Mechanicalproperties Ofpolymermatrixcomposites-Suhasini

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Overview of mechanical

properties of polymer‐matrix
Dr. Suhasini Gururaja
Assistant Professor
Aerospace Engineering, IISc, Bangalore
(Parts of the material for this presentation has been borrowed from lecture notes of Prof. K. Lin
and Dr. Patrick Stickler at University of Washington, Seattle. Some figures have been reproduced
from open literature and used here for purely pedagogical purposes.)

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 1
 Composite materials as a scientific/engineering discipline is
approximately 60 years old.
 Composites have been useful for thousands of years
◦ Animal hair was added to pottery to improve strength
◦ Straw-reinforced clay was used to make bricks (Exodus
◦ Bitumen was embedded with papyrus reeds to build boats
◦ Achilles’s shield was a composite laminate design (Homer’s
Illiad, xviii: 468-480)
 Composite materials found in nature*:
◦ Wood: cellulose fibers in a lignin mating
◦ Bone: Collagen fibers in an apatite matrix
*Mechanical Design in Organisms, Wainwright et al, 1976.
Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 2
What is a composite material?
Combination of two or more chemically distinct
materials on the macroscopic scale tailored to
achieve improved properties that neither
constituents individually possess.

 Improved properties achieved include

◦ Improved specific strength, stiffness, durability,
corrosion resistance etc.

 Classification of composites
◦ Polymer Matrix Composites (PMCs)
◦ Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs)
◦ Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs)
Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 3
Potential structural advantages of
advanced composites
 High Specific Strength (strength/density)
 High Specific Stiffness (modulus/elasticity)
 Tailored properties in load application direction
 Tailored CTE for critical components
 Excellent fatigue performance
 Depending on resin/matrix combination and design
 Corrosion resistant
 UV resistant
 Good dielectric

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 4
Specific property comparison

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 5
Key Differences between Composites and Metal

 Anisotropy
 Tailored Properties
 Fatigue and Corrosion
 Lighting protection
 Discontinuous stresses
 Delamination
 Damage Tolerance
 Environmental Effects
 Repairability
 Reduction in parts counts
Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 6
Tailored Properties
 Composites  Metals
◦ Properties CAN be ◦ Properties CANNOT
tailored be tailored
Properties are represented in
Properties can be tailored by
fixed values that cannot be
combining different tailored
percentages of 0o, 45o, -45o
and 90o plies ◦ Material CANNOT be
◦ Optimal use of Structural performance can
material only be improved through
Material properties can be changes in geometry, such
tailored per loading as thickness, which adds to
requirements to meet
design allowables while
reducing overall weight

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 7
Fatigue and corrosion
 Composites  Metals
◦ Better fatigue ◦ Relatively poor fatigue
performance than metals properties in both
in tension (relatively flat tension and
S-N curves) compression (more
◦ Compressive fatigue steep S-N curve)
properties are not as
◦ Poor corrosion
good as those in tension
resistance, especially in
◦ Superior corrosion
a cracked structure
resistance for CFRP
◦ Galvanic corrosion
occurs between CFRP
and Al, Mg, Cd plate and
Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 8
Discontinuous Stresses
 In-plane strains:
◦ Continuous throughout the
laminate thickness
 Constant under uniform
extensional forces
 Distributed linearly under
 In-plane stresses: Stresses due to Stresses due to
stretching bending
◦ Generally discontinuous
throughout the laminate
thickness because each ply
has different stiffness values
The strain-based design criteria are generally used in industry
Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 9
 Occurs in laminated
 Causes local bending
and buckling in
compressively loaded
 Can grow under
normal and shear
 Careful designs
needed at locations
prone to

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 10
Damage tolerance/Repairability
Composites Metals
 Critical damage  Critical damage
◦ Impact, delamination ◦ Fatigue crack, stress corrosion
◦ Compression after Impact (CAI)  Damage growth
strength is a key design parameter
◦ Crack growth can be reasonably
 Damage growth well predicted using fracture
◦ Complicated by multiple damage mechanics approach
types and failure modes
◦ Refer to FAR 25.571, “Damage
◦ Current design is for “no damage tolerance and fatigue evaluation
growth” of structures”
 Damage assessment is more difficult  Damage detection techniques are
– surface and internal damage well defined and surface damage
 Most repairs are bonded repairs – can be easily found
time consuming and require highly
 Most repairs are bolted repairs –
skilled labor
relatively easier and cheaper
 Repair materials and adhesives are
time sensitive  No shelf life of repair materials
 Quality of repair is easier to
Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 11
Environmental Effects/Thermal Stresses
Composite properties are strongly affected
by moisture, temperature, sunlight,
microbes, release agents, solvents etc.
 Property reduction factors (knockdown
factors) are used appropriately
 Due to mismatch in CTEs, thermal
residual stresses exist in structures.
 Thermal stresses must be considered in
composite tool design and manufacturing.

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 12
Classifications of reinforcements
 Continuous fibers: lengths are in effect infinite -
Unidirectional Tape, Woven or braided Fabric

Whiskers, short fibers, and continuous fibers all have very small
diameters relative to their length (high aspect ratio)
*Prof K. Lin AA532 Notes, University of Washington
Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 13
Classifications of reinforcements
 Advanced composites
◦ Particulates: roughly
spherical particles with
diameters (typically 1-100
◦ Whiskers: lengths <
◦ Short (or “chopped”)
fibers: length 10 – 100mm
 SMC and Preforms

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 14
Laminate construction

Fibers appear as ovals

because they were cut
at an angle to the 0º

 Ready-to-cure part
127 mm ply
on mandrel ~8mm dia
carbon fiber
 Very good quality
 Excellent
 Stacking cut plies
into a desired
sequence *Prof K. Lin AA532 Notes, University of Washington
Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 15
Tensile properties of Fiber, Matrix and Composite

500 Fiber

Tensile Stress (ksi)




0 1 2 3 4
Strain (%)

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 16
Manufacturing Methods - Bag Molding Process

1. Mold surface covered with nonstick Teflon-coated glass fabric separator.

2. Prepreg plies laid up in desired fiber sequence and orientation.
3. Porous release cloth and a few layers of bleeder papers placed on top of prepreg stack.
4. Complete lay-up covered with another sheet of Teflon-coated glass fabric separator, caul plate, and thin,
heat-resistant vacuum bag.
5. Entire assembly placed inside autoclave where a combination of heat, external pressure, and vacuum is
applied to consolidate and densify separate plies into a solid laminate.

• Note:To prevent moisture pickup, prepreg roll on removal from cold storage should be warmed to room
temperature before use.
Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs, Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 17
Bag Molding Process
Typical two-stage cure cycle for a carbon fiber-epoxy prepreg :

1. First stage
 Increasing temperature up to 130°C (266°F).
 Dwelling at this temperature for nearly 60 minutes until the minimum
resin viscosity is reached.
 During the temperature dwell, external pressure applied to prepreg stack
that causes excess resin to flow out into bleeders.
2. End of temperature dwell
 Autoclave temperature increased to actual curing temp. of resin.
 Cure temperature and pressure maintained for 2 hours or more, until
predetermined level of cure has occurred.
 At end of cycle, temperature slowly reduced while laminate still under

Flow of excess resin from the prepreg is extremely important in reducing the void
content in the cured laminate.

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs, Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 18
Bag Molding Process

Typical two-stage cure cycle for a carbon fiber-epoxy prepreg

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs, Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 19
Mechanical Properties of PMCs
“A material property” is a measurable
constant characteristic of a particular
material, which can be used to relate
disparate quantities of interest.
 Key Mechanical properties include:
◦ Stress tensor to strain tensor
◦ Temperature/Moisture to strain tensor
◦ Stress (or strain) to failure/cycles to failure
◦ Crack growth to failure

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 20
Anisotropic behavior
 Composites  Metals
◦ Anisotropic ◦ Isotropic
Properties are dependent Properties are the same in all
upon directions directions
◦ Inhomogeneous ◦ Homogeneous
Properties are different in Properties are the same in all
different plies directions
◦ Mostly Brittle ◦ Mostly Ductile
Linear stress-strain relation Nonlinear stress-strain
and low strain to failure relation with a large plastic

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 21
Anisotropic versus isotropic

Specimen 2

Specimen 1

Specimen 3

Three specimens machined at different orientations from a single “parent” block.

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 22
Anisotropic versus isotropic

Specimen 1 (Exx) Specimen 2 (Eyy) Specimen 3 (Ezz)

Tensile tests of three individual specimens

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 23
Anisotropic versus isotropic
 Isotropic Exx  Eyy  Ezz
 Anisotropic Exx  Eyy  Ezz
 Anisotropic materials
◦ The value of Young’s modulus depends on the
direction within the material the modulus is
◦ A similar dependence on direction can occur for
other mechanical properties (n’s, CTEs, ultimate
strengths, etc)
 PMCs are anisotropic at the structural level
Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 24
Principal Material Coordinate System

A thin uni-directional (UD) composite panel Two specimens machined

from the UD panel

Note: The 1-2-3 coordinate system is the principal material coordinate system

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 25
Principal Material Coordinate System

A thin braided composite panel Two specimens machined

from the braided panel

Note: In this case the principal material coordinate system is not aligned
with the fiber direction

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 26
Anisotropic behavior
 PMCs are
anisotropic at the
structural level
 One of the most
unusual features of
anisotropic materials
is that they can
exhibit coupling
◦ Coupling between Coupling exists
normal stresses and between sxx and gxy
shear strains
◦ Coupling between
shear stress and
normal strains

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 27
Coupling of bending and stretching deformations

 The extensional force can

cause shear deformation for
unbalanced laminates
 The extensional force can
induce bending curvature for
asymmetric laminates
 A balanced laminate can
develop twisting curvature
under extensional forces
 Unbalanced and asymmetric
laminates result in a larger
bending deformation, lower
natural frequencies of
vibration, and lower critical
buckling loads.
Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs, Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 28
Uniaxial tensile test

ASTM 3039
- Adhesively bonded tabs
- Ultimate Tensile Strength
- Ultimate tensile strain
- Modulus of Elasticity
- Poisson’s ratio

*Vassilopoulos and Keller, Fatigue of FRCs, Springer, 2011

Designation Title
Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite
Standard Test Method for Transverse Tensile Properties of Hoop Wound
Polymer Matrix Composite Cylinders
D695 Standard Test Method for Compressive Properties of Rigid Plastics
Standard Test Method for Compressive Properties of Polymer Matrix
Composite Materials with unsupported Gage Section by Shear Loading
Standard Test Method for Compressive Properties of Unidirectional Polymer
Matrix Composites Using a Sandwich Beam
Standard Test Method for Transverse Compressive Properties of Hoop
Wound Polymer Matrix Composite Cylinders
Standard Practice for In-Plane Shear Response of Polymer Matrix
Composite Materials by Tensile Test of a 45°Laminate
Standard Test Method for Shear Properties of Composite Materials by the V-
Notched Beam Method
Standard Test Method for In-plane Shear Properties of Polymer Matrix
Composite Materials by the Rail Shear Method
Standard Test Method for In-plane Shear Properties of Hoop Wound
Polymer Matrix Composite Cylinders
Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 30
Yielding and Fracture of Composites
 Predicting fracture of multiangle composite laminates
under general load conditions remains a challenging
area of research.
 Three distinct "materials" regions may be defined
◦ The fiber
◦ The matrix
◦ The fiber-matrix interphase
 The mechanical properties exhibited by the polymer
in the interphase region differ from bulk properties.
 The initial nonlinear deformations exhibited by a
PMC are therefore almost entirely initiated within the
polymeric matrix.
 The fracture process is initiated when one or more
microcracks are formed in the matrix.

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 31
Yielding and Fracture of Composites
 Matrix Cracks
◦ Cracks that occur in the polymeric matrix, at some
distance from the fiber/matrix interface.
◦ Matrix cracks generally occur in planes either parallel
or perpendicular to the fiber direction.
 Fiber-Matrix Debonding
◦ The crack has formed in the interphase region, and a
(non-planar) crack extends around the periphery of
the fiber.
 Fiber Cracks
◦ Cracks that occur in the fiber itself.
◦ Fiber cracks almost always occur in a plane
perpendicular to the axis of the fiber, and extend
across the entire width of the fiber.

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 32
Yielding and Fracture of Composites
 Viscoelastic behavior: yielding and crack
growth in polymers is a time-dependent
phenomenon called “creep”.
◦ An increase in temperature and/or an
increase in moisture content further
accentuate the time-dependency.
◦ If a tensile stress is applied and held constant
the composite may eventually fail due to slow
crack growth (often called a "creep-to-
rupture" failure).
 Chemical aging: polymers aging occurs
due to ultra violate light.
Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 33
Failure of Multi-angle Composite Laminate
 Multi-angle laminates are subject to failure
modes that do not exist in unidirectional
◦ The initiation of delamination failures is often
attributed to free-edge stresses.
◦ Free-edge stresses occur whenever adjacent plies
possess differing Poisson ratios or coefficients of
mutual influence.
 Pre-existing thermal and/or moisture
stresses occur in multi-angle laminates.
◦ Due to a mismatch in effective thermal expansion
and moisture expansion coefficients from one ply
to the next.

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 34
Failure of Multi-angle Composite Laminate
 Additional damage mechanisms in
composites include:
◦ Fiber-matrix debonding: a crack forms around the
periphery of a fiber.
 Load can no longer be transferred from the
matrix to the fiber.
◦ Fiber micro-buckling: fibers within a ply that
experiences compressive stresses in the fiber direction
 Reduces the compressive stiffness exhibited
by the ply.
 Leads to failure of the fibers due induced
bending stresses.
Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 35
Failure of Multi-angle Composite Laminate
 Failure modes for multiangle laminates.
◦ Matrix cracking/splitting (microcracks).
◦ Delamination.
◦ Fiber fracture.
◦ Fiber/matrix debond.
◦ Fiber “kinking”(microbuckling).
◦ Global laminate buckling.
 Failure should be verified experimentally.

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 36
Failure of Multi-angle Composite Laminate
 Experimental observations of the evolution of damage in a quasi-
isotropic laminate (monotonically increasing uniaxial load, Nxx)

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 37
Failure of Multi-angle Composite Laminate
 The 90o plies yield as Nxx increases to a
critical level.
 Cracks begin to form in the 90o plies at load
levels above the first-ply failure stress.
 As the effective stress is further increased,
cracks eventually begin to form within the
±45 plies
 As the effective stress is increased further,
delaminations begin to develop.
 Matrix cracks begin to form between plies,
and these new matrix cracks lie within
planes that are parallel to the x-y plane

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 38
Failure of Multi-angle Composite Laminate
 The delaminated regions grow in size as the stress is
increased and eventually coalesce, such that a delaminated
region may extend across the entire width of the specimen.
 At still higher effective stress levels matrix cracks begin to
form within the 0ºplies (often referred to as “splitting”).
 These cracks lie within a plane perpendicular to the x-y
 Final laminate fracture is precipitated by fiber failures within
the 0ºplies.
 The effective stress level at which final fracture occurs is
often called the last-ply failure stress.
◦ At final fracture the laminate fractures into fragments.
◦ Extensive and pre-existing matrix cracks and delamination that
occurred at lower stress levels.
◦ Large amount of energy release associated with fiber failure.

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 39
Failure of Multi-angle Composite Laminate
 Reifsnider et al s smax
studied damage sm sa
progression of multi- Ds
angle composite 0
laminates under fatigue
loading. smin

◦ Material:
graphite/epoxy. Nxx
◦ Layup: [0/±45/90]s
◦ Tension-tension
fatigue spectrum.
 σmax= 0.62 σult
 σmin= 0.062 σult
 R = (σmin/ σmax) = 0.1
Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 40
Failure of Multi-angle Composite Laminate

 Experimental observations of damage

sequence under tension-tension fatigue
load spectrum.
◦ Matrix cracks in 90ºplies. Development of
◦ Matrix cracks in ±45ºplies. characteristic damage state

◦ Delaminations.
◦ Matrix cracks 0ºplies (splitting).
Significant reduction in
◦ Fiber failure. stiffness.

◦ Final fracture.

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 41
Failure of Multi-angle Composite Laminate

Transverse Matrix Cracks Tension-tension fatigue

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 42
Constant Life Diagrams
0o 45o

ASTM E739-91

*Vassilopoulos and Keller, Fatigue of FRCs, Springer, 2011

Case Study*: Tension-tension fatigue
properties of chopped GFRPs

 SMC R27
Fatigue behavior of these four
 SMC R37
Compression molded composites
 Preform R25 shall be presented
 Preform R40

*Results from T.Briggs and M. Ramulu, "An Experimental Characterization of the

Failure Mechanisms Activated in GFRP Composites" IMECE07, Seattle

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 44
Composite Material Composition

Material Component SMC-R27 SMC-R37

Resin base: PG Maleate/PVA low profile Polyester Polyester

Calcium Carbonate Calcium Carbonate

Filler material
(MgO thickeners) (MgO thickeners)

Glass content by weight 27% 37%

Material Component Preform–R25 Preform-R40

Resin base w/LPA of thermoplastic Polyester Vinyl ester

Filler material Clay Calcium Carbonate
Glass content by weight. 25% 40%
Fine glass veil 0.76 mm thick 0.76 mm thick

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 45
Compression Molding Process

SMC Preform

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 46
Burn out Virgin Sample
SMC R-27 SMC R-37


PreForm - R25 PreForm – R40

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 47
UTS and tension-tension Fatigue Test Setup

Ambient air
thermocouple Fatigue specimen

MTS 89-KN static tensile and tension-tension fatigue load frame

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 48
Stress vs. Strain to failure


Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 49
Specimens after UTS Experiments




30 mm


Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 50
Temperature versus Frequency
Deg C

10 HZ
5 5 HZ
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 51
Stress life plots
160 R = 0.05, Room Temp
140 y = -5.495ln(x) + 125.98

120 y = -5.045ln(x) + 130.73

Maximum Stress (MPa)


y = -4.676ln(x) + 101.27

y = -3.501ln(x) + 82.985

0.1 10 1000 100000
Log Cycles
SMC-R37 Preform-R40 SMC-R27 Preform-R25

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 52
Tensile Modulus degradation
15000 15000
Tensile Modulus (MPa)

Tensile Modulus (MPa)

10000 10000

70% UTS 70% UTS

60% UTS 60% UTS
5000 5000
50% UTS 50% UTS
40% UTS 40% UTS
(a) SMC-R27 30% UTS (b) SMC-R37 30% UTS
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
10 10 Log Cycles 10 10 10 10 Log Cycles 10 10

15000 70% UTS 15000

Tensile Modulus (MPa)

Tensile Modulus (MPa)

60% UTS
50% UTS
10000 40% UTS 10,000
30% UTS
70% UTS
60% UTS
5000 5,000 50% UTS
40% UTS
(c) Preform-R25 (d) Preform-R40 30% UTS
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
10 10 10 10 Log Cycles 10 10
Log Cycles 10 10

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 53
Fractography - 70% UTS fatigue test (R = 0.05)
Fiber bundle

Matrix fracture





Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 54
Low-Velocity Impact

Effect of LVI on residual compression and tensile strengths of HTA/913 and HTA/982 CFRP laminates and E-glass/913
(normalized wrt undamaged material). [(±45,02)2]s (Courtesy: Brian Harris, Fatigue in Composites, CRC Press, 2003.)

Overview of Mechanical Properties for PMCs Dr. Suhasini Gururaja, AE, IISc Bangalore 55

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