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Mulch is a protective cover placed over the soil, primarily to modify the effects of the

local climate. A wide variety of natural and synthetic materials are used.

Mulch is used for various purposes:

 to adjust soil temperature by helping soil retain more heat in spring and fall, and
by keeping soil cool and evening out temperature swings during hot and variable
summer conditions
 to control weeds by blocking the sunlight necessary for germination
 to retain water by slowing evaporation
 to add organic matter and nutrients to the soil through the gradual breakdown of
the mulch material
 to repel insects
 to incrementally improve growing conditions by reflecting sunlight upwards to
the plants
 for erosion control - protects soil from rain and preserves moisture
 for sediment control - slows runoff velocity

A variety of materials are used as mulch:

 organic residues - grass clippings, leaves, hay, straw, sawdust, wood chips,
shredded newspaper, cardboard, wool, etc. Many of these materials also act as a
direct composting system. There are many differing opinions on what to use.
 compost - This relies on fully composted material, where potential weed seed has
been eliminated, or else the mulch will actually produce weed cover.
 Plastic mulch - Crops grow through slits or holes in thin plastic sheeting. This
method is predominant in large-scale vegetable growing, with millions of acres
cultivated under plastic mulch worldwide each year (disposal of plastic mulch is
cited as an environmental problem).
 rock and gravel can also be used a mulch. In northern climates the heat retained
by rocks will extend the growing season.

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