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Prepared by

Edon, Eduard
Abastillas, Mary Jasmine
Alejandro, Trishia
Devibar, Noylyn

Submitted to

Ma’am Felicidad Elamparo

(Earth and Life Science Teacher)
Objectives: To know what can you contribute to the environment even you’re just
a student. To help the environment we need not do any great things but follow
these simple and small things that matters a lot.
In our daily life, we come across lots of small ways through which we can help to
save the natural resources.
Here are the 12 Principles for us to help our environment even in just a simple
ways. This 12 principles are the beginning for a healthier planet because Protecting
our Planet starts with you.

1. Reduce, reuse, and recycle

Cut down on what you throw away. Follow the three "R's" to conserve
natural resources and landfill space.
2. Volunteer
Volunteer for cleanups in your community. You can get involved in
protecting your watershed too.
3. Educate
When you further your own education, you can help others understand the
importance and value of our natural resources.
4. Conserve water.
The less water you use, the less runoff and wastewater that eventually end
up in the ocean. Don't send chemicals into our waterways. Choose non-
toxic chemicals in the home and office and you better install solar panels as
an alternative source of electricity.
5. Switch careers and get a green job.
Let’s pay attention not only in the in demand courses nowadays, let’s
consider the courses like Environmentalist, forestry, Botanist and many
6. Shop wisely
Buy less plastic and bring a reusable shopping bag.
7. Use long-lasting light bulbs
Energy efficient light bulbs reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Also flip the
light switch
off when you leave the room, this way you can save electricity and help our
environment at the same time.
8. Plant a tree.
Trees provide food and oxygen. They help save energy, clean the air, and
help combat climate change.
9. Bike more. Drive less
In this way you can help to reduce the carbon footprint. due to carbon
emissions include extreme heat during summers, extreme cold in winter,
changes in monsoon, changes in temperature on the ground, rising sea level,
melting of glaciers, untimely rains, droughts and floods.
10.Save your trash from landfills and start cultivating a compost
You can make this as an organic fertilizer on your garden, in this way you
can make sure that they are more healthier than the ordinary vegetable and
11.Eat less meat and avoid activities that can trigger the carbon footprints.
according to the study giving up beef will reduce carbon footprint more
than cars, as well know pollution is one of the problem here in the
Philippine, it can be a cause of different types of diseases like lung cancer,
respiratory infection, ischaemic heart disease and many more.
12.Use a Reusable Beverage Containers
Instead of buying individually-packaged drinks, consider buying a bulk
container of the beverage you want and buying a reusable water bottle. Not
only will this help the environment, but it will also help you save money
since you are buying a bulk container.

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