortunate, poor, irreligious; absence of children and parents;
reflective; subjugates the enemy. Cruel and debauch. Trouble creator.
Imprisonment to friends. Conceited, passionate, sick, cheat not sparing
own father, sensual, loss of power leaving you sick and infirm You are
noble, distrust both the father and God. Unfortunate but religious.
Chances of poverty, loss of respect, strife with father, brothers and
sisters. Separation is favorable. Love marriage with persons or
foreigners. Good education. Favorable for teachers and lawyers.
Sometimes good for independent business and stepmother.

This placement confers overall strength or protection to your life. Saturn is in 3 or Saturn is in 9.

Sagittarius is in 9, and
Your spiritual quest will begin with a bang. You will have to suffer many Saturn
is in 9.
physical hardships and will receive serious professional setbacks.
Socially you will be cut off from friends and associates. In this deep
turmoil, your mind will begin to ponder over the problems of life.

A Raja Yoga. Much traveling with a lot of surprises. Bold. Rahu is in 4, and Rahu is in
Aries or Rahu is in Taurus or
Rahu is in Gemini or Rahu is in
Cancer or Rahu is in Virgo.
Because of the sign it's in here, some of the negative Rahu readings ( Rahu is in 4, and Rahu is in
Aries or Rahu is in Cancer or
contained in this section) get modified for the better. You gain happiness
Rahu is in Gemini or Rahu is in
through your mother; stability of mind; and favor of the government. Virgo.

Honor from the government. Rahu is in 4, and Rahu is in

Taurus or Rahu is in Gemini or
Rahu is in Virgo or Rahu is in
Cancer or Rahu is in Aries.
Recognition and affluence are helped by this Rahu palcement. Rahu is in 10 or Rahu is in 11
or Rahu is in 4 or Rahu is in 5.

When Rahu is in this house, you are not quite so unlucky. Almost Rahu is in 4.
everything in your immediate environment is the result of past karmic
forces which nothing can stave off, and such forces may bring conditions
that test your mettle. You suffer separation from your mother, siblings
may turn against you even when you are helpful to them, and you may
not receive your due in your profession. Nevertheless, your affluence,
penchant for spiritual study and general persistence, along with insight
into the workings of nature, may in time produce wealth, and you may
win an enviable status in life and a reputation which outlasts you. In the
end, you will certainly achieve your desires. Rahu in the 4th gives rise to
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Readings Astrological Cause
Raja Yoga during Rahu ruled periods, sub periods, etc. This means there
will be a tendency towards things going well. Rahu in the 4th makes the
mother long-lived. You will find little happiness and may feel foolish at
times. You may find yourself living in foreign land without a well-wisher,
separated from the community, living a lonely life in a solitary place.
There may be few, if any, children, and you may have trouble with the
opposite sex or association with the low and wicked people. You may
be a back-biter, an only child, and have a thin and lean spouse. There
may be trouble and loss to the parents and relatives. Haughty, insolent.
Mother suffers from excess bile. Enemy of own people, sexy, inert, bold.
You may be prosperous; have two spouses, employees or yourself in
service. Your mother may be ailing; or have mental agony. You yourself
may suffer from psychic problems. Good luck during 36 to 56. Gain
through property-sudden and unexpected. Inventive. Gentle, trustworthy
and long-living. Geologist. Illegitimate off-spring.

You are a mover and a shaker, as the saying goes. With interest in manyRahu is in Cancer, and Ketu is
cultured things, you employ good stabilizing philosophy combined withinaCapricorn.
strong drive to achieve good success ultimately. Along the way you gain
many friends and strong family ties.

You will be famous but have difficulty accumulating wealth. There mayRahu is under star 8-Pushya,
be disharmony in married life. Parents longevity is doubtful. You may and Rahu is in star quarter # 4.
suffer from lung problems, weak eyes or breathing trouble.

Deep mental depression due mainly to your daughters. Ketu is under star 22-Shravan,
and Ketu is in star quarter # 2.

Ketu is our critical faculty, seeking self-knowledge and self-importance,Ketu is in 10.

in exchange for which it receives humiliation in the short run, followed by
enduring recognition and respectability. In the Tenth house, its impulse
often causes you to be maladjusted to society. However, your respect
for others depend on the real worth of a person, based on inherent
qualities. Since society in general favors the external forms of behavior
and the recognition of traditional values--despite any spiritual
contradictions between the hidden and the visible you may find most
social interactions to be based on hypocrisy. Much animosity and
resentment will be leveled against you, even though you will be
considered quite intelligent, with a very fertile brain, having original ideas
on almost all subjects. You will be religious in the true spiritual sense of
the term. Your knowledge of scriptures will be profound and authentic,
and your understanding of their esoteric implications and meanings will
be extraordinary. You may feel unfortunate and miserable. Danger of
falling from horse back or other conveyance etc. Fond of playing musical
instruments and black objects. Opposes all good activities, vicious.
Impressive, reputed and gallant. Trouble through thieves. Loss of
reputation through fraud, treachery and unfavorable public and market
conditions, failures, changes or depressions. Indicates trouble for the
father or you yourself are unattractive. Danger from horse, cow or bull
etc. You may suffer from diseases of the rectum, lowly habits and deeds,
adulterous. No gain or support through parents.
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Readings Astrological Cause
Oppositions in life are generally overcome. Ketu is in 10, and Taurus is in
1 or Aries is in 1 or Scorpio is
in 1.

Yogas-Special Combinations
"Satkalatra" Yoga is found in this chart. You are attracted to noble and The lord of the 7 conjoins
Jupiter or the lord of the 7 is
virtuous partners of fine character and attractive apearanc, and your aspected by Jupiter or Venus
spouse will probably be one such person. In other words, this conjoins Jupiter or Venus is
combination tends to bless you with a desirable partner who's in love aspected by Jupiter, and
with you and committed to you. Jupiter a benefic.

Satkalatra Yoga is found in this chart. You are attracted to noble and The lord of the 7 conjoins
virtuous partners and your spouse will probably be one such person. Jupiter or the lord of the 7
conjoins Mercury or the lord
Nobility of character is a precious commodity not easily to be found in of the 7 is aspected by Jupiter
the majority of people. Your spouse will probably be morally strict, god-or the lord of the 7 is aspected
conscious, and in love with you. by Mercury or Venus conjoins
Mercury or Venus conjoins
Jupiter or Venus is aspected
by Mercury or Venus is
aspected by Jupiter.

First Family
Danger to the father. Saturn is in 9, and is not
Saturn is exalted, and is not
Saturn is in itÕs own sign.
This placement is not good for the father or your relationship with her The Sun conjoins a malefic
depending on other factors in the chart.

You may be the only child if you are not, you may have a wealthy The lord of the 3 is in 2, and
the lord of the 3 has at least
younger sibling. Although the sibling may be mischeivious and cause one beneficial placement
quarrel within the family. attribute.

Your mother may become a widow. Mars is in 4 or Rahu is in 4.

A benefic is in a kendra.
Your overall health and well-being is helped and increased. This kind of
general, positive placement removes other negative forces in your chart.

Ability in astrology is indicated. Mercury is in 2, and the Sun is
in 2.

Expert at making artificial creations. You are cheerful and optimistic. Venus is aspected by Jupiter,
You gain through educational activities, publication or correspondence.and Venus is in Gemini or
Venus is in Virgo.

Grants good fortune in the 36th year. Starts livelihood at 20; of status, atSaturn is in 9, and Saturn is in
Aries or Saturn is in Gemini or
27. Growth of inherited wealth. Saturn is in Cancer or Saturn is
in Leo or Saturn is in Scorpio
or Saturn is in Sagittarius or
Saturn is in Pisces.
This placement does not help in accumulation of wealth. You like to The Sun is in 2, and the Sun is
in Taurus or the Sun is in Virgo
work independently and do not like serving under others. Lawyers and or the Sun is in Capricorn.
doctors find this placement to their advantage. Astrologers however
suffer contrarily as it can decrease their popularity due to being too harsh
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Printed on 06/04/2019 at 17:55:47
Readings Astrological Cause
in speech.

You become well-versed in astrology. The Sun is in 2, and the Sun

conjoins Mercury.
The lord of the 5 is in 2, and
You may earn your livlihood in services to the church or temple. You will
have difficulty acquiring wealth and may struggle. You may experiencethe lord of the 5 has at least
one negative placement
quarrelsome times. attribute.

You will be involved in business. The lord of the 10 conjoins the

lord of the 11.

You will earn wealth through your preceptor, father, charitable deeds, The lord of the 11 is in 9, and
the lord of the 11 has at least
etc. one beneficial placement
The lord of the 5 is in 2, and
You will have a large family, be intelligent, and will know astrology. You
will be good in the art of prediction. You will enjoy good food. Your the lord of the 5 has at least
one beneficial placement
spouse will be affectionate. You will make money through God's grace attribute.
and through your connections with people

Venus conjoins Mercury or
Wealth will improve in the periods of Venus whereas that will not be the
Venus conjoins Jupiter or
case in the periods of Jupiter. Venus is aspected by Mercury
or Venus is aspected by
Your wealth and other forms of gain are improved. If there is an elder 11 has at least one beneficial
placement attribute.
sibling, they may be very successful and be of help to you.

These are spiritually inclined persons, with good luck in business, and The lord of the 9 is in 7.
good fortune in dealing with foreigners. They get a righteous mate and
have most of their desires in life fulfilled. They are born in a high family.
If the lord of the 9th house be placed in the seventh house, her father will
go to foreign countries. The person may do meritorious deeds in foreign
country. Her preceptor may also live in foreign country.

You father will be a good person, charitable, and performer of good 9 has at least one beneficial
placement attribute.
deeds, she will also be dedicated to those wiser than herself.

Other Fortunes
Because you have the strongly beneficial Jupiter in either a trine or angleJupiter is in a trine or Jupiter is
house, there is cancellation of all evils indicated in the chart. This meansin a kendra.
that, when bad things come in the life, they will also automatically
dissipate in strength, and the outcome will not be so bad. You are
protected by divine grace and past good karma.

Good life in general, wealth, intelligence. The lord of the 1 is in a kendra.

Will be endowed with good fortune. Jupiter is in 7, and Moon is in

Readings for Quora Daughter Page No. 16
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Printed on 06/04/2019 at 17:55:47
Readings Astrological Cause

There is an indication of decreased life span. 8 has at least one negative
placement attribute.

Your health and longevity gets a positive push. 8 has at least one beneficial
placement attribute.

Astrological Points
Good conditions will prevail in the periods of the 11th lord, good and The lord of the 10 conjoins the
lord of the 11 or the lord of the
bad results will be equal during the periods of the 10th lord. You will 10 is aspected by the lord of
not much enjoy recognition or prosperity in the sub-period of the 11th the 11 or the lord of the 11 is
lord. aspected by the lord of the 10.

Mercury will give favorable results during her periods. The Sun conjoins Mercury or
the Sun is aspected by
Mercury or Mercury is
aspected by the Sun.

Other General Readings

Laziness, coveting of other's wealth, engaging in harmful work for The lord of the 3 is in 2.
monetary gain are described in ancient texts for this combination. Money
may be made by correspondence or phone services. If the lord of the
third house be in the 2nd house her brother may die or her mother may
become ill during this period.

There may be frequent quarrels in the family. You may lose your moneyThe lord of the 6 is in 2, and
through thieves. There may be eye troubles. You may suffer from dentalthe lord of the 6 has at least
one beneficial placement
problems and or speech problems. attribute.

With this placement you will find more happiness in the middle part of The lord of the 1 is in a kendra
or Jupiter is in a kendra.

You will be very lucky, and lead a happy life. You or your father-in-lawThe lord of the 4 is in 7, and
the lord of the 4 has at least
will possess much real estate. one beneficial placement
Your children may become very wealthy and fortunate. You will be veryThe lord of the 5 has at least
powerful, do well and will be a friend of highly paced people. You are one beneficial placement
intelligent and educated. You will have many people who listen to your

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