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Reflection about RH Bill & The Rizal Law

A law, as defined by Wikipedia, is a system of rules that are created and enforced through
social or governmental institutions to regulate behavior. A bill is a proposed legislation under
consideration by a legislature. A bill does not become law until it is passed by the legislature and,
in most cases, approved by the executive. In the past, The Catholic Church has shaped our system
not only, socially but politically as well. It gave strong opposing side and that made a hard time to
its contrary. Take in for example, The Rizal Law and the RH Bill whom, The Catholic Church was
the opposition between the two cases. In the process of making the Rizal Law, it was first a bill
and the catholic church had a strong case for not making it a law. They stated that mandating the
students to read Rizal’s novels, “Noli me Tangere” and “El Filibusterismo” would violate the
freedom of conscience and religion. To further strengthen their case, they urged their supporters
to write to their congressmen and senators to show their opposition to the bill. They also organize
symposiums to condemn the approval of the Rizal bill. Also, there are many prominent people and
organizations that opposed to the Rizal Bill. It came to an agreement that the expurgate versions
of Rizal’s Novel would be used and that only the college students would have the option to read
the unexpurgated versions of the novels. Comparing it to the RH Bill, In the administration of
Benigno Aquino, The aim of the RH Bill was to provide free information and health care services
to Filipinos to enable them to plan their families to the size they want. The Church gave their
opposing side stating, that “contraception is corruption” and the RH bill “anti-life”. Also just like
in the making of the Rizal law, the Catholic Church has ordered priests throughout the nation to
constantly protest against the reform. They further strengthened case through urging their
supporters such as, politicians who profess to be devoted Catholics in attempt to block the bill.

In reflection, The Catholic Church is influential towards their opinions concerning the
society. It is like a second government for us. They possibly be right at times, but not always. At
the end of the day, it is up to us in making the decision and that we have different perceptions
about topics concerning the society. Moreover, the power of voicing out your opinion, and the
power of influence is super critical in making a decision, it must be used in the right way. It is
important to take in for consideration the factors that contributes to the cause. Just like in RH Bill,
wherein they make the bill because of the overpopulation of the country and that family planning
is important.

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